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Knowledge skills in the Islamic empire


There were several advances made in the Islamic empire in the fields of engineering, chemistry (craft, alchemy), astronomy/astrology, mathematics, and medicine which were the foundation for modern science. I'm trying to find out what should be possible with these skills around 800 CE (Think "golden age" of Caliph Harun al-Rashid), preferrably unique to the Islamic world, but I'm interested in anything from the time period.

Here are my ideas so far...
Knowledge (Mathematics): codes & ciphers, balancing accounts
Knowledge (Astrology & Astronomy): navigation?, birth chart, forecase weather
Knowledge (Engineering): ??
Heal: craft prosthetic?, determine disease, create antidote

Ideally, I'm looking to give these skills the same treatment as I did Knowledge (Law).

Knowledge (Law) DCs
5 Track down records
10 Prompt reply from agency for minor request (application, license, permit, visa, etc)
10 Avoid a close inspection or avoid police harassment
12 Presenting a convincing case to city guard
15 Get minor charges dropped
15 Finding an unbiased qadi to try a case
20 Explain missing paperwork
25 Create trouble (paperwork mismanaged, trials put off)
30 Explain an obviously forged document
30 Get serious charges dropped
Defend/prosecute a court case: Opposed Knowledge (Law) check
Design a contract with no loose ends: Opposed Knowledge (Law) check
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Well, I don't quite know how it would equate to something a character would want to check for but .... Under knowledge astronomy, anything calendar-related or recurring on a regular basis (haley's comet, tides, etc) - all based on natural events (moon phases, etc.). So maybe reading star charts or something?

this also ties in to navigation (which you put a question mark next to) at least navigation at night (by the stars) if nothing else.

under heal , they had a good knowledge of anatomy so stuff like setting bones or understanding what organ is damaged, binding wounds, finding nature/plant-based antecdotes, etc.

For Knowledge engineering - you may just want to tie that with Disable Device and Open Locks.

on that same idea, you may want to add some synergy between knowledge mathematics and decipher script. or allow a spell caster that has a very unform shaped spell or something a bit more time in planning where to center the spell since they'd understand the shapes/dimensions better or something ...

just trying to connect these things to what may come up in a d&d game...


Here are three ideas I've had so far...

Navigation (feat): (Prereq. Seamanship, Knowledge (Astronomy) Based off a new skill called Seamanship, it works alot like Track does for Survival.

Islamic Medicine (New Uses for Heal):
Perform simple surgery (DC 10)
Set a broken bone (DC 15)
Proscribe a suitable drug once condition is determined (DC 15)
Perform a basic autopsy (DC 15 +1/day after death)
Perform complex surgery (amputation, tracheotemy, etc) (DC 20)
Devise an antidote for a disease (DC 10 + DC of disease, and will require Craft (Alchemy) to actually make the antidote, also requires sample of the disease itself)

Trigonometry (feat): +2 Knowledge (Astronomy, Engineering, Finance), +2 Knowledge (Geography) when surveying, +2 Craft (Alchemy, Cartography), +2 Knowledge (Seamnship) when navigating, +2 when composing music, mathematically decoding/cipher, or solving a math problem.

Doctor Bomb

First Post
Your ideas are great, I am looking for a middle-eastern flavored region in my campaign world and am not as familiar with the history. I seem to have found a lot of what you are looking for on other people's websites and in the Netbooks. Anyone I stole this from, please take the credit, I am really bad about saving the "who wrote me" text....

Knowledge: Civics (INT; Trained Only)
You have a broad knowledge of the law, legislation, litigation, legal rights and obligations, political and governmental institutions and processes, and bureaucratic procedures.
Check: Answering a question within the character's field of study typically has a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15 (for basic questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions), plus the modifiers from the tables below.

DC Task
10 You know the beliefs and open agendas of an organization, as well as its symbol.
15 You know an organization’s primary location and area of influence.
17 You know of the most recent leaders of a faction or guild.
20 You know who is known to sponsor or oppose membership in an organization.
20 You know the basic history of an organization.
20+ You know the influence of an organization (economical, political, military, etc.).


-2......Familiar civil process (commonly seen by character, such as bribery or arrest)
+2.....Unfamiliar process or ritual, but from similar cultures.
+5.....Unusual process, laws, traditions, or taboos from advanced or primitive cultures.
+10....Exotic or complex laws, processes, or rituals combining different government, guild, or clerical functions.
+15....Extraplanar laws, exotic or obscure cultural taboos, common phrases and passwords of secret organizations.
+20....Obscure political structure, complex and highly advanced legislation, outlawed organization, secret rituals, international trade agreements and interplanar treaties.

Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge: Civics, you get a +2 bonus on Gather Information and Profession: Barrister checks.
If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge: Culture of a specific culture, you gain a +2 bonus to your Knowledge: Civics checks with that culture.

Knowledge: Culture (Cultural; Trained Only)
You know the ins and outs of a particular culture.
Check: The Knowledge: Culture skill doesn't work like a standard skill. Characters with this skill are knowledgeable about a specific culture, chosen when the skill is purchased with cultural skill points. The character knows of the common rituals, philosophy, expressions of speech, and taboos of that culture. This skill is very helpful to almost every other interpersonal skill.

Rank Familiarity
0 Character has no concept; culture is totally alien to her
1 Aware of culture and basic philosophy (i.e. polytheistic matriarchal nomads)
2 Easily practiced or observed traditions (holidays, superstitions)
3 Studied; extensive tutorial or minimal immersion into culture (clothing styles, names, castes)
4 Excellent grasp; character can laugh at jokes and attend restricted ceremonies and not stick out (tea ceremonies, puberty rituals)
5 Completely familiar with the taboos, laws, & mores of the culture

NPC’s and juveniles/apprentices automatically have 4 ranks of Knowledge (Culture) in their own culture. Characters may purchase the Knowledge: Culture skill for more than one culture.

Synergy: If you have 2 or more ranks in Knowledge: Culture of a specific culture, you are considered familiar with the basic aspects of the culture, and can apply the -2 DC modifier to any check with a DC of less than 15.
If you have 3 or more ranks in Knowledge: Culture of a specific culture, you are considered familiar with most aspects of the culture, and can apply the -2 DC modifier to any check with a DC of less than 20.
If you have 4 or more ranks in Knowledge: Culture of a specific culture, you gain a +2 bonus to your social skill checks related to that culture, including Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge: Arts, Knowledge: Civics, Knowledge: Religion, Perform, and Sense Motive, including skill checks with a DC of 20 or more.

Knowledge: Hearth Lore (INT, Trained Only)

You paid close attention to the wisdom and stories of your elders.
Check: Make a Knowledge: Hearth Lore check in place of any other knowledge check with a DC of less than 20. In many cases, you can use this skill to identify monsters and their special powers or vulnerabilities. For every 5 points by which your check result exceeds the DC, you recall another piece of useful information. Unlike other skills, a failure of 5 or more on a Knowledge: Hearth Lore check results in misleading or incorrect information gleaned from old wives tales.
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge: Hearth Lore, you get a +2 synergy bonus on any skill check used to identify herbs, substances, or creatures.

Knowledge: Medicine (INT; Trained Only)
You have an in depth knowledge of herbalism, anatomy, and the humanoid body and its workings. This knowledge may be used to pinpoint vital organs, aid in creature identification, improve healing checks, or other relevant abilities. When you learn this skill, choose one type of humanoid (human, dwarf, elf, gnome, halfling, etc) with which you are most familiar.
Check: Answering a question within the character's field of study has a DC of 10 (for really easy questions), 15 (for basic questions), or 20 to 30 (for really tough questions), plus the modifiers from the table below.

Check Medicine Knowledge
10 Determine whether a plant, animal, or insect is safe to eat.
5 + Poison CR Determine whether a plant or substance is useful as a poison.
10 + Poison CR Determine herbal antidote to poison.

DC Creature Type
-2 Creature you have had previous experience with
+2 Unfamiliar humanoid
+5 Monstrous humanoids, Giants
+10 Animals, Magical Beasts, Fey
+15 Vermin, Dragons
+20 Outsiders, Aberrations, Plants.

Special: If you have 20 or more ranks in Knowledge: Medecine, you may increase your critical threat range by 1 while in combat against your chosen type of humanoid.
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks of Knowledge: Medecine, you get a +2 bonus to Heal checks.

Knowledge: Sciences (INT, Trained Only)
You have a broad knowledge of the fundamentals of science, including astronomy, chemistry, geology, mathematics, mineralogy, and physics.
Astronomy is the study of the stars and planets. An understanding of astronomy is quite useful for navigation.
Chemistry is the study of the properties of matter. An understanding of chemistry is useful in purifying materials or creating alloys for stronger metals.
Geology is the study of rock formations and caverns. An understanding of geology can help locate ores and mineral deposits.
Mathematics is the use and study of numbers. An understanding of mathematics is fundamental to the other sciences.
Mineralogy is the study of the compositions, crystal habits, and families that make up metals and minerals. An understanding of mineralogy is useful in different areas of craftsmanship.
Physics is the study of movement. An understanding of physics is quite useful in making the best castle walls and siege engines.
Check: Characters with the Knowledge: Sciences skill can use their skill to enhance other skills. Answering a question pertaining to the sciences has a DC of 10 for easy questions, 15 for moderate questions, and 20 to 30 for hard questions, plus the modifiers from the table below.

DC Scientific Knowledge
-2 Familiar substance or mineral (commonly seen by character)
+2 Unfamiliar mineral or substance, but of a familiar type or source.
+5 Unfamiliar compound or alloy, whose properties are known.
+10 Rare alloy or mineral whose properties are unknown.
+20 Extraplanar minerals or alloys.

Special: A character with at least 20 ranks in Knowledge: Sciences can reduce the cost of crafting magical or psionic items made from metal or gems by 10%.
A character with at least 40 ranks in Knowledge: Sciences can substitute less expensive metals or gemstones for more expensive ones when crafting items or casting spells, and may still produce a high quality item or the desired spell effect. For example, a character with 40 ranks in Knowledge: Sciences may substitute quartz for diamond as the material component for a true resurrection spell, dropping the cost to 10% of the original. The character may also substitute copper or bronze for the 5,000 pounds of iron needed for an iron golem without reducing its strength or effectiveness.
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (sciences), you get a +2 bonus on Alchemy checks.
If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (sciences), you get a +2 bonus on Appraise checks for items including metal or gems.
If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (sciences), you get a +2 bonus on Craft: Weaponsmith and Craft: Armorsmith checks to make items mostly of metal.
If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (sciences), you get a +2 bonus on Knowledge: Engineering checks.
If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (sciences), you get a +2 bonus on Knowledge: Nature checks to determine the weather or the lay of the land.
If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (sciences), you get a +2 bonus on Profession: Sailor and Profession: Wildspace Navigator checks made for navigation.

Profession: Barrister (WIS; Trained Only)

You are thoroughly familiar with the legal system of your culture and are skilled in representing cases before judges, officers, nobles, and magistrates. This is a working knowledge of the law, as opposed to the theoretical knowledge learned through the skill Knowledge: Civics. With a successful skill check, you can build a strong defense for a person accused of a crime. If the judge or jury is fair-minded and honest, you stand an excellent chance of winning the client’s case. Of course, corrupt or intimidated officials can still deliver unjust verdicts despite your best efforts.
Check: You automatically know the relevant laws and related punishments of all societies you are familiar with (you are considered familiar if you have at least 3 ranks in the Knowledge: Culture skill for that culture). If you have less than 3 ranks in the pertinent Knowledge: Culture skill, you must take at least one day to review the pertinent laws and loopholes, and then make a DC 15 Profession check to verify your comprehension. Failure indicates you must spend another day in study. In a courtroom, a DC 10 check will build a significant enough defense for a character to get out of minor crimes and misdemeanors with little or no penalty. More heinous and outrageous crimes require significantly higher DC checks (from DC 15 for petty theft without ample witnesses to DC 50 for outright murder with numerous witnesses testifying against the accused).
Note that some cultures have opposing legal representatives trying a case – a Plaintiff or Prosecutor and the Defendant. In such instances, the DC check becomes an opposed roll between the two sides.
Try Again: Varies, but usually no. Justice tends to demand swift punishment for the guilty. Building a defense requires a day or more of studious contemplation on the part of the barrister and some legal systems do not afford a prisoner more time than necessary for the executioner to put his hood on to build a plausible defense. Very few legal systems allow for an appeals process; these cultures, such as High Elven, are the ones that allow for retries to occur.
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge: Civics, you get a +2 bonus on Profession: Barrister checks.

Profession: Sailor (WIS; Trained Only)
The Sailing skill governs handling small sailing craft alone, as well as serving aboard larger vessels.
Check: Make a Profession: Sailor skill check, DC 10, to ready a ship or boat for sailing.
Make a Profession: Sailor skill check, DC 15, to properly rig sails on a sailing ship.
Make a Profession: Sailor skill check against current weather conditions to safely navigate a ship in coastal waters or river ways.
Action: Not Applicable. A normal check represents a week of work. A check made to rig sails or ready for sailing usually takes about an hour.
Try Again: Varies. An attempt to use a Profession skill to earn an income cannot be retried. You are stuck with whatever weekly wage your check result brought you. Another check may be made after a week to determine a new income for the next period of time. An attempt to accomplish readying or rigging can only be retried if the deficiency is pointed out. A failed navigation check usually results in grounding a vessel or ending up off course, at which point the vessel must be pointed in the right direction before the check can be retried.
Special: Characters raised in a minotaur or maenad culture get a +2 bonus on Profession: Sailor checks.
Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge: Science, you get a +2 bonus on Profession: Sailor checks made for navigation.
If you have 5 or more ranks in Profession (spacehand), you get a +2 bonus on Profession (sailor) checks.
If you have 5 or more ranks in Profession (sailor), you get a +2 bonus on Profession (spacehand) checks.

I give my Commoners, Barbarians, and Marauders (much weaker "NPC" barbarian/ranger class) Hearth Lore as a class skill.
I like the autopsy check!
I am taking your skill DC's and checks and adding them to mine.....


Thank you! :) You da' bomb!
(sorry, couldn't resist)

I'm working on two projects right now with an eastern theme. One is an Arabian setting for True20. The other is a Persian theme high-level d20 adventure. I'll be looking for playtesters soon, if you're interested.

Doctor Bomb

First Post
Game On!

Probably a setting I would love to playtest, but it looks like my shedule is full - even skipping today's game to catch up on work when I am done checking the boards. Bump this post when your setting is ready though. That would be SWEET.

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