Lady Despina's Virtue - Continued

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You've left us with an emotional cliff-hanger. Is Nahael selflessly giving up Eadric and encouraging him to do the same? What's the new direction? What will happen when Rintrah appears to the paladin?


Ouch. So Feezu made it. Too bad for the group. What are Mostins and Ortwins new characters going to be? ;) Amazing story, as always, Sepulchrave, and I am eagerly anticipating the new thread.

The Planetar vanished, but the Demoness sat and watched the figure walking along the road diminish, and finally disappear.

She sat for a long time. Demons have good eyesight.

Loved those last two lines. Very touching.
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This is an amazing story. Please tell me that you'll be getting a contract to put this one out in 200+page format.

Again. Awesome story.


Great ending. Can't wait till book 2. And I don't think any of us are joking when we say that you sould turn this into a book or movie or something. I'm sure you can find some connections through the boards. The plot is exciting, thought provoking and heart warming. Plus the characters are three dimentional, filled with inner demons and all that stuff. That is a rare quality in both role playing AND most books and movies. Well done.

P.S. Please hurry with book two.

The others are absolutely right when they say you should consider getting your work published, Sepulchrave. I feel as though I've come to the end of a well-loved book rather than the end of a story hour thread. Wonderful, wonderful stuff. Many thanks to you (and Lombard too) for sharing! :)

Also, should you require it, I've compiled your story hour updates from both threads into a single, indexed Word doc. The tales of Eadric and friends must not be allowed to fade away...

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