Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
"So, we can expect some kind of undead knight and his cohort there?"
Litrix comments the story before shrugging.
"It is just a story," Bastiaan replies. "I'd say be on guard for almost anything."

"Our primary goal is to return what was stolen and, perhaps find some justice. If we can find some way to protect these lands from the Dead Lands, we will do so but it is not our priority.
"I understand," the androsphinx nods. "If you can destroy some of the creatures that haunt that place, then you will help a great deal. The evil that exists in the demiplane isn't trapped there, so undead often spill out into the desert.

"We will do what we can," Aureus adds. She looks at Maur. "We do have the power of Moradin to help us with any undead we might encounter."

MetaVoid said:
"I say we go directly over the cross, if locals are sacrificing people there, they might need a lesson in good manners. We send them to their gods and let them enjoy their version of paradise."
"The people who are sacrificed are, no doubt, as vile and evil as their captors. If we are to enter the Dead Lands, we risk much by weakening ourselves on other conflicts."
"While I have no desire to save evil from evil, it might be better to stay to the quickest path," Aureus says. "Caerth, does The Hermit's journal have any guidance?"

The half-orc druid has been sitting quietly reading through Stratesus' journal while listening. He glances at Aureus and then flips through the book. "Stratesus writes that the area around the cross was almost always guarded. However, the tribes during his time period eventually came to fear The Boots and often fled from them." He flips to another page. "If we can strike fear into their hearts, they may leave us alone. Of course, that assumes the tribes that exist now are cowardly."

"You shouldn't assume that," Bastiaan notes. "The human tribes of this region are quite bloodthirsty."

Caerth nods.

"We're also risking much by going long way around exposing us to discovery of those same people. And wasting time."
"Yes, let's not waste time," Aureus agrees.

"You will probably have to face them before you reach the boundary leading into the demiplane. Them... or the local hill giants. They often hunt in groups for food or plunder. If you go to the cross, be mindful of the higher hills surrounding it."

"We will," Caerth says as he stands and puts The Hermit's journal away. "And thank you."

TaranTheWanderer said:
Thank-you, Bastiaan, for your tales and your hospitality. I hope that we may pass from here with your blessing, if you have one to offer. When we return this way, we will do our best not to disturb you or the local fauna."
"I will you well, Minvelepharadan Tamlyranth," the androsphinx replies. Bastiaan speaks every syllable of Phar's full name perfectly. "Go with my blessing and good hope for your mission. If you do come back this way, I will be happy to share your company again. Just announce yourself, if you do."

The androsphinx stretches like a cat and then stands. It bobs its head to Phar... and then to Aureus with a grin.

MetaVoid said:
Saddling his horse back, he turns to the sphynx
"Thank you for your hospitality."
"I was glad to make your acquaintance, Litrix Maekrix," Bastiaan replies. The magical beast bows his head to the anointed knight. "May the Divine Dragon watch over you." He nods to Angus, Quinn and, then, finally, Maur. "All of you."

The androsphinx pads back to his sheltered cave as you ready the horses. You hear him say once he is out of sight.. "Now, back to my nap."

Litrix and Phar are the first to mount up. Maur and Quinn are the next to be ready with Angus heading up to the top of the gulch to look for any signs of danger. Caerth and Aureus linger for a moment. The hutaakan woman was quite befuddled by Bastiaan. The half-orc druid breathes in the smell of the oasis before mounting his own horse. Soon you are back out into the stark hills and headed towards Ralix's Cross.

After a few minutes, Qi asks Aureus. "You seemed to be quite taken with Bastiaan, my dear. Yes, he was a bit of a flirt, but..."

"His kind, sphinxes, don't exist on my world... well, not anymore. They were killed off by evil knights of the dark god known as Feshar."

"All of them?" Caerth asks.

"Yes, as far as I know," she replies. "I had heard rumours of some surviving sphinxes with reptilian-like heads, but I've never met one until now. The legends I've heard of them... those stories didn't due him justice." She sighs. "I wish Faenia could have met him."

Caerth stares at her, waiting.

"My cousin," Aureus adds. "When I was brought to this world during The Transformation, she wasn't transported here. She was left behind on Maran."

"I see."

Aureus quickens the pace of her horse and you all follow suit. The animals are doing better in the heat, which has lessened slightly. You all made sure to fill all your waterskins for the rest of the journey to the boundary. A path of low hills fileld with a mixture of scrub and grasslands cuts through the higher barren hills. Low dry mountains (more like tall foothills) rise above the path to the southwest and northeast. The path winds east and then southeast.

The Cross quickly comes into view in the distance. It juts up on a high hill behind a a pair of low mounts to the southeast. It is surrounded on all sides by low mounts with a larger range to the south of you. The strange X-shaped formation rises up like two stone pillars crossed across one another, but the top of one of stones is sheared off. The make the "X" almost look like an upside down "y". It's hard to tell if the formation is natural or carved.

"The book says both," Caerth notes. "The original stones looked so much like and "X" that the tribes of the region carved symbols into it and eventually dug out stone platforms and stairs."

"Definitely not a great place to get ambushed," Aureus notes. She looks around to the heights of the low mountains on either side of the low scrub you've stopped in to get a better view of the Cross. The occasional wooden stake can be seen from the path. "I don't know if this is better or worse than being in the hills above."

Caerth points towards the base of the stone formation. "There are wooden structures there. Those aren't in the journal."

"It really feels like someone is watching us," Aureus whispers to Angus standing next to her. She places her hand on the hilt of her sword.

"Quinn, be mindful," Cruel Justice says to the gladiator-knight telepathically.

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Race: Silver-Grey Elf Paragon
HP: 58/58
23; FF:19 T:16
[]Mage Hand; [x] [X] Summarize ; [] [X] [] Detect Magic [] Recent Occupant; [X] [] Shade
Fort:+4 (+2)
Will: +8 (+2)
Refl: +8 (+2)
Initiative: +4
Melee: +6/+1
Temp: +1
1st [7+1](DC20) ❏Familiar Pocket; [][]*Magic Missile; [] [] Protection from Evil; [] Light of Ludania []Feather fall [] Enlarge Person
2nd[6+1](D21) [] [] Glitterdust [] [] Scorching Ray [] []Luminous Swarm [] Protection From Evil
3rd[6+1](DC22) ❏*Fireball [] [] Fly; [ ] []Haste; [] Dispel Magic [] Dispel Magic
DEX: 18 + 4 (22)
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 28+9
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:12 +1
XP: 70,800/78,000
4th [5+1] (DC 23) []Wall of FIre [] polymorph [] []Summon Monster IV []Haste [] Cacophonic Burst
5th(4+1) (DC24) [] []Dismissal ; [] Wall of Force; []Break Enchantment; []Cacophonic Burst
6th (2+1)[DC25] [] [] Disintegrate; []Cacophonic Burst

"Does anyone have a potion or wand of invisibility? I could ask Featar to fly overhead and scout the way forward."

@Knightfall A scouting mission would be to:
a) find enemies
b) determine the time it would take to cross the area if we are flying.


second birthdate : 15 Dec 2011
Quinn mentally nods to cruel Justice and says, "chaos does not prevail today." He rolls his shoulders and shakes his arms to loosen the joints and muscles to ready for battle, then draws his newly acquired shield as he moves then draws the sentient schimitar after buckling the shield.

Race: Silver-Grey Elf Paragon
HP: 58/58
23; FF:19 T:16
[]Mage Hand; [x] [X] Summarize ; [] [X] [] Detect Magic [] Recent Occupant; [X] [] Shade
Fort:+4 (+2)
Will: +8 (+2)
Refl: +8 (+2)
Initiative: +4
Melee: +6/+1
Temp: +1
1st [7+1](DC20) ❏Familiar Pocket; [][]*Magic Missile; [] [] Protection from Evil; [] Light of Ludania []Feather fall [] Enlarge Person
2nd[6+1](D21) [] [] Glitterdust [] [] Scorching Ray [] []Luminous Swarm [] Protection From Evil
3rd[6+1](DC22) ❏*Fireball [] [] Fly; [ ] []Haste; [] Dispel Magic [] Dispel Magic
DEX: 18 + 4 (22)
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 28+9
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:12 +1
XP: 70,800/78,000
4th [5+1] (DC 23) []Wall of FIre [] polymorph [] []Summon Monster IV []Haste [] Cacophonic Burst
5th(4+1) (DC24) [] []Dismissal ; [] Wall of Force; []Break Enchantment; []Cacophonic Burst
6th (2+1)[DC25] [] [] Disintegrate; []Cacophonic Burst

Phar didn't really expect anyone to have that ability but he thought the question was worth asking nonetheless.

When no-one answered he chirped and crooned to the hawk and it took off to scout the area.

"When Featar comes back with intelligence, we can decide how to proceed. I have a spell that could turn Angus to a griffon who could then ferry us across quite easily and quickly. Hopefully avoiding the necessity to use further resources against anything other than our intended quarry.

"What say you, Angus?" @Tellerian Hawke

@Knightfall A scouting mission would be to:
a) find enemies

Featar has a spot of 17 or 20 if he was allowed feats (skill focus: spot)
The Cross is within 1 mile of their current location so Featar can communicate emotions: fear for a potential enemy, calm for an 'all clear'. In any case, he'll scout and come back.

Once he's back, he can talk directly to Phar about what he's seen.


World of Kulan DM
"Does anyone have a potion or wand of invisibility? I could ask Featar to fly overhead and scout the way forward."
While Aureus hears Phar's question, her senses are focused more on the landscape around the group. She is certain that someone or something is watching them intently. At first, she doesn't see anything. But then, she sees and hears two of them to the east in the high hills. They are only about forty-five to fifty feet away. While they look humanoid, she can't tell what they are in the shimmer of the heat haze.

Quinn mentally nods to cruel Justice and says, "chaos does not prevail today." He rolls his shoulders and shakes his arms to loosen the joints and muscles to ready for battle, then draws his newly acquired shield as he moves then draws the sentient scimitar after buckling the shield.
Aureus turns to the others to warn them of what she sees and hears, but then her eyes snap to more movement on the horizon to southeast and south. More of them. She notes Quinn preparing for a fight. Does he see them too?

She taps Angus on the leg and motions towards the hill with her head. She doesn't want these foes to know that she's seen and heard them. Then, she sees more to the west and southwest.

"Definitely a place you don't want to get ambushed," she whispers to Angus and Caerth. She looks back towards Maur standing a few feet behind the centaur. She tries to warn them all clandestinely. "How does it look back there?"

OOC: Aureus - DC 15 Bluff check (secret message): 1D20+4 = [19]+4 = 23 (success)

Phar didn't really expect anyone to have that ability but he thought the question was worth asking nonetheless.

When no-one answered he chirped and crooned to the hawk and it took off to scout the area.

"When Featar comes back with intelligence, we can decide how to proceed. I have a spell that could turn Angus to a griffon who could then ferry us across quite easily and quickly. Hopefully avoiding the necessity to use further resources against anything other than our intended quarry.

"What say you, Angus?"
Before Aureus can warn Phar, the paragon wizard has set Featar into motion. The hawk is soon soaring high above to scout the way ahead.

Caerth whistles to Screech to fly up out of danger. The half-orc druid speaks to Aureus while looking up at the soaring owl. "What do you see?"

"There's are at least nine of them. Humanoids, I think. I can't tell exactly. The horizon is fuzzy in this heat. There are two east of us, about fifty feet away. Another two to the southeast, farther away, but still too close for comfort. Three more south of us. One by that sharp crag and two others that seem to be lying flat on two of the higher hills. A bit to your right. There all about 100 feet away." Aureus gets down from her horse and pats Lady on the head. "There is another one to the west. It is standing on those high hills. It's almost like he, or it, is not trying to hide."

"Do they know you've seen them?" Caerth asks.

"I don't know. They seem to be waiting."

OOC: What do you want to do?

Featar wings southward towards Ralix's Cross. The hawk scans the ground for any sign of hidden movement but what the bird senses is the presence of several thorps surrounding the stone formation, as well as metal crosses spread around the base of the cross. A strong-looking wooden staircase winds around the cross with several stone platforms carved into the natural recesses of the rocky landmark. On these platforms are wooden X-shaped crosses. Most of them are empty but a few have decaying skeletons strapped to them.

There are three visible thorps located around the cross. They sit in low fertile dales surrounded by green hills. One is south of the cross while the other two are east and northeast of the sacrificial site. Crude wood towers stand in the green hills around each thorp. The southerly thorp is the closest to Ralix's Cross while the other two stand more apart from the site. The thorp to the east of Ralix's Cross is the largest of the three. A large stone tower stands in the centre of the community, which might be more akin to a true village.

OOC: @TaranTheWanderer, I rolled a 23 for Featar's Spot check over on the Discord. How high is he going to be flying? I need to know for spotting distances.

Race: Silver-Grey Elf Paragon
HP: 58/58
23; FF:19 T:16
[]Mage Hand; [x] [X] Summarize ; [] [X] [] Detect Magic [] Recent Occupant; [X] [] Shade
Fort:+4 (+2)
Will: +8 (+2)
Refl: +8 (+2)
Initiative: +4
Melee: +6/+1
Temp: +1
1st [7+1](DC20) ❏Familiar Pocket; [][]*Magic Missile; [] [] Protection from Evil; [] Light of Ludania []Feather fall [] Enlarge Person
2nd[6+1](D21) [] [] Glitterdust [] [] Scorching Ray [] []Luminous Swarm [] Protection From Evil
3rd[6+1](DC22) ❏*Fireball [] [] Fly; [ ] []Haste; [] Dispel Magic [] Dispel Magic
DEX: 18 + 4 (22)
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 28+9
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:12 +1
XP: 70,800/78,000
4th [5+1] (DC 23) []Wall of FIre [] polymorph [] []Summon Monster IV []Haste [] Cacophonic Burst
5th(4+1) (DC24) [] []Dismissal ; [] Wall of Force; []Break Enchantment; []Cacophonic Burst
6th (2+1)[DC25] [] [] Disintegrate; []Cacophonic Burst

"It's possible the one to the West is there to take our attention from those to the South. Or to simply observe how we deal with the potential ambush. I am loathe to use any of my powerful vallences on these people as the journey to the tainted lands will require all the strength we can muster. That said, those lands are more dangerous at night and, if our journey only brings us to the edge of those lands at night, it may make sense to sleep and wait until morning. But I am wary to sleep on the threshold of a powerful evil."

Phar thinks more,

"If there was a way to break line of sight and then sneak away, I would do it. Or to even find a way to counter-ambush those to the south and then parlay. A show of skill and power may dissuade them from attacking. Perhaps some kind of fog or illusion could aid us in hiding and allow us to sneak by but that is not within my power."

I have no spells that can avoid combat. I have quite a few that can split the party and isolate groups.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Maur looks around as the ambush is noticed.
"I am not a sneaky one, on the horse or on foot. Call them out and lets see what they want. I would rather not waste the spells...but I will to finish the encounter early. We can waste more time outside the danger zone to recover than inside."

Thinking on tactics, he analyzes the situtation from military point of view. Dwarves are rarely cavalry, but there are few points always relevant.

"We should use our horses and charge toward the closest group. Or maybe the observers, if they are leaders. Not to attack, but get in the position for easier attack and to get further away from the other group. The point being the same, demonstrate that we're aware of them, but not willing to just fight blindly."

Race: Silver-Grey Elf Paragon
HP: 58/58
23; FF:19 T:16
[]Mage Hand; [x] [X] Summarize ; [] [X] [] Detect Magic [] Recent Occupant; [X] [] Shade
Fort:+4 (+2)
Will: +8 (+2)
Refl: +8 (+2)
Initiative: +4
Melee: +6/+1
Temp: +1
1st [7+1](DC20) ❏Familiar Pocket; [][]*Magic Missile; [] [] Protection from Evil; [] Light of Ludania []Feather fall [] Enlarge Person
2nd[6+1](D21) [] [] Glitterdust [] [] Scorching Ray [] []Luminous Swarm [] Protection From Evil
3rd[6+1](DC22) ❏*Fireball [] [] Fly; [ ] []Haste; [] Dispel Magic [] Dispel Magic
DEX: 18 + 4 (22)
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 28+9
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:12 +1
XP: 70,800/78,000
4th [5+1] (DC 23) []Wall of FIre [] polymorph [] []Summon Monster IV []Haste [] Cacophonic Burst
5th(4+1) (DC24) [] []Dismissal ; [] Wall of Force; []Break Enchantment; []Cacophonic Burst
6th (2+1)[DC25] [] [] Disintegrate; []Cacophonic Burst

Phar nods to Maur, clearly seeing the wisdom of his suggestion,

"Charging may cause them to react harshly. Let us proceed as if we have not seen them and, as we approach, we can call them out. If they choose violence, we can charge that closest group, towards the direction we wish to travel. I can cut the path of the others with a Firewall to split the groups."


"Let us try the one on the hill. It is not really hiding. Maybe it is there to negotiate the passage, given that it is high enough it is safe from us."
Litrix guides the horse toward the right. Flicking his shield arm, the shield widens and the bottom drops down a bit, increasing body area covered by the shield.

OOC: Assuming no one stops him

"Hello, overthere on the top!" he yells in common, continuing immediately in Orc
"Guruk, traknar ob da' zash, kul dor!"
(Yo, up there, pay attention!")

"We just want to go through, we will not bother you or yours."

He waits for the answer before deciding if diplomacy or intimidation is better tactics. And which language to use.

Standard: change the shield to Extreme shield (+1 extra AC over normal one) - Litrix is proficient due Annointed knight
Move: guide the horse to the right

Voidrunner's Codex

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