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Kobolds: Life's little failures


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That looks really neat Mesh Hong. I was thinking of doing the Kobold Assasin, but I never really got around to it. I think I will look at it now.

Edit: Btw, a very minor nitpick Mesh: You have "kobold" as a keyword on your Trapmaster. My errata says that kobolds has the "reptile" keyword.
Told you it was very minor :p.
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Okay, the Kobold Assasin is "done". I have a few comments after the stat block.

Kobold Assasin Level 6 Lurker
Small Natural Humanoid (reptile) XP 250

Initiative +12 Senses Perception +11, darkvision
HP 56; Bloodied 28
AC 20; Fortitude 17, Reflex 20, Will 18
Resist 5 poison
Speed 6

:bmelee: Poisoned Dagger (Standard; at-will) ♦ weapon, poison
Attack +11 vs. AC; 1d10+4 poison damage

Study weakness (Standard; at-will)
The Kobold Assasin designates a target that it studies for weaknesses. Each time this power is used, it increases the damage of the next attack the Kobold Assasin makes against the designated target by 1d10+4 (to a maximum of 2d10+8). If a new target is chosen, the previous increases in damage is lost. This power requires line of sight to the target.

:melee: Run-Hit-Run (Standard; at-will)
The Kobold Assasin moves up to its speed and makes one melee basic attack at any point during that movement. The Kobold Assasin doesn't provoke opportunity attacks from the target during this movement.

Hide in the Shadows (Move; recharge :4::5::6:)
If the Kobold Assasin moves at least 4 squares, it gains concealment until it makes an attack.

Shifty (Minor; at-will)
The Kobold Assasin shifts 1 square as a minor action.

Trap Sense
The Kobold Assasin gains a +2 bonus to all defences against traps.

Alignment Evil Languages common, draconic
Skills Stealth +13
Str: 14 (+5) Dex: 20 (+8) Wis: 16 (+6)
Con: 14 (+5) Int: 14 (+5) Cha: 16 (+6)
Equipment dagger, leather armor

I remember reading a blog post about Lurkers not acting as they were described in the DMG: "They usually deliver one devastating attack every few rounds, while concentrating on defense in between".
I tried to incorporate that concept.

This monster does well coupled with some monsters that last a long time and can keep the players occupied so they wont go looking for the Kobold Assasins.

I am not sure about some of this (no PHB nearby), so feedback is very welcome. My idea was that the Kobold Assasin hides and studies a target (most likely a cloth wearer) with "study weakness", then hits it with "run-hit-run" and moves away again, activating "hide in the shadows" which grants it a stealth roll. It then studies the same or another target for two rounds, giving "hide in the shadows" plenty of time to recharge.

Also, I am wondering this:
Would it be able to get combat advantage against an opponent if it is stealthed (and has concealment), but has to run out "in the open" to hit the target? This means that it would actually pay off to wait for the 3d10+12 damage, so you can also attack with CA.

Would it be an idea to have the extra damage last until the Kobold Assasin makes a successful attack? Missing the first two attacks would mean the combat was basically over before you got a new one in.

Edit: If anyone was wondering, the inspiration is from the 3.5 prestige class: Assassin.
And looking at it, the damage might be a little high. I am not sure it would be fair to use two of these in the same encounter.
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First Post
I tried to edit the new material to the master list but errors involving my antivirus are keeping me from editing.

Kudos on the hard work, im probably going to have a working antivirus by tomorrow. I will then post and edit the kobold ooze.

Mesh, it's good to have you on board for this thread, thanks for the trapmaker.

Kudos on the assasin too but check the bolding on the will defence.



Mesh Hong

First Post
Neubert; that assassin looks interesting.

I am sort of in two minds about the Study Weakness power:

Mechanically the Assassin uses a standard action to make its next attack against a particular target deal 2 attacks worth of damage, so in reality it is not actually getting any of the bonus damage that lurkers typically get. But it is getting increased burst damage from being able to deliver 2 rounds of damage in one hit.

It is also missing out on being able to capitalise on opportunities in the heat of combat, it hides, attacks, retreats, attacks etc.

Its an interesting idea, and a good way of looking at lurkers. Your mechanic would indeed make the creature lurk !!

In comparisson I think the standard approach would give you something like:

Study Weakness (minor; recharge :5::6:)
Targets 1 enemy in line of sight; attack +9 vs. Will; on hit target grants
combat advantage to Assassin until the start of Assassins next turn

Assassin Strike
Any target hit by the Assassin while granting combat advantage takes an
additional 1d6 poison damage and is slowed (save ends)

Now I am not saying that the above approach is better, I am just saying it is more usual for a lurker.

I would like to get your opinion on this because I see merits and flaws in both approaches.

Mesh Hong

First Post
How about this for an idea for a very fiddly but potentially interesting encounter.

Kobold Colossus

The Kobold Colossus is a Huge manned construct made up of 5 connecting parts, in the shape of a giant Kobold.

Left arm (with shield)
Right arm (with axe)

Special Rules

Each construct component is considered a separate part of a single creature, each has its own Hit Points, Defences, and Attacks.

Any component may be targeted individually, Burst or Blast powers may target a number of connected components equal to their template size. (e.g. a close blast three could target the Colossus’s Legs, Body and Left Arm)

The Colossus has 3 standard actions to use on its turn, each action must be from a different component. (e.g. it could use its legs to Move, use its left arm to use Active Defence and use its head to use Eye Beams).

If the Colossus has actions left but no different components to use it may make use of any remaining actions to either make a save or roll a recharge on an expended power.

The Colossus does not have actions points

Each component of the Colossus can be affected by ongoing effects as normal, all components may make saves against ongoing effects at the end of the colossus’s turn.

The following are special rules for status effects –

Immobilised – body – left and right arm powers are reduced to reach 1
Immobilised – arms – affected arms powers are reduced to reach 1
Slowed – arms – affected arms powers take a -2 penalty to attack
Dazed – any component – component cannot be used while dazed
Stunned – any component – component cannot be used and Colossus loses one of its standard actions while a component is stunned
Knocked Prone – legs – only the legs can be knocked prone, when hit by a power that could knock it prone the legs make an immediate save, if successful the colossus remains standing.

Creatures get an additional +1 bonus to attack rolls against a prone colossus.

OK onto the components themselves. (note this is for discussion, I am not presenting any of this as finished or balanced)


Kobold Colossus – Level 7 Solo Construct
Huge Elemental Humanoid (construct) XP 1500

Initiative; +5 Senses Perception +10, darkvision
Alignment Evil Languages common, draconic


Kobold Colossus - head

HP 100; Bloodied 50; see Broken Head
AC 21; Fortitude 19, Reflex 19, Will 23
Resist 10 fire
Saving Throws +5
Speed 0

:ranged: Eye Beams (Standard; at-will) fire
2 attacks against the same target; Range 20; attack +14 vs. AC; 1d6+4
fire damage; if both attacks hit the target takes 5 ongoing fire damage
(save ends)

:close: Dragon Breath (Standard; recharge :6:) fire
Close Blast 6; attack +12 vs. Reflex; 2d8+5 fire damage

:close: Voice of the Colossus (Standard; encounter) fear
Burst 6; attack +12 vs. Will; on hit target is immobilised and takes a -2
penalty to attack rolls (save ends both), aftereffect target takes a -1
penalty to attack rolls (save ends)

Priority Recharge (Standard; recharge :5::6:)
Any 1 of Colossus's powers automatically recharges as an immediate
action; the Colossus's body component takes 10 damage

Broken Head (Immediate Reaction) when reduced to zero HPs
When head is reduced to 0 HPs all attacks from remaining components
take a -2 penalty to hit

Skills Arcana +11, Intimidate +13
Str 12 (+4) Dex 14 (+5) Wis 14 (+5)
Con 15 (+5) Int 16 (+6) Cha 20 (+8)


Kobold Colossus - body

HP 150; Bloodied 75; see Broken Body
AC 21; Fortitude 23, Reflex 17, Will 19
Saving Throws +5
Speed 0

Bolster Component (Standard; at-will)
1 component (legs, body, left arm, right arm or head) gains a +4 bonus to
all defences until the start of Colossus's next turn

Running Repairs (Standard; recharge :5::6:) healing
1 component (legs, body, left arm, right arm or head) heals 25 HPs and
gains a +1 bonus to it next attack roll this turn

Emergency Repairs (Standard; encounter) healing
1 destroyed component (legs, left arm, right arm or head) is reactivated
at its Bloodied level with all its encounter and recharge powers expended

Broken Body (Immediate Reaction) when reduced to zero HPs
When reduced to 0 HPs the Colossus's body stops moving; the reach of
any remaining arms is reduced to 1 square

Skills Endurance +13
Str 16 (+6) Dex 12 (+4) Wis 14 (+5)
Con 20 (+8) Int 8 (+2) Cha 8 (+2)


Kobold Colossus - legs

HP 100; Bloodied 50; also see Damaged Legs, Broken Legs
AC 23; Fortitude 20, Reflex 19, Will 18
Saving Throws +2
Speed 6 (cannot shift), also see Damaged Legs & Broken Legs

:bmelee: Colossal Stompers (Standard; at-will)
Attack +14 vs. AC; 1d10+4 damage

:melee: Colossal Kick (Standard; recharge :5::6:)
The Colossus moves up to 4 squares then makes the following attack;
attack +12 vs. Reflex; 2d6+4 damage; on hit target is pushed a number of
squares equal to the distance the Colossus moved before making the
attack and is knocked prone

:close: Thunder Stomp (Standard; encounter) thunder
Burst 3; attack +12 vs. Fortitude; 1d8+4 thunder damage; on hit target is
knocked prone and dazed (save ends)

Damaged Legs (Immediate Reaction) when bloodied
While Colossus Legs are bloodied the Colossus's speed is reduced to 4

Broken Legs (Immediate Reaction) when reduced to zero HPs
When reduced to 0 HPs the Colossus's legs cease to function, its speed is
reduced to 0 and its legs cannot make attacks

Skills Athletics +12, Endurance +12
Str 18 (+7) Dex 15 (+5) Wis 14 (+5)
Con 18 (+7) Int 8 (+2) Cha 8 (+2)


Kobold Colossus - left arm (shield)

HP 90; Bloodied 45; see Broken Arm
AC 25; Fortitude 21, Reflex 20, Will 18
Saving Throws +2
Speed 0

:bmelee: Shield Bash (Standard; at-will)
Reach 3; Attack +14 vs. AC; 2d6+4 damage; on hit slide target 2 squares

Active Defence (Standard; recharge :5::6:)
Until the start of the Colossus's next turn all other components (legs,
body, right arm, head) gain a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex defences and the
left arm can use the Deflect Attack power

:melee: Deflect Attack (Immediate Interrupt; special) only during Active
Defence, when colossus is targeted by an attack
only available when Colossus is using its Active Defence power; Reach 3;
attack +12 vs. Reflex; 1d8+4 damage; on hit target is pushed 2 squares
and dazed (save ends)

Broken Arm (Immediate Reaction) when reduced to zero HPs
When reduced to 0 HPs the left arm is deactivated and cannot be used

Skills Athletics +11, Endurance +13
Str 16 (+6) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 14 (+5)
Con 20 (+8) Int 8 (+2) Cha 8 (+2)


Kobold Colossus - right arm (axe)

HP 80; Bloodied 40; see Broken Arm
AC 21; Fortitude 21, Reflex 21, Will 17
Saving Throws +2
Speed 0

:bmelee: Axe Chop (Standard; at-will)
Reach 3; attack +12 vs. AC; 2d8+4 damage, critical 1d8+20 damage

:close: Axe Sweep (Standard; recharge :5::6:)
Burst 3; attack +10 vs. Reflex; 2d6+4 damage, critical 1d6+16 damage

Broken Arm (Immediate Reaction) when reduced to zero HPs
When reduced to 0 HPs the right arm is deactivated and cannot be used

Skills Athletics +13
Str 20 (+8) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 12 (+4)
Con 16 (+6) Int 8 (+2) Cha 8 (+2)

Well it’s a bit fiddly, but it could certainly make for a good boss style encounter. You would probably have to careful design the environment as well.


First Post
My problem with lurkers is that it is much better for them ("total damage dealt"-wise)to swing at their opponents every single round. I wanted to make a monster that is more like what the DMG describes as a lurker.
To do that, their damage needs to be at least on par with a lurker attacking every single round.

The problem with my approach however, is that the damage becomes a lot more swingy. Perhaps I should instead give them extra attacks (so by using study weakness 2 rounds in a row, the third round gives them 3 basic attacks)?

Mesh Hong

First Post
My problem with lurkers is that it is much better for them ("total damage dealt"-wise)to swing at their opponents every single round. I wanted to make a monster that is more like what the DMG describes as a lurker.
To do that, their damage needs to be at least on par with a lurker attacking every single round.

The problem with my approach however, is that the damage becomes a lot more swingy. Perhaps I should instead give them extra attacks (so by using study weakness 2 rounds in a row, the third round gives them 3 basic attacks)?

Yeah, its an interesting dilema.

OK, lets approach it mathematically.
It is reasonable to assume that in 2 rounds a lurker will get one standard attack and one attack with its bonus damage from combat advantage.

In this case it would be 1d10+4 & 1d10+4+1d6 = total 34 max damage

In order to be able to maintain this maximum damage you could change the Study Weakness power to increase the damage to:

3d10+4 = total 34 max damage.

This also happens to be the high limited damage expression.

My instinct tells me that using the high limited damage expression on an at will attack from a standard monster is insane. But I think this is a case where my instinct is wrong, the maths state that this is very reasonable damage as it is in effect 2 rounds worth.

Taking this on board I would remove the Hide in Shadows power and instead give the Assassin another +2 bonus to stealth (taking it to +15) and also give it Acrobatics and Thievery.

This creature is a real threat to the squishy members of any party, so I don't think it needs any bump to its defences while it studies its victims, but you still have the ability to hide (as normal).


First Post
Your example lurker does 34 max damage in 2 rounds, 68 in 4 rounds, 102 in 6 rounds. Which gives 51 max damage over 3 rounds.
Mine on the other hand would do 3d10+12 = 42 damage max over 3 rounds (2 rounds studying, 1 round attacking), as it does not gain extra damage from combat advantage.

There is of course also the added benefit of not getting hit while stealthing around (which means the players has to attack the better defended opponents).

Thinking about it, maybe I should start by changing it to giving several attacks instead of increasing damage (as damage becomes very spikey), possibly with each successful hit granting either a slight bonus to hit or damage for the next attacks during the same turn.
Getting one extra attack (for each turn where the monster does not attack) should stay equal to a monster that simply stood its ground and attacked every turn. Then we add the run-hit-run power and a rechargeable power (to help the monster stealth after attacking). Do you think this sounds unbalanced?

Mesh Hong

First Post
I completely misunderstood your Study Weakness power, I thought the maximum it could do was 2d10+8 which would be 1 round observation before attack.

I am not sure it would be fair to extend it any further as it is likely that the first time the PCs will see it is when the Assassin comes in for its first attack with its maximum bonus (on round 2 or 3 of combat)

As per the maths and powers from my last post I think it would be fair, and interesting.

You would have to post an example of the new build for me to make an honest and informed opinion on it.


First Post
Kobold Ooze
Level 6 Elite Brute
Large Natural Beast (Blind,Ooze)
XP 500
Initiative +6
Senses Perception +6, Blindsight, Tremorsense
HP 86;
Bloodied 43
AC 19; Fortitude 18, Reflex 18, Will 16
Immune Gaze; Acid
Speed 4, climb 4
Action Points 1

Melt (Standard; at-will)+7 Vs. Fortitude; 2d6+6 Acid damage and the target takes a -1 penalty to fortitude defense each time it hits (multiple hits stack, save ends)

Flowing body The Kobold Ooze ignores difficult terrain and does not provoke opportunity attacks by moving.

Split (When the Kobold ooze is hit by a weapon attack or trap; at-will)A kobold ooze spawn appears in an adjacent square or the nearest unoccupied square.

Advanced trap sense
The kobold ooze gains a +4 to all defenses against traps.

Shifty (Minor; at-will) The Kobold ooze shifts one square.

Alignment Unaligned
Languages None, Understands Draconic
Str 20 (+8) Dex 18 (+7) Wis 14 (+5) Con 18 (+7) Int 6 (+1) Cha 16(+6)
Equipment None

Alright, here's the fix


Wow, Mesh, wow. Five monsters in one. Good job.
Several things though, are the seperate peices seperately manned? As well, how do the kobolds get this kind of thing and when do they send it into battle. Who repairs the ones that lose arms or come back covered in dead people?

Good work on the assasin Neubert but how about giving it higher manuverability in place of higher defences or damage? More speed instead of a massively powerful cloth target killer. This would be garunteed to cause problems for my party but unless it one shots, the meat sheilds are going to cut it into little peices (Very similar to most kobolds).

Kudos on the hard work


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