L4W Roadmap


This roadmap is the working list of things that need to be done before we can start playing games in L4W. I'll try to keep it up to date as progress is made. Feel free to use this thread to suggest additions or changes to the list.

Things to do:
  1. Complete get a sub-forum made in the Living Worlds forum, next to LEB and LEW. This may require volunteers to be moderators. Update: we'll create the forum from the group, let it grow, and then ask to see if it can be moved to the master list. See here
  2. Complete. See the Mysteriously nameless tavern thread. Immediately create a tavern thread for roleplaying. We have to have some fun while we're doing this, right? The surroundings and even the name of the bartender will be intentionally vague, since we won't have decided a setting yet.
  3. Complete Nominate facilitators. See here
  4. Tentatively complete. See facilitators thread. Vote on facilitators
  5. Waiting for approval from facilitators Open nominations for judges. Anybody can nominate anyone, including themselves, and explain why that person would be a good judge. Nominations can be declined, obviously. Hold nominations open for, say, two weeks. Link to that thread and bump it as often as possible. After that time period, create a secret, multi-select poll where you can vote for up to, say, 6 people. (Is that possible? If not, we could possibly do it by email, though that would be less than ideal...) After two weeks, the top 6 5 (see here) vote-getters are declared judges.
  6. in progress decide on character creation rules.
  7. Waiting for decision on character creation rules When judges (facilitators?) are decided, we open the floor for character submission. Since the setting likely won't be done by then, character backgrounds will necessarily not be final, but the judges can get started on approving the crunch, at least. ...provided that this doesn't distract from actually getting the setting going...
  8. Waiting for judges to be assigned. Likewise, as soon as judges are assigned, open the floor for drafts of adventure proposals. Approval would necessarily be contingent on the setting that the adventure was designed for being accepted. Prospective DMs would probably be well advised to be familiar with all the popular setting proposals at that time, and able to slot their ideas into more than one setting....provided that this doesn't distract from actually getting the setting going...
  9. Ready to be started. Meanwhile (starting as soon as the subforum is live), draft and vote on a charter, i.e. a document describing how the game works. I suspect this will closely resemble a mixture of LEW's and LEB's at first, though I might be wrong. (see also our statement.)
  10. In progress Meanwhile (starting now), try to put together one or more proposals for a setting, including things like map (or not), city names, some history, etc. Transitive Isles is an example that's most of the way there. The degree of appropriate detail will also be addressed.
  11. In progress, sort of We discuss the setting proposals as they get more complete. At some point, the facilitators amongst themselves decide when there is at least one proposal that's complete enough to start playing in. They create a poll, with options like: "We should go with setting A and start playing immediately", "We should go with setting B and start playing immediately", "We should keep talking about it for a while first". Leave the poll open for a while, say two weeks, and if at the end of that time the facilitators determine that "Setting B and start right now" has won convincingly, we are ready to play.
  12. Waiting for acceptance of a setting Edit the tavern thread(s) to fill in details of the chosen setting. Everyone edits their character backgrounds as needed. DMs edit their adventure proposals to fit the setting, if needed.
  13. Waiting for everything else L4W opens, games begin
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First Post
Thanks for putting this together, covaithe! I think you've hit all the major points, and we should be able to get this thing off the ground if we follow this outline. I'd like to see things move a bit quicker, but as any PbP veteran knows, PbP-related activity is rarely speedy. :)


First Post
Great idea on making the roadmap, Covaithe! Great to have a 'to do' list to go by and see what progress is being made. Now that we have a discussion thread right here in the forum we can get on with the building of this new place to play!


First Post
So, we've got facilitators who are pseudo-judging for the moment. The next steps seem to me to be the charter and the setting.

We've got LEW and LEB as charter templates, and we have some setting ideas on the wiki. Any thoughts on the best way to push these elements forward?


Refer you to my post here:

I think somebody needs to decide the following:
1. How much a setting needs before we vote on it
2. How we vote on a setting (the roadmap says we go setting by setting) - I was thinking meta->actual setting but nobody seems to like doing meta discussions so maybe we should just throw it open with a bunch of options?
3. What's required for a character submission (I think/hope renau1g is working on a new character sheet based on GK's original). I really want a section where people "show their math". I.e. how they got each number.
I also want to see a roleplaying section like
[B said:
from renu1gs game with mods[/B]] Name:
Region of origin: (Daunton, Kingdom of Jade, etc)
Personality (including quirks):
Kicker: See here or here
Hooks: (missing relative, want to become the most famous explorer in the world, whatever)

4. What we need to support character creation
5. Are we going to have DM points, or something else to reward DMs for running games?


I edited the roadmap to mark nominating and voting on facilitators as complete. I added an item for deciding on character creation rules. I see this as a subset of the "write a charter" item, but it's one that's independent enough that we can do it first without having a complete charter in place.

As for settings, I'm not sure how much good it will do to sit down and come up with a list of things that some imaginary, hypothetical setting needs before we can go live with it. I think it's a lot more productive to look at the specific setting proposals in place and come up with places that they in particular are unfinished.

Thus, I think as far as setting goes, the next step is for all of us, especially facilitators, to read the current setting proposals and come up with specific todo lists for each setting. As for whether we vote to proceed as soon as the first setting ticks all the boxes or wait for others, well, we can decide that when the time comes, based on our feeling of relative levels of interest.

Also, as Graf points out, we need to have a discussion about DM points and so forth. I think that warrants its own thread. Probably not a poll, at least not until we've had some time to discuss it.


So, we've got facilitators who are pseudo-judging for the moment. The next steps seem to me to be the charter and the setting.

We've got LEW and LEB as charter templates, and we have some setting ideas on the wiki. Any thoughts on the best way to push these elements forward?

I just remembered that I meant to respond to the bit about the charter, too. I think the next step for that is for someone to write a draft charter based on the LEW and LEB charters, possibly with some blank spaces for things we haven't figured out yet, like DM points. I had planned to try to do this fairly soon (2-3 days timeframe, I think), but I'd be perfectly happy if someone beat me to it.

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