• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Kendaz hammer Rrai-kesh twice


The first fight

<Kendaz> Kendaz the Phoenix of the Hell Swamp
<Kendaz> Member of the Team Rocket Volcano Gang
<Kendaz> Boss of the Hell Swamp gang
<Kendaz> Gang Boss 0
<Kendaz> 1-12 Yen 3
<Kendaz> that's about it in a nutshell
<Rrai-kesh> Rrai-kesh Green 1, sigs of Tiger, panther, wolf, phoenix; FoF; Chi strike...
<Kendaz> eek
<Kendaz> to many sigs
<Kendaz> !mb ybinsult
<Rrai-kesh> 4 is too many>
<Kendaz> !nb ybinsult
<NightBot> Kendaz: I find your mother to be malodorous, your marketplace to be infested, and your pride to be carved from the same tree as the rest of your ilk.
<Rrai-kesh> ?
<Kendaz> is for me with my whole 1 sig style
<Rrai-kesh> !nb ybinsult
<NightBot> Rrai-kesh: I find your guard to be irrelevant, your well to be puny, and your skill to be honorless.
<GoblinKing> Rrai - is one of those a dojo style?
<Kendaz> yep
<Kendaz> not that it matters
<Rrai-kesh> phoenix is dojo, but it works the same as sig. I just can't teach it.
<GoblinKing> doesn't give immunity, does it?
<Rrai-kesh> yes it does
<Kendaz> yep it does
<Rrai-kesh> fully poingable!
<Kendaz> one of the Major probs with Yak vs Honour
<Kendaz> the Poing factor
<GoblinKing> hmmm...how about that. Think I'd know, being honour
<GoblinKing> Kendaz wins insults hands down
<Rrai-kesh> hence the fact that I chose to fight Kendaz instead of Arkanyl...
<Kendaz> everyone picks on the Yak
<Kendaz> and Wicht still maintains its balance
<Kendaz> *roll eyes*
<GoblinKing> Deathkiller's here now to show everyone how tough Yakuza is
<Kendaz> 3 Flag Speed Strat
<GoblinKing> Generate Hands, Rrai first
<Rrai-kesh> !nb ybhand
<Kendaz> you wan't judge-gen?
<Kendaz> Hands are private only
<GoblinKing> up to you
<Kendaz> no judge-gen is by agreement
<Rrai-kesh> huh? private only? I'm okay with judge gen if you want...
<Kendaz> I don't care
<Kendaz> up to you
<Kendaz> I can see the hands remember
<GoblinKing> can I get hand from NB?
<Kendaz> So I know you wan't fish
<Kendaz> yep
<GoblinKing> how
<Kendaz> "/msg NightBot ybhand
<Kendaz> drop the "
<Rrai-kesh> well, my command didn't work to gen one. did I do the wrong command?
-> *nightbot* ybhand
<Kendaz> no
<Rrai-kesh> I see.
<Kendaz> let me look
<Rrai-kesh> I did the wrong command.
<Kendaz> there's no call from you
<GoblinKing> i get nightbot is away response
<Rrai-kesh> So if we use that, then it's private to us?
<Kendaz> one from GK though
<Kendaz> ah
<Kendaz> dang
<Kendaz> lemme fix that
<Rrai-kesh> How about judge gen and post then just to be fairest...
-> *!nb* ybhand
* NightBot is gone, (l!on)
* NightBot is gone, off (l!on)
* NightBot is gone, off (l!on)
* NightBot is gone, (l!on)
<Kendaz> hmm
* NightBot has returned, (gone/28s)
<GoblinKing> See how this works
<GoblinKing> KENDAZ
<GoblinKing> 1: The thunder shreds the madlands; waves away the rising of the reptile!
<GoblinKing> 2: The raven dodges within the well; conceals the roar of the battlements!
<GoblinKing> 3: The thunder slaughters the ricefield; skillfully waves away the cut of the rodent! *yen*
<GoblinKing> 4: The fox flips on top of the prairie; silences the onslaught of the ki!
<GoblinKing> 5: The northstar assails the canyon; poetically guards against the slash of the orchid!
*** Darkwolf-afk-asleep is now known as Darkwolf
<GoblinKing> RRAI
<GoblinKing> 1: The tree sinuously charges the garden; guards against the slash of the steam!
<GoblinKing> 2: The staff parts the temple; seeks higher than the aggression of the moon!
<GoblinKing> 3: The hammer wounds the hells; waves away the edge of the eyes as it seeks underneath the blood of the heart!
<GoblinKing> 4: The lizard spins atop the madlands; waves away the tempest of the heart!
<GoblinKing> 5: The turtle dodges near the dungeon; removes the roar of the root!
<GoblinKing> Courtesy of Midknights gen
<GoblinKing> Rrai, your move
<GoblinKing> oops
<GoblinKing> !nb ybmaster
<NightBot> GoblinKing: MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the city north-east of the Obsidian Tower on the evening of the owl.
<Kendaz> hand function works now
<Kendaz> still private only
* Darkwolf wonders of GoblinKing has a blinking box up near the top of the screen that says Nightbot
<GoblinKing> no
<GoblinKing> y
<GoblinKing> I do
*** MeowthBot has joined #ybfight
*** ChanServ sets mode: +v MeowthBot
<Rrai-kesh> dangit, I can't cut and past those!
<Kendaz> scuse me
<Kendaz> killing nightbot now
<GoblinKing> aaargh
*** Kendaz is now known as Kalanyr
<MeowthBot> when did meowthbot crash?
<Kalanyr> !quit
*** NightBot has quit IRC (QUIT: Leaving <k!15b8>)
<Kalanyr> just after you left
<MeowthBot> hmm
<Darkwolf> after you fell asleep last night
<MeowthBot> k
<MeowthBot> going to add a sanity checker soon then
<MeowthBot> it peered and never got disconnected from here
<Darkwolf> yes you can Rrai
<Kalanyr> you have full access to quit function
<Kalanyr> btw
*** Kalanyr is now known as Kendaz
<GoblinKing> KENDAZ
<Kendaz> yes?
<Rrai-kesh> how do you cut & paste then? Every time I try to highlight it, it lets it go
<GoblinKing> 1: The thunder shreds the madlands; waves away the rising of the reptile!
<Darkwolf> when you highlight its going to vanish...doesn't mean its not on the clipboard...just type ctrl-v
<GoblinKing> sorry
<Kendaz> np
<GoblinKing> this is mad
<Rrai-kesh> The staff parts the temple; seeks higher than the aggression of the moon!
<Rrai-kesh> done
<GoblinKing> ken?
<Kendaz> The thunder shreds the madlands; waves away the rising of the reptile!
<Kendaz> Done
*** GrayDoom has quit IRC (Ping Timeout)
<GoblinKing> parting is ok
<GoblinKing> but shredding means lots of parting
<GoblinKing> point Kendaz
<Rrai-kesh> But can I copy those moves to Word or something so they don't go off the screen.
<Kendaz> yep
<GoblinKing> 1 flag Kendaz 0 flags Rrai-kesh
<Kendaz> Highlight them and press control-v while still down
<Rrai-kesh> got it.
<MeowthBot> just highlight in mIRC actually
<MeowthBot> it autocopies
<Kendaz> does too
<Kendaz> cool
<Darkwolf> (thats what I tried to say....and thought I said...but must not have said so Rrai understood)
<Rrai-kesh> The hammer wounds the hells; waves away the edge of the eyes
<Rrai-kesh> as it seeks underneath the blood of the heart!
<Rrai-kesh> fof
<Rrai-kesh> The turtle dodges near the dungeon; removes the roar of the root!
<Kendaz> hmm
<Kendaz> The thunder slaughters the ricefield; skillfully waves away the cut of the rodent! *yen*
<Kendaz> I have Sig Loc (Hells) btw
<GoblinKing> noted
<Rrai-kesh> that doesn't poing the move though does it?
<GoblinKing> no
<Kendaz> nope
<MeowthBot> no it reduces the fof to a 1pt move though unless you have hammer or turtle style
<Rrai-kesh> nope
<Kendaz> otherwise you would've seen my DT
*** GrayDoom has joined #ybfight
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o GrayDoom
<GoblinKing> its all irrelevant
<GoblinKing> cause the point is Kendaz's
<GoblinKing> 2 flags Kendaz 0 flags Rrai-kesh
<GoblinKing> 1 yen kendaz
* Kendaz pockets the yen
<Rrai-kesh> The tree sinuously charges the garden; guards against the slash of the steam!
<Rrai-kesh> chi strike
<Rrai-kesh> done
<Kendaz> hmm
<Kendaz> The northstar assails the canyon; poetically guards against the slash of the orchid!
<Kendaz> Done
<MeowthBot> oh kendaz, next time we able to talk, need to figure some way out to handle the sub gang stuff
<GoblinKing> Rrai-kesh, your are completely outmatched
<Rrai-kesh> I noticed
<GoblinKing> Point and match Kendaz
<Rrai-kesh> so much for the weak Yak...
<GoblinKing> Rrai-kesh is now Green 0
<Rrai-kesh> was it only 3 flags?
<Kendaz> Lucky hand
<Kendaz> yep
rai-kesh> Very lucky hand...wanaa try again?
<Kendaz> 3 Flag Speed Strat
<Kendaz> heh
<Kendaz> Sure
<GoblinKing> no insults then?
<Rrai-kesh> cool.
<Kendaz> my as well try and get my gang some more credit
<Rrai-kesh> can we use Meowthbot now?

The Second Fight

<Kendaz> more insults
<Kendaz> yep
<Kendaz> same as it would have been for nightbot though
<Kendaz> hands are private only
<Kendaz> !mb ybinsult
<MeowthBot> Kendaz: I find your teacher to be like unto a dolt, your church to be slovenly, and your sash to be blunt.
<Rrai-kesh> why? are just hands that way?
<Rrai-kesh> !mb ybinsult
<MeowthBot> Rrai-kesh: I find your children to be honorless, your stable to be contemptible, and your skill to be forgettable.
<Kendaz> hands can get you kicked for flooding
<Kendaz> if done in succession
<GoblinKing> hmmm
<Rrai-kesh> still do "!mb ybhand" to gen?
<GoblinKing> a dolt for a teacher is a terrible thing
<Darkwolf> no..do /msg meowthbot ybhand
<GoblinKing> but to associate with the contemptible, honourless and forgettable is poor
*** sineater has joined #ybfight
<GoblinKing> insults to Rrai
<Kendaz> !mb in not necesary
<Rrai-kesh> k
<Kendaz> length and style?
<Rrai-kesh> 3 flag standard
<Rrai-kesh> no speed, no strat
<Kendaz> hehe
<GoblinKing> !mb ybmaster
<MeowthBot> GoblinKing: MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the canyon east of Ssu-Ma's Tomb on the morning of the chimera.
* Kendaz knows who this favours
<Kendaz> Arkanyl will have his revenge
* Rrai-kesh nods his head...
<Kendaz> go
<GoblinKing> Go Rrai
<Rrai-kesh> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai-kesh: The owl sucker punches the knoll; blocks the touch of the rainbow!
*** sineater is now known as Bayne
<Kendaz> Done?
<Rrai-kesh> dangit ...done
<Kendaz> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kendaz: The kama flies underneath the ricefield; dominates the gaze of the water!
<Kendaz> Done
<GoblinKing> How can I possibly rule against a sucker punch?
<GoblinKing> point Rrai
<GoblinKing> 1 flag Rrai, 0 flags Kendaz
<Rrai-kesh> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai-kesh: The toad sweeps on top of the temple; fends off the roar of the amphibian!
<Rrai-kesh> done
<Kendaz> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kendaz: The staff brutalizes the gate; shreds the assailment of the orchid!
<Kendaz> Done
*** Darkwolf changes topic to 'YB Fight Channel || 1 flag Rrai; 2 flags neutral - 3 flag standard'
* GoblinKing looks ashamed
<GoblinKing> While the toad busily sweeps
<GoblinKing> Kendaz does some damage
<GoblinKing> 3 flags NEUTRAL
*** Darkwolf changes topic to 'YB Fight Channel || 3 flags neutral - 3 flag standard'
<Rrai-kesh> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai-kesh: The blizzard sucker punches the island; removes the touch of the reptile!
<Rrai-kesh> hehe
<Rrai-kesh> done
<Kendaz> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kendaz: The chimera leaps within the canyon; quells the foray of the heart!
<Kendaz> Done
*** Darkwolf changes topic to 'YB Fight Channel ||'
<GoblinKing> Rrai-kesh is trying to suck up to hte judge
<GoblinKing> point kendaz, only just barely due to style of the day
<GoblinKing> 1 flag Kendaz, 2 flags Neutral
<Rrai-kesh> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai-kesh: The spider obliterates the glade; wards off the slash of the snow!
<Rrai-kesh> chi strike
<Kendaz> wasted chi strike
<Kendaz> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kendaz: The fang bows by the lake; wards off the terror of the steel!
<Kendaz> Done
<Rrai-kesh> cause I still go first until you use your DT?
<Kendaz> yep
<Kendaz> and I wasn't going to DT that neway
<Rrai-kesh> Oh well, at least you couldn't DT that.
<GoblinKing> Well, kendaz
<GoblinKing> You should have DTed it, if you could have
<Kendaz> nope
<Kendaz> its only 1 Flag
<GoblinKing> Point Rrai, 3 flags neutral
<Rrai-kesh> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai-kesh: The rose petal swims next to the madlands; protects against the blood of the ki!
<Rrai-kesh> done...ugh.
<Kendaz> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kendaz: The panther sucker punches the temple; blocks the chi of the scythe!
<Rrai-kesh> poing!!!
<Kendaz> Done
<Kendaz> hehe
<Kendaz> stupid honours
<Kendaz> :p
<GoblinKing> 1 flag Rrai, 2 flags neutral.....no more sucker punches please
<Kendaz> go
<Rrai-kesh> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai-kesh: The wolf drops with the vineyard; guards against the descent of the steel!
<Rrai-kesh> done
<Kendaz> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kendaz: The lizard blasts the wastelands; shreds the efforts of the moon!
<Kendaz> Done
<GoblinKing> The wolf drops.....after being blasted
<GoblinKing> 3 flags neutral
<Rrai-kesh> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai-kesh: The dagger flips with the tundra; parts the motion of the vermin!
<Rrai-kesh> done
<Kendaz> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kendaz: The jaguar torments the swamp; fends off the touch of the heart!
<Kendaz> Done
<Rrai-kesh> dangit! the one cat I ain't got yet!
<Kendaz> Kal has Jaguar
<Kendaz> but he's not available as a Teacher
<Rrai-kesh> I can get it for my item if I want...
<Kendaz> yep
<Rrai-kesh> when I can afford it...
* Kendaz ponders switching to honour
*** Bayne has left #ybfight
<GoblinKing> Using what he knows, Kendaz just barely prevails in this exchange
<Kendaz> and going to Tier 7
<GoblinKing> point and sig location
<GoblinKing> 2 flags Kendaz 1 flag neutral
<Kendaz> and going to Tier 7
<Kendaz> hehe
<Kendaz> go
<Rrai-kesh> !mb ybmove\
<Rrai-kesh> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai-kesh: The claw bashes the swamp as it slaughters the armor; silences the pain of the chi! *yen*
<Rrai-kesh> fof
<Rrai-kesh> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai-kesh: The kama removes the swamp; silences the tempest of the ki! *yen*
<Kendaz> ooh pretty
<Rrai-kesh> dangit! here comes the DT...done
<Kendaz> all the swamps
<Kendaz> that does all of 0 damage
<Kendaz> why would I DT?
<Rrai-kesh> but I could get 2 Yen!
<Kendaz> so?
<Rrai-kesh> don't DT it then!
<Kendaz> I don't intend to
<Rrai-kesh> good
<Kendaz> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kendaz: The mantis rains upon the city; dominates the aggression of the four winds!
<Kendaz> Done
<GoblinKing> Rrai-kesh unleashes a wild and frenzied assault, not to harm, but to misdirect as he picks pockets
<GoblinKing> 2 yen rrai
<Kendaz> hehe
<Rrai-kesh> Yippee!
<Kendaz> still you
<GoblinKing> 2 flags Kendaz, 1 flag neutral
<Rrai-kesh> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai-kesh: The monkey strikes the swamp; shields against the throw of the four winds!
* Kendaz pats the Bot
<Kendaz> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kendaz: The toad fluidly obliterates the savanna; dodges the quickening of the orchid!
<Kendaz> Done
<Rrai-kesh> dangit! what is up with all the swamps!!! quit bribing the generator!
* GoblinKing remembers being there, but with scorpion
<GoblinKing> point and match, Kendaz
<Rrai-kesh> Oh well, at least I got 2 Yen out of all this.

<GoblinKing> Rrai-kesh slips to the first level of disgrace (green belt d1)
<GoblinKing> Kendaz is a Gang Boss 2

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