Knave 2 from Ben of Questing Beast. Update: Backerkit store is open.


I crit!
Lol if I had seen this yesterday I may have bet, but at this point, $331k after 24h, I probably will bow out.

On another topic - it's a pretty fun thing on Kickstarter of a popular crowdfund and watch the numbers increase on the page as people back. Enjoying that on Knave right now 🍿 🎉 :D
Yea, it is fun. Especially when it’s a small shop like Bens one man company.

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Haiku Elvis

Knuckle-dusters, glass jaws and wooden hearts.
I believe I saw somewhere usually the first 24 hours is 50% of the total so the race is still undecided.
I think all the core Questing Beast fans who were expecting it have signed up. It depends if it catches on with a secondary wave who find out about it from forums and you tube reviews like Shadowdark did. Plus any procrastinators who favourite it and wait for the last 24 hours email to nudge them.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I believe I saw somewhere usually the first 24 hours is 50% of the total so the race is still undecided.
I think all the core Questing Beast fans who were expecting it have signed up. It depends if it catches on with a secondary wave who find out about it from forums and you tube reviews like Shadowdark did. Plus any procrastinators who favourite it and wait for the last 24 hours email to nudge them.
I think it will, if the talk about it focuses more on the random tables in the book, which makes this a book that can be supplemental to another OSR (or even 5E) game, rather than a potential replacement for it.

(That said, all these OSR books, most recently Shadowdark and Knave, could probably have split their books in two and had the roll tables in a separate volume and sold a ton of those independent of the core engine.)

Haiku Elvis

Knuckle-dusters, glass jaws and wooden hearts.
You make a good point. It's the tables and generators keeping Worlds/Stars without Number constantly in the bestseller lists at DTRPG. (And Kevin Crawford in caviar, champagne and diamond encrusted D20s)

Voidrunner's Codex

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