Kulan: Knightfall's Shackled City Legacy PbP Game [IC] (Game Cancelled)

"Explosive?" Brother Pi repeats quietly.

"Hmm. Perhaps they prepared some form of attack, disguised as simple vandalism."

The dwarf looks to Oleander. "Perhaps if we know if this happened elsewhere too, we can see the scale of it and maybe find a pattern to this foulness."

He sniffs, and his face screws up. "Stinks."

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The dwarf looks to Oleander. "Perhaps if we know if this happened elsewhere too, we can see the scale of it and maybe find a pattern to this foulness."
Oleander takes only a moment to considered Brother Pi's words.
"I like your thinking. Once can be an isolated incident; but if this has been repeated, we might be able to follow the pattern to find the culprit."

Bravec, Dorin, and Kane:

Dorin finds a stick and goes under the dock to investigate the droppings. "You can learn a lot about a creature from it's droppings." he begins as he picks up some drift wood and leans down to get a good look at the mess. Picking through it he continues, "Let's see what this one's diet looks like. Hmm consistency suggests... and then there is the color... these bits here look like they are from... and there is a hint of ... from the smell it's about ... and the shape makes it..."
It doesn't take Dorin long to determine that the feces are from a goblin -- likely more than one. There are telltale signs that the goblins have been eating half-rotten food, as well as heavy diet of raw meat and insects. There are half-digested, hard beetle carapaces and bits of blackened corn kernels. There is also signs that the goblins have been drinking the blood of their kills.

Dorin can tell that these goblins are likely living underground somewhere due to the less digestible slime that they've been eating. Likely they are licking it off the walls of caverns. The stuff is likely addictive if too much is ingested.

OOC: Roll for feces analysis? Nature?
OOC: Knowledge (nature) check > 1d20+9=19 | Rolled for you. :)

Bravec follows his friend and only with great effort of will manages not to join him in retching. He pales as Dorin ventures into the muck to examine it and has to look away. "He's a braver man than I," he admits with a shudder.
Vilmar the sail-maker nods in assent before he loses the rest of his breakfast onto the sand.

Kane follows Bravec and Dorin, and nearly loses his breakfast, but at the last minute, manages to gain control of himself.

"Wow, this smell is BAD. I don't think I've ever encountered its equal!"
"Ugh, disgusting," he retches. "Not your friend, just the smell," he adds once his stomach is empty. He moves away from the underside of the dock and out into the fresher air of the lake shore.

"So, what do you think?" He calls back to them.

Brother Pi and Oleander

Seemingly pacing, but really remaining within the same space, Oleander finally exclaims.
"Oil of Vitriol! Now I remember. In addition to being used by addicts and healers, the fumes from the stuff are highly flammable, explosive even under the right, or rather wrong, conditions. We need to be very cautious here."
"Explosive?" Brother Pi repeats quietly.

"Hmm. Perhaps they prepared some form of attack, disguised as simple vandalism."

The dwarf looks to Oleander. "Perhaps if we know if this happened elsewhere too, we can see the scale of it and maybe find a pattern to this foulness."

He sniffs, and his face screws up. "Stinks."
Oleander takes only a moment to considered Brother Pi's words.
"I like your thinking. Once can be an isolated incident; but if this has been repeated, we might be able to follow the pattern to find the culprit."
Brother Pi nods.

"Maybe that kind girl knows of other people who were targeted. Let's ask her."
Almost as if on cue, Ketisa Zalachia comes back out of her father's shop with a man, who you assume to be the aforementioned Arinitam. He is dark-skinned, middle-aged human with a bit of gray in his short black beard. His head is bald except for a wiry topknot, which extends down past the middle of his back.

"This is Arinitam," Ketisa says. "If you have more questions about this vandalism, he will be happy to answer them. I must go back to my father." She looks at Arinitam and motions to the to adventurers. "This is Brother Pi and Oleander."

She bows to the two of them before heading off towards the Obsidian Marketplace.

"Hellos, there," Arinitam greets them with a firm handshake. "Lady Ketisa tells me that yous are helping tos find the hoodlums that vandlized my master's shop, here." He points to the wall. "I'll tell yous what I knows." The man smiles and pulls out a short pipe and begins to pack it with tobacco. He puts the pipe in his mouth and digs out a flint and steel. He lines up the tool with his pipe and tires to strike a spark to light his pipe. He notes the look in their eyes and mumbles, "What is it?"

OOC: Arinitam doesn't realize that there is any danger. Unless you guys stop him, he will continue to try to light his pipe. Simple words won't do. A check must be made to make him aware of the danger. A Diplomacy check would be good. Or the PCs could tackle him to the ground. :p

Oleander Reacts

...The man smiles and pulls out a short pipe and begins to pack it with tobacco. He puts the pipe in his mouth and digs out a flint and steel. He lines up the tool with his pipe and tries to strike a spark to light his pipe. He notes the look in their eyes and mumbles, "What is it?"
"No! Don't!"
Oleander is not really built for brute action, but is much more suited to feats of dexterity. He quickly launches himself forward, attempting to snatch the pipe from the man's hands.

OOC: GM, feel free to make the appropriate roll as I do not know what should be used here. I am thinking more opposed DEX check rather than pick pockets, especially since Oleander is not the pick pocket type rogue.
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Dorin tosses the stick into the water and moves to rejoin the group. He notes the sickened appearance of a few of them and decides it best to spare them the details. "These goblins come from a cave somewhere, most likely very near by. The evidence points to an absence of sustenance in their normal habitat thus causing them to wander here. However..."

His face scrunches up as he enters deep thought. His voice barely audible as he continues. "it could be that something larger than the goblins is driving them out of their home, forcing them to the surface. Maybe a hook horror... I ran the first time I saw one of those. Not ashamed, you'd run too if you were smart, but oh how I'd like to find one now to test my merit. I'd wager their cave to be close to the water, given goblins poor sense of direction it is unlikely they would wander to far away, hence the location of the vandalism and the proximity to the water... I wonder if this job would be a paying job? Step one, eliminate the goblin menace. Step two, become savior of the town. Step three, sweep the damsel off her feet. Step four... profit."

He shakes his head roughly as if trying to get water out of his hair and then looks around. He clears his throat and seemingly sums up his entire ramble by saying, "Indeed."

Bravec laughs heartily. It is a pleasant sound and he obvious laughs often as the laugh lines around his eyes are well worn in. "I like they way you think Dorin. Routing this rabble is only a minor step in your greater plan." He rubs his chin considering. "I lost their tracks almost immediately, so finding this underground lair and the horrors within may prove a bit of a challenge. As to profit, I am already indebted to this fine sail-maker and so my own motivation is clear. I expect he's taken a considerable loss already, but I will say that if we can find this goblin hole I expect there may be some profit and fame to be had. At the very least I'll stand you a round or two at the watering hole of your choice and regale this damsel you are keen on with tales which highlight your many fine qualities."

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