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Lady Diamonds horse lessons. (IC thread)


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Vanor settles down into a the well known stance, and fights back the horor of what he had just seen.

As much as I feared what I just saw, I am glad you showed me. That is one lesson I will never forget.

He watches her closely as she places the saddle on the back of the smaller horse. After seeing what he had, he is glad it is a smaller horse. One day he may be good enough to ride a mighty warhorse like Diamonds, but not at this time. He finds himself drawn away from watching what she is doing and more drawn to her. The way she moves, with such grace and confidence speaks loudly of how well she knows horses. He finds himself fearcely proud of her, and the love he had recently descovered growing even stronger.

She was not afraid to be forceful with him, when needed to make a point, and even willing to risk injury to make that point. But mostly it was the confidance and trust she had in Stryker that amazed him. He hoped that he too would one day develop such a bond with his horse. And even more so hoped that the two of them would develop such a bond of complete trust.

"Am I to get on spirit now, that you have put the saddle on her?"
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Lady Diamond

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Lady Diamond smiles at Vanor's eagerness. "Almost, my beloved. I would like to make sure that you and Spirit will become a team before we go outside the soft earth of the stable ring, and there are a couple more things you should get used to before I hand you the reins."

She gets out a leather lunge-line and fastens one end to Spirit's bridle as she talks. "Left side on, either right or left side off. Always mount from the left side, you can use either side to dismount".

She motions to Vanor to move close and prepare to mount. She ties Spirit's bridle reins off loosely over her withers and guides Vanor's hand away gently when he reaches for them. "No reins just yet my love, place your left foot into the stirrup and step up smoothly, don't dig your foot into her side as you mount, and swing your right leg over her back. Settle down easily, don't flop into the saddle. Too many times doing that and you'll encourage Spirit to move away before you have your leg over."

She smiles at Vanor's unasked question. Yes beloved, it's ok to grip the pommel of the saddle when you mount, it's advisable to do that really." She watches Vanor mount smoothly and settle into the saddle gently. "Very well done my love", she smiles.

"I can't seem to catch the other stirrup with my right foot", Vanor says a bit agitatedly. "That's alright for now, you're not going to use them in the first part of this exercise anyways", she replies. Vanor raises his eyebrows slightly. "No reins and no stirrups?"

"I have your guidance tool right here in my hand". She holds up the lunge-line and then steps in to move Vanor's leg away slightly and runs the left stirrup up its strap, then moves to the right side and does the same to the right stirrup, patting and praising Spririt as she walks around her.

"Now, assume the horse stance once again, heels down and fold your arms across your chest this time", Diamond says firmly. "Feel how your calf muscles hold onto Spirit much more tightly when they're flexed? Even with no stirrups you should Always keep your heels down. You will use your fighter's sense of balance and the muscular coordination of your lower legs and thighs to keep your seat."

Diamond steps away from Vanor and plays out several yards of the line. "Begin, my love. Nudge your mount gently with your heels and start off at the walk".

Off they go, circling around Diamond at the walk "Excellent so far. Now try the pace. Go a bit faster". Vanor gives Spirit the command to go faster "This isn't as bouncy as I thought it would be", Vanor says with wonder in his voice. Diamond smiles and replies.. "Heels Down!.. yes beloved, Spirit is a natural pacer. She moves both legs on each side at the same time. Do you feel the gentle side-to-side rocking motion? She's a beauty to ride at the pace. Striker doesn't pace naturally but I can order him to do it, which I do often. Long journeys at the trot can make your backside more sore than you'd really like."

"You're doing very well at keeping your seat my love", Diamond smiles. "Heels down! Very good. Shall we try an easy gallop?" Once more, round and round, Diamond is exceptionally pleased with Vanor's performance so far, he sits a horse as if born to it, and some of his earlier nervousness was gone.

Diamond decides to kick it up a notch. If Vanor falls the best place to do it is here, and there was one more balance test to perform. She stops Spirit by shifting her position and calling "whoa". Spirit and Vanor stop in front of her and she looks up into Vanor's face smiling brightly. "Excellent beloved! I couldn't have done it any better myself." Vanor grins. "Thanks beloved", he replies.

"There is one more exercise I'd like for you to do before I give you the reins and we take both horses outside. Wait here for a few moments."

Diamond sets up two mini-jumps, one on either side of the ring, they reach about two feet tall.

"Now, begin again, same position as before".

"Jumping!?" Vanor asks. "Oh yes", Diamond replies. "This will test your balance for rising/falling movements of the horse. Outside this ring there will be rocks and other small obstacles that Spirit might try to jump at the run. You must be prepared for that. At the jump, your hips and waist will come into play for balance. Lean forward slightly but do not let your grip falter, or you will probably wind up sliding off."


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Vanor smiles, finding the thrill of riding a horse to be much greater then he thought it could be. He understands fully why Diamond enjoys it so much. The freedom and the power is a feeling unlike any he had felt before.

"Heals down!"

Diamond yells once more. He finds himself smiling again, remembering how offten he heard things much like that from both his parents. He is sure that his mother would greatly approve of the spirit Diamond shows, in giving a lesson. Even though he is the master, and she the student, her fully taking charge when giving him a lesson is deffently something his mother would approve of

I must say love, this is a great deal more fun then I thought it would be, I was expecting it to be jaring and that I would have trouble walking tomorrow. But this is not at all like I had thought. I guess all those hours my father made me spend in the horse stance has paid off for more then kung-fu.
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Lady Diamond

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Diamond chuckles. "Yes, I don't blame you. The first horse I ever rode was a rough nasty little beast who threw me off twice during the first lesson. To this day I still think one of the other girls at court paid one of the stablehands to set me up with that nasty little pony. No matter, I stuck with it."

Diamond slowly paid out the line as Vanor circled, giving Spirit plenty of time to see the jumps and line up for them. Diamond watched intently as Vanor and Spirit became one over the first jump, the horse balancing her neck and hindquarters beautifully, front legs tucked under with plenty of clearance, her rider leaning forward at exactly the right moment and keeping his seat firmly on the landing. Diamond threw back her head and laughed joyfully, this was the part that had worried her almost as much as the stirrup demonstration and it had gone very very well.

She let the pair make a few more jumps, each flowed more smoothly than the last. Satisfied, she started taking in line and slowed Spirit to a halt. Grinning, Vanor looked down at her from Spirit's back. "We're done already? We were just having fun!" he smiled and patted Spirit's neck firmly.

"You're a natural, beloved. I'm very pleased." Diamond smiled. "The rest of the lesson is very easy. The hard part is finished. Please dismount."

Vanor threw his leg over Spirit and landed gracefully, taking Diamond into his arms for a brief but very satisfying kiss. "Mmm", Diamond sighed happily. "No distracting the teacher", she said warmly, gently freeing herself from Vanor's embrace. "More later perhaps", she smiled.

Running the stirrups back down their leathers she made sure they were adjusted for Vanor's legs and whistled Striker to attention. He'd become bored and had taken to eating wisps of grass between the stable ring railings. "Come here lazy one", Diamond chided gently. Neighing indignantly and shaking his neck he pranced over to Spirit's side. "Oh yes, put on a show, you know you're being watched", Diamond chuckled.

She vaulted up onto Striker's back and said "mount up" to Vanor. He mounted Spirit and took the reins in his right hand. "How do I steer? Won't this take awhile to learn?" he asked.

"Well if Spirit were some iron-mouthed plow horse, perhaps. She has a fine mouth and responds easily, so what I have left to say is more to keep her mouth in good shape. Keep a light hand on the reins, never pull any harder than you need to, and never lift your rein hand up higher than your navel. Try it right now, lift the reins up".

Vanor lifts his hand up high, and Spirit throws her mouth up high as well. "See how you pull her head and neck out of balance? To travel well with her legs under her she needs her balance, and lifting the reins up too high destroys that. Shorten the reins by pulling with your other hand if you need to, but keep your rein hand low. If you want to go left, lay the right rein against her neck, if you want to go right, do the opposite. Pull gently to slow down, if you want her to back up pull gently on the reins but urge her forward with your heels".

Vanor practices a bit in the ring at the walk, then turns back to Diamond and Striker. "You don't use reins at all. How do you let Striker know where to go?"

"It depends", Diamond replies. "At times I lay my hands on the sides of his neck as if they were reins, other times I use knee pressure or body weight. Shifting my weight back is the signal to stop. Striker is trained to respond without bridle or saddle. If you wish I can train Spirit to perform the same as well, it will take a bit more time since its much easier to train people than horses. Usually", she smiled.

"Shall we take them outside beloved?", Diamond asked.


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Vanor smiles broadly at the progress he is seeming to make, he had thought that learning to ride would be a long and painfull thing, but it had turned out to be pure joy

Yes lets take them out, I've seen you ride, and now that I understand it better, I find myself looking forward to the feel of the wind in my hair, as we ride.

As far as teaching both myself and Spirit to ride without a bridle... I think that would be best. I know I wouldn't care to be lead around with that thing in my mouth, and I doubt that she does either.

He grins a bit like a schoolboy who just tried to corect his teacher

At least I assume she wouldn't like it... Would it be better to learn how to use the reins then learn how to ride with out them, or learn how to ride with out them first?
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Lady Diamond

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"Well..." Diamond began. "Spirit has been trained to accept any rider on her back, most horses are trained in that way, with the bit and the bridle and saddle. It... keeps them alive", she spoke quietly.

"In this land where men seek to control their destinies and those of others around them, any animal that cannot fit in is destroyed." She patted Striker firmly on the neck before continuing, idly entwining her fingers in his soft mane. "When I met Striker, the men who couldn't control him, were about to kill him", she said simply. "It was by sheer luck that I happened to be there when he was brought in as a prize of war. I begged the Emperor for his life, the first and probably the last time I begged anyone for anything. I saw something of my own willful stubbornness and desire to be free in him.

The Emperor saw that I actually loved Something, and could thereby be controlled a bit by my love for this animal. He spared Striker's life, upon the condition that I would never try to escape, or gain my own freedom."

"Looking back, it was a small price to pay. I owe Striker my life several times over, and he owes me his, as least as much". She grew thoughtful.

"Do you remember the first time we met?", she asked Vanor quietly.

"Yes, I do. You fought well, although you lost", he replied.

"Yes. I requested that you pick up my challenge, thinking that the worst that could happen was that we would engage in a lively sparring match, and that I would learn much from your experience and perhaps learn a bit about you. I.. nearly died that day", she spoke quietly.

Vanor became a bit defensive as he nodded, and took her gently into his arms as if to hold her and defend her from what happened that day. "Yes, I strove to show you that in this land of fighters that anything could happen, and I treated you as I would treat one of greater experience. I thought I honored you in that."

"You did", she smiled. "You pulled no punches and treated me as an equal, and I honor that in any man. Still, not being accustomed to the ways of this realm, I didn't guard my body as much as I should have.. and you injured me, quite badly."

Vanor bowed his head in shame, resting his forehead against hers. "I didn't intend to do that. You have to believe me that I didn't mean to harm you."

She smiled. "Beloved, that was a long time ago, and I am still here, and so are you. I mention it because I'm trying to make a point about something". She cradled Vanor's head against her shoulder and kissed his hair softly, stroking his cheek. "That day, we didn't know each other. I only knew one thing. That I could depend on Striker to help, no matter what happened. I was dying, in body and in spirit. He picked me up off the ground and took me to the place where the silver woman-spirit healed me, and gave me the strength to live in this realm. I never guided him there, he just knew, he took me to the place where she dwelled", she said simply. "I don't know how or why, and never will".

"To ride as I do, you have to be able to give your trust, your being, over to a four-legged beast who has the simplest brain, and who also is made of flesh and bone and spirit. If you wish to do so, then follow me. We will see together if she as is as trustworthy as we both hope she is".

Diamond leapt back up upon Striker's back and looked at Vanor, smiling, and yelling "HAHHHHH!!", drumming her heels into her faithful steed's belly, taking off at a full run, hair streaming back.

"Follow me!", she cried.


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Vanor grins and puts his heels to Spirits flanks, chasing after Diamond. At first she can tell every time she looks back at him, he is concentrating on the lessons, mumbling her instuctions over and over again as spirit picks up more speed.

He shakes his head once he realizes that he's cheating himself out of the joy of riding like this. He stops trying to focus on the lesson he was taught, and instead focus on the lesson he's learning now. He lets himself go, and instead listens with his body, feeling the surge of Spirit's muscles under him. Feeling the balance of how he sits on her. He lets his body do the work without direction of his mind, trusting in his years of training as a fighter. And perhaps more imporantly learning to trust Spirit to react to the movements he's seen Diamond use when riding Striker.

After a few moments of this he finds himself able to give into the thrill of racing across the land near the dojo, and actualy starting to catch up to Diamond. The wind blowing though his hair, and the feel of the union between man and horse thrilling.

He laughs outloud, a laugh of pure joy as he finaly catches up to Diamond and races at her side.

Lady Diamond

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Diamond smiles at Vanor, proud that he caught up with her and Striker. She knew although Spirit was somewhat smaller at the withers than Striker was, that Spirit was the faster and more nimble of the two horses.

"Are you ready to try something? Loosen your hold on the reins and lean back a bit in the saddle, let's see if Spirit slows down without you pulling on the reins. Keep your heels down beloved."

Diamond shifts her weight slightly on Striker's back, and he slows. She shifts back farther and Striker slides to a stop. Vanor and Spirit pass them both momentarily but she can see that Spirit is slowing down too. Good. With a bit of ground training Spirit could trained to respond to weight signals. This was a good sign.

"Very good!" she exclaimed, bringing Striker back alongside Spirit. "She senses that you're shifting your balance and slows to get under you. Let's try some turns using knee pressure and weight shifting."

The foursome spend more time that day taking both horses through manuevers. With a bit more work both Vanor and Spirit could be taught to ride without saddle or bridle. It would take more than one day to reinforce the lessons but today was a very good start.


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Lady Diamond and Vanor return to the dojo after riding around for a bit longer. Vanor finds himself thrilled by the experience of riding, the freedom and power almost intoxicating. Once they return home, they brush and rub down the horses, and put them in the stable with a bit of hay to eat. That done they find something to eat themselves, and then retire for the night.

The next morning, Vanor wakes up early, and lets Diamond sleep in a bit, he has plans for today, and wants them to be a bit of a surprise. After all is prepared he returns to their room and sits on the edge of the bed, gazing at Diamond as she sleeps. Everything about her excites him, the color of he hair, the shape of her body, the amazing spirit that she has. He thanks the fates once again for bringing her to him. A few moments later Diamond stirs and looks up at him.

Morning beloved, did you enjoy watching me? She asks with a smile

Always beloved, your nothing like the girls and women I know, and for that I’m quite thankful. He brushes her long hair to the side and then caresses her cheek softly

Maybe, she grins but there are plenty of beautiful women here too. Can you honestly tell me you didn’t find Tsin attractive?

I did, but I didn’t think of her in that way. No I believe the fates had planed on us being together for some time, and I’m very glad they did.

Vanor then takes a tray off of the table near the bed and places it near Diamond, it has some sweet tea as well as some boiled eggs. I thought I’d bring you breakfast my love… You’ve worked hard at teaching me to ride, so I thought I’d thank you with breakfast in bed.

Thank you, she smiled and took a sip of the tea This was very thoughtful of you love. Have you already eaten?

Yes, I ate something when I was getting this ready for you. I’m quite excited about going out and riding again today, so I had trouble sleeping.

Diamond chuckles and reaches up to run her hands though his hair You amaze me love, you take to riding like you were borne on horseback, but find so much pleasure in it, that you actually act like a child on his birthday, waking up early to play with his presents.

Well I do enjoy riding a great deal, and I have a wonderful teacher.

the two of them talk for a bit longer as she finishes up breakfast, then after she dresses, they get the horses ready for the days ride.

I see you already saddled Spirit love.

Yes, I hope I did it right…

Diamond checks over the straps and makes sure the blanket is secure. Not finding anything very wrong she smiles at Vanor once again Very good job love, you did nearly everything perfectly.

Thank you, shale we go? I’d like to spend part of the day working on guiding Spirit without the reins, if you think we’re ready for that.

We can try, keep a hold of the reins, but try guiding her with your legs. Press your leg against the side you want to turn. If she doesn’t respond then use the reins. In fact you will probably need to do that at first, if you use the reins and your leg, she’ll start to associate the pressure of your leg, with the pull of the reins, which she already is trained for.

Ok, shale we go love? Vanor mounts up on Spirit and guides her out though the dojo gate. Within a few moments, the two of them fly across the ground, heading back to the field they found yesterday. Near the field there was a small waterfall, in a forested glade, that he had spotted the day before, it was a lovely place, and he had plans to stop there for lunch, and perhaps more.

Ooc: Well this is a bit longer then I thought, so I’ll post this much now, and more later today :)
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