Kurishans Garden

Simon Collins

Beware! This review contains major spoilers.

This is the eighth booster adventure by AEG. It is designed for four to six characters of level 5-6. It costs $2.49.

Production and Presentation: This module is 16 pages but each page is only ½ the width of an A4 page. The front (soft)cover features poor colour artwork, the back cover features an introduction for the players to the adventure. There are two mediocre internal pieces of black & white artwork and the central pages contain a poor map of the village of Darbin and the garden of the title, barely sufficient to run the adventure. The final page and the inside back cover contains OGL bumpf. The inside front cover contains advertising.

The Story: In a town, the PCs are asked to investigate the lack of delivery of fruit and vegetables from a nearby village. A wizard who attempted to reincarnate himself into a beautiful plant with spellcasting powers upon death, actually turns into a shambling mound. Becoming insane due to this failure, the shambling mound creates a mutated plant called a brainvine that attach themselves to the villagers and control their bodies but not their minds. When the PCs arrive, the villagers attack them under the control of the shambling mound’s brainvines, all the while screaming for merciful release. The PCs must defeat the shambling mound to finally release all the villagers.

The High Points: The premise reminded me of ‘Day Of The Triffids’ and I liked the idea that the villagers scream for release or even shout a warning to the PCs before attacking them.

The Low Points: There are several places where a scene is described with scant explanation as to it’s relevance to the adventure nor explanation of the circumstances leading up to the scene described – this left me searching through the module several times to try and find an explanation. Sometimes I found the information elsewhere in the booklet, other times not at all. This gave it a disjointed feel. There is little background information or opportunity for roleplaying NPCs.

Conclusion: This poorly written module fails despite the interesting idea at its heart because of a lack of information and roleplaying opportunities. The combats involved are repetitive and the plot is linear.

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I realize that these instant adventures face limitations in space, but if I spend money for a pre-generated adventure, there are certain things I want.
1) Art: The map is clear and readable. and two other small pictures are included. Not much, but OK.
2) Boxed-Text: You know what I mean, the graphic verbal descriptions that are supposed to imbue the proper mood for the players.
The text in this adventure is OK, but not award winning.
3) Role-playing: It has some, but mostly of the GM gets to overact variety.
4) Smart NPC's: By this I mean, are their motivations and actions reasonable, or has the writer had them do something stupid so that there will be an adventure? Within the village where the action takes place it is quite reasonable and all the characters there act within reason. However, the plot hook is so dumb as to defy belief. A city that is dependent upon a single small village five days away for most of its food?. It makes absolutely no sense.
5) Goodies: New items and/or monsters. One of each, both of which are worth adding to most campaigns.

The adventure is OK, but it you take the time, it can easily be developed into a major plot thread.
Instead of the dumb plot hook, have the adventurer's interact with the villagers in the spring before all the trouble occurs. Have them meet the kindly, but eccentric Kurishan. Perhaps even have a love interest or relatives that live in Darbin. Then when autumn arrives, have all communication from Darbin stop. It will take some time, but make this into an even better adventure. If something like those few sentences had been included in the module I would have rated it as 5/5, but even with its excellent price (MSRP $2.49), the dumb plot hook that is there instead (Even a "The adventurer's encounter the village as they travel." would have been better.) causes me to rate it 4/5.

In a lush valley lies the small town of Darbin. Here, crops flourished and exports brought wealth - until now. The village has been overrun by foreign plants which grow quickly in the fertile soil, and strange parasitic vines control the actions of the townsfolk. The voices of the victims still, horribly, remain their own, and even as they attack the adventurers they beg the heroes to save them from this nightmare.
For 4-6 characters of levels 5-6

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