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D&D 3E/3.5 [Kulan] New Angels and Angel Paragons!


World of Kulan DM

Do you know if there are any stats out there for any Angel Paragons? I'm assuming there were unique angels in 1e and 2e, but I can't remember what the names were, or what references they would be in.

Any and all help would be appreciated.



p.s. I do have Anger of Angels, so I could use the real world versions of the celestial host as angel paragons for World of Kulan, but I want to find out if there is anything more fantasy-based.
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Aspect of BOZ

First Post
can't say that i've ever heard of any. i started making up some unique celestial paragons a few years ago, but haven't had the time or energy to get back on that.


World of Kulan DM
Aspect of BOZ said:
can't say that i've ever heard of any. i started making up some unique celestial paragons a few years ago, but haven't had the time or energy to get back on that.
Well, I just looked through my Dragon Magazine Archive and there is an article in The Dragon #35 that deals with Angels in D&D by William Fawcett. (I often forget that I have the Archive.) That article details The Celestial Hierarchy, which includes the following:

St. Thomas Aquinas List
1. The Seraphim
2. The Cherubim
3. Thrones
4. Dominations
5. Virtues
6. Powers
7. Principalities
8. Archangels
9. Angels (of the Ninth Order)

Each Order lists several unique angelic names, of which several I recognize from the Book of Exalted Deeds and from Anger of Angels. Thus, I have a bit of a starting point.

The Seraphim: Michael (also called Seraphiel)

The Cherubim: Gabriel, Cherubiel, Ophaniel, Raphael, Uriel, and Zophiel.

Thrones: Orifiel, Zaphkiel, Jophiel, and Raziel.

Dominations: Zadkiel, Hashmal, Zacharael (Yahriel), and Muriel.

Virtues: Uzziel, Gabriel, Michael, Peliei, Berbiel, Sabriel, Haniel, Hamaliel, and Tarshish.

Powers: Camael, Gabriel, and Vercheil.

Principalities: Nisroc, Hanieln, Requel, Cerviel, and Amael.

Archangels: Uriel, Raguel, Michael, Seraqael, Gabriel, Haniel, and Raphael.

Angels: Phaleg, Adnachiel, Gabriel, and Chayliel.


Creature Cataloguer
true dat! i'm sure most (if not all) of those names were taken from christian tradition, which would be why they weren't reused subsequently. although, later Raziel and Zaphkiel were used as names for archon lords.


World of Kulan DM
BOZ said:
true dat! i'm sure most (if not all) of those names were taken from christian tradition, which would be why they weren't reused subsequently. although, later Raziel and Zaphkiel were used as names for archon lords.
Yeah, I noticed that the names Raziel and Zaphkiel matched two of the archon lords. And regardless of why TSR/WotC didn't reuse them, I'M going to. After all, I'm not squemish about the Christian tradition. (FYI... I grew up in a Christian household.)

I will be designing my angels based on fantasy, however, and will likely give the more well known angel names a bit of tweak. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael will have slightly altered names, as the following...

Michael: Mikhail or the alternate, Seraphiel.
Gabriel: Gabe or Gabi or Gabre.
Raphael: Rafe or Raphe.

I really like the following names: Adnachiel, Amael, Chayliel, Hashmal, Jophiel, Nisroc, Ophaniel, Peliei, Phaleg, Sabriel, Tarshish, Vercheil, Zacharael, and Zophiel.

Plus, I'm going to come up with my own "named" angels, using other real world languages (i.e Finnish) and my own imagination. One I recently came up with is known as Telvaneth, Angel of the Mountain. He is a servant of the North God known as Jalivier, for my Lands of Harqual campaign. Another is named Alieus, Archangel of Death in the service of Hades and all the other North Gods, as well. (Hades is LN in my campaign.)


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World of Kulan DM
For my reference - from The Dragon #35

Note that I've cut out all the real world religious "bits". - KF72

The Seraphim
It is the duty of the Seraphim to surround the throne of their Deity, intoning constantly his/her praise. "Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew."

Frequency: Never on the material planes, otherwise very rare.
Number: 1 (all four being found only at the throne)
Armor Class: -7
Move: 12/24 [(Spd 60 ft., fly 120 ft. (perfect)]
H.D.: 199 Hit Points (24 HD, Con 22?)
Number of Attacks: 1
Damage: 4-14
Special Attacks: listed below
Special Defenses: +3 or better to hit (DR 15/epic and evil)
Magic Resistance: 90% (SR 32)
Intelligence: Genius
Alignment: Lawful Good (of course)
Size: Varies, as they desire

The Seraphim are the Elite of the Seven Heavens. They have available to them all Miracles (all clerical spells). They may use one per melee round and each one as often as desired. Seraphim often take on the form of a fiery serpent when smiting the forces of Evil. Also known as the Angels of Love, Light, and Fire.

The Cherubim
"...in general where a description is given cherubim are described as winged creatures combining human and animal features." - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Cherubim are the “flame of whirling swords” and are the guardians and protectors of Good’s greatest treasures.

Frequency: Very rare
Number: 1
Armor class: -5
Move: 12/30 [(Spd 60 ft., fly 150 ft. (good)]
H.D.: 166 Hit Points (20 HD, Con 20?)
Number of Attacks: 1
Damage: With fiery sword, 12-34 (10 + 2d12)
Special Attacks: Listed below
Special Defenses: +3 or better to hit (DR 10/epic and evil)
Magic resistance: 85% (SR 30)
Intelligence: Genius
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: Large (12’ tall)

A Cherubim is likely only to be encountered if a character is attempting to gain some item or piece of knowledge guarded by one. Cherubim have the following special abilities, which they will employ to protect their trust Each of these powers may be used as often as desired, one per melee round: wall of fire, flame strike, blade barrier, glyph of warding, and lightning bolt (10 dice).
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World of Kulan DM
"They (Thrones) are the carriers of the throne of The Deity, hence the name. They are said to be great wheels covered in eyes." - Wikipedia, the free encyclopia

Frequency: Very rare
Number appearing: 1
Armor Class: -3
Move: 9/24 [(Spd 50 ft., fly 120 ft. (good)]
Hit Dice: 133 Hit Points (14 HD, Con 20?)
Number of Attacks Varies
Damage: Varies (see below)
Special Attacks: See below
Special Defenses: +2 or better to hit (DR 10/evil)
Magic Resistance: 75% (SR 28)
Intelligence: Exceptional
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: Varies

The third order in the Celestial hierarchy is the Thrones, who are charged with being the instruments of ultimate justice. Rarely coming if appealed to, the Thrones appear when dispatched even if no request is made. They tend to be more concerned with slights to their Deity than with the actions men do to one another.

The Throne can assume the shape and powers of any other creature. The Angel has the full abilities of the creature whose shape it assumes. If the Throne assumes a humanoid shape, it has the abilities of whatever character class it chooses at the 15th-level of ability. The Thrones are relentless in their duty, and if defeated will retire for a year and then take up their pursuit again. They are vaguely reptilian in their natural form and there is a 50% chance that they will employ one offensive magic item when in human form.

The Angels of this order are often seen appearing as Lords of great majesty holding an orb, sceptre, or both. Their duty is to regulate the Angels (fallen and true), and through them the majesty of their Deity is manifested.

Should devils take too active a role on the material plane, one of the Dominations will return him to his rightful place. They also react to those who would put themselves forward as being a (false) god due to magical powers or abilities.

Frequency: Rare
Number appearing: 1
Armor Class: -2
Move: 9/24 [(Spd 50 ft., fly 120 ft. (good)]
Hit Dice: 88 Hit Points (11 HD, Con 19?)
Number of Attacks: 1
Damage: 5-60 (5d12 to subdue only)
Special Attacks: See below
Special Defenses: +2 or better to hit (DR 10/evil)
Magic Resistance: 65% (SR 25)
Intelligence: Exceptional
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: Large (12’ tall)

When in conflict with a devil, the Dominations will always attempt to force the devil to return to the Nine Hells. They will drive the devil forth, striking it with both hands until it subdues meekly, returning to its own plane.

When in conflict with other creatures, the Angels of this order will first attempt to overawe their opponent with the majesty of the power of their Deity (save vs. magic or be subdued), and if this fails they will use miracles (clerical spells) to put the opponent in a position where it can do no damage while contemplating the error of its ways.

Angels of Dominations know the names of all creatures, and 40% of the time will have and employ a Brazen Bottle. They may also employ once per round any of the following miracles, hold person or monster (save at -3), dispel magic, plane shift, dispel evil, polymorph others, imprisonment, flesh to stone or salt, and spiritwrack.
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World of Kulan DM
The Virtues are the order of Angels that most commonly deals with men. Their principal duty is to work miracles upon the Material Plane. They are also said to be the chief bestowers of grace and valor. As such, there is a possibility that they can reward an especially deserving human with an increase in Charisma. The Virtues often appear as perfectly formed humans with glowing countenances.

It is common for a Virtue to be accompanied by 2-12 Angels (9th order).

Frequency: Rare
Number appearing: 1 or 2
Armor Class: -3
Move: 9/24 [(Spd 50 ft., fly 120 ft. (good)]
Hit Dice: 10
Number of Attacks: 1
Damage: 2-12
Special Attacks: See below
Special Defenses: +2 or better to hit (DR 10/evil)
Magic Resistance: 65% (SR 25)
Intelligence: Exceptional
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: M (6-8’ tall)

It is not uncommon for a Virtue which has been sent to the Material Plane to have been given the ability to perform one specific miracle (cleric spell) that is beyond its normal powers. These would be major miracles, such as stopping the sun or parting a sea.

All Virtues have the following powers which can be used once per round as often as desired: command; create food or water; cure disease, blindness, or insanity; hold person; speak with dead; cure serious wounds; neutralize poison; insect plague; raise dead; true seeing; and find the path. Once per day Virtues may perform a restoration or resurrection. If attacked, a Virtue will summon 2-12 Angels for assistance.

Powers are charged with seeing that the order of the spheres is maintained. In this they are the chief opponents of demons rather than devils, because it is demons who strive for chaos. Powers are more frequent visitors to the Material Plane than most types of Angels. They are zealous in their dedication to maintaining the order as it should be. The powers are divided into six groups: Logic, Creativity, Strength, Mercy, Legislation and Punishment.

Frequency: Rare
Number Appearing: 1 or 1-3
Armor Class: -3
Move: 9/24 [(Spd 50 ft., fly 120 ft. (good)]
Hit Dice: 14
Number of Attacks: 1
Damage: 2-24
Special Attacks: see below
Special Defenses: +2 or better to hit (DR 10/evil)
Magic Resistance: 65% (SR 28)
Intelligence: Exceptional
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: L (12’ tall)

The Powers have a Strength of 18/00 and regenerate 2 points of damage per round. They add +3 to the morale of any Good creature who can see them. Once each round a Power may use one of the following: hold person or monster, silence 15’, continual light, sticks to snakes, flame strike, true seeing, blade barrier, stone tell. Once per day a Power may use resurrection, earthquake, holy word.
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World of Kulan DM
The Order of the Principalities is entrusted with the duty of protecting religion, and its temples, and priests. They also (according to Dionysius) watch over the leaders of the people. With the leaders, their primary concern is to prevent the powers of evil from having too much sway. They prefer to work by inspiration rather than taking any direct action when dealing with earthly rulers.

If a temple of Good is being desecrated or a faithful follower is in great danger, there is a possibility that an angel of Principalities will intervene. They restrict their actions to the minimum necessary for protecting their charge. They never use more force than is necessary. If telling a bishop about an escape route will save him, for instance, they would never do more than that. If the bishop fails to heed the warning and is captured, the Principalities take little notice because they believe in allowing man his free will. If they are needed, the Principalities have the ability to gate in 1-4 angels (9th order).

Frequency: Rare
Number appearing: 1
Armor Class: -4
Move: 9/18 [(Spd 40 ft., fly 90 ft. (good)]
Hit Dice: 11
Number of Attacks: 1
Damage: 2-16
Special Attacks: See below
Special Defenses: +2 or better to hit (DR 10/evil)
Magic Resistance: 55% (SR 22)
Intelligence: Exceptional
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: M

Principalities will appear most often as a noble-looking king or high-level cleric. When possible, they will remain invisible and employ a powerful suggestion spell to impart their message. If needed, a Principality can employ any of these abilities one at a time, one per melee round: command, detect charm, detect lie, tongues (and its reverse), true seeing, suggestion, invisibility, ventriloquism, confusion, project image. Once per day these Angels may use flame strike, teleport (others), restoration, and control weather.

Each Archangel leads a Host of angels whose numbers has been estimated many times, never less than many thousands. When acting as messengers they travel alone, but have the ability to gate in as many of their Host as is needed (at 1-3 per round).

Frequency: Very rare
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: -3
Move: 9/24 [(Spd 50 ft., fly 120 ft. (good)]
Hite Dice: 11
No. of Attacks: 1
Damage: 6-24 (6d4)
Special Attacks: See below
Special Defenses: +2 or better to hit (DR 10/epic and evil)
Magic Resistance: 55% (SR 28)
Intelligence: Genius
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: L (10’ tall)

Archangels may also use one of the following per melee round as often as desired: spiritual hammer (doing 9-12 points for 20 rounds), chant (affects human types only), dispel evil, flame strike, insect plague, blade barrier, and call lightning. Once per day they may use earthquake, holy word, symbol.

Virtually never will an Archangel appear himself if less than a massive attack of devils is involved. Most often, the Marshals of the Seven Heavens will appear as a muscular, white-clad warrior of great beauty and Charisma.

Angels of the Ninth Order
By far the largest number of Angels belong to this order. These are the multitudes of Angels that make up the Celestial Host and Choirs. They are also the most-used Angels for the carrying of messages, warnings, etc. to other planes. They serve also at the call of the angels of the other orders and assist them in their tasks.

Frequency: Uncommon
No. appearing: 1 or 1-4
Armor Class: -4
Move: 9/18 [(Spd 40 ft., fly 90 ft. (good)]
Hit Dice: 6-8
Number of attacks: 1
Damage: 4-24 (4d6)
Special Attacks: See below
Special Defenses: +1 or better to hit (DR 5/evil)
Magic Resistance: 50% (SR 22)
Intelligence: High
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: L (9’ tall)

The Angelic Hosts of the Seven Heavens can appear in any form they choose. Most commonly they appear as human warriors with white robes and holy swords or hammers which only they can use. They are capable of meleeing and invoking a miracle simultaneously. When not combating evil, Angels will assume the appearance of a pleasantly featured human. Angels may employ one of the following per melee round: cure light wounds, purify food and drink, hold person, tongues, plane shift (others), speak with dead, blade barrier, and cure disease. Once per day the Angel may control weather as a 12th-level Druid.
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World of Kulan DM
The way this is going to work is that i'm going to start with the lowest level of angels and work my way up. Thus, the Angels of the Ninth Order is first.

This angel will have the lowest HD, and I'm thinking 8. (Plus, I'm leaning towards them being Medium.) This will put them below the astral deva, as the weakest type of angel. I'm thinking the following for stats...

Str 20, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 17, Wis 16, Cha 18


Time for bed.

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