Kraken Variants


Extradimensional Explorer
Yeah, CR 23 is good.

I guess we should elaborate on the tactics a bit. Should we say that the Kraken will use its Death Cloud early in a fight to weaken martial opponents? And perhaps uses horrid wilting against casters or ranged fighters? I think we don't really need to mention other SLAs since they're not really combat spells.

Also, for Inky Doom, I'd think a creature that dies from it should also dissipate at the first wave (or current) since this is an aquatic critter!

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Yeah, CR 23 is good.

Agreed. Will update the Awnshegh Kraken Working Draft.

I guess we should elaborate on the tactics a bit. Should we say that the Kraken will use its Death Cloud early in a fight to weaken martial opponents? And perhaps uses horrid wilting against casters or ranged fighters? I think we don't really need to mention other SLAs since they're not really combat spells.

Well the original entry has an "eyewitness report" describing it attacking a ship, and the the actual background info has:

"…the Kraken acts like nothing more than an animal, though some say it has exceptional intelligence."​


"Unlike other kraken, the Kraken does not retreat once it attacks a vessel. The creature heals quickly, so it can lose a few tentacles or even an eye, to gain a goal. Should the Kraken wish to retreat, however, it shoots a jet of black ink 80 feet high and 120 feet long toward its opponents. The ink is poisonous—this is the Kraken’s death touch, as described under “Blood Abilities” in this book—but dissipates in 2-5 rounds, while the Kraken uses its jets to flee.​
Some say the Kraken devours the crews of ships and hauls the shattered vessels to a cavern beneath the Krakenstaur. No wreckage or survivors are ever found after a Kraken attack, but its treasure hoard must be monstrous, if this theory is to be believed."​

Which suggests it reserves its Death Cloud until it receives significant resistance, but is a lot more persistent an attacker than a regular Kraken.

Also, it says its fast healing regrows limbs so quickly losing them doesn't deter it much in combat. That suggests they regrow in a matter of rounds rather than the days of a regular Kraken.

If they each regrow at the same Fast Healing rate as its body, that's 8 rounds for a 40 hp tentacle and 4 rounds for a 20 hp arm. However, The Kraken actually only takes 20 hp from losing a tentacle and 10 hp from an arm, which'd heal in half that time, i.e. 4 rounds or 2 rounds.

I'd make it a random dice roll that maxes out at the top of those ranges. Say, 1d4+4 for tentacles and 1d2+2 for arms?

How about this:

This awnshegh is so enormous it hunts entire ships or Huge creatures like whales. The Kraken rarely pursues man-sized creatures unless they are numerous and/or easy prey or have provoked the creature.​
Despite its intelligence, The Kraken prefers to attack like an animal. Striking with its barbed tentacles and grabbing with its arms, it then crushing opponents in its limbs as they are dragged into its enormous mouth. While it often uses its spell-like abilities to raise a storm or gale before attacking, untutored observers typically mistake this for ordinary bad weather.​
If The Kraken's opponents prove formidable, the monster gets serious and uses its death cloud and horrid wilting attacks. Once it starts fighting, the monster is stubborn and persistent. If it loses an eye, both tentacles or three of its arms might withdraw temporarily, but will return to the fray as soon as its formidable fast healing ability has repaired the damage.​
Opponents can make sunder attempts against The Kraken's tentacles or arms as if they were weapons. The tentacles have 40 hit points, and the arms have 20 hit points. If The Kraken is currently grappling a target with one tentacle or arm, it usually uses another limb to make its attack of opportunity against the sunder attempt. Severing a tentacle or arm deals damage to The Kraken equal to half the limb's full normal hit points. The Kraken's fast healing allows it to regrow a severed tentacle in 1d4+4 rounds and a severed arm in 1d2+2 rounds.​

Actually, that last sentence could do with some tweaks. How about:

Tentacle Tweak #1:
The Kraken's fast healing repairs each limb at the rate of 5 hit points per round and regrows a severed tentacle in 1d4+4 rounds and a severed arm in 1d2+2 rounds.​


Tentacle Tweak #2:
If a sunder attack fails to sever a limb, The Kraken's fast healing immediately repairs the damage, so there's no need to track each limb's individual hit points. The Kraken regrows a severed tentacle in 1d4+4 rounds and a severed arm in 1d2+2 rounds.​

Which do you prefer? I'm leaning towards #2, just 'cause its simpler to keep track off but am fine with #1.

Also, for Inky Doom, I'd think a creature that dies from it should also dissipate at the first wave (or current) since this is an aquatic critter!

Yes, that makes sense, since instead of crumbling to dust like a Mummy's Curse the victims liquefy.

Maybe change:

An afflicted creature who dies of inky doom melts into black slime that evaporates into nothing at the first breeze.​


An afflicted creature who dies of inky doom melts into black slime that washes away into nothing at the first rainfall or water current.

Would that work for you?


Extradimensional Explorer
OK, in order:

The tactics look good. I like strategic use of the death cloud rather than reserving it to escape since it recharges fast enough that The Kraken can possibly use it more than once a fight.

I also like #2 for the tentacles.

And the revision of inky doom is also good.

There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of flavor in the original. You have any ideas? We could play up the "largest creature" bit I guess.


OK, in order:

The tactics look good. I like strategic use of the death cloud rather than reserving it to escape since it recharges fast enough that The Kraken can possibly use it more than once a fight.

I also like #2 for the tentacles.

And the revision of inky doom is also good.

Updating Awnshegh Kraken Working Draft.

There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of flavor in the original. You have any ideas? We could play up the "largest creature" bit I guess.

Well compared to the Mystaran Kraken it's a tiddler, let along something actually BIG like a Draeden.

Perhaps emphasize it's mysterious rumours of extraplanar origin and the cult of islanders that allegedly worships it?

In either case, we need a description.

Should we do anything about a size/weight/languages section(s)?


Extradimensional Explorer
Languages: how about Common and Aquan but chooses not to speak?
Size: it looks like the original says it's 110 ft long, though I'm not sure if the tentacles are included in any way. But we could go with that. Did we discuss the Space entry?
Let's leave off the weight, since it's floating.

You're much better at the descriptions than I am, so I'm happy to see your proposal. ;)
Those ideas for flavor are fine with me!


Languages: how about Common and Aquan but chooses not to speak?

Hmm, I think we should add Abyssal to that list.

So maybe "The Kraken understands Common, Abyssal and Aquan but never speaks."

Size: it looks like the original says it's 110 ft long, though I'm not sure if the tentacles are included in any way. But we could go with that. Did we discuss the Space entry?

I vaguely recall us discussing it, I believe it went something like this:

A regular 3E Kraken has 60-foot long tentacles and a body 30 feet long according to its Monster Manual description. That's a total of 90 feet, which matches an AD&D Kraken's 90+ ft. total length.

The Awnshegh Kraken is given a 110 ft. total length. If we subtract the 60-foot long arms from that we get a body 50 feet long, which matches the Space we gave our conversion.

Let's leave off the weight, since it's floating.

Works for me!

You're much better at the descriptions than I am, so I'm happy to see your proposal. ;)
Those ideas for flavor are fine with me!

Right, I'll have a stab at it.

I'll cadge some features (like the mouth shape) from the illustration in Blood Enemies.

This creature resembles a titanic reddish-pink octopus. Its globular body is crowned by two baleful eyes above a mass of writhing arms from which protrude a pair of elongated tentacles that end in leafshaped claspers. In the midst of its limbs yawns a horrible lamprey like mouth, a vast pit lined with ring upon ring of sharklike triangular teeth.

The Awnshegh known as The Kraken is a truly enormous creature. While it shares many features with normal krakens, it is uncertain whether it is truly related to them. Some sources claim it's an monstrosity from some other plane such as the Abyss, the Elemental Plane of Water, or even the Far Realm. The Kraken is a solitary creature who spends most of its time lurking in the ocean's depth, surfacing occasionally to feed on passing ships and whales. It is exceedingly territorial and always emerges to attack intruders who venture too close to its home.

While the Kraken is extraordinarily intelligent it is not quite as smart as a normal Kraken, and its mind is so alien and vicious that it normal acts as if it were nothing but a bloodthirsty animal. It is so feared by local islanders that some worship it as a god in the hope of propitiating its wrath. However, the Kraken displays no interest in worshipers or slaves. It has no air-filled caverns in its lair like those standard krakens often imprison humanoid servants from the surface in.

The beast's globular body is approximately 50 feet across. Its six shorted arms are about 60 feet long; the remaining two tentacles are 90 feet long. All eight limbs are lined with viciously barbed suckers.

The Kraken understands Common, Abyssal and Aquan but never speaks.


This all looks good! I say paste it in and move to the next one.

Updating Awnshegh Kraken Working Draft.

Do we want an "In Cerilia" subsection with the Birthright locale-specific information about the Kraken?


In Cerilia
This awnshegh of the BIRTHRIGHT Campaign Setting dwells in a region of the Black Ice Bay known as Krakennauricht, a large saltwater bay whose waters are cold the year round. While ice is common at all times of year the bay never freezes over completely. At the center or the Krakennauricht is the Krakenstaur, an island with two mountainous. Apart from these peaks, the rocky island is so flat and shallow that it is covered by the sea when the tides are exceptionally high.

The Kraken is said to dwell in a cavern beneath the Krakenstaur and has never been reported more than a few miles from its shores. Most ships steer well clear of the island out of fear of The Kraken, whose attacks are said to never leave any survivors or even floating wreckage. The Kraken does not always surface whenever someone sails the Krakennauricht and foolhardy souls who have landed on the Krakenstaur have sometimes reported encounters with humans or other humanoids dwelling upon the island, including signs of sacrifice suggesting these islanders worship The Kraken as a god. Other expeditions have landed on the island and found no sign of inhabitants despite thorough searches.

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