Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]

Race: Silver-Grey Elf Paragon
HP: 58/58
23; FF:19 T:16
[]Mage Hand; [x] [X] Summarize ; [] [X] [] Detect Magic [] Recent Occupant; [X] [] Shade
Fort:+4 (+2)
Will: +8 (+2)
Refl: +8 (+2)
Initiative: +4
Melee: +6/+1
Temp: +1
1st [7+1](DC20) ❏Familiar Pocket; [][]*Magic Missile; [] [] Protection from Evil; [] Light of Ludania []Feather fall [] Enlarge Person
2nd[6+1](D21) [] [] Glitterdust [] [] Scorching Ray [] []Luminous Swarm [] Protection From Evil
3rd[6+1](DC22) ❏*Fireball [] [] Fly; [ ] []Haste; [] Dispel Magic [] Dispel Magic
DEX: 18 + 4 (22)
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 28+9
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:12 +1
XP: 70,800/78,000
4th [5+1] (DC 23) []Wall of FIre [] polymorph [] []Summon Monster IV []Haste [] Cacophonic Burst
5th(4+1) (DC24) [] []Dismissal ; [] Wall of Force; []Break Enchantment; []Cacophonic Burst
6th (2+1)[DC25] [] [] Disintegrate; []Cacophonic Burst
[ooc assuming someone casts resist elements on Phar]

Phar is feeling comfortable in the heat as he looks at the path. The books he's read have given him a good idea of the direction to go.

"If we go this way, the path will be easier to travel - and much faster."

Looking at Maur's horse - and his own, sweating in the sun, Phar decides to provide some well-deserved shade.

"It's not much but, when we rest, the horses can gather around me."
28 Knowledge local to find a good path

Casting Shade during the hottest 5 hours of the day.

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Litrix due his draconic heritage is not bothered by the elements. But, much as the rest of the companions, his horse isn't protected. He tries to keep his shield over the head and eyes of the beast, but it is hard work, holding heavy shield in that position. Still, he works at it, protecting the beast as he can.

When Phar creates the shade, he thankfully nods and folds the shield back to its most common configuration.


World of Kulan DM
OOC: Caerth cast resist elements on himself, Phar, and Aureus. @Neurotic, who got Maur's second resist elements spell? Quinn?

Maur doesn't really feel the oppressive heat due to spell protecting him. But his horse, carrying a lump of metal, combined with heat and soft ground suffers. Both trudge silently, leaving those better suited to this terrain to lead them.
Litrix due his draconic heritage is not bothered by the elements. But, much as the rest of the companions, his horse isn't protected. He tries to keep his shield over the head and eyes of the beast, but it is hard work, holding heavy shield in that position. Still, he works at it, protecting the beast as he can.
The horses manage to find some comfort under the shade of some of the taller cacti in the valley, but in most places, the plants are not 10 feet tall. They labour through the heat and take whatever help you can give. Aureus shade her water with her horse, Lady. But, only as much as she can spare.

The waterhole in the copse was good for the animals and allowed you all to refill your waterskins. The water tastes slightly silty but is clean.

At the geyser, Aureus glances towards the sky while shielding her eyes. There isn't a cloud to be seen. She pats Lady on the neck to comfort the animal.

[ooc assuming someone casts resist elements on Phar]

Phar is feeling comfortable in the heat as he looks at the path. The books he's read have given him a good idea of the direction to go.

"If we go this way, the path will be easier to travel - and much faster."

Looking at Maur's horse - and his own, sweating in the sun, Phar decides to provide some well-deserved shade.

"It's not much but, when we rest, the horses can gather around me."
moving quickly back into the protection of the cacti forest, you find the path noted in the book Phar is using. It is well used. Even in modern times. You find several old camps along the trail, which leads to the edge of the cacti forest near the rim of the valley. The trail passes through an are of open scrub that isn't even a mile wide. Several low hills sit south of the scrub. The path from the book moves back into the cacti forest. It ends near an outcropping of hills that jut into the forest. The ridge above is steep to climb but, it does offer shade from the sun.

Caerth looks towards the hills. "The journal notes that there is a deep gully just within the hills. It should be filled with vegetation and a small oasis of water. It might be the best place to rest the horses." The half-orc druid looks at the parched ground around them. "It would be better than here. But, I can create more water for us and the horses. Twice today."

Aureus nods. "Anything is better than here. These cacti look half-dead."

You push on into the hills. The gully lies a bit south of the outcropping. You find it is filled with lush cacti and desert-willows and a shallow oasis filled with clean water. It looks like the oasis is normally much larger. The surrounding hills block out part of the sun but not much of the heat. The horses are soon drinking as much water as they can guzzle.

MetaVoid said:
When Phar creates the shade, he thankfully nods and folds the shield back to its most common configuration.
Caerth says a prayer to the spirits of the oasis, and soon gallons of water pour from above like rain. you prepare whatever you can to capture as much of the water as possible, but most of it spills into the oasis until it is bursting. The water cools off the horses. The smell of the clean fresh water draws the attention of many animals, birds, and insects including a small herd of antelope. The herd stick to the other side of the oasis and if you move toward them at all, they bolt back into the hills.

"We should rest here for a while," Caerth suggests. "Wait for the sun to touch the horizon before traveling more. The horses need a break."

How much farther until we reach this cross place.

"Ralix's Cross," Caerth says while flipping through The Hermit's journal. "It says here that it is less than a mile from here. The original cross was once a natural formation that looked like an 'X'. It was massive. The Boots destroyed it during there time, but the local tribes refused to give up what they believe is a sacred site to punish foes and traitors."

"It sounds like we shouldn't go there," Aureus says.

"Perhaps, it is along the way, but shouldn't be to hard to avoid. The hills are mainly barren with few places to find water or shade. Well, that's what it says here, and it was a long time ago."

Caerth looks at a small foldout map that was hand-drawn and glued into the journal. "From here, it is less than 2 miles to the barrier. After that, we will be in the pocket plane." He reads a short passage silently and then re-reads it out loud:

"The magical barrier did not block our path to into the spawning grounds of She-Who-Offers-Sorrow. Yet, once beyond it, the land changed completely. Darkness shrouded everything. While the sun was visible in the sky, it was only a pinprick. At night, you could not see the stars. But, the moon is large, and bright, and ominous.
The bones of dead animals can be found in the gloom. At first, there were only a few scattered remains, half eaten. But, once we passed from the barren hills into the greyness of the Wicked Heart, the bones soon become scattered fields. Mass offerings of sacrifices both animal and humanoid. At night, some of these restless bones rose as undead. Be wary, traveller, in Angrboda's Gloom."

"Sounds dreadful," Cruel Justice says out loud and with a bit of zeal. "Many foes to be put down, Sir Quinn. You all must be prepared to face death in such a place!"

"And know when to run away," Qi adds.

"NEVER!" Cruel Justice retorts.

Qi makes a sound similar to sighing. "Why don't you go back to being silent. It isn't up to you. Or to me. We guide, we do not force."

Quinn listens telepathically as Cruel Justice fumes to itself.

"Qi has a point," Aureus says. "I know we want to honour Lady Pendour's wishes, but if the danger becomes too much, we retreat, right?"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Caerth cast resist elements on himself, Phar, and Aureus. @Neurotic, who got Maur's second resist elements spell? Quinn?

The horses manage to find some comfort under the shade of some of the taller cacti in the valley, but in most places, the plants are not 10 feet tall. They labour through the heat and take whatever help you can give. Aureus shade her water with her horse, Lady. But, only as much as she can spare.

The waterhole in the copse was good for the animals and allowed you all to refill your waterskins. The water tastes slightly silty but is clean.

At the geyser, Aureus glances towards the sky while shielding her eyes. There isn't a cloud to be seen. She pats Lady on the neck to comfort the animal.

moving quickly back into the protection of the cacti forest, you find the path noted in the book Phar is using. It is well used. Even in modern times. You find several old camps along the trail, which leads to the edge of the cacti forest near the rim of the valley. The trail passes through an are of open scrub that isn't even a mile wide. Several low hills sit south of the scrub. The path from the book moves back into the cacti forest. It ends near an outcropping of hills that jut into the forest. The ridge above is steep to climb but, it does offer shade from the sun.

Caerth looks towards the hills. "The journal notes that there is a deep gully just within the hills. It should be filled with vegetation and a small oasis of water. It might be the best place to rest the horses." The half-orc druid looks at the parched ground around them. "It would be better than here. But, I can create more water for us and the horses. Twice today."

Aureus nods. "Anything is better than here. These cacti look half-dead."

You push on into the hills. The gully lies a bit south of the outcropping. You find it is filled with lush cacti and desert-willows and a shallow oasis filled with clean water. It looks like the oasis is normally much larger. The surrounding hills block out part of the sun but not much of the heat. The horses are soon drinking as much water as they can guzzle.

Caerth says a prayer to the spirits of the oasis, and soon gallons of water pour from above like rain. you prepare whatever you can to capture as much of the water as possible, but most of it spills into the oasis until it is bursting. The water cools off the horses. The smell of the clean fresh water draws the attention of many animals, birds, and insects including a small herd of antelope. The herd stick to the other side of the oasis and if you move toward them at all, they bolt back into the hills.

"We should rest here for a while," Caerth suggests. "Wait for the sun to touch the horizon before traveling more. The horses need a break."

How much farther until we reach this cross place.

"Ralix's Cross," Caerth says while flipping through The Hermit's journal. "It says here that it is less than a mile from here. The original cross was once a natural formation that looked like an 'X'. It was massive. The Boots destroyed it during there time, but the local tribes refused to give up what they believe is a sacred site to punish foes and traitors."

"It sounds like we shouldn't go there," Aureus says.

"Perhaps, it is along the way, but shouldn't be to hard to avoid. The hills are mainly barren with few places to find water or shade. Well, that's what it says here, and it was a long time ago."

Caerth looks at a small foldout map that was hand-drawn and glued into the journal. "From here, it is less than 2 miles to the barrier. After that, we will be in the pocket plane." He reads a short passage silently and then re-reads it out loud:

"The magical barrier did not block our path to into the spawning grounds of She-Who-Offers-Sorrow. Yet, once beyond it, the land changed completely. Darkness shrouded everything. While the sun was visible in the sky, it was only a pinprick. At night, you could not see the stars. But, the moon is large, and bright, and ominous.
The bones of dead animals can be found in the gloom. At first, there were only a few scattered remains, half eaten. But, once we passed from the barren hills into the greyness of the Wicked Heart, the bones soon become scattered fields. Mass offerings of sacrifices both animal and humanoid. At night, some of these restless bones rose as undead. Be wary, traveller, in Angrboda's Gloom."

"Sounds dreadful," Cruel Justice says out loud and with a bit of zeal. "Many foes to be put down, Sir Quinn. You all must be prepared to face death in such a place!"

"And know when to run away," Qi adds.

"NEVER!" Cruel Justice retorts.

Qi makes a sound similar to sighing. "Why don't you go back to being silent. It isn't up to you. Or to me. We guide, we do not force."

Quinn listens telepathically as Cruel Justice fumes to itself.

"Qi has a point," Aureus says. "I know we want to honour Lady Pendour's wishes, but if the danger becomes too much, we retreat, right?"
"If only to regroup. We promised to deal with Eike."
Ooc: whoever is left that needs protection. I will post Zelekhut post, I forgot. We talked about it ooc unless you say Maur too forgot :)


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
<back at the Boots temple>
Maur cleans the forge in the courtyard.
"Caerth, please tell the scorpion I am not a threat. I don't want to kill the beastie if it doesn't like the fire or the sound."
Divine champion creates a proper fire, even with limited wood and dry cacti. Luckily, he only needs the active forge, not actually smithing capable one.
Focusing on his prayers, of the law and order of functioning society, on the sense of justice of Moradin, The Father of all dwarves and his patron. When he is ready, he starts a drone that turns into words at some point.
"By the sacred bonds that weave through Dwarfhome, I beseech thee, Dwarffather. In this mortal realm darkness lingers and unholy transformation has transpired. A soul, once human, dances over The Abyss, soul entwined by the demonic might. I call upon the judges of the unpunished, murderer is on the loose. Hear me, Soulforger! I need an embodiment of Order, a judge, a beacon of justice, punisher of the unholy. By your wisdom, Moradin, by the forge and flames, create here one zelekhut, a herald of righteous condemnation. One that can chain the demon, one that can serve your mortal champion."
At this point he anoints a piece of metal left at the forge with holy water, channels the might of Moradin into it and puts is half in the fire where it sizzles as the water evaporates. Maur feels his power ebb, as he sends part of his own soul-stuff out to enable the creation of the powerful construct.
"If you think it would help, imbue the creature with the knowledge of how to properly and permanently delete this stain on this plane. Not just Eike, but the temple itself."

OOC: Call zelekhut requires 100XP and I get to ask it to perform 1 duty, that will take no longer than 5 days. Zelekhuts hunt down those who would deny justice or seek to flee to escape punishment.

Note that there are Maruts that are favored creatures of Moradin (but they are more powerful than this and they seek those who seek to avoid death). And cost 500 and remain for only an hour :) and it's a 9th level spell! :eek:

<I will assume the creature materializes :) >
In the hallowed courtyard with the open forge, bather in the glow of the dying fire and reverberating with the deep, resonant hymns of devotion, Maur ends the solemn ritual by striking the metal rod purified earlier sizzling in the fire. Calling once again upon the glory of the All-Father, the hammer shines with purity, strinking the metal creates pure ringing sound, once, twice...on the third strike the flames flare out, the forge darkens as boundaries between planes blur and the cleric is pushed away as the anointed construct emerges gleaming with last glimmers of celestial power.

"Hail and well met, enforcer! I am Maur Deepdelver, champion of Moradin, in pursuit of a murderer who broke his oath. Let me tell you about the events..."
Using the power of Moradins emissary he switches to telepathic communication trying to be faster as he tells the story of Eike.
"Now, if you feel this is worthy cause, tell me your name so you can be called again.
Do you have any wisdom to impart before you start your mission?"

OOC: The mission: fly into the dead zone, scout, find the temple, mark the path and try to locate Eike exactly. DO NOT engage in melee or even show yourself before doing the first part. Wait until we pass into the zone, debrief us and we can agree if you want to go alone at it or with us. We will be there in two days. Assuming we can talk with it before starting so it knows where we're planning to enter :)
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World of Kulan DM
<back at the Boots temple>
Maur cleans the forge in the courtyard.
"Caerth, please tell the scorpion I am not a threat. I don't want to kill the beastie if it doesn't like the fire or the sound."
Divine champion creates a proper fire, even with limited wood and dry cacti. Luckily, he only needs the active forge, not actually smithing capable one.
Focusing on his prayers, of the law and order of functioning society, on the sense of justice of Moradin, The Father of all dwarves and his patron. When he is ready, he starts a drone that turns into words at some point.
"By the sacred bonds that weave through Dwarfhome, I beseech thee, Dwarffather. In this mortal realm darkness lingers and unholy transformation has transpired. A soul, once human, dances over The Abyss, soul entwined by the demonic might. I call upon the judges of the unpunished, murderer is on the loose. Hear me, Soulforger! I need an embodiment of Order, a judge, a beacon of justice, punisher of the unholy. By your wisdom, Moradin, by the forge and flames, create here one zelekhut, a herald of righteous condemnation. One that can chain the demon, one that can serve your mortal champion."
At this point he anoints a piece of metal left at the forge with holy water, channels the might of Moradin into it and puts is half in the fire where it sizzles as the water evaporates. Maur feels his power ebb, as he sends part of his own soul-stuff out to enable the creation of the powerful construct.
"If you think it would help, imbue the creature with the knowledge of how to properly and permanently delete this stain on this plane. Not just Eike, but the temple itself."

OOC: Call zelekhut requires 100XP and I get to ask it to perform 1 duty, that will take no longer than 5 days. Zelekhuts hunt down those who would deny justice or seek to flee to escape punishment.

Note that there are Maruts that are favored creatures of Moradin (but they are more powerful than this and they seek those who seek to avoid death). And cost 500 and remain for only an hour :) and it's a 9th level spell! :eek:
Beyond the Material Plane:
The Soul Forger revels in creation at his forge. He surrounds himself with the essence of hundreds of dwarven souls who once worshipped him in life and now toil in wonder at his side in the Halls of the Great Forge. Beyond the forge lies the Dwarffather's realm, The Gleaming, which he shares with his wife, The Matronress of Dwarfkind. In his forge lies a new creation, a new dwarf kin that will one day spread out among the worlds of the Material Plane. His hammer rings as loud as a hundred-thousand dwarven smiths all toiling at once. The dwarf spirits working around him work in unison and sing songs of creation and battle.

Deep in the Dwarffather's mind, the prayers of hundreds of millions of dwarfs beseech him for aid. Many pay him lip service for daily routines. These he ignores. Others are clerics calling upon him for divine might in battle and in creation. The gods mind is able to help them all without distraction. Most beseech him in one of his most common of names or honorifics, but once in a while, one of his children uses a name or phrase that is rarely used any more. Existence isn't what it once was before the universe was changed. It started with Ragnarök. After that, the universe spun out of control as dozens of godly wars roared through the planes.

What remained was a mirror of what existence used to be before. Thus, why mortals often refer to the outer planes as The Mirrored.

The Dwarffather pauses his work, for only a human second. He hears the Sonnthord beseech him with one of his oldest names. Very few dwarfs still use that name to call upon him. It was nearly lost in this universe, although it exists in many places beyond the Back of Beyond. It is still one of his favourites and he knows the voice beseeching him. He know all the voices. He wouldn't call the Sonnthord one of his favourites. He is still much too young for that honour. But, the champion has promise. In another second, the Dwarffather brings the creature required into his presence. He tempers his new creation and then begins hammer once more.

"Great Lord Eriz-..."

"In this moment, I am Moradin, zelekhut," the Dwarffather telepathically says to the construct. "You will only call me by that name where I am sending you. It does not matter that I am known by other names on that world."

"Yes, Lord Moradin," the zelekhut replies.

The Dwarffather shifts his mind forward in time to see what might be the result of this calling. He pauses once again. "You are needed, I think. The dwarf calling upon you will ask for your name. I know that your kind loathe giving your truenames to mortals, so you will give him the name I give you now. Rikiron!"

"As you wish, Dwarffather," Rikiron replies.

"Now go," Moradin orders as his hammer once again resounds throughout the Halls of the Great Forge.

In another human second, the zelekhut is whisked away to the Material Plane.

OOC: Maur does not witness this encounter between the zelekhut and Moradin. I have added it just for some dramatic flavour. ;)

Neurotic said:
In the hallowed courtyard with the open forge, bather in the glow of the dying fire and reverberating with the deep, resonant hymns of devotion, Maur ends the solemn ritual by striking the metal rod purified earlier sizzling in the fire. Calling once again upon the glory of the All-Father, the hammer shines with purity, striking the metal creates pure ringing sound, once, twice...on the third strike the flames flare out, the forge darkens as boundaries between planes blur and the cleric is pushed away as the anointed construct emerges gleaming with last glimmers of celestial power.

"Hail and well met, enforcer! I am Maur Deepdelver, champion of Moradin, in pursuit of a murderer who broke his oath. Let me tell you about the events..."
Using the power of Moradins emissary he switches to telepathic communication trying to be faster as he tells the story of Eike.
"Now, if you feel this is worthy cause, tell me your name so you can be called again.
Do you have any wisdom to impart before you start your mission?"

OOC: The mission: fly into the dead zone, scout, find the temple, mark the path and try to locate Eike exactly. DO NOT engage in melee or even show yourself before doing the first part. Wait until we pass into the zone, debrief us and we can agree if you want to go alone at it or with us. We will be there in two days. Assuming we can talk with it before starting so it knows where we're planning to enter :)
The Temple of Bogphin:
"I have heard your call, champion of Moradin," the zelekhut replies to Maur. "You may call me Rikiron."

Rikiron ponders the mission and knows that it is important. Not just to this dwarf, but possibly for this entire land. Moradin imparted it with knowledge of the Gloom that lies ahead. It may only be a pocket plane but it is the creation of one of the Old Gods. A Jötunn and a goddess. The Mother of Monsters. Three of her offspring are truly infamous throughout the universe. But, she has many more.

"What I can tell you Maur Deepdelver, is this...

"The demiplane you are sending me into is dangerous for you, and for me. If I am destroyed there, it will be the end of my existence. So, I will hunt this criminal of yours, in whatever form he now possess, but I will not engage in any fight with him or any other being helping him unless you order me to do so. I will give up my life, if it is required of me.

"Do Not underestimate the Gloom of Angrboda or the denizens that haunt it! That plane is more than what just lies ahead in these lands. It exists in many places on this world, and others, and is directly connected to the Plane of Graves. Aberrations and undead thrive in its shadows, as do darker things that will chill you to the bone. To bring this fiend to justice, it is best to do it during Kulan's daylight hours."

The zelekhu pauses. "If this Eike has fled beyond the small pocket of the Gloom that lies ahead, you may have to cross into much darker parts of the plane in order to find him. Since Vok taunted you about the Wicked Hills, then that is probably where he will be. But, be prepared for anything.

"Moradin was able to show me the shortest path to the Shrine of Utter Evil. I will go there directly and then meet you at the designated place. I will tell you all I can about what you will face in the Gloom. The terrain, any creature's you may encounter, and any other dangers."

Rikiron opens its wings and prepares to begin its mission. It looks at Maur once last time in case the dwarf has any other questions. Once it is satisfied, it takes to the air and flies towards the Gloom of Angrboda and whatever fate awaits it on its mission.
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Race: Silver-Grey Elf Paragon
HP: 58/58
23; FF:19 T:16
[]Mage Hand; [x] [X] Summarize ; [] [X] [] Detect Magic [] Recent Occupant; [X] [] Shade
Fort:+4 (+2)
Will: +8 (+2)
Refl: +8 (+2)
Initiative: +4
Melee: +6/+1
Temp: +1
1st [7+1](DC20) ❏Familiar Pocket; [][]*Magic Missile; [] [] Protection from Evil; [] Light of Ludania []Feather fall [] Enlarge Person
2nd[6+1](D21) [] [] Glitterdust [] [] Scorching Ray [] []Luminous Swarm [] Protection From Evil
3rd[6+1](DC22) ❏*Fireball [] [] Fly; [ ] []Haste; [] Dispel Magic [] Dispel Magic
DEX: 18 + 4 (22)
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 28+9
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:12 +1
XP: 70,800/78,000
4th [5+1] (DC 23) []Wall of FIre [] polymorph [] []Summon Monster IV []Haste [] Cacophonic Burst
5th(4+1) (DC24) [] []Dismissal ; [] Wall of Force; []Break Enchantment; []Cacophonic Burst
6th (2+1)[DC25] [] [] Disintegrate; []Cacophonic Burst

Phar watches the spectacle with interest.
"I will not ask you to fight unless all our survival depends on it. Use your own discretion, Rikiron, be safe."

"Outsiders are slaves to their nature. And while this zelekhut has none of the malice of a dretch, it also lacks mercy and love. This automaton only knows its orders and has no freedom outside of what it is commanded. I would be wary, Maur, to give it too much latitude lest it take its orders too literally. While I would never deem to dictate how you choose to use your magic or how you commune with Moradin, but I feel I must advise caution: Its discretion should be yours."

Given Phar's chaotic nature, he'd be suspicious and overly cautious at using a Zelekhut. It's a great idea, though.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Zelekhut is an arbiter, a judge, bounty hunter on the guilty. Which we already know Eike is. And in the evil demiplane he will not need mercy nor love. Also, don't forget that while it is automaton, it is intelligent creature with self-preservation instinct. We need it to come back and report. So giving it some latitude is beneficial. Finally, it was sent by Moradin, I have faith it was instructed properly."
Maur responds, then continues with a smile
"And besides, if it doesn't have any freedom beyond that what is commanded to it, aren't you curious to see how it will behave with the order that gives it that freedom?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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