L4W Discussion Thread V

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First Post
I'm trying to get my new PC into the wiki, and for some reason powers 21 through 24 don't show in the summary. They're coded (well, sorta... the name, level, and type of power are coded, ignore the fact all the powers have elements of a rogue power in them), but they aren't appearing. What gives? Anyone have any idea? Does the huge number of powers a high-level mage has break the templates or something?

PC:Khemnos Eversorrow (garyh) - L4W Wiki


First Post
Yep. It's hard coded to 16. I'll see what I can do tonight.

Oh my, that's going to definitely be an issue as we have people reach paragon. I'm at 24 with my level 9 mage, what with the cantrips and extra encounter, daily, and utility choices, and I haven't even gotten to item powers yet.

Thanks for looking into it, Stonegod!


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Oh my, that's going to definitely be an issue as we have people reach paragon. I'm at 24 with my level 9 mage, what with the cantrips and extra encounter, daily, and utility choices, and I haven't even gotten to item powers yet.
Yeah, that's why when I designed the LEB sheets I made sure not to have any hard coded power/feature/feat limit. It was a pain, but its more extensible than the L4W sheet (though the latter might have a claim to be "easier" to use).


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Okay, I've modified The PowerToHitSummary Template to allow infinite powers now, and in such a way that current L4W users don't have to change a thing. You'll have have to change it when you add new powers. In fact, you don't even have to edit what you already have when you add a new power, just add a single "Powers=" line at the end and put everything there; they'll print after the ones you already have.

Instead of doing
You now do
You replace "Power0x=", "Power0x+1=" with just "Powers=" and a whole bunch of PowerToHits.

Or, simply, just copy Incarnation, which I used to test.

(I haven't fixed the same problem in the StatBlock yet; that'll have to wait until sleep I think).


First Post
Cool! I actually hadn't noticed the to hit section issue, as I only have 13 powers that have attack bonuses. I was having issues with the summary "Power Card" area. Hopefully that's also fixable.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Cool! I actually hadn't noticed the to hit section issue, as I only have 13 powers that have attack bonuses. I was having issues with the summary "Power Card" area. Hopefully that's also fixable.
Just realized I has already found a fix for that as well, an once again Incarnation demonstrates it. Like before, you want to junk the "Power0x" lines but with a small twist. So, instead of:
You just use the L4W:power template directly after closing the L4W:Character template:
Or, just copy what Incarnation does again.

Voidrunner's Codex

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