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L1: Strange Doings (Erekose13 Judging)


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Ximix pales (which is saying something) at this turn of events. Not knowing what else he can do, he lifts his sword high once again and invokes the power of Gliran in Elvish: "e'i'Essaen' Gliran, Amin Naia Guinakel!" His voice Loud and Clear, whether fueled by desperation or indignation, Ximix calls upon his patron with fervor.
[sblock=DM]Honestly I'm not sure how we avoid a TPK at this point... I suppose we should have dealt with each of the undead one at a time... *shakes head* Ximix is not a combat priest, and has three orisons left. He does at least have an attack bonus with his bow... yet I figure I'll take this chance to reduce our number of foes, even if only temporarily. Things do not look good for our heroes!

Turn Undead = 20 :) , Turning Dmg = 15 :) Can I just mention, I literally held my breath on this one! I am not sure if it will be enough, but at least it wasn't a 4 or somesuch :p . . . I'll revise my language to show some Real Authority (I Hope!).

As usual, Translation: ' in the Name of Gliran, I Command Undead to go away! ' [/sblock]
Next actions based on results of Turn attempt:
[sblock=If Turn Succeeds: ]He then steps forward, hoping to flank the shapeshifter. As he advances he speaks in common, "You make it clear by your words you have no wish but our blood, so we will spill yours instead fool!"[/sblock]
[sblock=If Turn Fails: ]The priest then sheathes his sword and drops his shield, drawing his shortbow and fitting an arrow to the string he speaks in common, "You make it clear by your words you have no wish but our blood, so we will spill yours instead fool!"[/sblock]
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[Round 2, Cont]

Jallembo misses his target again.

Razin regains motor control and is horrified at the sight before him. He backs away from Mr. Cat and attacks the ghoul eating Manon, but misses.

Ximix calls upon the power of his god again. This time his god answers! The black mist ghoul looks up from his feast and snarls at the sword before turning and fleeing back down the stairs. Ximix also notes that the green acid dripping from the amulet around Mr. Cat's neck begins spilling more acid on the floor.

Garrit charges Mr. Cat and brings down his greatsword with a heavy swing cleaving the treacherous shapeshifter in twain. As the sword cuts him from shoulder to side, the druid whispers, "Thank you." and in your heads you all hear No how dare you, how can this be? You are weak, this puppet was strong, I could feel him, he had potential.

The amulet falls from the druid's body, sitting smoldering with green acid still sputtering from the side of it.


[sblock=ooc]well with a successful turn attempt coupled with a crit for double max damage (20 dmg from Garrit in one hit!) that would do it. A little anticlimactic as I'd hoped to keep you on the rope a couple more rounds, ah well.

Damage Recap
Jallembo 5/5 - 1 Con
Garrit 19/19 - 1 Con - 3 Non-lethal
Ximix 7/7 - 1 Con
Razin 7/11 - 1 Con - 3 Non-lethal
Manon - DEAD
hp current/max have been adjusted due to the con damage. [/sblock]


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Erekose13 said:
[Round 2, Cont]...
The amulet falls from the druid's body, sitting smoldering with green acid still sputtering from the side of it.
"Well Done! Praise Gliran and Hyrag as well good Paladin! Now after the ghoul, it will recover from it's fear in a short time, we can take it down easily if we hurry!" The Elf fairly screams these words, his exuberance borne at least as much from relief as it is triumph.
He starts for the stairs, indicating that Garrit should precede him so the cleric can keep the creature at bay while the Paladin dispatches it's cowering form.
Slowing as he reaches the body, Ximix turns to the somewhat stunned Razin. "I know it is horrid young man, yet you must watch over Manon. He could rise as a Ghoul since he was slain by one. You know what to do if the body stirs." Moving down the stairs after Garrit, he calls over his shoulder, "Remember he is no longer Manon, Manon has moved on."

[~end~] OOC: Not till the ghoul is dead and we keep Manon from rising as one!


Garrit Kelspire, Paladin of Hyrag

Ximix said:
"Well Done! Praise Gliran and Hyrag as well good Paladin! Now after the ghoul, it will recover from it's fear in a short time, we can take it down easily if we hurry!" The Elf fairly screams these words, his exuberance borne at least as much from relief as it is triumph.
He starts for the stairs, indicating that Garrit should precede him so the cleric can keep the creature at bay while the Paladin dispatches it's cowering form.
Slowing as he reaches the body, Ximix turns to the somewhat stunned Razin. "I know it is horrid young man, yet you must watch over Manon. He could rise as a Ghoul since he was slain by one. You know what to do if the body stirs." Moving down the stairs after Garrit, he calls over his shoulder, "Remember he is no longer Manon, Manon has moved on."

[~end~] OOC: Not till the ghoul is dead and we keep Manon from rising as one!

"Aye, I do," he says.

OOC: Sorry, I was going to post tonight, really.


Ximix and Garrit are able to hunt down the black mist ghoul in one of the cells and finish it off. Razin for his part works with Jallembo to prevent Manon from rising, its grizzly work, but necessary.


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Ximix will return to the top of the stairs, use one orison to stop Razin's wounds from bleeding further, examine everyone to make sure nothing further is possible from wounds (take 20 on his healing checks) and then Ximix will consecrate Manon's body, praying over it that his soul may find whatever rest was his destiny.
Then ... go into the room with the skelly . . . as a group.

OOC: Cast cure minor wounds from guidance on Razin - up to 8 hp unless something is wrong with injury. Getting a lot said OOC, and maybe moving too fast, but I get the impression you are ready to wrap this up.

Ximix will be ready with sword and shield when he goes into the skeleton room.

If there are no immediate threats, he will cast Detect Secret Doors, concentrating on this room, then moving first to the lab then the living area as he searches.


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Jallembo uses foul language as his shots miss the target one after another and his fear levels reach paroxy!
When Mr Cat changes into the man, a horrific look shows up on Jallembo's face! Mr Cat!! Mr Cat changed into a human! How is it possible?? And that amulet?? By the 9 virgins of Orewo, what is this???

As the Paladin wastes no time to bring this 'cat-man' down and the last undead is killed, Jallembo breathes a bit, but finds it hard to relax.

Later as he watches over Manon's body, he notices the first movements of 'Manon' with horror and does as was expected of him. He then surprises himself to listen to Ximix's prayers as the loss of Manon affects him more than he thought possible.

He says: "Pfff... not that simple a mission!! Well done guys, you saved my skin! He pauses and adds: "Did you hear that voice as the man-cat was dying?? What was it? What was that amulet?? Is it the origin of all the troubles??"

[sblock=OOC]you vicious thing! me who thought I could have a Cat telepath for companion! good surprise! nice to see no more damage was done to the party, could have been lethal..
Is there anything left from the amulet or is it burnt by acid? [/sblock]


Ximix provides minor healing, at least what he has left anyways. Then he heads off towards the skeleton room. In the room he can see a big book stretched out on the stone desk and the skeleton slouched in the heavy chair behind it. Two unlight braziers are attached to the wall on either side of the door just inside. From just outside the room he cannot see any other particular features. What does he check first?

After the horrors of both treachery from Mr. Cat and the half-eaten corpse of Manon rising from the dead Jallembo looks more carefully at the man who had taken the place of Mr. Cat. The amulet is still lying on the ground and it looks like it has stopped oozing and smoking for the moment. It is pock marked but appears to be made of burnished copper. It features an embosed design of a shapely woman with dark green horrific eyes.


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Jallembo looks at the amulet. Hum, am not gonna risk it.. doesn't even look like I could make
any money from it.. So that amulet was taking control of the druid? Are such things possible?
And what link with the village?
he thinks.

"I propose that we either destroy that amulet or seek advice on it.. could it be the cause
of all these problems here?

He then starts to examine the dyed leather armour and searches the body of the druid without
second thoughts..


First Post

ooc - umm. ok where to begin,

i think i need to clear some things up. First and foremost. i was not unhappy with the game
and therefore would like to make it quite plain that i did not post those few (odd) posts that were my last entries.

the reason for my abscence was i had a short notice TDY special duty assignment. those are always fun with no internet access.
i only got back over the weekend.


i honestly dont know how to explain what happened. i dont know anyone else who really has my account password aside from my wife. and ...well she wouldnt post on here. so im assuming its one of my gaming friends because they are the only ones who knew i was on here.

but i couldnt imagine them trying to purposfully sabotage my character.
and as far as i know none of them have my account password

regardless of this id like to appologize for these weird posts
because well...they really suck. ALOT

i fully expected my rogue to be either NPCed like a cardboard cutout...or dead...because of my abscence .....but not like this.

ill have to check up on my other posts and see what i can figure out

again id like to apologize for any confusion. hopefully i can salvage some of this
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