D&D 3E/3.5 [Kulan] The Lands of Harqual (Updated: Feb 3/2022)


World of Kulan DM
The City of Splendors: Harqual-style!

Proper Name(s): The Free City of Deepwater, The City of Splendors, The City on the Deep Waters
Rulers: The Lords of the Free City
Government: Oligarchy
Capital: Deepwater
Major Towns: Deepwater (pop. – 132,661), Dorhout Town (pop. – 1,045), Glanskust Town (pop. – 3,655)
Provinces: One lordship and two knight-holds.
Resources: Armor and barding, furnishings, leather goods, textiles (any), and weapons
Coinage: Maan (platinum/electrum coin, equals 25 taols), Taol (brass coin, equals 2 havens), Haven (gp), Silver (sp).
Population: 1,347,840 – Human 64%, Dwarf (hill) 10%, Elf (urbanite) 8%, Halfling (hairfoot or lightfoot) 5%, Half-Elf 5%, Kitt 3%, Half-Orc 2%, Other Races 2%.
Languages: Aquan, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Kitt, Orc, Shoal.
Alignments: All alignments, dominated by Lawful Good.
Patron God: None
Major Religions: Aegir, Apollo, Boccob, Cyrrollalee, the Daghdha, Dike, Dugmaren, Hades, Hanali, Immotion, Inanna, Kord, Kuil, Mayela, Mielikki, Muamman, Oghma, Persana, Ramara, Rhea, Thoth, and Velit.
Minor Religions: Abbathor, Angrboda, Aoskar, Berronar, Bast, Belinik, Calphas, Darahl, Gaea, Hansa, Heward, Labelas, Loviatar, Math Mathonwy, Melira, Mussin, Olidammara, Rán, Sanh, Sheela, Tethrin, Tyche, Wee Jas, and Xan Yae.
Cults: Alathrien, Amand, Anacoro, Aurifar, Baervan, Cronus, Dagon, Druaga, Eadro, Emcey, Jaeger, Manannan mac Lir, Santè, Sekolah, Shoku, Sialic, Teve, Thera, Trithereon, Truce, Untamo, Uranus, Urogalan, Vergadain, Vespin, and Yeathan.
Alliances: Hawkgard Holds, the Storm Domain.

Also, see on the previous page, here: http://www.enworld.org/forum/1641162-post70.html
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World of Kulan DM
Symbol: Exterior view of the towers of Mathghamhna against a blue circle.

The Arcane Order is a college & guild of arcana. Magic is taught, explored, and researched, and members benefit from a sharing of knowledge. The college is also an extension of the government of the Domain of the Arcane Alliance.

Leader: Chancellor Japheth Arcane (CG human male, Wiz9/Guildmage10); see page 23 of D&D Tome and Blood for this character’s full statistics.

Current Activities
Before anything else, the Arcane Order is a place for the charismatic and intelligent to come and learn the ways of the arcane magical arts including bardic magic, sorcery and wizardry. Mathghamhna is both a campus and guild for arcana and its students are taught many aspects of magic. The members of the Arcane Order follow the teachings of the Patron of Magic, Immotion. Thus, its members are forbidden from learning and practicing the Forbidden Art, the evil of necromantic magic. The guild does restrict its members from worshipping other good (and some neutral) deities of magic, but the worship of Math Mathonwy or Xuar is forbidden.

The research of magic is highly valued by the members of the Arcane Order. Details on creating and destroying spells, magic items, and even minor artifacts fill the many libraries of the college’s staff and students. Of course, there isn’t a library more diverse, in the ways of magical research, then the Grand Library of Mathghamhna. To the members of the Arcane Order, knowledge is power. The college’s motto is “Publish or Perish”. (The many sorcerers & bards of the Arcane Order also take this to heart, creating wonderful treatises, plays, and ballads in the spirit of arcana.)

The Arcane Order is more than just studying and researching though. The college’s forced exile from the Kingdom of Thallin has brought about the need for its members to band together. Now, the Arcane Order is as much a political entity, as a magical one. Soon after relocating Mathghamhna magically, Chancellor Arcane began forming alliances with several communities located on the adjacent islands on Lake Qualitian.

Together, the Arcane Order and these communities have formed the Domain of the Arcane Alliance. As a result, the members of the Arcane Order have become the magical eyes and ears of Mathghamhna, which isn’t just the name of the college of arcana anymore. It has become synonymous with the entire Domain of the Arcane Alliance.

Campaign Notes
For years, the Arcane Order was a bastion of magical knowledge in the Kingdom of Thallin. The college was highly respected, by the aristocracy and common citizens alike for the school’s views on working within the community, without overly burdening it at the same time. For many years the wizards, sorcerers, and bards of Mathghamhna had worked alongside the guilds and colleges of the Capital City of Fruen, striving for its esoteric goals and providing special magical services to the city to keep it safe from its enemies.

The former King, Travathian Dragonguard, held Japheth Arcane as one of his most trusted subjects, as well as a good friend. He knew he could always count on the denizens of Mathghamhna for aid in times of need. And Chancellor Arcane was glad to give it, as allowed his school to prosper and remain protected within Fruen’s city walls. Whether scrying, research, potions, or custom magical gear, Japheth always knew the King would call upon him and would pay fair value for the college’s wares and time.

The King also granted graduates of the College of Arcana citizenship, which lead many wizards and sorcerers to settle in Thallin. Fruen became know for the many low towers and spires but by local arcanists. Eventually, the fame of the school attracted other institutions to Fruen such as the Bardic College of Thallin and the Esoteric Order of the Mooncalf.

However, times have changed.

King Dragonguard’s sudden passing on the 10th of Hela of this year was a blow to the kingdom and the arcanists living in Thallin. Travathian’s son, Varath, was crowned king only moments after his father died. The young King, who would become known as the Mad One, began a systematic restructuring of Thallin’s military into a dark force dedicated to the evil deity, Nether, Sword God of Hate and Tyranny. His reformed royal guard, known as the Fury of the Dragon began terrorizing and subjugating the citizens of Fruen.

Worse than this, Varath soon declares arcanists to be heretics and begins sending waves of evil priests and assassin after known arcanists. This evil force, known as Nether’s Deathtide, sweeps through Fruen seeking out arcanists. Most of those captured are executed on the spot and their homes or towers destroyed. Magical treasures are looted and those that radiate a arcane magical aura are destroyed. Those few artifacts discovered disappear into the possession of the High Priests of Nether.

The Bardic College is completely destroyed, it’s members unable to withstand the onslaught of the Deathtide. The Esoteric Order is taken over by the Deathtide, its arcanist members either killed or imprisoned. Its remaining members are given a choice, work for the divine glory of Nether and King Varath or perish. Many convert to save their lives, other refuse and are burned at the stake along with their family members.

Only the Arcane Order was strong enough to resist the initial onslaught. Japheth Arcane knew it would only be a matter of time before King Varath came for his head too. He refused to let Mathghamhna be destroyed by the Mad One. Thus, he and the regents of the Arcane Order used a properly worded wish, along with the power of several secret artifacts, to teleport Mathghamhna from Fruen to an isolated island on Lake Qualitian.

Those members of the Arcane Order who had yet to leave Fruen, quickly followed their Chancellor in a retreat from the Mad One’s forces. Most relocated to other countries or locales in the Eastern Shores, most notably to the Duchy of Minar, to the south, or the Wind Cities, to the north. Japheth knew he needed allies and the Domain of the Arcane Alliance is the result. This alliance was struck between the Arcane Order and three small communities located on the same small island chain that Mathghamhna had relocated to. These communities are Elsedria, a town of outcast humans, elves and fey from the Knotwood, Half-pint, a hairfoot village known for its aqua vitae, and Mathtown, a new town that has sprung up near Mathghamhna.

The Arcane Order lost many members during the initial months of the Arcanist Purge and those that relocated to other places soon found their way to Mathghamhna to renew their allegiance to the Arcane Order and its Chancellor. Now, those that granted citizenship by King Travathian are considered full citizens of the Domain of the Arcane Alliance, regardless of where they live.

Arcane Order.png
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World of Kulan DM
Dog_Moon2003 said:
I just wanted to make sure you didn't think I meant that by setting an alignment, that guild HAD to be that alignment, like as strict as the LG alignment for Paladins (though even the Paladin now has CG, NG, CE, and LE variants). You still might not decide to put in alignment, but I just wanted to make sure what I said wasn't taken the wrong way.

I understood, no worries.

Dog_Moon2003 said:
There's a good equiv. of the assassin the Book of Exalted Deeds. Slayer of Domiel, I think it is.

Hmm, I have that book. I'll have to take a closer look at that prestige class. I must admit, i haven't read it yet. I don't know why, but other books always seem to get my attention. (Reading Frostburn right now, before that was the Planar Handbook.)




World of Kulan DM
Symbol: Two swords crossed over a bronzed shield with the old heraldry symbol of the city of Vapaa (when it was named Yösydän) upon it. (A gauntleted fist above a dark, foreboding city.)

The Blades of the Emperor are an organization over a 1,000-years-old, which has always fought to protect the lives and interests of the Imperial Family of the Old Sword Imperium. They willing gave their lives for the glory of the Empire and the Sword Gods.

Now, after the fall of that empire, the Blades align themselves to powerful nobles and merchants able to pay for protection. A few of their numbers work towards restoring the Empire of Swords and are seeking a worthy successor with Imperial blood for the Imperial Throne.

Most Blades consider the citizens of Ahamudia to be invaders on the Ragik Peninsula and always work to undermine their lives and society. They will go so far as to attack Ahamudians traveling anywhere west and north of the Rilous Mountains.

Leaders: Hzina Blackrazor [LE female human, Ftr8/Blade4/Blk4]; Gulric Hangomhal [LN male half-orc, Ftr7/Blade4]; and Rethme the Shadow [NE male tiefling, Rog6/Asn3].

Notable Activities
The Blades of the Emperor are not a unified group as they were in the Empire’s glory days. Now they are split into many factions each with its own agenda. Most of these factions are nothing more than bands of brigands riding across the Ragik Peninsula taking whatever they can from whomever they encounter. A select few are more organized working towards higher ideals.

The Blades are on the decline, regardless of what they would like their enemies to believe. More and more, former Blades are leaving the Ragik Peninsula to find another life where they can forget the death of the Last Emperor on the 31st day of Hansa, 749 N.C. These exiles never wear their traditional Blade tunics as most beyond the Ragik Peninsula look unfavorably towards the Blades. A few of these exiles fall back into old habits by protecting nobles or petty lords. It isn’t much, but it is all they have left.

Those Blades unwilling to give up their ideals and dreams for a new reinvigorated Empire of Swords continue to live and work throughout the Ragik Peninsula. While not as reviled in the Old Sword Imperium, they aren’t always welcome either. Blades can usually wear their traditional tunics openly in the Sword South, the Sword East, and the Lake Ragik Region. However, they are not welcome in the Sword Protectorate and most of the lands surrounding the Imperiumi Forest. Also, beyond the Iron Shields of Järir, Blades are looked upon unfavorably by the citizens of the lands of the Ragik Interior as well as the Iron Lands to the south. No Blade would ever openly walk in the lands of the Kingdom of Ahamudia.

Campaign Notes
The largest faction of Blades of the Emperor serves the dictator of the Järir Autarchic known as the Iron Emperor. These Blades are known as the Iron Shields of Järir. The faction’s leader, Hzina Blackrazor, believes that the Iron Emperor is the only man capable of restoring order to the Sword Lands and rekindle the days of old. Hzina is completely loyal to the man and will defend him with her life. She expects the same from her fellow Blades and none of them would dare disappoint their commander. Hzina is a blackguard as well as Blade and is devoted to the Sword Gods almost as much as she is to her lord.

The next largest faction is controlled by the half-orc Gulric Hangomhal. Known as the Red Brands of the Imperiumi this faction is found exclusively in the Lands of the Miekka in and around the Imperiumi Forest. They are known for protecting the ancient ziggurats & tombs and the surrounding communities lining the Empirisk River. They are also commonplace throughout the towns of Miekka and are one of the few factions that treat people fairly within the edicts of the law. Yet, without an Emperor to protect, the Red Brands have turned towards protecting the dead (but not the undead) King-Priests of the Old Sword Imperium. They are near fanatic in this devotion and will kill any that dare defile the rest of the King-Priests, even locales of Miekka. There is no greater crime in their minds.

The third largest faction of Blades is one that most have never even heard of. They are called the Blood Shards of Vespin and most that have heard of them think they little more than another cult dedicated to the dead Sword God of Thieves and Assassins, Vespin. And while their leader is an assassin, known as Rethme the Shadow, they are made up mainly of Blades loyal to the ideals of Rethme. The tiefling assassin is fanatical about the resurrection of Vespin and deciding who will be the next Emperor of Swords. These two ideals often conflict as he uses the Blood Shards to gather information about possible heirs to the Imperial Throne, while sending out assassins to kill any heir he finds lacking. (Rethme has strong ties with the religious sect known as Vespin’s Lost.)

The largest active outpost of Blades outside of Järir is the garrison located at Räven Castle. This large fortress is located near the Gradig River just northeast of the town of Gräsenbyen and is considered essential towards the domination of the northern communities of the Southern Domain of the Sword. Blades walk openly in the towns of the Domain and patrol the lands of the Sword South constantly. They always stop — and often imprison — those traveling south from the Sword Protectorate and do not allow citizens of the Sword South to migrate north into those lands. They see the citizens of the Sword Protectorate as traitors to the Last Emperor. The towns of Gradigstade and Gräsenbyen on the northern edge of the Sword South are, thus, tightly controlled border towns.

Another outpost of Blades are those that control Våravhold Keep on the edge of the Menhir Waldd in the Eastern Domain of the Sword. These Blades are less integrated into the military structure of the Domain as they do not pay fealty to the Princes of the East. They were once loyal to the Last Emperor and have as yet to decide whether to back the Princes or move to have a person of their choosing named Emperor of the East — a title not used since before the Sword Lands were united. These Blades tend to stay close to Våravhold Keep and aren’t as militant as some of the more visible factions. They work towards protecting the hamlets within a days ride from the keep but demand shelter and food from these community’s citizens. They are often found in the Town of Svärdaden, Village of Grisby, and, sometimes, the City of A’Harn. They have apathetic relations with the Prince of A’Harn and often butt heads with the city’s guardsmen over matters of law. The prince puts up with the Blades as the citizens of A’Harn consider them intimidating; they are less likely to cause unrest when Blades are nearby.

Rumors abound about other outposts of Blades across the Ragik Peninsula and beyond. The rumor spoken most often in taverns throughout the region is that a group of good-aligned blades protects the members of the newly formed senate in the city of Vapaa. (After the fall of the Old Sword Imperium, life in the Sword Protectorate changed dramatically and quickly. Three major cities in the region joined the Eight Cities Alliance with those that helped bring down the Last Emperor.) Another rumor circulating through the Kingdom of Ahamudia is that a single Blade swore fealty to King Loghan Halonnan after being captured by the Ahamudians during the Ahamudian-Imperium War. It is said that this Blade is a half-elf who grew up under the yoke of the Last Emperor and rode with the Northern Army to Vapaa to bring down his former liege. It is said he still wears the traditional tunic of a Blade but the heraldry matches that of the capital city of Kingdom of Ahamudia.

Others rumors include (1) a group of Blades riding across the grasslands of the Wild Plains, following a powerful warlord; (2) another band of five Blades now protect Countess Erin Camur of Mistria; (3) a solitary Blade of resounding good, said to also be a paladin, now lives somewhere in the Thunder Lands doing good deeds; and (4) a rumor circulating in the Kingdom of Izmer says that a group of Blades, numbering over fifty in number, passed through the region riding south towards the city-states of Hellekan and Favir. The truth of these rumors remains unknown.

DM's Note
Most Blades of the Emperor (with the Blade of the Emperor prestige class, see L&L Path of the Sword, page 16) are lawful evil but often are lawful neutral as well. Lawful good Blades are extremely rare remaining in hiding from the traditionalists (LE).

Blades of the Emperor.png
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World of Kulan DM
Possible Shackled City Adventure Path Spoilers!


Symbol: The Carcerian Sign.

In the year 245 N.C., the demodands of the prison-plane of Carceri sent some of their kind to the Lands of Harqual through a one-way portal. Disguised as humans, they mated with humans and other denizens of the Material Plane. Most of their spawn was stillborn, but a few survived. They mated and produced the next generation with demodand blood. As the generations passed, all obvious traces of their demodand ancestry faded away. Today, only unveiling an invisible birthmark known as the Carcerian Sign can recognize the descendants of this fiendish bloodline.

These ancestors are known as the Shackleborn.

The group known as the Cagewrights seeks to open a permanent two-way portal between the Material Plane and the outer plane of Carceri. The location of this portal would transform the surrounding area into a planar gate-town. If successful, an incarcerated horde of demodands — trapped on Carceri’s first layer, Othrys — will escape the prison-plane and ravage the continent. The Cagewrights will benefit from this event as the new servants of the demodands, or at least this is what they have been told.

In truth, the Cagewrights are manipulated from the highest level of the organization's leadership towards the ultimate goal of freeing the Lord of Darkness, Hiisi, from the prison-plane of Carceri. This isn't generally known by the lower-ranking members of the group, but it isn't a closely guarded secret. Many members have come to learn the truth about the Cagewrights ultimate goal, and those that embrace the Lord of Darkness gain true power in the organization.

Leaders: Bianca Yelverton [NE female human, Rog12/Asn4]; Chitto Moniric [CE male human, Sor15]; Maklolm Ivarsson [NE male human, Clr8 (unaligned)/Wiz8]; Úrsula Rivadeneira [CN female half-elf, Ftr10/Rog5]; Vennos Dannard [NE male half-orc, Drd15].

Infamous Members: Embril Aloustinai [CE female half-dragon (brass), Wiz6/Clr9 (Falazure)/Mystic Theurge5]; Kyan Winterstrike [CN female elf, Wiz1/Ftr6/Arcane Archer9]; Viirdran Daraqor [CE male rmoahali, Ftr7/Wiz5 (Evoker)/Eldritch Knight4].

Notable Activities
Since the failed attempt to open a portal to Carceri, under the City of Cauldron, in 750 N.C., the Cagewrights have become a more recognized threat throughout the continent. They still prefer to work clandestinely whenever possible, but more of them have begun to operate out in the open, especially in the Old Sword Lands. Many a desperate soul has been recruited into their ranks without any knowledge of the Cagewrights ultimate goal. Instead, they are told that the Cagewrights are simply a doomsday cult with prophetic knowledge of the end of the world. This overt cult is lead by Ursula Rivadeneira.

In the Thunder Lands, the Cagewrights are hunted everywhere they go, especially in the Kul Moren Mountains. The organization is considered to be the blood-enemies of the Order of the Silver Hand and the Disciples of the Bloodsun. They work towards undermining the love that the people have for their rulers, and they support black-hearted tyrants seeking power. One of these tyrants is a man named Ankhin Taskerhill [NE human male, Ari10], a former member of the aristocracy in Cauldron, who seeks to usurp the leadership of the Lord Mayor of Cauldron, Hezekiah Grofus. (Lord Taskerhill isn't a true member of the Cagewrights.)

The Cagewrights are also found throughout the Chara Coast, and they work in secret there to open portals to the prison-plane of Carceri, and other infernal realms. They work with slavers and evil humanoids to find and enslave the Shackleborn for their nefarious purposes. As a result of their activities the area around the Chara Cities has become infested with demodands and other Carcerian creatures. There are even rumors of a Carcerian-tainted aberration being involved in their machinations. The most powerful member of the Cagewrights in this region is a sorcerer named Chitto Moniric.

Cagewrights can be found almost anywhere there are slaves and those toiling in prisons. They often fall into a vile, evil state of being in their dealings with the demodands of Carceri, and any of them that have direct contact with the demon lord known as Adimarchus go mad. This demon lord was a servant of the Lord of Darkness during the Divinity War, and it is now imprisoned on Carceri in the fortress known as Asylum. Those Cagewrights that come under the sway of the Demon Prince of Madness often end up locked away in madhouses or living in twisted ruins with unspeakable things. These are some of the most dangerous of the Cagewrights.

Campaign Notes
Cagewrights can be found skulking anywhere there are Shackleborn living. The organization is strong in the Thunder Lands, just north of the Great Expanse, where the invasion first occurred. The majority of these servants of Carceri are found throughout the Kul Moren Mountains; a close second is the Hather Plains. After the City-state of Flamerule subjugated the Domain of Anoria, many of the Shackleborn from that infernal city moved to Mor's End. It won't be long before a new generation of Shackleborn are born throughout Anoria. Whether these Shackleborn are be able to rise above their inherent evil nature will determine the future of Mor's End and its vassal communities.

The largest density of Cagewrights are found throughout the Ragik Peninsula, especially amongst the decadent citizens of the Ara-Ragik City Alliance. There, where Hiisi’s power is strongest on the Material Plane, the Cagewrights and many of the Shackleborn work together to bring about the return of the Lord of Darkness to the Lands of Harqual. They work as spies and assassins for the Black Cult, a hidden religious faction dedicated solely to Hiisi, and they work to undermine the rules of society throughout the lands of the peninsula. However, the Old Sword Lands have undergone some major changes since The Transformation — a lot for the good — which means the Cagewrights must now tread more carefully in the region.

It is believed that this organization has rooted itself into every kingdom and government in the Southern Heartlands, but this is an exaggeration. It is true that they are strongest in such lands as the Aerie Holds, Anoria, Antius, Eversinki, Flamerule, Izmer, Shaule, the Strandlands, and Yuln, but they are not everywhere. And they are not trusted by other evil and neutral organizations, since many of those organizations have been duped by the Cagewrights in the past. The ultimate goal of the Cagewrights often conflicts with the desires of evil religious sects that worship the Sword Gods. Most of these sects do not want the Lord of Darkness to gain his freedom, as he would try to regain his mantle of leadership over the Sword Gods. This would lead to blood feuds and holy wars amongst the followers of the Sword Gods, which would be devastating for everyone involved.

The Cagewrights are nearly unheard of in the lands of the Far South, as their an inherent bias in the organization towards those without some form of human ancestry. That ancestry can be mixed with anything else, but those that aren't partially human aren't respected unless they also happen to be Shackleborn as well. This racial bias is by no means absolute but it does breed hatred and dissent amongst those members without human ancestry. This twisted bigotry has kept the Cagewrights from gaining power in the southern lands, in the past, but since The Transformation things have changed somewhat. That magical conjunction changed the landscape of the entire continent. It redistributed the racial demographic of the Far South, and now there are many more humans living in the southern lands. As a result, the Cagewrights have slowly spread south to such cities as Belinay, Hathmathia, and Rhamsandron in the West, and Osebye, Sallim, and Selquin in the East.

DM's Note
Hiisi is imprisoned on the sixth layer of Carceri, Agathys. This means that the followers of Hiisi never find their way to their god as petitioners. Instead, they become trapped on one of the first five layers, or continue to exist on the Material Plane as undead. As Hiisi is trapped on frigid Agathys, his followers are often cursed by cold. On Harqual, his living followers sometimes become frost folk, while his undead followers mostly become entombed, frostfell ghosts, icegaunts, or winterspawn (see "Chapter 6: Monsters of the Frostfell" in D&D Frostburn). Demodands in the direct service of Hiisi gain the "Wastling Template" from the Frost & Fur d20 sourcebook (see page 152 & 153).
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World of Kulan DM

Qualitian Belt
Proper Name(s): The Sovereignty of the Qualitian Belt, The Belt
Ruler(s): A ruling council made of men and/or women, two members from each clan, plus one member of each major race in the region (as under population). This is, currently, a council of ten individuals as there aren’t members for “half-elf” or “other races.”
Government: Clan structure with theocratic ruling council. The clergy of the Daghdha votes the council members in every ten years.
Capital: Raln.
Major Towns: Blackwall (pop. – 4,354), Brawley (pop. – 134), Foxe Falls (pop. – 678), Raln (pop. – 6,896), Silver Bay (pop. – 100).
Provinces: Three clannish regions.
Resources: Fish (lake and river), grain, livestock (goats), textiles (watersilk), and timber.
Coinage: None; usually any coin from the Eastern Shores is accepted in the Qualitian Belt. The coinage of Minar is the closest thing that this region has to anything that considered official currency.
Population: 151,895 – Human 82%, Elf (forest) 6%, Elf (urbanite) 4%, Dwarf (sundered) 3%, Half-Elf 2%, Halfling (hairfoot) 2%, Other Races 1%.
Languages: Common, Denila, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Maviun.
Alignments: LG, (LN), NG *, N, CG
Patron God: The Daghdha.
Major Religions: Corellon, Dugmaren, Ehlonna, Heward, Inanna, Issek, Mayela, Mielikki, Ramara, Rillifane, Sanh, Sarula, and Yondalla.
Minor Religions: Apollo, Araleth, Casiia, Draven, Hendomar, Kuil, Moradin, Naralis, Rillifane, Sheela, Solonor, and Valkar.
Cults: Anon, Euphoria, Jaeger, Melira, Nessus, Rhea, Santè, Sialic, Thorn, Truce, Tulle, and Zell.
Alliances: Duchy of Minar (under Minar’s protection).
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World of Kulan DM
Symbol: The open palm of a upright hand with multiple, tiny eyes scattered across the palm, a small eye on the top of each fingertip, and a large eye in the center of the palm. The eyes are all iridescent and of different colors. The center eye is colored black while the fingertip eyes are blue, green, silver, red, and yellow.

The thieves’ guild known as the Eyes of Hande hold sway in several cities of the Eastern Shores. However, its main base of power is in Minar City in the Duchy of Minar. There, as well as in other cities, the Eyes of Hande work towards keeping freedoms in place for the citizens of the duchy, as well as making a profit. The Eyes of Hande don’t like lawful rulership and always work towards creating more chaos and independence in a society. Many rogues and rogue/clerics dedicated to Kuil are members of this guild, although it’s not a requirement. Worshipers of Dionysus, Heward, Kord, Lokun, Olidammara, Tok, and Valkar are all welcome in the guild.

Leader: "The Hande" [CG male unknown race and class]. The leader of the Eyes of Hande is only known as The Hande, as the guild isn’t popular in lawful lands and secrecy is very important for its upper echelon. No one knows who The Hande is. It is rumored that the guildmaster isn’t fond of assassins or lawful-loving adventurers but realizes that sometimes they are necessary. (This makes The Hande and his or her religious followers of Kuil part of a separate sect, as the Church of Kuil has discredited the guildmaster and branded them all as heretics.)

Notable Activities
The Eyes of Hande Thieves’ Guild leans more towards chaos and neutrality, which is what makes it stand apart from other thieves’ guilds with worshipers of Kuil. The rogues of the Eyes of Hande are more like subtle freebooters on a sea of land. They steal from the rich and powerful, as well as the uptight citizens of lawful societies. However, while they do give to the needy, they would much rather train the needy to “fend for themselves”, after helping them eat and become stronger. This means that a lot of the Eyes of Hande start out as youngsters.

The Eyes of Hande is primarily a guild of thieves, however, and a lot of the guilds major illicit money comes from pick pocketing, burglary, and protection rackets. The guild is also has a strong spy network, which it uses throughout the Eastern Shores. The network never maliciously targets the Duke or his family, although they do keep track of the family’s members and current activities. This is made easier due to the fact that the Duke’s nephew, Lord Roland Dentonsen [CG male human, Ari2/Rog2] is a member of the guild. Roland keeps a detailed journal on his family members and the activities of the Ducal Court and the Duchy’s lesser courtesans.

The Eyes of Hande spy network is based upon The Hande’s time as a member of the Tiger Guild. Now, that the Tiger Guild has relocated to the City of Tian, after being force out of the Kingdom of Thallin, the two guilds have a friendly rivalry. The Hande respects his former guildmaster, Carl Tigerstorm, but worries that the Eyes of Hande and the Tiger Guild both being in Minar might end in conflict. After all, The Eyes of Hande work less towards influencing different power centers and more towards changing them into what the guild prefers. For now, the two guilds have learned to respect and work with each other.

Campaign Notes
The Eyes of Hande are the foremost thieves’ guild in the Duchy of Minar and the communities of the Independent Sovereignty of the Qualitian Belt and the region known as Highlands. They are also common in the western communities of the Kingdom of Stonn. However, they aren’t welcome there. They are almost unheard of in the Kingdom of Thallin and the Barony of Wolffire, but have begun to expand south into the western region of the Thunder Lands — especially the Barony of Calot and the City-state of Caloric. They had made inroads in Anoria, but after that lands fall from grace they no longer have a presence there. So far, they have been kept out of the Dominion of Cauldron and the City-state of Flamerule.

However, the guilds primary activities are in its traditional homeland of the Duchy of Minar. The guild controls the streets in the capital, Minar City, as well as in the city of Tian. Here, they are considered heroes by the locals, but are still clouded in mystery. It is often been said that Minar is one of the most open places in the Eastern Shores, if not all of North Harqual. And while the citizens of the Cities of the Wind would dispute both those claims, Minar has some of the freest laws of anywhere in the Northern Heartlands.

This is what makes Minar the best place for the Eyes of Hande to operate. The members of the guild don’t believe in chaos for chaos’ sake. They believe in change and a free-form government that changes with the whims of the people. They believe this brings about better trade possibilities, as well as less legal means of commerce. Thus, the tournament every five years, which allows anyone to compete to become Duke of Minar for the next five years is one of the greatest political achievements in the opinion of the guild members.

However, The Hande is beginning to think that it might be time for someone else to win the tournament, as Duke Jace Brookwater has continued to win the tournament every five years since he entered. The last thing The Hande wants is for the Duke to decree the tournament’s end and begin a hereditary rulership of Minar. And yet, the people love their Singing Monarch and he has been a fair and honest ruler. The guildmaster is torn, as he doesn’t want to “fix” the tournament.

The outbreak of war between Minar and the bugbears of the Sunus Mountains forced The Hande to postpone and idea of forcing change on the beleaguered duchy. The guild now works towards stabilizing Minar (something they never thought they'd do), and The Hande works to ensure that the Duke remains in power, for now. The war brought the entire country closer together as a nation, and the Eyes of Hande now work towards rebuilding the towns and villages that were lost. The war also created a bond of friendship between the Eyes of Hand and the Tiger Guild of Tian.

The members of the Eyes of Hand in the Qualitian Belt and the Highlands are less like thieves and more like scouts. They work towards protecting these isolated communities from the machinations of the Fury of the Dragon from the Kingdom of Thallin, as well as the blood elf, ogre, gnoll, and goblinoid raiders of the region. The guild has members that are wilderness rouges and rangers and the guild often works with the two organizations known as the Striders of the Dawn and the Rapid Riders.

The Eyes of Hande have tried many times to make inroads into breaking the lawful grip on the Kingdom of Stonn since the guild was first formed. This has always ended in disaster, as the Angle’s Edge Thieves’ Guild always works against them. The fact that there are followers of Kuil on both side has lead to a lot of friction and, sometimes, outright warfare on the streets of the western communities of the kingdom. No where is this more prevalent than in the city of Sentinel, as strict lawful neutral city where the members of the Angle’s Edge are also members of the watch.

The Eyes of Hande expanded into Calot and Anoria shortly before The Transformation. Calot, being a much smaller land, was easier to infiltrate, but they continue to keep a low profile there. Anoria, however, had a more complex power structure before it fell into the hands of the Infernals of the City-state of Flamerule, in 753 N.C. The Eyes of Hande didn't fair well when Anoria was conquered. The guild's membership in the area were either killed or scattered to the wind. Several of them made their way back to Minar, but others fled into the Kul Moren Mountains and the Great Expanse.

The former head of the Eyes of Hande in Anoria, Darel Willowtree [CN male half-elf, Rog4/Ftr4], a follower of Olidammara, joined another thieves' guild that fell on hard times after the three-pronged war between Anoria, Cauldron, and Flamerule — a guild known as the Last Laugh. His defection to this rival guild was a tough blow to the Eyes of Hande. Darel was considered to be one of the brightest young members of the guild, but his ego and mean streak got the better of him. Now, he works to undermine the activities of the Eyes of Hande throughout the Thunder Lands, and he enjoys hunting down his former guildmates.
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World of Kulan DM
Arcane Order -- Harqual-style

Proper Name(s): Mathghamhna, The Domain of the Arcane Alliance
Ruler: Chancellor Japheth Arcane, Leader and Protector of the Domain of the Arcane Alliance [NG male human Wiz10/Guildmage10]
Government: Magocracy/Confederacy; alliance between the College of Wizardry and the communities of Elsedria, Half-pint, and Mathtown.
Capital: Mathtown.
Major Towns: Elsedria (pop. – 2,776), Half-pint (pop. – 210), Mathghamhna (pop. – 158), Mathtown (pop. – 3,742).
Provinces: NA
Resources: Armor and barding, lake fish, knowledge, magic, and weapons.
Coinage: The citizens of Mathghamhna use the same coins as Minar but many other coins from around the Eastern Shores are accepted as well.
Population: 34,430 – Human 38%, Elf (forest) 24%, Halfling (hairfoot) 18%, Elf (urbanite) 13%, Fey 5%, Other Races 3%.
Languages: Common, Denila, Draconic, Elven, Halfling, Sylvan.
Alignments: LG, LN, NG *, N, (NE), CG, CN
Patron God: Immotion.
Major Religions: Apollo, Araleth, Boccob, Cull, Damh, Hades, Hanali, Heward, Jalivier, Kirith, Kuil, Lokun, Mahridaar, Mythrien, Sarula, Sehanine, Wee Jas, and Xan Yae.
Minor Religions: Alathrien, Aoskar, Bast, Corellon, Cyrrollalee, the Daghdha, Dike, Issek, Labelas, Math Mathonwy, Ramara, Tethrin, Uller, Xuar, and Yondalla.
Cults: Aerdrie, Afflux, Anon, Deltum, Enduma, Fenmarel, Melira, Oghma, Rellavar, Santè, Sialic, Thorn, Thoth, Tulle, Vespin, and Wotan.
Alliances: Calot (military); Duchy of Minar (tentative); The Midlands (military).
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World of Kulan DM
The Hunting Princess, The Huntress, Goddess of the Wilderness

Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Roan stag's head
Home Plane: Elysium
Godly Realm: Hunter's Rest
Alignment: Neutral good
Portfolio: Avians, hunting, wild animals, the wilderness, protecting children
Worshipers: Barbarians, elves, firbolgs, half-elves, hunters, lizardfolk, rangers, the ee'aar, mothers, sisters, daughters, and aunts
Cleric Alignments: LG, NG, CG
Domains: Air, Animal, Forest, Good, Protection
Favored Weapon: Longbow

Larea is the North Goddess of the Wilderness. Often called the Hunting Princess or the Huntress, Larea is the chief deity of the wilderness, hunting, and wild animals. She is also a goddess of avians. She was the wife of Anacoro, North God of Cavalry. Larea lost much in the Divinity War, her husband, her oldest son, and her two youngest children remain trapped on the Material Plane. Larea, as a result, often spends much time in melancholy in her realm, Hunter’s Rest.

She rarely manifests on Harqual and hasn’t sent her Avatar there since the end of the Divinity War. The land holds too much pain for her. Her followers have been known to hear the call of her hunting horn or for snow to fall around them, as manifestations of her favor or disfavor. Rarely, they will see a spectral image of a hunter chasing a roan-colored stag through the mists of early morning. This manifestation is a sign that the Huntress is watching and favors the watcher.

Some wonder what it would take to cause the Huntress to send her Avatar to Harqual again. Some believe that all it would take is for her charge, Brenna, the daughter of Bast and Cull, to be put in real danger on the Material Plane. The truth is that Larea watches over the young goddess so carefully that the risk to Brenna is minimal. Larea is the perfect picture of a doting aunt when it comes to the North Goddess known as the Traveling Companion.

Larea teaches temperance in the wilderness. It is against her wishes to hunt just for the sake of blood and the thrill. Animals and birds are your allies as well as your prey. Worshippers must pay respect to anything that they kill, which lived within the Tenets of the Balance. Evil monsters, dreaded fiends, and overreaching angels do not fall into this category. Law and chaos ate tools of the Balance and must always be tempered the brutal neutrality of the wild. Good intentions and pure heart must always, in turn, temper the Balance. Followers of Larea are taught that family is vital to surviving the wilderness and that children are especially important to life. A worshipper of Larea must never let a child come to harm but must also teach that child to fend for him or herself, as well as to respect the creatures of nature.

Clerics and Temples
The clergy of Larea is made up of clerics, rangers, and barbarian/clerics. Strangely, there are almost no druids amongst her faithful and those few that do follow the druidic path rarely gain her favor. None in her church know why or, at least, aren’t telling. Here faith accepts any race that lives within the Tenets of the Balance, but its ranks are filled mainly by humans, elves, and half-elves. Her faith is strongest amongst the barbarian tribes of the Northlands and they consider her one of the chief deities of the North Gods. However, she also has many worshippers amongst the races of lizardfolk, as well as the winged elves known as the ee'aar. These worshippers are almost never members of the Church of Larea, as they tend to live wilder than humans and elves.

Her faith accepts both male and female members but is strongest in its female members. The high priests of the faith are almost always women. Female clergy members in the Church of Larea do not have to be mothers, but many wish to be, in order to become closer to their goddess. Since Brenna was put into Larea’s charge, many consider being a good sister or sister-in-law is enough and to always spend time with and protect a sister’s children. Still, having children is a strong motivator for the followers of Larea, both female and male. Father’s are considered second-tier parents by this church. They are more important for the hunt.)

Temples to the Huntress Princess are rare, but not unknown. Worshippers are more likely to simply pay respect to her at the many small shrines, dedicated to the goddess, spread throughout the Lands of Harqual. The places that do have temples erected to the Huntress are rarely seen by the more civilized folk of the continent. They are fond throughout the Northlands but are never built from stone and wood. Instead, her ‘temples’ are pristine hidden glades, mounds of earth, or cave-like gorges in the earth that are open to the sky.

The most famous of these natural temples is the cave known as the Huntress-Watches-Over-Hansa. Located in the Twilight Valley near the city of Highhorn, this natural cave is nearly 100 feet deep with a dozen chambers. It is a holy place to Larea, as well as to Hansa and Brenna. The clergy here are of all three faiths, although the clerics of Hansa prefer worshipping their god at the temple known as the Rock of the Buried Soldier. The temple is surrounded by a small copse of tress, which are always filled with nesting birds.

Larea does have her ‘built’ temples in the civilized lands. These temples are rarely more then simple wood shelters built on the edge of the wilderness for her more family-oriented worshipers. Often these small temples will take in stray animals and orphaned children. The clergy will take care of these charges but rarely will the Church of Larea run true orphanages. More often it is an older, matronly cleric without any children of her own who will rescue one or two waifs from a life of begging. These lost children are raised as the clerics own children and are considered a blessing by the Huntress.

One of the few stone and mortar temples standing in dedication to Larea is Hunter’s Hold in the lands of the Monarchy of Avion. The temple is located less than a day’s ride east from Avion City. The temple is also dedicated to the trapped goddess, Hela. The clerics of the temple often make pilgrimages up and down the coast of the Sword Gulf, visiting the many shrines and temples still dedicated to the Flowing Peacebringer. This, the clerics of Larea do as a mother would the grave of a dead child. The clerics of Hela are always welcoming to their followers of their goddess’s mother and they always have these encouraging words for, the often, despondent faithful of the Hunting Princess.

“Hela is not dead, merely trapped in the holy waters of the gulf. One day she will be free and joyfully dancing and laughing in her mother’s arms once again.”
And while Hunter’s Hold is considered hallowed for a cleric of Hela, they rarely venerate her there, as the temple stands too far away from the sea for the clerics’ liking. More often, the clerics of Hela can be found at the many shrines and temples directly on the coastline of the Sword Gulf, such as the Lighthouse of the Peacebringer. However, once a year, on the Spring Equinox, the clerics of Hela, living in Avion, come too Hunter’s Hold and celebrate the bond between daughter, mother, sister, niece, and aunt with the clerics of Larea, Bast, and Brenna. The celebration is called the Festival of Sisterhood.
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World of Kulan DM
Charles Severwoode, Captain of the Ambassador, Member of the Claw & Anchor Mercantile Fleet
Stats: hm / 5th level warrior, 5th level trader / lawful neutral
Homeland: The City-state of Selquin
Source: Original
Personality: Lively, pragmatic, and watchful.
Description: Charles Severwoode has been the captain of the Ambassador since its construction. He's a long time associate of the rakasta trader Johna, even before there was a Claw & Anchor Mercantile Fleet. The two grew up together on the streets of Selquin and where Johna went, Charles followed. They aren't close friends but they have always worked together from their first job gutting fish to the creation of Johna's trading fleet.

Charles doesn't mind that Johna takes most of the risks financially, as the rakasta's sense for business is nearly flawless. Charles has become successful and very rich due to Johna and his uncanny instincts.
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