D&D 5E Keith Baker Presents Closing Doors On Eberron


Keith Baker has announced that his Eberron-based publishing company will be ending production after 4 years. The company, led by Eberron creator Keith Baker, produced four incredibly popular books on the Dungeon Master's Guild--Exploring Eberron, Chronicles of Eberron, Dread Metrol, and Eberron Confidential. There is one more book planned--Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone will be released by Visionary Production and Design who will also be continuing publication of the four existing books.

Eberron is an official D&D world, and was introduced to 5E with Eberron: Rising form the Last War in 2019.

We appreciate all the support and enthusiasm that our fans brought these past four years, and it is with a heavy heart that we must inform you that on June 30, 2023 KB Presents will be closing its doors. It has been a joy and honor to bring you our version of Eberron and we are incredibly proud of what we have created.

As we pursue new challenges and opportunities, we leave the existing works under the stewardship of Visionary Production and Design (https://twitter.com/visionarypnd). This includes the following Dungeon Masters Guild titles:

Exploring Eberron: Exploring Eberron - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Chronicles of Eberron: Chronicles of Eberron - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Dread Metrol: Dread Metrol: Into the Mists - An Eberron / Ravenloft Crossover - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Eberron Confidential: Eberron Confidential - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild

If you would like to continue supporting the former KB Presents production team, you can find us at:

Laura Hirsbrunner, Editor: Laura Hirsbrunner
Imogen Gingell, Designer: Imogen Gingell
Wayne Chang, Producer: Adventuring Zone
Keith Baker, Lead Designer: Twogether Studios

Our final book, Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone, is slated for release in the latter half of 2023 and will be published under Visionary. We appreciate your taking this journey with us and we look forward to our paths crossing once again.

Thank you!

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.., how the world of Eberron will be portrayed in a Vecna or any other adventure could be at odds with his vision and further confirm why he would feel more at ease with greater control over some IP not owned by WotC, etc.
However, the issue I have with this speculation is that he most likely has no idea what the future Vecna adventure is about. I am 99% sure that WotC is not discussing future adventures with KB.

Also, it is not like he has ever had control. In his most recent blog post he talks about not knowing the "canon" response to a fans question, because he didn't write the 3e book:

"I don’t know if it’s been mentioned in canon (I didn’t work on Faiths of Eberron, but maybe it is?) but in MY campaign..."

So KB has never had control or even known all of the "official / canon" lore of Eberron. What he knows is his version of Eberron. And he has been fine with that from the beginning. Of course things can change.

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Hi Everyone!
Thanks for all the good wishes. As noted in the tweet earlier, while I’m shifting my primary focus to my work with Twogether Studios, I still love Eberron and will continue to write articles for my blog and my Patreon… I’m doing an Eberron story hour tomorrow on my Patreon Discord! So I’m excited about the new things on the horizon and narrowing my focus, but I’ll keep writing Eberron articles as long as my Patrons keep asking for them. The existing books will still be available from Visionary Production and Design, and I'm still excited about Frontiers of Eberron. It's a shift, but it's not the end.
Thank you, Keith. You may not remember me from the old WotC boards, but I have been a huge Eberron fan since the first announcement, and have always viewed you as the primary voice of how the setting works. Looking forward to more of your original creations!

Yeah, sorry to see Eberron join the ranks of all the other D&D settings relegated to history, with nothing to replace them.
My favourite two settings are Eberron and Dark Sun... So yeah I'm pretty frustrated atm.

Hopefully WotC keeps supporting and making Eberron content in the future. But pessimist me thinks that the setting will be ignored from now on, to the point where Artificer won't even ever be revamped for 1DnD.

My favourite two settings are Eberron and Dark Sun... So yeah I'm pretty frustrated atm.

Hopefully WotC keeps supporting and making Eberron content in the future. But pessimist me thinks that the setting will be ignored from now on, to the point where Artificer won't even ever be revamped for 1DnD.
Eh. I'd rather WoTC would never touch it ever again or if they do it's in the VRGR format.

The the only reason I bought ERLW was the fact KB was involved and even if isn't planning anything in an official capacity the popularity of the setting means he's going to continue to put out the little tidbits he's been doing since the beginning.

However, the issue I have with this speculation is that he most likely has no idea what the future Vecna adventure is about. I am 99% sure that WotC is not discussing future adventures with KB.

Also, it is not like he has ever had control. In his most recent blog post he talks about not knowing the "canon" response to a fans question, because he didn't write the 3e book:

"I don’t know if it’s been mentioned in canon (I didn’t work on Faiths of Eberron, but maybe it is?) but in MY campaign..."

So KB has never had control or even known all of the "official / canon" lore of Eberron. What he knows is his version of Eberron. And he has been fine with that from the beginning. Of course things can change.
Interestingly, I agree with most of what you said, and think those arguments do not contradict mine. For instance, Keith has mentioned how WotC sent him the Spelljammer books and they led him to adjust them for his online games and stories re Patreon. Concerning Vecna, maybe he could have known something or most likely not, but still be aware that allusion to the many worlds entails the possibility of Eberron being addressed, etc. Altogether, what matters and we concur on is that Keith is absolutely friendly and a brilliant game designer, and hopefully his future products will be successful. I also feel somewhat pessimistic about future Eberron WotC support -knowing I may be proven wrong.

Altogether, what matters and we concur on is that Keith is absolutely friendly and a brilliant game designer, and hopefully his future products will be successful.
I agree with most of what you said, but I want to clarify one thing: I do not think KB is a great or even good game designer. He is a really good writer. IIRC, he doesn't actually do game design (by this I mean game mechanics).

Eh. I'd rather WoTC would never touch it ever again or if they do it's in the VRGR format.

The the only reason I bought ERLW was the fact KB was involved and even if isn't planning anything in an official capacity the popularity of the setting means he's going to continue to put out the little tidbits he's been doing since the beginning.
I have a question for you, and other KB fans, what do we do with Eberron when KB dies? At some point there likely be D&D and no KB. When that occurs, do we just close up shop on Eberron? Do we ignore everything created for it that wasn't by KB? Were does it all lead?

I just wanted to come on and say thank you to everyone for their kind words. Speaking as the behind the scenes partner and producer at KB Presents, the decision to shutter the company was not an easy one and was based on many factors including licensing limitations using DMs Guild. Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone is the final Eberron book and there are no future commitments until at after OneD&D launches in 2024.
Will earlier books still be available for print on demand on DMsGuild?

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