Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]

Race: Silver-Grey Elf Paragon
HP: 58/58
23; FF:19 T:16
X Mage Hand; Open/Close; XXDetect Magi;❏❏Electric Jolt;❏❏Prestidigitation
Fort:+4 (+2)
Will: +8 (+2)
Refl: +8 (+2)
Initiative: +4
Melee: +6/+1
Temp: +1
1st [7+1](DC20) ❏Familiar Pocket ❏Feather Fall; [][X]*Magic Missile; [X] Protection from Evil; [] Slide []Feather fall
2nd[6+1](D21) ❏Cat's Grace (DC:21)[X]Glitterdust [X][X] [] *Scorching Ray ❏Web; []Luminous Swarm
3rd[6+1](DC22)❏Dispel Magic ❏*Fireball X Fly; [ ] [X ]Haste; ❏*Lightning Bolt [X] Summon Monster III
DEX: 18 + 4 (22)
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 28+9
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:12 +1
XP: 66500/66000
(DC23)4th [5+1❏❏*Fire Shield ❏*Ice Storm [] [] polymorph []Summon Monster IV
5th(4+1) (DC24) [X] [X]Dismissal ; []Wall of FIre; []Break Enchantment; [X] Wall of Force
6th (2+1)[DC25] []Disintegrate; []*Wall of Force; [X]Cacophonic Burst

"Two Auras: the one on the floor is very powerful while the one on that bookshelf, he points to the offending bookshelf, "Glows of moderate magic. Let me focus on them closer..."


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"Just for the record, Phar, when I said I'm resistant to elements, I meant normal ones, fire, cold, acid, don't do great booms with me in the room please."
Litrix looks over the pairs shoulder, waiting to see if anything jumps out at them.

OOC: caster aura active

Race: Silver-Grey Elf Paragon
HP: 58/58
23; FF:19 T:16
X Mage Hand; Open/Close; XXDetect Magi;❏❏Electric Jolt;❏❏Prestidigitation
Fort:+4 (+2)
Will: +8 (+2)
Refl: +8 (+2)
Initiative: +4
Melee: +6/+1
Temp: +1
1st [7+1](DC20) ❏Familiar Pocket ❏Feather Fall; [][X]*Magic Missile; [X] Protection from Evil; [] Slide []Feather fall
2nd[6+1](D21) ❏Cat's Grace (DC:21)[X]Glitterdust [X][X] [] *Scorching Ray ❏Web; []Luminous Swarm
3rd[6+1](DC22)❏Dispel Magic ❏*Fireball X Fly; [ ] [X ]Haste; ❏*Lightning Bolt [X] Summon Monster III
DEX: 18 + 4 (22)
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 28+9
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:12 +1
XP: 66500/66000
(DC23)4th [5+1❏❏*Fire Shield ❏*Ice Storm [] [] polymorph []Summon Monster IV
5th(4+1) (DC24) [X] [X]Dismissal ; []Wall of FIre; []Break Enchantment; [X] Wall of Force
6th (2+1)[DC25] []Disintegrate; []*Wall of Force; [X]Cacophonic Burst


Detect magic 3 rounds left


second birthdate : 15 Dec 2011
Aureus stops Phar at the doorway. "I need to check for traps, but if you can tell me if there is magic in there, it will make it easier for me."

She moves back from the doorway to allow Phar a better view of the room. She steps into the other room across the corridor and begins searching the room for traps or hidden treasure.

Standing at the doorway, Phar checks for any active auras in the room. There are two that he can see. There is one that covers the entire floor of the room and another emanating from the book-filled bookcase. The aura on the floor is quite strong while the aura on the bookcase is only moderate in power.

While Phar concentrates on the auras, Aureus finds an old pouch filled with coins stuffed under the mattress of the old bed. The pouch doesn't appear to be centuries old. It looks like it was placed under the mattress more recently. "Curious."

Aureus - Search check (for traps & treasure): 1D20+10 = [15]+10 = 25

(there are no traps)

Old Pouch: Contents of pouch (1 or 4 gold 2 potions

After Quinn joins Maur near the grate, the two of them try to lift it in unison. The gladiator-knight fails to notice that he is partially standing on the grate and he and dwarf champion try to pull the grate up from the floor.

Caerth clears his throat behind the two of them. As the they look back, Caerth points to Quinn's foot on the grate. Quinn moves his foot out of the way and they try again. The metal creaks but the old sandstone floor holds the grate firmly in place. It was built to last, it seems.

Quinn grins blushes as he nonchalantly moves his foot off of the grate then coughs nervously

"Well we are in a desert, so rain in the near future is highly unlikely " He says, nodding in agreement. His face is still a little red, either from the effort of lifting the grate , or is it some lingering blushing?
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World of Kulan DM
"Two Auras: the one on the floor is very powerful while the one on that bookshelf, he points to the offending bookshelf, "Glows of moderate magic. Let me focus on them closer..."
Phar concentrates and focuses on the two auras in the room. The first one that covers the floor is an extremely powerful evocation aura that seems to be concentrated on ever tile of the floor. It is obviously some sort of magical trap that will go off if anyone enters the room. However, there is something quite unusual about how it might function. Phar senses that the trap might not be confined to the room, but he can't see any auras in the corridor. Could it be both magical and mechanical?

It makes him quite nervous.

"Just for the record, Phar, when I said I'm resistant to elements, I meant normal ones, fire, cold, acid, don't do great booms with me in the room please."
Litrix looks over the pairs shoulder, waiting to see if anything jumps out at them.
The second aura on the bookshelf is not as powerful, but Phar senses that it could also be a dangerous trap of some kind. It is an abjuration aura. Phar isn't sure if entering the room will set it off. More than likely it is tied directly to the bookcase.

"What's the verdict?" Aureus asks Phar. She notes that Phar keeps checking the corridor around them. "Wait! Did I miss something?"

The hutaakan freezes in place behind Phar. She glances towards Litrix who has moved beside her. She motions for him and the others to stop moving.

Quinn grins blushes as he nonchalantly moves his foot off of the grate then coughs nervously

"Well we are in a desert, so rain in the near future is highly unlikely." He says, nodding in agreement. His face is still a little red, either from the effort of lifting the grate, or is it some lingering blushing?
"Quinn, stay where you are. Don't move," Aureus says to the gladiator-knight. She taps Phar on the back gently. "Tell me... how bad is it?"

Aureus begins scanning the corridor for anything she might have missed. She bends down to carefully inspect the floor tile below her feet. She sweeps away debris and sand blown in from the desert. She also inspects the sandstone tiles under Phar's feet without forcing him to move. She tries in vain to figure out what has Phar so concerned, but there isn't any sign of the floor that she can see. She inspects the walls as well.

"I- I don't see anything," she says to Phar. "I think you're safe to switch places with me." She scratches her chin and looks at Quinn and Maur standing next to her and Phar.

Down at the southern end of the corridor, Angus has come up against the table wedged into the doorway leading into the corridor. He won't be able to climb over it, but he should be able to move it out of the way. But, with Aureus' warning, he's not sure if he should touch it. The others did climb over it.

Caerth looks down the corridor. He's certain one of the larger spiders came through here. It left its scent, although it is only faint. He doesn't hear the vermin scuttling. It has likely fled out of the ruins, or perhaps there is another sinkhole. "Well, we can't all stand here and do nothing." He turns back to note that everyone besides Angus is now bunched together near the trapped room. "And, I don't think we should all be standing here together if something does happen. Best to spread... or, at least, go back that way and hope Aureus and Phar can handle these traps."

The half-orc druid considers stepping off the grate back the way he came, but, instead, he holds his ground with The Hermit's staff at the ready. He keeps one eye on the corridor ahead of the group and one eye on Phar to see what the paragon elf says.


Race: Silver-Grey Elf Paragon
HP: 58/58
23; FF:19 T:16
X Mage Hand; Open/Close; XXDetect Magi;❏❏Electric Jolt;❏❏Prestidigitation
Fort:+4 (+2)
Will: +8 (+2)
Refl: +8 (+2)
Initiative: +4
Melee: +6/+1
Temp: +1
1st [7+1](DC20) ❏Familiar Pocket ❏Feather Fall; [][X]*Magic Missile; [X] Protection from Evil; [] Slide []Feather fall
2nd[6+1](D21) ❏Cat's Grace (DC:21)[X]Glitterdust [X][X] [] *Scorching Ray ❏Web; []Luminous Swarm
3rd[6+1](DC22)❏Dispel Magic ❏*Fireball X Fly; [ ] [X ]Haste; ❏*Lightning Bolt [X] Summon Monster III
DEX: 18 + 4 (22)
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 28+9
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:12 +1
XP: 66500/66000
(DC23)4th [5+1❏❏*Fire Shield ❏*Ice Storm [] [] polymorph []Summon Monster IV
5th(4+1) (DC24) [X] [X]Dismissal ; []Wall of FIre; []Break Enchantment; [X] Wall of Force
6th (2+1)[DC25] []Disintegrate; []*Wall of Force; [X]Cacophonic Burst

"An interesting dilemma. My biggest concern is that we may destroy valuable information in the library. But, I am also concerned of our well-being and safety. Perhaps there is a way to trigger the trap without producing any harm to both ourselves and the books.

Firstly, I will put a wall between us and the library, leaving only a small area from which I can cast dispel magic. I should be able to target both auras within the room. Once the auras are eliminated, if I can accomplish such a task, we will withdraw from this location. If the trap is triggered, hopefully the wall of force will protect us from whatever devious device is here. If, at that point, we still have not triggered the trap, we can leave it to Aureas to trigger it.

Aureus, what do you feel is the best placement of a protective wall? Also, it would be prudent to be sure we have the reflexes to avoid danger."

Spells in order of casting:
1. Cat's Grace from my wand on every PC within range
2. Cast Force Wall in a position that will protect us - using Aureus' advice and technical skills. I need only a small hole/crack to target dispel magic.
3. Cast area Dispel magic in the to hit both auras. Since Dispel Magic is a burst, I'd like to position the wall in such a way to protect the bookshelf from the room. Dispel magic should wrap around the edge of the wall and still hit the book shelf. I'll post an image soon.

Detect magic 3 rounds left


World of Kulan DM
"What if the trap only allows certain people through?"
"That's a good thought," Aureus agrees. "Likely, if the Boots were still here, alive, they'd be able to enter without any problems. Hmm, I wonder..."

She seems lost in thought as Phar begins to speak.

"An interesting dilemma. My biggest concern is that we may destroy valuable information in the library. But, I am also concerned of our well-being and safety. Perhaps there is a way to trigger the trap without producing any harm to both ourselves and the books.

Firstly, I will put a wall between us and the library, leaving only a small area from which I can cast dispel magic. I should be able to target both auras within the room. Once the auras are eliminated, if I can accomplish such a task, we will withdraw from this location. If the trap is triggered, hopefully the wall of force will protect us from whatever devious device is here. If, at that point, we still have not triggered the trap, we can leave it to Aureas to trigger it.

Aureus, what do you feel is the best placement of a protective wall? Also, it would be prudent to be sure we have the reflexes to avoid danger."
Aureus has only been half listening to her oldest friend on this world. She is standing next to Phar by the doorway leading into the library. There is still so much about the Boots to be learned and her knowledge of this world's history is very limited. Still, if she can study these magic traps in more detail, then she might be able to determine how to bypass them. But, she'd have to get closer... a lot closer. She wracks her brain to try to come up with the answer. She'll have to study the auras herself.

Just as she is about to cast detect magic, she notices that the others are staring at other. "What?"

"Phar asked you a question, my dear," Qi says out loud for all to hear. "Where should a wall of force go to protect you all, and that shelf of books?"

Aureus looks at Phar. "I don't know if that's such a good idea. Well, I'm not sure. Give me a moment."

She incants a prayer to her god to summon the magic required for her own detect magic spell. It won't last long, but she might be able to glean something. The auras come into view and she concentrates on the two auras that she can see. She starts with the aura on the floor. It seems to cover the entire floor, but there is something very odd about it. The aura glows on the sandstone floor, which Aureus notices is free of the loose sand covering the floor everywhere else.

"This is interesting," Aureus picks up some sand at her feet while pointing to unblemished floor of the library. "There might be some sort of cantrip set into the room that keeps the dust out. Useful. But, I don't see an aura for it." She is tempted to sprinkle some of the dust just inside the room but decides against it. "I think if you put up a wall spell, it will set off the floor trap."

"Perhaps a magical servant keeps the room clean," Caerth suggests as he studies the grate with Maur.

Aureus keeps her focus on the room. She takes out her thieves tools and pulls out a small crystal that allows her to look at locks more closely. She focuses on the aura on the book shelf. Her eyes go wide. "Whoa! That's a really strong aura! Stronger than the one on the floor! We do not want to set that off!"

She looks at Phar. "An abjuration aura, right? It's not focused on one of the books. It's on the entire shelf. If anyone touches it... they'll get blasted by some sort of ward."

"So, what do you think?" Qi asks.

"I say close and lock the door, for now," Aureus replies. "This has been sealed away undisturbed for centuries. It won't hurt for it to remain locked away for a few more days." She looks at Phar. "I don't think the trap on the shelf will damage the books. But the one on the floor. It's evocation. It probably will."

"Let's come back to it," Caerth agrees. "Phar, I can look through Stratesus' journal later. There might be a clue to how to get into the room safely. Let's see what else there is to find, then rest and decide later." He pauses. "Getting Brutus' ring back from Eike should come first."

Aureus puts her hand on the door to close it but waits for Phar's answer and for what everyone else thinks.

OOC: Aureus' Spellcraft checks: 1D20+6 = [13]+6 = 19 (success); 1D20+6 = [20]+6 = 26 (critical success; 26 +10 = 36)
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Voidrunner's Codex

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