Phar smiles at his companion. It is good to see you smile my friend. We feared for you. Phar takes a moment to share what news he has. He speaks diplomatically, not wanted to distress his still viably ill friend with the sadder parts of his tale.
"Thanks Phar, and it sounds like you have to go back to that rock without me," Lorien sighs. "You can't wait. Aeron tells me that it will take a day to get to the fort, and I'll like be there for a few days."
"We not wait," Aureus replies. "But, we see you when we return here. Right?"
"I hope so," Lorien says with a smile. He pauses to think for a moment. "Personally, I don't think Hornauer had anything to do with Lord Ebal's death. You should try to talk to him without Sir Ghal around, if possible."
Lorien lays back, obviously tired.
"You rest, elf-friend," Aureus says.
He nods. "Good luck."
You all say your goodbyes before heading back down into the commonroom where Rosie has filled a pack with good food. Caerth notices that Aeron is absent.
Caerth remains quiet as the others speak their mind about the matter. The half-orc is somewhat confused; he thought that agreements and laws were the way of civilisation and none should break them, but here these folk say that in certain cases it is alright to break promises!
As for the natural world, it has a way of dealing with infections. Either the infection is contained to a relatively small group, or it grows too large and is eventually starved or eradicated by natural predators. In neither case does the druid see why he should interfere.
On the other hand... For maybe the first time in his life, Caerth feels comfortable with other people. Odd as they may be, these companions accept him and seem to value his presence. Of course, Aeron has also accepted the half-orc, but there has always been a difference in power and standing between them. There is no such difference between Caerth and Aureus, Phar, Quinn and Lorien.
In the end, Caerth decides not to argue further. He will join his companions, but he is not sure he will fight Hornauer if it comes to that. Perhaps it was the brief encounter with the sentient sword, but he is determined to follow his conscience from now on.
Quinn stands stoically during the conversation, but there is just a bit of confusion in his heart. sending one away that was promised to be allowed to stay is not quite the right thing, but if that is what the lord of the land wants, he will comply.
Sir Gareth wishes you well and says, "I wish I could go with you."
Several other citizens of Carnell, including the dwarven blacksmith Bronzethegn and the retired warrior Timmins, are waiting outside the inn to wish you good luck. The people have taken a shine to you all since you returned with Lord Pendour's body. The guard named Wieland is there too.
"Sir Ghal has asked me to perform his duties while he's gone with you," the guard says with a bit of pride. "He's waiting for you by the dock. Try to take that blasted wererat by surprise."
You have a bit of time to gather your thoughts and anything you'll need before heading down to the dock. Once you're ready, a few of the local children walk down the path with you to the old dock, which has been cleaned up, a lot. It seems Quinten Mohren is doing his dead uncle, Yorick, proud. He's busy preparing the launches while Sir Ghal speaks with Aeron. Three aged, veteran guards stand ready to board the launches.
"You here," Sir Ghal says. "Good. Aeron asked me to give you more time to decide, but I was just about to cast off. How is your friend?
"Better but tired," Aureus says.
"I should go check on him and Raius," Aeron replies. "Good luck to you all." He stops to give Caerth an encouraging pat on the arm. "Be safe."
He waits for Caerth typical response in these situations before heading back up to Carnell. He makes the children go with him.
"I've cleaned the boats," Quinten notes. "Try not to let them get soaked in blood and guts again, okay?"
"We will do our best," Sir Ghal replies. "But no promises." He heads to the lead launch and takes a position in the bow looking out towards Gurnard's Head. The day is crystal clear and you can see the high-point of the tower in the distance. Two of his guards step into the boat with him and take up the oars while the third steps into the other launch and takes one of the oars. The guard motions for Quinn to help him row and the rest of you to get in to one of the boats.
Aureus deftly steps into the second launch and shakes the man's hand before sitting in the bow with her back towards the other boat. Quinten unties the ropes Sir Ghal gives the order to start rowing for the rocky islet and the two launches begin to move away from the dock. With the good weather and strong rowers, it doesn't take any longer to reach Gurnard's Head than normal. You see no sign of rooks winging over the tower. The tides is low enough to allow for entry into the grotto. The sea has washed away much of the smell of the baby scrags you killed here, and the body that once laid near the stairs is now gone, as any signs of the sea goblins you fought.
Sir Ghal turns to Caerth. "So, where do we go to find this wererat?"