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Kobolds, NPCs and gear...

I'm putting together a Kobold warren thats intended to present a full days dungeon delve for an 8 player group of 9th and 8th level characters.

As such its going to have plenty of gangs of 4-7th level warriors, supported by spellcaster, bards etc.

I'm certainly not about to have each 5th level warrior (CR2) carrying 4,300 gp worth of equipment though!

Should i be looking at a CR adjustment to reflect reduced gear? let them spend it on traps that provide no xp? leave it as is? Give everyone 3 lightning javelins?

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First Post
A cr2 npc gets 2000gp of gear, not 4300 (that would be for a cr5 npc). Not to mention that warrior lvs are wasted for a kobold past 4th lv. You clearly get a lot more mileage out of PC classes such as fighter (using the racial substitution in races of dragon), since they both improve cr at the same rate.

I am guessing the next best thing might be to concentrate their wealth in the form of consumables which they use to buff themselves prior to combat. For example, the npc caster could augment the horde with mass cat's grace, haste and magic circle against good (cast from scrolls). The benefit is probably greater than any persistent effects from magic gear, and their temporary nature irrelevant for purposes of said encounter.


Well, they're NPC's, so they get gear appropriate for their level normally. Generally, this means classed NPCs will be the equivalent of between double and triple standard treasure. As long as you balance this dungeon with others of creatures with no treasure, it should all work out ok in the long run. That said, the NPCs will likely not have much gear of use to the PCs, so it will sell for half, reducing the PCs' actual treasure gains.

If all this isn't enough, you could do as you suggest and ad hoc a lower CR for less gear. Maybe drop from CR 2 to CR 1 and give 1/3 normal equipment value? The idea of putting the oney into traps is another good one, and makes sense for kobolds in particular. Dungeonscape even notes kobolds consider minor traps that leave enemies prone (or something similar) are worth it, for the initial advantage they offer.

The other tried and true way to limit the mounds of gold masses of classed NPCs can give to parties? Have a fair number retreat when hurt, preferably scattering in different routes to hinder efforts to cut them down. That way the PCs get the full xp, but none of the gold. And really, the main issue in the end is xp-gp balance. It's not terrible for the party to gain thousands of gold if they also are gaining tons of xp. It's only when they fall behind or get ahead of the "expected" rate that problems arise.


Extradimensional Explorer
Rather than give them wealth as NPCs, why not just give them treasure as monsters? Kobolds have standard treasure, why not just use standard treasure for monsters of that CR? Then you can make up some of the difference with traps, as suggested above.


First Post
I am not certain an average NPC with npc class {Adept, Aristocrat, Commoner, Expert, Warrior.] has "gear". An elite NPC with a PC class has those huge gear amounts.

As far as what 'gear' the kobold might have, lots of flasks of oil and Alchemist fire sound useful.:] Enough for the whole tribe.:devil:

EDIT- add in some {lots of] base kobolds in the groups. Give the combatants something to Great cleave through. Let the players mow through hordes of lesser foes.
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First Post
Well, it is a little hard to believe that a cr5 kobold warrior is still clad in mundane armour and weaponry. Maybe their crs do deserve a little revision downwards to reflect the lack of good equipment...

Don't forget the SLA they get from that kobold ritual in dragon of faerun. A magic missile or ray of enfeeblement is a great way of initiating battle, and wearing down the PCs through sheer attrition.:lol:

Kobolds don't need a lot of magic to be a hassle...or even lethal.


Tucker's Kobolds is, absolutely, what I am aiming for on this :devil:

Runestar said:
A cr2 npc gets 2000gp of gear, not 4300 (that would be for a cr5 npc). Not to mention that warrior lvs are wasted for a kobold past 4th lv. You clearly get a lot more mileage out of PC classes such as fighter (using the racial substitution in races of dragon), since they both improve cr at the same rate.

Alas, no access to Dragons of Faerun or races of the dragon. Do people think its legit to mix npc and pc class levels, and still claim the 3 CR discount for NPC classed Kobolds?

Table 4-23 on DMG p127 shows gear by Character level, not CR. But your right franks, its really unclear whether NPC classes are intended to to receive this gear.

Still, CRs for NPC are typically very high (compared to their actual challenge) anyway, so I feel it needs careful GM attention rather than just saying lvl-1, or lvl-3.

Are there any lightning, cold or sonic equivalents to alchemist fire and acid?


First Post
There are other energy flasks, can't remember the book(s) offhand. If others do not put that info out, or you don't have that specific book, I'd just use the acid and fire as examples for lightning and cold. Sonic I'd just use Thunderstones.

Also to help Tucker your kobolds, the size of the passages can help out the little guys. I know that the DMGII has a nice layout of varying sized passages and the penalties involved. Mostly limiting the Med. sized PC's on movement, weapon (melee and missle) penalties... but no penalties for the Small sized. A well placed ledge for kobolds to launch alchemicals and run, or a pit to draw in PC's or their stinky Cloudkills.

As far as gear goes, perhaps the higher level warrior kobolds simply have superior weapons, shortsword instead of clubs, bows instead of slings, compared to their War. 1 brothers. Then on to 1 shot items, potions and alchemicals. Traps are crazy expensive by the book, could pool their $$$ to traps.

My PC's love to Great Cleave through any massed kobolds, but loathe to chase them down into the depths of their lair. The higher level the PC's, the more "Tucker" they get. bwaah ha ha ha!


First Post
Are there any lightning, cold or sonic equivalents to alchemist fire and acid?

[going from admittedly spotty memory here...]

Arcana Unearthed/Evolved has Alchemist's Frost (cold version).

The Eberron Campaign Setting has Alchemist's Frost and Alchemist's Spark (electrical version), as well as Acidic Fire (Acid that then bursts into flame like alchemists fire) and Noxious Smokesticks (weak stinking cloud effect).

Relics & Rituals 2 has Lethene's Kiss (yet another version of Alchemist's Spark), as well as a Slipshod 'grease spell' type substance.

Races of the Dragon has something called the 'ditherbomb,' which is essentially an explosive canister of acid that sprays it all around. I don't remember enough about the mechanics to be useful to anyone who doesn't have the book, 'though.

The Epic Handbook has guidelines for 'advanced' version of Acid and Alchemist's Fire (which no Kobold would be likely to be able to make, but if they've got some leftover from that dragon they used to work for...).

I'm not aware of any alchemical items that do actual sonic damage (as opposed to the thunderstone, which has a sonic effect).

My own batch of kobolds back in college had captured dozens of giant centipedes, and regularly 'milked' them for venom to tip their weapons. They would hurl small javelins by the dozens at threats and then retreat into small sized crawlspaces, to wait for the venom to weaken their foes. They had a large open area in their main chamber, filled with netting and ropes they'd made from vines and monstrous spider webbing, and they clambered along the walls like Aliens, trying to stay out of reach of the party melee classes (sadly, their network of webs and vines was all-too flammable, and didn't last very long. Not their most cunning plan, although it did give them the advantage up until the party started throwing fire around!). Using some sort of weak version of tanglefoot bags (little more than clots of viscous mud, really), they would make ranged attacks at the parties light sources, since they could see fine in the dark, attempting to snuff torches, shatter lanterns and cover continual light items with so much clinging gunk that their light was hidden. Darkness is a *huge* advantage for critters with darkvision fighting parties without, and if only one party member (a dwarf or half-orc, for instance) has darkvision, the kobolds can concentrate fire on the one person who can see them, with tanglefoot bags, caltrops, snare traps, grease-slicks and various other 'spoiler' tactics to keep them from reaching the kobolds.

The vast majority of kobold warrens will be a cakewalk for seasoned adventurers. But kobolds are just as smart as humans, elves, dwarves, etc. and just as likely to pump out the occasional Sun Tzu...
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