[Northlands (cont.)]
Gem Kingdom
The region around the Gem Kingdom is a hodgepodge of different names, as the region changed dramatically after The Transformation. As noted below, there are many pre-Transformation first names still in use in the region, and the new denizens brought to Harqual, by the magical conjunction, have various naming traditions. These traditions tend to push against one another, and tempers have already flared in the region just due to mispronunciations and language barriers. Magical assistance has helped some deal with having new neighbours that they can’t understand.
And these problems are just based on the human languages. It doesn’t even take into account the racial languages of the native dwarven, elven, and halfling populations or the unique languages of the Niomus and Siarrans. The nonnative race known as the Illonis seem to be the one race that can translate native and nonnative languages back and forth at will. The blind humanoids are highly sought after in the Kingdom of Jewels as translators, but they rarely prefer to take such positions. They are wanderers of the Multiverse, and since The Transformation brought numerous Illonis to the Lands of Harqual, they plan to explore the entire continent and beyond.
And while the Illonis are leaving the Near North in droves, the surrounding native communities have begun to explore these new city-states that have claimed what was once virgin wilderness. Merchants from Arkhangel and the Wind Cities, dwarf miners from the Greystones, elves from Olvmer, barbarians from the Lashee Divide, and soldiers from the Shining Principality have all taken notice of the newcomers. And not all of them are happy about the changes wrought around the once placid Lake Gem. The newcomers have been quick to begin fishing Lake Gem, tilling the soil, cutting down the Olvemwood, and mining the hills south of the city-states of Halle and Vull.
All this activity means that alliances will change, conflict will be the norm, and almost any person, whether native or nonnative, can be encountered in the Lake Gem Region. And almost any naming tradition, from the surrounding lands, is possible in this region. PCs are just as likely to meet a cleric of Hades named Bartholomeus Hammerstein, from the Coldstone Region who is crusading in the region, as they are to meet a newcomer named Ozan Vidagath, who is trying to start up a new farm.
General Names
These names are post-Transformation names for the human denizens of the Kingdom of Jewels. This includes the following communities: Dalyvar, Feldor, Felyer, Golyir, Halle, Vull, and Welitor. Nonhumans rarely use these names, although there are a few nonhuman families that use the first names (i.e. sundered dwarves and other nonnative demihumans). Whether or not these names spread beyond the Kingdom of Jewels remains to be seen.
Male Names
Altan, Bedros, Carsten, Dominik, Erol, Fester, Gadar, Hakan, Ilker, Jochim, Koray, Levent, Metin, Norbert, Ozan, Poldi, Radulf, Rein, Savas, Sigmund, Temel, Umut, Volkan, Walther, Wolfram, Yavuz, Zeki.
Female Names
Anina, Ayla, Banu, Canan, Dilara, Elmas, Fidan, Gonca, Havva, Imma, Ivonne, Jutta, Kelebek, Liesel, Maral, Nuray, Ottolie, Pembe, Raimunde, Ria, Siran, Taline, Ute, Vosgi, Walburga, Yonca, Zabel.
Agaal, Athamaar, Banmarrath, Calimalad, Coughenour, Damarper, Dasil, Eberhaart, Falkenkave, Gidias, Gunnikuur, Hochstatter, Inverternos, Jaiel, Kaleben, Kennemer, Lamshadune, Marannare, Naarmune, Ondarion, Parthemer, Quaar, Rornhad, Shadmaciir, Tarasbaar, Tuul, Urimoone, Vidagath, Wulfbaar, Yserradane, Zolavaar, Zumas.
Names in Alithton
There are only a handful of human families living in the City-state of Alithton, which has been named the temporary Capital City of the Kingdom of Jewels. And most of these humans are natives of Harqual that became refugees after mists of The Transformation reshaped this region. These names are also used in the communities of Julietown and Lord’s Crossing, two pre-Transformation communities that survived the warping magicks of the supernatural fogs that engulfed the region.
These names were the common names of this region, pre-Transformation. They are now considered very rare, although they are still used by some of the barbarian tribes of the Lashee Divide. These humans don’t use surnames; instead they use their father or mother’s name as per the following: Quidel, Son of Wayra or Itzel, Daughter of Sayen. Those that have migrated into Alithton have begun to use unique surnames, often taken from nature such as the following: Quidel Northwind or Itzel Morningsun.
Male Names
Antiman, Aucaman, Bernat, Cadeyrn, Donat, Ean, Guacra, Hemi, Ilkin, Kai, Kale, Maquinna, Nahuel, Otikoro, Pau, Phirun, Quando, Quidel, Raru, Rongo, Shikoba, Tane, Tural, Uenuku, Vibol, Wayra, Zolton.
Female Names
Aylen, Boudicca, Carme, Dara, Emere, Haukea, Hine, Inguill, Itzel, Kalena, Lani, Llora, Maiara, Malinal, Naira, Neus, Nuka, Omaka, Paaie, Paora, Rayen, Sayen, Tamaya, Te Pura, Wayna, Whina, Zyanya.
Names in Stonevale
The human families living in, and now near, the City-state of Stonevale have different naming traditions than those in the rest of the Kingdom of Jewels. This is due to the fact that the denizens of Stonevale, like Alithton, came from a different Alternate Material Plane than the rest of the post-Transformation communities of the Kingdom of Jewels. Plus, Stonevale is dominated by the Niomus, so the humans from that city reflect Nioman naming traditions, but more “Common” sounding, so to speak.
Male Names
Aaron, Aras, Baldo, Camrin, Disan, Doran, Edin, Elijah, Fletcher, Gabe, Haiden, Indigo, Jorr, Kameron, Ladd, Michael, Niles, Orrell, Pakton, Ranald, Rowan, Slovis, Trace, Uland, Varr, Winsorr, Zubin.
Female Names
Asia, Batel, Celesta, Diana, Earleen, Ferne, Georgene, Hepsie, Iantha, Ivah, Jacklin, Katalin, Lara, Linn, Maddison, Naomi, Nerissa, Ottoline, Paige, Romaine, Sala, Senina, Tiana, Ulissa, Vivian, Willow, Zowie.
Ainirr, Aulbush, Bagirr, Bazovirr, Cidouon, Dinalen, Emmash, Fais, Feikirk, Gan, Hites, Iltris, Iturash, Jorllise, Kisovirr, Larardon, Liruash, Mahale, Neikirk, Odiren, Pancellise, Reikirk, Salte, Thrain, Timmarr, Unmirr, Urumgirr, Venorr, Waddise, Wircirr, Zarburr, Zeikirk.