Kulan: Knightfall's Shackled City Legacy PbP Game [IC] (Game Cancelled)


Dorin falls in line behind Kane as best he can. He tries to hide the smile slowly widening on his face. This day was quickly becoming one of the most exciting days of his life.

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World of Kulan DM
OOC: I'm assuming, from the context of the entire sentence, that this is a typo, and that you meant to say: "...Kane doesn't see the flames, but he sees smoke rising..." and Kane is going to react accordingly. Please feel free to correct me if I have made an error. :)
OOC: You are correct.


Bravec winces from the sound of the blast. He must have flinched pretty hard as the little wagon he is holding on to practially jumps off the pavement at the sound. "What in hell is that?" he exclaims. "You are right, we must try to assist." He too takes off at a run the little wagon in tow.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
The firepit erupts into a massive explosion as more oil vapor finds it. The pot flies into the air like a ungainly firepot fires from a catapult. The horses pulling the wagon bolt. The carriage rushes out of control as the fire spooks the equines. The wheels of the wagon barely avoid catching fire as the horses rush into Star Park near the House of Stars. Flames rush towards the storm drains where the fouled oil was washed into earlier in the day.

Before Brother Pi can respond to the questions from Arinitam, the explosion shakes the city. The dwarf tries desperately to get out of the way, jumping into a nearby alley and avoiding most of the flames.

As he looks around to find something to douse the flames before they reach the drains, Brother Pi finds only a handful of stones in the alleyway, which he shoves in front of the drains but it has little effect.

OOC: Reflex save: [roll0]
Dexterity roll: [roll1]
OOC: Treating the initial flames heading towards Pi and Oleander as a fireball spell cast by a third-level wizard (3d6). Arinitam fails his save. The PCs get a +2 circumstance bonus because of prior knowledge. Make a Reflex save (DC 14).

If the flames reach the storm drains, there will be a much larger explosion (5d6, DC 16). Your PCs have mere moments to react. Some clean water or lots of dirt or sand should stop the flames. There is an adjacent alley that is clean of the oil. You guys can make straight Dexterity checks (DC 18) to smother the flames before they enter the drains. There is a +2 circumstance bonus if either of your PCs has the Run feat. (I can't remember if either of your PC's do.)


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Oleander Reacts

OOC: Treating the initial flames heading towards Pi and Oleander as a fireball spell cast by a third-level wizard (3d6). Arinitam fails his save. The PCs get a +2 circumstance bonus because of prior knowledge. Make a Reflex save (DC 14).

If the flames reach the storm drains, there will be a much larger explosion (5d6, DC 16). Your PCs have mere moments to react. Some clean water or lots of dirt or sand should stop the flames. There is an adjacent alley that is clean of the oil. You guys can make straight Dexterity checks (DC 18) to smother the flames before they enter the drains. There is a +2 circumstance bonus if either of your PCs has the Run feat. (I can't remember if either of your PC's do.)
OOC: Oleander has no Run Feat.

[sblock=Reflex Save]Saves: 1d20+6 17[/sblock]
Oleander moves quickly at the initial explosion finding whatever dirt and water are close at hand vainly trying to extinguish the spreading flame, but it seems an impossible task. He has no cantrip or magics that will help.

[sblock=Dex check]DEX: 1d20+4 16[/sblock]
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World of Kulan DM
Before Brother Pi can respond to the questions from Arinitam, the explosion shakes the city. The dwarf tries desperately to get out of the way, jumping into a nearby alley and avoiding most of the flames.

As he looks around to find something to douse the flames before they reach the drains, Brother Pi finds only a handful of stones in the alleyway, which he shoves in front of the drains but it has little effect.
Oleander moves quickly at the initial explosion finding whatever dirt and water are close at hand vainly trying to extinguish the spreading flame, but it seems an impossible task. He has no cantrip or magics that will help.
Both Brother Pi and Oleander deft avoid the worst of the flaming explosion. When trying to smother the flames, Oleander thinks for split second he might have gotten lucky as some of the dirt he throws at the fire seems to snuff sections of the flames. But is to no avail. The flames seem to jump over his quick and dirty fire break and heads directly into the drains through Brother Pi's stones.

The street erupts into flames for a second time and the street shakes from the concussions going on underneath it. The red fury of the flames boils up from below and spews up out of all the nearby drains in a wave of smelly, burning debris.

OOC:[/u] Make the second Reflex save (DC 16) or take 5d6 fire damage. Also make a Dexterity check (DC 14, fall prone on a failed check) to stay on your feet because of the shaking ground. Both PCs get a +2 circumstance bonus on both checks because they know it is coming.

Kane shouts, "That explosion came from the direction of the Cat Temple! Come on, fellows! We must hurry!"

And with that, Kane (still in disguise) begins rushing down the street, at full speed, the fastest ditch-digger anyone has ever seen, carrying a fully loaded pack as if it weren't even there...
Dorin falls in line behind Kane as best he can. He tries to hide the smile slowly widening on his face. This day was quickly becoming one of the most exciting days of his life.
Bravec winces from the sound of the blast. He must have flinched pretty hard as the little wagon he is holding on to practically jumps off the pavement at the sound. "What in hell is that?" he exclaims. "You are right, we must try to assist." He too takes off at a run the little wagon in tow.
With Kane in the lead, the three young heroes quickly traverse the distance from the sailmaker's shop to the Temple of the Cat. As you all near its edifice, the ground begins to shake violently and the trio risk falling to the ground. Another explosion, bigger than the first one, erupts on the other side of the temple on Magma Avenue. Flames roar into the air, giving the temple a fiery halo. The flames rush around the sides of the temple and the other nearby buildings, right towards the trio.

Kane watches as the flames from the explosion rush into the nearby Felid Grove — a sacred space dedicated to the North God, Rel — right next to the Temple of the Cat. He knows that there is also the nearby Star Park on the other side of Magma Avenue. If that goes up in flames, the whole northern half of the city could be at risk of going up in flames.

OOC: Make the same Reflex save and Dexterity check. Because the explosion is on the other side of the buildings, Kane, Dorin, and Bravec all have a +4 circumstance bonus on the Reflex save. However, their isn't a bonus for the Dexterity check since the trio weren't expecting the second explosion.

The Felid Grove catches fire at this point. There are likely several worshipers praying in the grove at this time of day. While the grove isn't big, it's trees are sacred to the gods Rel and Bast.

At this point, no one can tell which of the nearby buildings might be on fire. You can all make Spot checks (DC 15) to determine which building are in serious trouble. You can also choose to use any other appropriate skills. Knowledge (architecture and engineering) could be useful for the buildings while Knowledge (nature) and Survival could be useful with dealing with the burning grove of trees.


Time slows down for Dorin as the explosion shakes the area. His eyes dart around foe cover to dive behind. His eyes, already looking forward, spot Kane and he momentarily contemplates ducking behind him, but quickly shakes that notion from his head. His eyes wander around as his brain contemplates every variable in play. "Wind speed is... coming from... humidity currently... dew point is... spells available... dry rotted wood... eruption height should send embers... best course of action... PEOPLE... SAVE PEOPLE!" Dorin finally draws a conclusion as he swiftly changes course into a side alley avoiding the explosion and then made a bee line for the homes closest and most likely to burn to begin evacuations.

OOC: Reflex: 1d20+7 26
Engineering: 1d20+4 19
Nature: 1d20+9 27
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Both Brother Pi and Oleander deft avoid the worst of the flaming explosion.
OOC: Make the second Reflex save (DC 16) or take 5d6 fire damage. Also make a Dexterity check (DC 14, fall prone on a failed check) to stay on your feet because of the shaking ground. Both PCs get a +2 circumstance bonus on both checks because they know it is coming.
OOC: Reflex Save: Save: 1d20 = 17 + 6 = 23. Save
DEX Check: Check: 1d20 = 11 + 4 = 15

Oleander seeing the futility of his efforts leaps to the side as the fire ignores his attempt to extinguish it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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