D&D 3E/3.5 [Kulan] The Lands of Harqual (Updated: Feb 3/2022)

el-remmen said:
Have you considered setting up a wiki for all of this?

There are a few different free ones available now. (see sig)
Do you mean Mor's End, specifically, or the World of Kulan, over all? If you mean the latter then see here. - KF72

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el-remmen said:

And cool. I will have to spend some time with that when I get a chance. :-)
The Wiki is in its beginning stages, but i try to add more to it when I can. Most of my Kulan stuff gets posted here, on EN World, or at my World of Kulan Yahoo Group, before it goes onto the Wiki.


I have moved a good amount of my "world creation" directly to the wiki as I find the ease of cross-reference and immediate feeback by means of my players very convenient.

It was the wiki project that really revived my urge to continue to develop Aquerra (as you can tell by the 1200 pages on my wiki ;))

el-remmen said:
I have moved a good amount of my "world creation" directly to the wiki as I find the ease of cross-reference and immediate feeback by means of my players very convenient.

It was the wiki project that really revived my urge to continue to develop Aquerra (as you can tell by the 1200 pages on my wiki ;))
Interesting. My concern is that my free wiki will only have so much space, so I don't want to go too crazy.

Do you pay for yours? Or is it a free wiki?



Ahdina Halonnan, Queen of Ahamudia
Stats: hf / 12th level fighter / lawful good
Homeland: Originally – World of Maran (Kingdom of Javeldos); Now – The Kingdom of Ahamudia
Source: Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure boxed set [Adriana Karameikos-Hyraksos]
Personality: Devoted and passionate.
Description: When Ahdina chose to stay behind on Kulan while the rest of her family left to return to Maran, it put her in a difficult situation regarding the crown of Javeldos.

Both her children were transported to Kulan and she felt it would be better that they stay together rather than have one be the heir in Javeldos and the other the heir in Ahamudia.

Thus, Ahdina’s mother got her wish and now Prince Vanan (who wasn’t transported to Kulan) will now succeed her father in Javeldos while Lucas will be Loghan’s heir in Ahamudia.

Ahdina has made it her goal to betroth her daughter, Alli, to the son of Lord LaMarche, Hendel.
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Small Town
Other Names: Plague Town (nickname)
Political/Religious Affiliations: Dominion of Cauldron; church of Bast (major)
Power Center: Nonstandard (guild), Conventional (watch captain)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Population: 2,000
Demographics: Mixed (80% human, 6% dwarf (hill), 5% halfling (hairfoot), 2% elf (urbanite), 2% kobold, 2% half-orcs, 2% elf (forest), 1% other races.
Fortified?: No
GP Limit: 800 gp
Assets: 80,000 gp
Main Import: Foodstuffs.
Main Export: Silver.
Authority Figure: Fenton Telmendon, Captain of the Watch (male human).
Important Characters: Azryn Kraghammer, ex-slave soldier (male dwarf [hill]); Devilo Winterwolf, a cartographer and an innkeeper, runs The Walking Stick (male elf); Dina Pepperwood, local wizard and adventurer (female human); Fulgar Anderwall, local fighter and adventurer (male dwarf [hill]); Lily Samual, Mistress of Bast and local healer (female human); Malina, local rogue (female half-elf); Miles, local warrior for hire (male human); Nellia, local sorceress (female tiefling); Willard Angolsire, member of the watch (male human).
Organizations: Mining Council, Town Watch, and Warders of Law (new).
Noble Houses: None.
Adventurers Welcome?: Yes, but watched carefully.
Notes: Duvik's Pass is a town described in the free online adventure, The Burning Plague, which can be found on Wizards of the Coasts website. This version of Duvik's Pass is set after that adventure. The plague was stopped, but not before a large number of the town's populace has either died or left for more hospitable lands.

Since the invasion by the armies of Flamerule the town's population has increased once again, and many of its former residents returned to fight the invaders. With the help of the Order of the Silver Hand the armies of Flamerule were ousted and the town freed.
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Other Names: The Spellmason Hold.
Political/Religious Affiliations: Domain of Cauldron; Church of Bast (minor); Church of Brenna (minor); Church of Hades (major); Church of Jalivier (minor).
Power Center: Conventional (mayor).
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Population: 750
Demographics: Mixed [79% human, 9% dwarf (hill), 5% halfling (hairfoot), 3% elf (urbanite), 2% dwarf (high), 1% half-elf, 1% other races]
Fortified?: Yes; basalt stone (thick); these fortifications are as impressive as the walls surrounding Cauldron, towering over the village. The walls were built by Surabar Spellmason in a single week, with the use of powerful spells.
Epic?: No.
GP Limit: 200 gp
Assets: 7,500 gp
Main Import: Foodstuffs.
Main Export: Iron ore.
Authority Figures: Krank Qallar, local marshal, leader of the local militia, and member of the Disciples of the Bloodsun (male human); Sind Nebern, mayor of Redgorge (female human); Pragat Millak, bailiff (male human).
Important Characters: Alvyr Zanathor, head of the temple of Hades (male human); Ekaym Smallcask, well-known linguist (male human); Freadre ”Freddy” Winddusk, devotee of Jalivier (male half-elf); Gunnloda Smokepowder, local warmage and a member of the Disciples of the Bloodsun (female mul); Oliron Masht, village architect (male human); Rrhondaa, local druid and member of the Disciples of the Bloodsun (female kitt); Sirus Youngmay, avenger of Bast (male human).
Organizations: Disciples of the Bloodsun (new), Order of the Silver Hand, Strider of the Dawn, The Chisel (guild), and Warders of Law (new).
Noble Houses: Masht, Nebern, Qallar, Smallcask, and Youngmay.
Adventurers Welcome?: Yes
Notes: See page 58 of DUNGEON Magazine #104 for a map of the Village of Redgorge.
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Artus Shemwick, Wandering Ne'er-do-well
Stats: hm / 10th level rogue / chaotic evil
Homeland: The Dominion of Cauldron
Source: Dungeon Magazine #98 (pg. 43) [changed his race to human and his alignment to CE]
Personality: Ruthless, slippery, and suspicious.
Description: Artus Shemwick is an evil man who grew up in Cauldron City and joined the Last Laugh Thieves’ Guild as soon as he was old enough. Once a valuable trader of secrets for that guild, Artus abandoned the guild and Cauldron soon after the upheaval that nearly destroyed the city.

Artus tried to relocate to Redgorge and build his own thieves’ guild but he was found out and exiled by the religious order known as the Disciples of the Bloodsun. Now, he is forced to wander from city to city looking for whatever resources he can steal, no matter who he has to kill.

When he travels, which is often, he often uses the alias Yakim Inwood, and pretends to be a lower-class merchant from the Kingdom of Izmer. Artus has become infamous throughout Izmer, the Principality of Pretensa, and the Chara Coast.
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Knightfall1972 said:
Interesting. My concern is that my free wiki will only have so much space, so I don't want to go too crazy.

Do you pay for yours? Or is it a free wiki?



I am using wikispaces and have never had any concern about space.

I am now paying $50 per year (my players chipped in) to get rid of the ads.

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