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D&D 3E/3.5 [Kulan] The Lands of Harqual (Updated: Feb 3/2022)


World of Kulan DM
Fey Races PDF

Okay, I just finished updating the section on fey races in my Races of Harqual document. I've attached the section as a PDF file. This section now has racial traits for the gema and for fremlins.

Note that I had to zip it.




  • Fey Races.zip
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World of Kulan DM
Cat Races PDF

Hmm, I thought I'd already uploaded my Cat Races of Harqual PDF, but it must have slipped through the cracks in the "creative" madness of the last couple of weeks. It should have gone online shortly after the Avian Races of Harqal PDF (post #387).

Anyway, I've zipped it and attached it.




  • Cat Races.zip
    126 KB · Views: 114


World of Kulan DM
Proper Name(s): The City-state of Korvosa; The City of the Crimson Throne
Rulers: King Eodred Arabasti II [LN male human Ari7]; Queen Ileosa Arabasti [LE female human Ari2/Brd5]; Seneschal Neolandus Kalepopolis [LG male human Ari3/Rgr4].
Government: Hereditary Monarchy. Note, however, that the king must share power with the city's magistrates. The city-state has been in almost constant turmoil since being duplicated on Harqual and the streets of Korvosa are under martial law.
Capital: Korvosa
Major Towns: Arabasti (pop. – 1,008), Korvosa (pop. – 17,924). Korvosa has yet to dominate any of the native Harqualian communities surrounding it (not for a lack of trying); however, the land directly around the city-state is slowly being developed for agriculture and several small vassal hamlets have sprung up near Korvosa. Arabasti is the only major town of any significant size.
Provinces: NA
Resources: Illegal drugs, magic (alchemical drugs and low-level magic items), seafood, soldiers/mercenaries, and undead slayers.
Coinage: Platinum Crown (pp), Gold Sail (gp), Silver Shield (sp), Copper Pinch (cp).
Population: 236,650 – Human (Chelaxian and Varisian) 90%, Human (Harqualian [any]) 3%, Dwarf (Korvosan) 2%, Elf (Korvosan) 1%, Halfling (Korvosan) 1%, Half-Elf 1%, Human (Shoanti) 1%, Other Races 1%.
Languages: Altanian, Chelaxian, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Infernal, Shoanti, Suar, Taldane, Varisian.
Alignments: All alignments, dominant alignment is Lawful Neutral.
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Abadar, Ahto, Belinik, Boccob, Druaga, Gozreh, Irori, Math Mathonwy, Pharasma, Sanh, Sarenrae, Shelyn, Torag, and Wee Jas.
Minor Religions: Asmodeus, Battus, Calphas, Cull, Dike, Inanna, Loviatar, Manannan mac Lir, Mussin, Olidammara, Thoth, and Velit.
Cults: Amand, Anon, Corellon, Deltum, Erythnul, Garl, Immotion, Moradin, Persana, Rel, Shoku, Teve, Xuar, Yondalla, Zell, and the other Korvosan Gods of the Pantheon of Many.
Alliances: City-state of Jerahsul (tentative trade alliance), City-state of Rhamsandron (trade alliance), City-state of Ulderul (tentative trade alliance), Domain of Fallen Trees; Headlands (strained).

Proper Name(s): The City-state of Rhamsandron, The City-state of the Invincible Overlord, or just “City State”
Rulers: The Black Lotus, a secret police force loyal to the last Invincible Overlord.
Government: Traditionally, a Hereditary Monarchy with minimal input from a Clanute (senate) that the Overlord can summon when he chooses. Now, since the city-state’s “duplication” on Harqual, the remaining members of the Clanute have gained more power, but must answer to the collective wills of the remaining members of the Black Lotus.
Capital: Rhamsandron
Major Towns: Lotus Town (pop. – 875), New Ossary (pop. – 4,080), Procudron (pop. – 3,615), Rhamsandron (pop. – 80,000).
Provinces: NA
Resources: Armor and barding, leather goods, textiles, timber, and weapons.
Coinage: Sovereign (pp), Crown (gp), Noble (ep), Guilder (sp), Penny (cp), Farthing (bp).
Population: 1,107,125 – Human (Alryan) 70%, Dwarf (city) 16 %, Halfling (common) 5%, Elf (high) 3%, Human (Other) 2%, Other Races 4%.
Languages: Altanian, Chelaxian, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Infernal, Orc, Rhamsandronish (Wilderlands Common), Suar, Taldane, and Tharbrian.
Alignments: LN, LE *, N, CN
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Abadar, Boccob, Dike, Dionysus, Hades, Harmakhis (pg. 102) , Hel, Loviatar, Ptah, Sanh, Thoth (pg. 103) *, Wee Jas, and Wotan (pg. 102) **.
Minor Religions: Aoskar, Darahl, Halmyr, Inanna, Konkresh, Lokun, Manannan mac Lir (pg. 92) *, Narvi, Nephthys (pg. 99) *, Olidammara, Pegana (pg. 124) *, Pharasma, Urogalan, Vergadain, and Xan Yae.
Cults: Alathrien, Amand, Arghrasmak (pg. 114) *, Asmodeus, Brandobaris, Deltum, Dumathoin, Erevan, Fenmarel, Gozreh, Irori, Teve, Thorn, Tudsara, Tulle, the Toad God (p. 59) *, and Zell.
Alliances: City-state of Korvosa (trade alliance); City-state of Livaley (tentative, strained).


*These Transformation Gods originate from Rhamsandron and are rarely worshiped elsewhere.
**These other deities from the CSIO sourcebook are considered World Gods as they are also worshiped in other parts of Kulan. These deities are likely to become Interloper Gods in several generations as their churches have quickly spread across the Lands of Harqual in the last eight years from Rhamsandron, since the time of The Transformation.
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World of Kulan DM
More on Korvosa...

So, I asked Mike McArtor the following question regarding how he thinks Korvosa would adapt if magically duplicated on another world. Below is his response...

Mike McArtor said:
on Paizo's messageboards
Knightfall1972 said:
Okay, so my next question is this: Imagine that Korvosa is cut-off from the rest of Golarion. (In my campaign, Korvosa has been duplicated there from Golarion by a magical conjunction called The Transformation.) How would they adapt from an econimical point-of-view?
Before we can worry about economics, we need to worry about food. Unless the city appears in an area surrounded by farmlands, famine will quickly lower its population.

Assuming my fellow Korvosans can be fed adequately (because frankly I'd rather avoid piles of dead bodies in my morning commute, thank you very much), I think we would quickly move to establish ourselves militarily. Korvosa is, after all, a very militaristic city, and it likes to flex its military might whenever it can. It will be suffering quite a bit on the naval front, unless Veldraine comes along for the ride, but it should have little trouble becoming a ground-based military force to be reckoned with.

I think that, depending on the ruler (Eodred could handle the transition better than Ileosa, frex), Korvosa would adapt as it needs in order to survive. If it loses its banking angle, it will find other ways of making itself important — even if those ways are via conquest.


World of Kulan DM
Unfortunately for Korvosa, the Wild Shores isn't known for having the most fertile soil. Think sandy shores and untamed savannas. The surrounding townships do grow their own food (i.e. squash and other roots vegetables), but they mostly live on a diet of fish and less than exotic seafood. Also, the fishermen of the Wild Towns have been known to do some pirating on the side.

Korvosa has managed to tame "some" of the land surrounding the city-state, but they have survived more through alliances with other city-states and lands as well as by forcing the Wild Towns to pay tribute with foodstuffs to keep Korvosa from annexing them. For, while the Wild Towns have a good number of ships they don't have much of a land-based military. If they don't pay the tribute, then Korvosa threatens to march its military might against them.

In truth, it's a hollow threat as Korvosa is too busy defending itself from the unending undead of the haunted ruins of Hathenmoor. The undead of Hathenmoor come out at night, every night, and stalk the land looking for living flesh, blood, and soul to slake their undying hunger. Korvosa's magical might keeps it safe, but they've lost many to the horrors of the denizens of that ruin.

One might think they are paying for past sins. ;)

King Eodred Arabasti II rules the duplicated city-state but he has to share power with his wife who is reviled by Korvosans. Korvosans can often be heard to say, "Why couldn't the mists have taken her to oblivion too?" Regardless, she has a great deal of influence in the city, which is countered by Seneschal Neolandus Kalepopolis. This man has become a hero in the city very quickly. He may not be as good a warrior as Field Marshal Cressida Kroft or Commandant Marcus Thalassinus Endrin, but he has gained the respect of both the nobility and the average citizen through his actions during and after The Chaos.

So, what will happen next in Korvosa? Well, most think that the worst is over and that, eventually, the city-state will rise to power in the lands of the Wild Shores. After all, they did it on Golarion, so why not here?
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World of Kulan DM
I just updated the gazetteer entry for my version of Waterdeep (post #91). I decided to rename it Deepwater instead of the hard to pronounce (and look at) name I was using (i.e. Acquadiepe). I decided that i wasn't happy with the old name and needed something more simple.
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World of Kulan DM
Here is a list of the cities from other sources that I use for the Lands of Harqual. Some of these are from published setting and some of them are not. If I've renamed the city, then that name is list in brackets afterwards. -KF72
  • Antius City
  • Cauldron
  • Eversink
  • Highforge [Bitran]
  • Honshar [Liran City]
  • Istivin [Nikel]
  • Kaaluntor
  • Kelvin [Halonnan]
  • Krimba-Hai [Vish'Na'Ka]
  • Korvosa (new)
  • Mirros [Eberal]
  • Mulcrow City [Minar City]
  • Mor's End
  • Sasserine
  • Sumdall
  • Tyr (new)
  • Verdalf
  • Waterdeep [Deepwater]
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World of Kulan DM
Speaking of Tyr...

Proper Name(s): The City-state of Tyr, The Tyrian Valley
Rulers: The Over Council
Government: Oligarchy
Capital: Tyr
Major Towns: Tyr (pop. – 14,550).
Provinces: NA
Resources: Ceramics, glass works, metals (copper, iron, silver, and tin), textiles (cotton, linen, and silk), and tools & weapons.
Coinage: Platinum (pp), Gold (gp), Electrum (ep), Silver (sp), Copper (cp), Ceramic (cr), Bit (1/10th cr).
Population: 291,000 – Human (Tyrian) 70%, Dwarf (of Athas) 5%, Human (Harqualian [any]) 5%, Elf (of Athas) 4%, Halfling (of Athas) 3%, Halfling (lightfoot) 3%, Bhuka 2%, Dwarf (badlands) 2%, Elf (desert) 2%, Cat Races (any) 1%, Half-Breeds 1%, Thri-Kreen (of Athas) 1%, Other Races 1%.
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Dwarven (Tyrian), Elven, Elven (Tyrian), Giant (Tyrian), Gith, Halfling, Halfling (Tyrian), Jozhal, Kitt, Kreen, Rakasta, Suar, Tyrian (i.e. Athasian common).
Alignments: LE, NG, N *, CN
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Aurifar, Azul, Boccob, Brandobaris, Chronepsis, the Daghdha, Fierna, Io, Sanh, Sathia, Tamara, Tarsellis, Thoth, Xan Yae, and Zoser.
Minor Religions: Astilabor, Calphas, Cronus, Dumathoin, Fenmarel, Gaea, Hel, Khonvum, Kikanuti, Konkresh, Loviatar, Mephistopheles, and Rhea.
Cults: Aasterinian, Amand, Chaeon, Deltum, the Elements, Kalak, Mahridaar, Oberon, Rán, Rel, Sheela, Teve, the Tarn, Vergadain, and Zell.
Alliances: Ferinmal Homeland (trade alliance), Free City of Selquin (tentative), Legacy Lands of the Water God (trade alliance).
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World of Kulan DM
I've been busy updating my list of organizations for Harqual, which you can see here. I've added in several organizations that are from Guide to Korvosa and Dark Sun City-state of Tyr (2E) — The Order, Sable Company, and Veiled Alliance. I decided that I'm not going to rework the Korvosan Guard, so that organzation doesn't need to go on the list.

I've also added my psionic organizations to the list, which includes the following: College of the Twin Moons, the Colorless Lodge, the Iron Minds, the Mindful, the Purge, Shadowmind Guild, and Streugedanken.

If some of those names look familiar, then you're likely a psionics fan. All of them are based on the psionic organizations of the Forgotten Realms (with the names changed), If Thoughts Could Kill by Malhavoc Press, and a couple of psionic prestige classes from D&D Complete Adventurer and D&D Races of Stone.

There are other "new" organizations on that list as I've been updating it quite regularly; however, don't ask me which ones are the "newest."

I've also been updating my lists for both my Merchants and Nobility project (post #57) and my Religious Sects project (post #66); although, I haven't really begun to get into those projects. I added a couple of merchant houses from Dark Sun to the first list and some new cults to the second list.


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World of Kulan DM
Proper Name: The Free Lands of Arkhangel
Ruler: Gubernator Willem Polgár [NG male human Ari5/War5]
Government: Republic
Capital: Arkhangel
Major Towns: Arkhangel (pop. – 13,803), Daliton (pop. – 1,821), Falkenber (pop. – 3,752), Giroux (pop. – 888), Hathaway (pop. – 4,590), Heiten (pop. – 1,018), Meriton (pop. – 3,016), Uiliton (pop. – 659)
Provinces: Four provinces.
Resources: Books, dyes, fish (sea), oils, and spices (salt).
Coinage: Mint (gp), Cast (ep), Rime (sp), Salt (cp).
Population: 369,338 – Human 78%, Halfling (hairfoot) 8%, Dwarf (sundered) 6%, Elf (urbanite) 3%, Kitt 3%, Other Races 2%
Languages: Barbarian, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Kitt, Maviun, Nioman.
Alignments: LG, LN, NG *, CG, CN
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Ahto, Boccob, Cronn, Cyrrollalee, Darahl, Dugmaren, Erevan, Hades, Immotion, Inanna, Jalivier, Kuil, Muamman, Rellavar, and Telchur.
Minor Religions: Alathrien, Berronar, Cull, Damh, Dike, Dionysus, Hanali, Hansa, Issek, Kord, Mayela, Naralis, Olidammara, Sanh, Sheela, Uller, Velit, and Vergadain.
Cults: Anacoro, Brandobaris, Deltum, Euphoria, Halmyr, Heward, Jaeger, Saint Hubert, Santè, Seraph, Sialic, Tethrin, Urogalan, Valkar, Vespin, Wee Jas, and Zealot.
Alliances: Principality of the Shining Stones (non-aggression); Wind Cities (tentative).

Shining Principality
Proper Name: The Principality of the Shining Stones
Ruler: The Gleaming Prince, Lord Augustus Gault [LN human male Ari10]
Government: Principality
Capital: Charde
Major Towns: Baraue (pop. – 2,156), Chambe (pop. – 1,869), Charde (pop. – 14,940), Embree (pop. – 4,558), Lauso (pop. – 2,931), Oblitan (pop. – 3,644), Olso (pop. – 2,080), Redl (pop. – 1,995), Rohza (pop. – 3,127), Shant (pop. – 2,739), Varra (pop. – 7,452).
Provinces: One principality, one arch duchy, three marquises, and six lordships (knight-holds).
Resources: Acid, gems (any non-rare plus diamonds), livestock (goats/sheep), metals (any non-rare plus platinum), and soldiers/mercenaries.
Coinage: Riser (pp), Luster (gp), Mound (ep), Stone (sp), Pebble (cp).
Population: 575,648 – Human 35%, Dwarf (hill) 22%, Halfling (hairfoot and icefoot) 14%, Kitt 10%, Elf (urbanite) 8%, Dwarf (sundered) 6%, Half-Orc 3%, Other Races 2%.
Languages: Axiomatic, Barbarian, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Kitt, Nioman, Orc, Undercommon.
Alignments: LG, LN *, LE, N, CN
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Berronar, Cull, Cyrrollalee, Darahl, Dike, Dumathoin, Erevan, Hades, Hansa, Inanna, Jalivier, Loviatar, Mahridaar, Moradin, Ptah, Sanh, Uller, and Yondalla.
Minor Religions: Alathrien, Araleth, Boccob, Cyrrollalee, Dionysus, Halmyr, Hel, Issek, Konkresh, Lokun, Mirella, Narvi, Olidammara, Sheela, Tarsellis, Telchur, and Wee Jas.
Cults: Amand, Anacoro, Anon, Brandobaris, Deltum, Eddelis, Fenmarel, Jaeger, Seraph, Squerrik, Teve, Truce, Urogalan, Vergadain, and Zell.
Alliances: Free Lands of Arkhangel (non-aggression); Kingdom of Jewels (trade alliance); Kingdom of the Greystones (strained).

Map: World of Kulan Maps (Updated: Nov 22/11)
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