Kickstarter: Dungeon Crawler Prepainted Minis


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Yeah, but dungeons were a big focus.

Despite the name Dungeon Crawler, none of their minis seem to be Dungeon related. You have townsfolk, some tentacles, and now pirates.

Maybe you are right. And indeed all the standing minis should be banned. All the minis should be crawling around on their bases. It is the only way.

You might possibly not want to read too much into the name of the company.

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Spreading the cheer!

How about a PRE-Thanksgiving THANK YOU (Canadian Turkey Day is Oct 8)!

We will give everyone who pledges before October 3rd, 1 extra mini (at random sizes tiny-medium) from of our achieved goals if we reach 500 backers, if we are able to reach 1000 we will make that 3 extra minis.

All those that have already pledged are also eligible for this reward, and it is stackable with the “FIRST” promotion!

Spread The Word!
Thanks For Pledging!
^_^ Gifted Vision

Just a quick thought. I've spread the word to here - but you might want to do a bit more to spread it around. You didn't get picked up by the Kickstarter golem and this isn't on the News page, and I only found out about it from a thread on I'm not sure where you're trying to get people from - but the Reaper kickstarter only really took off when Paizo sent out an e-mail on their behalf (unlikely to happen; Paizo licenses Reaper minis). I also had a quick look at the Something Awful Traditional Games crowdfunding thread (I'm not a goon but sometimes lurk) and didn't see you mentioned there.

If you can get four or five stretch goals you've a very good product there. But that needs publicity.


First Post
but the Reaper kickstarter only really took off when Paizo sent out an e-mail on their behalf (unlikely to happen; Paizo licenses Reaper minis). I also had a quick look at the Something Awful Traditional Games crowdfunding thread (I'm not a goon but sometimes lurk) and didn't see you mentioned there.
First of all, thank you for mentioning new spots. I checked with something awful, and their forums seem to be pay accts. :(

If someone that has an acct wants to spread the word, that'd be great! :D


First Post
First of all, thank you for mentioning new spots. I checked with something awful, and their forums seem to be pay accts. :(

If someone that has an acct wants to spread the word, that'd be great! :D

That is correct they are. Also you can't post about your Kickstarter in that thread without an undetermined and unexplained period of time posting on a paid account without talking about your Kickstarter. I got probation for that. And since you can't argue any probations you really are stuck not knowing.
I haven't found anyone to spread AfterEarth's kickstarter on there but if I do I will ask them to spread yours as well. I have feelers out to my backers right now.

I like the mini's and pledged. I am a sucker for pirate stuff:)

There are so many water elementals out there, you should reconsider that mini, imo. Fill in the blanks for us.

Yup. Make some minis that are super rare and very expensive today. Pit Fiend comes to mind. Glabrezu (new treachery demon from Paizo is horrid expensive) is another one. Behir must be another prime example.


First Post
I haven't found anyone to spread AfterEarth's kickstarter on there but if I do I will ask them to spread yours as well. I have feelers out to my backers right now.

I like the mini's and pledged. I am a sucker for pirate stuff:)
My thanks twice!

Re: the Huge Water Elemental, who's done a huge pre-painted clear plastic water elemental? :confused:

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