[Kobold Press] ToV Tuesday! Monk excerpt from the Tales of the Valiant Player’s Guide

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Unfortunately, a preview like today's doesn't give a full, clear picture of the entire class and its subclasses.

Yes, the monk's Martial Arts die progression didn't change from its iteration in base 5E, but many other aspects of the monk changed in ToV, especially with regards to subclasses.

Two of these changes visible in today's preview is that deflecting ranged attacks is built into the Martial Arts class feature (at level 1) rather than being a separate feature (at level 3) and the progression of Technique points (formerly known as Ki points) is a bit faster in ToV.

These changes opened up room for additional fun features, especially early on, within the various subclasses. We can't spoil too much today, but the monk definitely got as much teeth as the rest of the classes in their ToV iterations!

Speaking of spoiling things ... don't forget, a LOT of additional information about Tales of the Valiant, as well a cool reveals about new products, and other fun stuff will be unveiled during KoboldCon!

I'll certainly admit I was wrong of the future shows that, but it looks pretty weak at level one or two compared to the new wotc monk. That's a lot less damage per round with multiple stacks.

Fair enough!

I think when you check out the full class, and see all the very cool things the monk can do (both the class itself, and how the subclasses factor in), you'll understand how awesome the class is in Tales of the Valiant!

One question ... you say "compared to the new WotC monk"... but no one knows what the monk will look like in the new version of D&D.

One of the monk playtests did have monk martial arts dice progression starting at a d6 (then advancing at exactly the same rate as base 5E from there on).

But that's in no way confirmation that is how they will be doing it in whatever final version of the monk shows up in the 'new' version. In fact, it's entirely likely that the new WotC monk will end up sticking with the starting d4, just like it is in 5E now.

It's important to remember that what you see in any of the various playtests and / or Unearthed Arcana posts are in no way official or final.

Fair enough!

I think when you check out the full class, and see all the very cool things the monk can do (both the class itself, and how the subclasses factor in), you'll understand how awesome the class is in Tales of the Valiant!

One question ... you say "compared to the new WotC monk"... but no one knows what the monk will look like in the new version of D&D.

One of the monk playtests did have monk martial arts dice progression starting at a d6 (then advancing at exactly the same rate as base 5E from there on).

But that's in no way confirmation that is how they will be doing it in whatever final version of the monk shows up in the 'new' version. In fact, it's entirely likely that the new WotC monk will end up sticking with the starting d4, just like it is in 5E now.

It's important to remember that what you see in any of the various playtests and / or Unearthed Arcana posts are in no way official or final.
Al fair. If they go back, I'll be disappointed. It's already hard to play a monk relative to other classes.

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