D&D 5E Keith Baker Presents Closing Doors On Eberron

There's one more Eberron book coming


Keith Baker has announced that his Eberron-based publishing company will be ending production after 4 years. The company, led by Eberron creator Keith Baker, produced four incredibly popular books on the Dungeon Master's Guild--Exploring Eberron, Chronicles of Eberron, Dread Metrol, and Eberron Confidential. There is one more book planned--Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone will be released by Visionary Production and Design who will also be continuing publication of the four existing books.

Eberron is an official D&D world, and was introduced to 5E with Eberron: Rising form the Last War in 2019.

We appreciate all the support and enthusiasm that our fans brought these past four years, and it is with a heavy heart that we must inform you that on June 30, 2023 KB Presents will be closing its doors. It has been a joy and honor to bring you our version of Eberron and we are incredibly proud of what we have created.

As we pursue new challenges and opportunities, we leave the existing works under the stewardship of Visionary Production and Design (https://twitter.com/visionarypnd). This includes the following Dungeon Masters Guild titles:

Exploring Eberron: Exploring Eberron - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Chronicles of Eberron: Chronicles of Eberron - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Dread Metrol: Dread Metrol: Into the Mists - An Eberron / Ravenloft Crossover - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Eberron Confidential: Eberron Confidential - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild

If you would like to continue supporting the former KB Presents production team, you can find us at:

Laura Hirsbrunner, Editor: Laura Hirsbrunner
Imogen Gingell, Designer: Imogen Gingell
Wayne Chang, Producer: Adventuring Zone
Keith Baker, Lead Designer: Twogether Studios

Our final book, Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone, is slated for release in the latter half of 2023 and will be published under Visionary. We appreciate your taking this journey with us and we look forward to our paths crossing once again.

Thank you!

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I have a question for you, and other KB fans, what do we do with Eberron when KB dies? At some point there likely be D&D and no KB. When that occurs, do we just close up shop on Eberron? Do we ignore everything created for it that wasn't by KB? Were does it all lead?
I don't necessarily believe KB is the in all of potential in the setting he created. I just don't have Faith WOTC won't mess it up for a plethora of reasons. There about 4 writes I look to for eberron content
I don't buy many "rule books" or books for their mechanics because maths is the easy part. I want lore and coherent world building tools.

Speaking of books id pay good money for a collaboration with KB and Kevin Crawford. I haven't picked my artist for this dream book yet...
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WALK AWAY. You dont get anything from this. Take your worldbuilding skills and create something new and improved that is yours. I loved Eberron back in the older better D&D Editions, but if they own it, you should no longer support it. Put your energy and passion into creating something that is yours.

Keith Baker has announced that his Eberron-based publishing company will be ending production after 4 years. The company, led by Eberron creator Keith Baker, produced four incredibly popular books on the Dungeon Master's Guild--Exploring Eberron, Chronicles of Eberron, Dread Metrol, and Eberron Confidential. There is one more book planned--Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone will be released by Visionary Production and Design who will also be continuing publication of the four existing books.

Eberron is an official D&D world, and was introduced to 5E with Eberron: Rising form the Last War in 2019.

We appreciate all the support and enthusiasm that our fans brought these past four years, and it is with a heavy heart that we must inform you that on June 30, 2023 KB Presents will be closing its doors. It has been a joy and honor to bring you our version of Eberron and we are incredibly proud of what we have created.

As we pursue new challenges and opportunities, we leave the existing works under the stewardship of Visionary Production and Design (https://twitter.com/visionarypnd). This includes the following Dungeon Masters Guild titles:

Exploring Eberron: Exploring Eberron - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Chronicles of Eberron: Chronicles of Eberron - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Dread Metrol: Dread Metrol: Into the Mists - An Eberron / Ravenloft Crossover - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Eberron Confidential: Eberron Confidential - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild

If you would like to continue supporting the former KB Presents production team, you can find us at:

Laura Hirsbrunner, Editor: Laura Hirsbrunner
Imogen Gingell, Designer: Imogen Gingell
Wayne Chang, Producer: Adventuring Zone
Keith Baker, Lead Designer: Twogether Studios

Our final book, Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone, is slated for release in the latter half of 2023 and will be published under Visionary. We appreciate your taking this journey with us and we look forward to our paths crossing once again.

Thank you![/callout

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
WALK AWAY. You dont get anything from this. Take your worldbuilding skills and create something new and improved that is yours. I loved Eberron back in the older better D&D Editions, but if they own it, you should no longer support it. Put your energy and passion into creating something that is yours.
Are you telling Keith, who has already announced he's walking away, to walk away?

You do realise they own it because KB sold it to them? For money?
No he didn't. It was a originally a sweepstakes entries with a prize attached.(shady predatory tactic IMO). In reality he never owned it even if he did create it. It probably has clause in the contest about giving credit but 99% of the time once that submission is sent it's no longer your property.
It was simply good business sense for them to bring him on board because they saw the potential and that was fulfilled well beyond expectations.

Even with 5e the the supplements he's put out are by far the most popular 3rd party content by a country mile and it shows just how bad they shot themselves in the foot trying to wall the garden. They already had a practical free source of income because all official content had to come from them via DM guild or in house printing.

I did plan for quickstone to be the last dollar WoTC got from me and I'm probably what most would consider a "whale" in the TTRPG genre. Will it effect them as a whole? Who knows but I'll continue to support those who actually add to the community.

No he didn't.
Yes he did . He was awarded ($100,000* IIRC) for his winning entry. And then paid several times to write content for Eberron (as were other creators by the way).

Yes, he never owned the setting because he sold it away as part of the contest. That’s was clear from the beginning. He knew that going into the contest.

Also, it is within reason to believe that KB is only famous because of his connection to D&D. We may never have gotten Eberron without WotC. He way never have shared his world and talent without the forum D&D gave him.

*PS - Ed was only paid $5000 for Forgotten Realms by TSR and he actually owned it!
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