Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
Tim nods, "So be it. If he escapes, and I have to go after him again, I shall imprison him in the realm of Death, on that I give my word of honor. Now, my liege, I ask your forgiveness, for we must now leave as quickly as we came. We left things in disarray, I'm afraid, and we must follow the new lead and strike while the iron is hot."

With that, Tim salutes the commander, bows politely, motions for Vincenzo to follow, and turns to leave.
The duo head back down the spiral staircase with Captain Launceleyn close behind them. Commander Mildenhall stays behind to talk with the Custodians abut extra security for the Prison Tower.

Vincenzo exhales slowly in relief at now seeing the enchanted creature in confinement. A small smile of victory curls on his mouth. He looks to Tim and says, "well done."
Tim simply smiles at his friend, and claps him on the shoulder as they turn to leave.
Once outside the tower, the two adventurers can see that the number people gathered around the Iron Gate has quadrupled. While most are ordinary citizens drawn to the area by the activation of the Great Gate Construct, there are dozens of guards that stand firm at the entrance of Regulars Barracks. Most of them seem to be either Regulars or Elites but there are also other guards ringed around the Iron Gate. Vinccenzo notes their gray silk sashes to Tim. They are Palace Guards. They keep the crowds of onlookers away from the open gate.

As the duo and Captain Launceleyn near the Iron Gate, Tin sees Lord Commander Oakfirst talking to the Elites of Riftwatch. He is interrogating them with vigor. Standing next to him is Custodio Vecchi. One of the Elites points towards Tim and Vinccenco, but Tim is sure that the Elite is pointing out the captain walking behind them. Oakfirst turns and glares at Launceleyn. He quickly moves through the crowd to her and the duo.

"Now, before you lose your tem-" Captain Launceleyn tries to say.

"SAVE IT!" Oakfirst barks. "You'll be lucky if The five don't have you swinging by a noose by the end of the week."

"There was a vital reason," the captain says back defiantly.

"The only reason you had was your political ambition," Oakfirst yells back. "I've heard what your reason was and if it is true that this doppelganger they brought you is the Old City Killer, and I do not doubt THEM, you will at the very least have to stand before The Five and face a reckoning. They may not have sentenced to death, but they could take your position away as Second Captain of Riftwatch!"

Captain Launceleyn crosses her arms. "You assume too much, commander. If I was a political as you say, I would not be Second Captain of Riftwatch. I would be First."

"It is widely known you wanted the position and were enraged when you didn't get it," Oakfirst retorts. He looks at Tim and Vinccenzo. "I'm sorry you've been caught up in her... defiance. I will try to make sure The Five know it wasn't your idea to open the Iron Gate. She could have escorted you and your prisoner through Lady Pomander's Estate, if there was that much of a rush. It's not like we haven't done it before with important prisoners."

Custodio had been caught off guard by Oakfirst sudden burst away from the Iron Gate, and it takes a moment for the Elite to catch up. A dozen Elites come with him, and they set up a tight ring around the the Lord Commander and the others.

"I hear you've been busy, Tim," Custodio says to the half-ogre knight. "I wish I could have been there to help."

Oakfirst ignores Custodio's attempt to lighten the mood. "I hear you convinced Commander Mildenhall to put killer in the Prison Tower. I'm assuming that was your idea too. I know that Mildenhall isn't ambitious enough to suggest that but I'm going to have to talk to him about protocol."

"From what they've told me of this Mani, as he calls himself, it is the only place where the doppelganger could be properly secured. He has magical abilities that make him dangerous. Even the strongest cells in the barracks likely wouldn't have held him."

"And you didn't think to mention the special cells that exist in both The Palace and in the Wizard District!" Oakfirst fumes. "Now, be silent! You're digging your hole even deeper!" He moves to Tim and Vinccenzo and shakes both their hands. "Bluffside thanks you for bringing this killer to justice. I'd like to hear all about it, but from from what I understand there are some missing guards at the Gate of Scales and something about a hidden passageway. You can tell us all about it on the way. Custodio, your with us."

"Yes sir."

The Lord Commander looks at Captain Launceleyn impassively. He sighs. "Captain, you are officially relieved of duty until further notice. I expect you to comply and to turn in your sash and tunic. You are confined to your home until The Five decide whether or not they want you to stand and face either them or The Tribunal. Pray it's only the former."

Tim and Vinccenzo can see that the captain's face has shifted from defiance to fear.

"Let's go," Oakfirst says. He leads the way towards the Palace instead of towards the Iron Gate. The Palace Gate, a normal gate, opens for them and closes just as quickly. He leads them to an adjacent gate, which Vinccenzo knows is called the Lady's Gate. It leads into the private estate of Lady Pomander. He leads them to a smaller gate that comes out on the other side of the Iron Gate near Riftwatch. "You might think I'm trying to make a point to her, and you'd be half right. I'm also making a point to the citizens of Old City that even though the Iron Gate stands open, the way is shut to all but The Five." He sighs again. "Now, tell me everything. Don't leave out a single detail. The reports I'm going to have to write after this mess..."

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
As they travel toward the Gate of Scales, Tim tells Commander Oakfirst everything; he emphasizes Mani's ability to work magic, even with his hands tied and mouth gagged.

Tim surmises, "It's almost as if he simply wills the effects into existence, with his thoughts."

Tim also mentions the strange goings-on concerning the guards not being at their posts. Tim suspects either misdirection, bribery, or foul play.

Tim suggests, "Were I you, my liege, I'd summon a priest, post-haste. I hear that it is difficult to lie in the presence of a high priest. No doubt they have some sort of spell that helps them sense the truth."


World of Kulan DM
As they travel toward the Gate of Scales, Tim tells Commander Oakfirst everything; he emphasizes Mani's ability to work magic, even with his hands tied and mouth gagged.

Tim surmises, "It's almost as if he simply wills the effects into existence, with his thoughts."
"You have been busy," Oakfirst replies. "It sounds like he might be some sort of Enchanter. There are ways to cast magic without using the traditional hand gestures and materials. He abilities are something for The Five and the Wizard Council to determine. But, I know Commander Mildenhall well, and he will be very cautious when dealing with the doppelganger." He pauses. "While the Prison Tower is likely where this Mani would have ended up in the end, I wasn't going to indulge Captain Launceleyn's ego."

Tellerian Hawke said:
Tim also mentions the strange goings-on concerning the guards not being at their posts. Tim suspects either misdirection, bribery, or foul play.

Tim suggests, "Were I you, my liege, I'd summon a priest, post-haste. I hear that it is difficult to lie in the presence of a high priest. No doubt they have some sort of spell that helps them sense the truth."
"So, you never found young Aceron. Hmm, let's hope the doppelganger didn't murder him and lied to you about his fate. It doesn't surprise me that Geoffrey Suggitt has disappeared from his post. The young man is troubled and his entire family is a mess. If it wasn't for my high regard for Arcanus Appolyon and his willingness to help try to straighten the man out, I'd have dismissed Suggitt from the Elites years ago. More than likely he is drunk and face down in a bed." He pauses again while passing the closed gate of the Lord Mayor's residence. "Guards being absent from their post at the Gate of Scales is more troubling. Its watch post is key for the security of this ward. For there to be a secret passage leading out of one of its cells is major contravention. It's hard to believe that the Elites stationed there wouldn't have known about it, and if that is the case, that means the corruption in the ranks of the Regulars and Elites goes well beyond what I've suspected."

"I haven't heard of any major escapes happening at Post #30," Custodio says. "It's always had a good reputation among the Elites. A prime assignment with a lot of recognition."

"Yes, that's why we should be worried," Oakfirst replies. He glances at Tim and Vinccenzo. "For it to be abandoned just as you're ambushed by the Rising Swords while transporting the doppelganger to the barracks cannot be a coincidence. And from what you've described, it doesn't seem like we're dealing with foul play. Someone has been paid to look the other way."

"Or were in on it," Custodio adds.

The Gate of Scales comes into view and you can see that Akos, Breva, and Tuck are gathered outside the guard post along with the Regulars guards Mariana and Roland. There are numerous citizens gathered around them asking questions and making requests to speak to an Elite. When the Lord Commander comes into view, the two guards quickly come to attention.

"Commander Oakfirst," Roland says while saluting. "I hadn't expected you to come deal with this situation. Lieutenant Covington and Arcanus Noguera are already inside with Sergeant Astagnory interrogating the prisoners."

"I know," Oakfirst says grimly before heading towards the door to the guard post. "Custodio, stay here with Sir Tymbeck and the Sectarian. I must go deal with Captain Launceleyn's lapdog." He disappears inside and you can hear him order both Herleva and Arcanus Noguera out.

Herleva rushes to stand next to Roland, her eyes wide. "He looks really angry."

The human woman who comes out with her shakes her head in disbelief. "I knew this was going to happen. I hate it when the Second Captain orders me into a mess. Why -- oh why -- doesn't she just reassign me?" The tall woman sighs and shakes her head.

Oakfirst slams the door to the guard post shut but that doesn't stop you from hearing his voice raised in anger at the lone Riftwatch Elite left inside. What is troubling is that Lieutenant Covington yells back him with vigor. The argument goes on for a good ten minutes.

"How does he get away with saying that crap and not lose his position in the Elites?" Roland asks, flabbergasted.

"From what I've heard, he's too valuable to get rid of," Custodio says. "He's one of the best investigators in the Elites." He looks at Tuck. "He's probably better than you at tracking people down. Plus, his family is very well... connected to both the nobility and the citizens of the Undercity."

"I have a feeling he might get reassigned this time," the arcanus notes. "That will make my life easier."

"Don't count on it," Custodio says. "He's a favorite of The Five. Even this mess with the Iron Gate likely won't tarnish him too much. The man is brilliant. The fact he's an arrogant standish doesn't seem to matter. He's not a bad man, just hard to work with."

"You will follow my orders, Akia, or I will have you reassigned to the Bluffside Mountain Rangers!" Commander Oakfirst yells from inside the post. The silence that follows is deafening.

The crowd around the guard post thins out even more. Soon there are only a handful of onlookers left. Most of them are dumbstruck by the Lord Commander's vitriol towards such a highly respected member of the Elites.

"People, don't just stand there gawking, go home!" Roland orders.

Soon only Lord Reddish and another man is left standing around your group and the Regulars. Tim notes that the other man doesn't look like a servant or even a local. He looks like he could have some goblin blood in him.

The Lord Commander comes out of the guard post with a middle-aged man who seems like he'd be more at home on the streets stealing coin purses. His ruddy hair is slicked back (almost greasy), and he has a scruffy face and appearance. While he wears the uniform and sash of a Elite, it doesn't look like he takes very good care of his clothing. His boots and his weapons, however, are immaculate.

"Arcanus Noguera, you are to remain here and help figure out what in the Nine Hells has gone on here at Post #30. Custodio will have oversight while you are working alongside this group of heroes. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir."

"I still say you're making a m-," Lieutenant Covington says in a weaselly voice. The man's voice oozes with spite and arrogance.

"One more word out you, and that reassignment begins now," Oakfirst growls.

The man says no more.

"Sir Valencia, Sir Sciarra, Loremaster Akos, Mr. Tuck, Sectarian d'Lucio," Oakfirst says. "I see you've met Arcanus Castellana Noguera. She is a diviner, so you should find her useful in finding out what has happened here. I looked at the hole in the floor -- it should not be there! -- and the passageway underneath, and I looked over your prisoners. They seem secure enough, but I will send a full detachment of Elites that I personally trust to take them into custody for transport to the barracks." He shakes his head. "It's too bad about Odhran. While I didn't know him personally, I'd heard good things about him in my reports. He was likely on his way to becoming an Elite some day. Tragic."

"Sir, I'll let you know what we find," Custodio says.

"Yes, regular reports this time, Vecchi. No slacking off the paperwork... to me or to Sir Silvon."

"Yes sir."

Oakfirst pulls a pouch off his belt and tosses it to Tuck. "A stipend from Lady Pomander for all your good work so far. While you haven't brought the Renegade to justice yet, bringing in the Old City Killer is a boon for Bluffside. I'm quite impressed. But, don't get too distracted from your mission. Del Cannitha is the prize we really want."

The Lord Commander looks around. "Where did Master Relgar go? Did the Wizard Council call him back?"

It is at this point that it dawns on Tim and the others that Relgar hasn't been with them for some time. The group has this sense that he is fine, but he has gone his own way and hasn't been part of the team for some time. It's strange. It's almost like he faded into the background.

"And who is this?" Oakfirst motions to Falen. "Someone new working with you?" He moves to shake the half-hobgoblin's hand. "Or are you just a newcomer to our fine city? I hope these recent troubles won't put you off staying in Bluffside?" Oakfirst doesn't balk at Falen's heritage. The man has likely seen all sorts of people in his time as the head Bluffside's guards. "I am Lord Commander Reginald Oakfirst. Your name, sir?"

OOC: The pouch contains 500 platinum pieces. The pouch is a bag of holding.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tim notices Falen, and just on a hunch, estimates that he is no mere, random newcomer.

Tim bows politely, "Nice to make your acquaintance; I am Sir Tymbeck Valencia, but you may call me Tim."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Akos nods to Sir Oakhurst as he enters

While the shouting match goes on he focuses his attention on dispersing the crowd. As Oakhurst comes out he answers as he can
"This good man...such as he is...just asked to speak with you. The Fates brought you here just in time so this may be a sign he is about to join us."
"As for master Relgar, after we fought in one of the taverns with renegades followers, he excused himself saying it is too different from his quiet research life or some such. Really, we were in too much hurry to find the rest of the team. But he didn't just disappear."

Aust Thale

All of this chaos has Falen mildly confused. The nobleman, Roland, these Tymbeck and Akos fellows...something tells Falen that he would do well to pay attention. Perhaps they might assist him. However, Bluffside appears to be falling apart. Assassinations, blackmail, and surreptitious messages are one thing; they are the sharper edges of diplomacy and coercion, something he had some experience observing. Open insurrection, anarchy, and running skirmishes in a crowded city were something else. Mercenaries accosting guests (him); these competing factions abandoning the pretense of order: these were the trappings of war. He had heard that Bluffside had become volatile. He was both curious and anxious about the point of it. Power grabs tended to be blunt instruments whereas spycraft was almost surgical. To be effective, however, both had to have a point. This was wholly lost on him. Except...the trembling ground...and the mention of the Iron Gate...he knew a little about that legend, something he read perhaps? Or heard about...
Dice Room: knightfall_falen


Breva watches all the posturing with interest and turns inward considering. I really must learn more about the various factions in this city before I get myself into a bigger mess. There is more going on here than I had any idea about.

His reverie is broken as Sir Oakhurst exits the building. He breaths a sigh of relief as Akos speaks. He merely nods at Sir Oakhurst as he departs and then turns his attention to Falen who seems perhaps almost as lost as he. The other newcomer this 'Vinny' seems to be more associated with the establishment here. Perhaps a good source of the information I need? But there is a bit of an unsavory look about the fellow...

He realizes he is probably staring. And so he moves to introduce himself. "Breva Sciarra, Paladin of the Purifier at your service." He says with a bow.


World of Kulan DM
Akos nods to Sir Oakfirst as he enters

While the shouting match goes on he focuses his attention on dispersing the crowd.
Breva watches all the posturing with interest and turns inward considering. I really must learn more about the various factions in this city before I get myself into a bigger mess. There is more going on here than I had any idea about.
Breva watches as Akos works to help Roland clear out the onlookers.

As he muses, Breva tries to focus on what he does know. The crisis with Mani seems to be over but there could be political repercussions that hopefully won't fall on him or his new allies. There is Phelix Del Cannitha and his Loyalists. The renegade sorcerer seems to be pulling string from his planar hideout. Breva feels that it would be next to impossible for Phelix to send the Rising Swords after them and the doppelganger without help from someone in the city. At the very least, Breva is sure that the arcanist is responsible for the missing guards. He probably bribed them or had his ally, the one Mani had mentioned, bribe them for Phelix. Breva tries to recall the person's name but does remember that a shop near the Gardens is acting a front for a guild of thieves. Of course, that assumes the doppelganger can be trusted. If so, that means that Phelix has two doppelgangers in his employ.

As Oakfirst comes out he answers as he can
"This good man...such as he is...just asked to speak with you. The Fates brought you here just in time so this may be a sign he is about to join us."
"As for master Relgar, after we fought in one of the taverns with renegades followers, he excused himself saying it is too different from his quiet research life or some such. Really, we were in too much hurry to find the rest of the team. But he didn't just disappear."
Scotley said:
His reverie is broken as Sir Oakfirst exits the building. He breaths a sigh of relief as Akos speaks. He merely nods at Sir Oakfirst as he departs and then turns his attention to Falen who seems perhaps almost as lost as he. The other newcomer this 'Vinny' seems to be more associated with the establishment here. Perhaps a good source of the information I need? But there is a bit of an unsavory look about the fellow...
"Oh, he does, does he?" Oakfirst replies to Akos. He raises an eyebrow and looks Falen over again. "He seems to be lost in thought right now." He smiles. "As for Relgar, if he felt he had to go his own way, it's not for me to say. He'll likely have to deal with the Wizard Council, but I'll let Lady Pomander know he's gone back to his home in the Wizard District." He shrugs. "She probably won't mind. We both noted that his heart didn't seem to be into all this sorcerer hunting."

Tim notices Falen, and just on a hunch, estimates that he is no mere, random newcomer.

Tim bows politely, "Nice to make your acquaintance; I am Sir Tymbeck Valencia, but you may call me Tim."
"Vinccenzo d'Lucio, at your service, sir." this human is armed and armored, but wears what seems to be a uniform, looking much like Arcanus Noguera, you can call me "Vinny."
Scotley said:
He realizes he is probably staring. And so he moves to introduce himself. "Breva Sciarra, Paladin of the Purifier at your service." He says with a bow.
All of this chaos has Falen mildly confused. The nobleman, Roland, these Tymbeck and Akos fellows...something tells Falen that he would do well to pay attention. Perhaps they might assist him. However, Bluffside appears to be falling apart. Assassinations, blackmail, and surreptitious messages are one thing; they are the sharper edges of diplomacy and coercion, something he had some experience observing. Open insurrection, anarchy, and running skirmishes in a crowded city were something else. Mercenaries accosting guests (him); these competing factions abandoning the pretense of order: these were the trappings of war. He had heard that Bluffside had become volatile. He was both curious and anxious about the point of it. Power grabs tended to be blunt instruments whereas spycraft was almost surgical. To be effective, however, both had to have a point. This was wholly lost on him. Except...the trembling ground...and the mention of the Iron Gate...he knew a little about that legend, something he read perhaps? Or heard about...
Falen is indeed lost in his own thoughts. The Iron Gate has been opened. If Lord Max had been standing here next to him when it happened, his mentor would be both giddy with excitement and very, very worried about the Fate of Bluffside. From what he heard Lord Oakfirst shout at the lieutenant, it wasn't one of The Five of who ordered from the Great Gate Construct to be activated and the gate to be opened. Could one of the other Lord Commanders being planning a coup on the sly while this renegade is on the loose? Falen had seen dozens of broadsides with the man's face and name on it as he traveled from the embassy to here, the Gate of Scales. Lord Max knew most of Old City's gates by name and studied most of them, casually, in his research into the district and the Iron Gate, in particular.

He glances at Sir Oakfirst and the other men and woman gathered around him. Sir Tymbeck is large man who towers over everyone. He is obviously more than human, but Falen isn't sure what his other half is. There is the man who calls himself Vinny. He looks like he might be another guard, but he doesn't look like he's a member of the Regulars. There is the Paladin of the Purifier, Breva Sciarra. For a paladin to be involved in the hunt for this Phelix person means that the renegade must be very dangerous... or very evil. There is the man who came alongside the Lord Commander and behaves like he knows Akos and the others.

A big dog comes up to Falen and sits down right in from of the half-hobgoblin. He looks happily at the seer and wags his tail. He seems to be waiting for Falen to pet him. A kobold walks up to the large canine and pats him on the head. The dog pants and wags his tail more as the kobold scratches the dog's ear.

Besides the guard Roland, there is a female halfling who Roland seems to defer to, as well as the woman who took one of the bodies into the guard post. Falen didn't catch her name or the name of the other guards who helped with the fallen... brigands. Falen thinks he hears someone mention "Rising Swords" and he's heard of them. They are a bunch of nasty mercenary types who are plague. The Rising Swords are banned from entering most of the good-hearted city-states and kingdoms of Kanpur's Northwest, although sometimes coins speak louder than deeds. No one seems to be saying anything about The Dusk, which doesn't surprise Falen.

Falen notes that the noble who was so irate a moment ago is still hanging around. His curiosity seems to be keeping him from rushing off, or maybe it is the fate of his shop and his employees cat that is keeping him nearby. He keeps motioning for the Lord Commander to speak wit him but Sir Oakfirst keeps waving the man away.

Finally, Roland has to pull the noble aside. He orders him to go wait in a nearby tavern called The Round Axe. "I will come see you shortly and handle this matter, personally. The Lord Commander is too busy right now."

The man glumly agrees and head off through the gate and out of sight. Roland begins chatting with the halfling woman. he calls her Herleva and she motions for him to check on the prisoners first before heading off to help the noble. He heads into the guard post while she orders the other human guards "to get to work putting the guard post back in order."

By the time Falen has circled back to Sir Oakfirst, the head of the Bluffside Regulars is once gain looking at him. The look on his face says that he is waiting for Falen to either speak to him or leave.

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