Knave 2 from Ben of Questing Beast. Update: Backerkit store is open.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
At this moment, pledging for this a little too rich for my blood -- it's been an expensive six weeks in my household -- but the patron and alchemy systems are so compelling, I'm sure I will be getting this when it's released later this year, as systems to add to Shadowdark, much as I use the dungeon generation system from Grizzled Adventurers.

At this moment, pledging for this a little too rich for my blood -- it's been an expensive six weeks in my household -- but the patron and alchemy systems are so compelling, I'm sure I will be getting this when it's released later this year, as systems to add to Shadowdark, much as I use the dungeon generation system from Grizzled Adventurers.
I debated backing this and ultimately decided to. I want to find an OSR game to play on the side (PF2e being my weekly game) and this sounds interesting to me. I'll give it a go when the book ships and probably alternate between this and OSE for short campaigns.

Greggy C

Well it is not going to hit $1,000,000 USD after all but over 600k is respectable. Probably cost a lot to get to the end of the kickstarter though.
I think the bizarrely expensive shipping costs to get things to Europe reduced sales a lot. I had the same issue with DriveThruRPG, shipping is just f****** expensive, especially when you consider that Amazon delivers everything for free. Personally I just buy everything on eBay because its cheaper.

The other thing I felt was a little off was that his "Premium" book was a plain cover. Personally I have spent a fortune over the pandemic on TTRPGs, and 100% everything is all about the art (and nostalgia). If the premium book had an incredible art piece I feel it would have done much better.


I crit!
Well it is not going to hit $1,000,000 USD after all but over 600k is respectable. Probably cost a lot to get to the end of the kickstarter though.
I think the bizarrely expensive shipping costs to get things to Europe reduced sales a lot. I had the same issue with DriveThruRPG, shipping is just f****** expensive, especially when you consider that Amazon delivers everything for free. Personally I just buy everything on eBay because its cheaper.

The other thing I felt was a little off was that his "Premium" book was a plain cover. Personally I have spent a fortune over the pandemic on TTRPGs, and 100% everything is all about the art (and nostalgia). If the premium book had an incredible art piece I feel it would have done much better.
Could be.

It’s a fabulous amazing result.

I think coming after Shadowdark and during TOV didn’t help either.

Though he’s said he didn’t think it would get anywhere like this.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
The other thing I felt was a little off was that his "Premium" book was a plain cover. Personally I have spent a fortune over the pandemic on TTRPGs, and 100% everything is all about the art (and nostalgia). If the premium book had an incredible art piece I feel it would have done much better.
Different strokes for different folks. I find the premium book, which I believe is also clothbound, is gorgeous, while the Peter Mullen cover is just another (fine) DCC-style piece from him, if a little less gonzo.

If I were buying a hard copy edition, it would definitely be the premium cover. (And I feel the same about the "plain" dark blue premium cover for the new edition of Swords & Wizardry.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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