D&D 3E/3.5 [Kulan] The Lands of Harqual (Updated: Feb 3/2022)

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Helanan Shores
Still to be written.

Names for the Jovian Alliance
These names are specific to the Lands of the Jovian Alliance. The names are used by not only the dominant Jov ethnic group of the alliance, but also by the lands numerous giants, half-giants, half-ogres and half-orcs. It is rare for any elves or half-elves living in alliance lands to have these names but it isn’t forbidden.

Male Names
Arciere, Arnulphus, Berthelmi, Cipriano, Conte, Cyrano, Diavulu, Ferrant, Galois, Ghjuvan, Girard, Goro, Inigo, Papi, Raymon, Richart, Rhazien, Rubinettu, Saveriu, Taddeo, Tempesto, Verain, Vestitu, Volu, Zayin, Ziu.

Female Names
Agnese, Auizia, Caeda, Carmilla, Catena, Ciecherella, Ciuta, Damigella, Dea, Eddeva, Ghjulia, Giliana, Lamenta, Lavinia, Luce, Maleta, Marmura, Melisant, Polvara, Rabbia, Roheisia, Serena, Tavula, Tita, Vulenda, Zitella.

Acquanatu, Amparera, Aravena, Avarizia, Barbato, Barberan, Bragadin, Birra, Chioza, Cisterna, Colonna, Cripta, Cuppa, De Luca, Drago, Ermacora, Falier, Fareryla, Figarella, Fiocarda, Flacone, Gallina, Ganciu, Gattivi, Gru, Helisabeth, Insettu, Lacan, Loredan, Luciana, Magu, Maligna, Mannazzu, Marziale, Morte, Nascimbene, Nave, Nieddo, Nisi, Padovan, Perrina, Poggio, Quranta, Quarin, Ragno, Riva, Ruzzier, Salvaticu, Sanguinosa, Schiavu, Spada, Squalu, Stendu, Taverna, Tazza, Tempiu, Tosto, Ughi, Ululatu, Vasara, Vetru, Vidala, Vinificatore, Volpe, Yutilio, Zangari, Zeni, Zustignan.
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Knightfall1972 said:
Um, you do realize that most of my Kulan material is already compiled into Word documents, right?
I have no doubt. Currently I can't acces yahoo mail, don't know about the groups, I haven't tried. Anyway, I like to do these sort of things to fill up my free time, as I have it in spades.

chuck [dot] r [dot] wenzler [at] pmusa [dot] com

[Helanan Shores (cont.)]

Names for the Onan Territories
These names are specific to the City-state of Onaway and its vassal communities. There are many nomadic Onan Wildman clans living on the Hawk or Redhawk plains or in the Old Warlands that have the same history and lineage as the denizens of Onaway (who were once nomadic, themselves). Thus, an Onan Wildman clan living in the northern Wild Plains could have these names. Plus, many of these names have migrated north into the Jovian Alliance, but they are more rare in those communities.

Male Names
Ambrose, Bartholomew, Clade, Crispian, Dion, Edmund, Felix, Giles, Hadrian, Hezekiah, Izaac, Jeremiah, Lysander, Lucius, Maurice, Nicholas, Octavius, Philon, Randolph, Rhys, Septimus, Sextus, Terrence, Theophilus, Vestin, William, Zenon.

Female Names
Agape, Bridget, Camilia, Cecily, Claris, Diana, Eleanor, Emme, Faith, Gillian, Honor, Hypatia, Isabel, Judith, Kallisto, Lore, Mercy, Olympia, Parnel, Rosamund, Sense, Sibyl, Tamsin, Teresa, Ursula, Wilmot, Xanthe.

Angelathos, Asarathal, Bacemus, Caffshade, Cypynum, Dorenum, Elalack, Elomai, Fen Arthin, Gusimer, Hrillon, Icursi, Ieremeuo, Jisle, Kin Toran, LaCorad, Lexiven, Mullperrome, Numosatur, Oidege, Palo, Phrypto, Qulk, Rave, Redana, Sicorex, Tiovol, Tusisus, Urinash, Venyven, Whiteage, Zalaascena.
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I'll take any and all documents you have regarding Harqual. Once I have my computer up and running (which at this point could be between tomorrow and the day I die), I'll be able to convert them to PDF. I still have that glossy map I told you about. Shoot me your email address, and I'll get it out to you as soon as I can.

EDIT: Email address deleted.
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Old Warlands
Still to be written.

General Names
These are the general names that can be found throughout the Old Warlands, whether or not it is the Barony of Poli, City-state of Halandra, the City-state of Nikel, County of Valeny, Heth Hold, or the Ruined March. It doesn’t include the Lawless Camps, the Ruined March, or the Town of Heth Hold, however.

Male Names
Alfkell, Aryradas, Buccanelos, Carsmoor, Coryan, Damarwug, Damayth, Gravgath, Gromgith, Kyrair, Kyraos, Lyrmer, Maranaren, Maranmer, Odiatr, Radimas, Shadular, Tarras, Tireth, Tirnos, Unor, Vennos, Werbar, Wyraren, Yshan, Yarzer, Zelbyr.

Female Names
Agella, Alhana, Annaca, Belaytha, Bucethera, Carera, Corla, Corrya, Damna, Darara, Famas, Futhaperera, Kapona, Kyra, Hesvandia, Laratrrya, Malara, Maranlora, Olaffora, Selira, Shadhisa, Tirdua, Wyrada, Yarela, Ysurra, Zacannara, Zelrotha.

Allek, Ankrum, Barkett, Balderama, Borom, Centrone, Clarkin, Cudal, Dannard, Farris, Franta, Hackell, Lamacchia, Leiber, Mansbridge, McNamee, Miskan, Modisette, Muehlberger, Munsch, Oppel, Seagraves, Smaniotto, Sokain, Timbs, Woolston, Wylde.
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Piratecat said:
This is great. I plan to steal from you! :D

Heh. There's an irony built into that sentence somewhere.

Seriously, borrow/steal anything you want P'Cat (and others). That's what the thread is for. Lord knows I've borrowed/stolen enough good gaming ideas from the likes of the Jester, Sepulchrave II, Destan, Sagrio, Ashy, RangerWickett, and, of course, Mr. Piratecat.

There are others, but I can't rember them all, right now.



Southern Heartlands
Still to be written.

Thunder Lands
Still to be written.

General Names for the Western Thunder Lands
These are the general human names that can be found throughout the western half of the Thunder Lands, whether or not it is Anoria, Calot, Cindermount, Cirrus, or Kul Moren. They are rare in Pretensa and almost unheard of in Liran or the other eastern lands surrounding the Thunder Mountains. These names are not considered native to the peoples the Diabolic Enclaves.

The bulk of these names are the basis for the Anorian bloodlines that are now commonplace throughout much of the Thunder Lands.

Male Names
Alvyr, Braes, Carcellum, Damrath, Eddanar, Futhagan, Galor, Hesnos, Ignivan, Jalus, Kater, Lyrrath, Matlor, Namzer, Odilos, Paros, Quath, Raius, Shadlor, Tarasus, Unnbyr, Unir, Venmur, Wyrmarnare, Xian, Yarlan, Zaethir.

Female Names
Aryira, Banrya, Corbìnrya, Dalia, Eddala, Fayala, Gaosira, Havyra, Ippaloa, Jagira, Katera, Larmira, Marana, Narya, Olaflora, Perra, Quissa, Rathara, Saymera, Taladua, Tirratha, Unnvyr, Vyra, Wyrsara, Xia, Yarara, Zarya.

Amster, Behanna, Bokanovich, Cassani, Corff, Delancy, DeRose, Empson, Fellian, Ficek, Grimaud, Heidelburg, Hipwell, Knobel, Lazio, Lunney, Maxberry, McIlhinney, Naramore, Oliverio, Pullar, Quillian, Randall, Rowey, Rumrill, Sacchetti, Stannard, Taraborelli, Vaudrain, Westergard, Yuriell, Zimmel.
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