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Lamentation of Lolth - Characters III

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First Post
Calenthang Evenele
Lawful Neutral Male Wood Elf Fighter (6)
Celebrates Mielikki
Age: 123
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 100lbs
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Skin: Copper

STR: 18 (4)
DEX: 16 (3)
CON: 12 (1)
INT: 12 (1)
WIS: 13 (1)
CHA: 12 (1)

HP: 53
AC: 24
~Touch: 15
~Flat-Footed: 21
SR: 13

(6) Fortitude: 4 + 1 + 1
(6) Reflex: 2 + 3 + 1
(4) Will: 2 + 1 + 1

(7) Initiative: 3 + 4
BA: 6/1
~ (10/5) Grapple: (6 + 4) / (1 + 4)

Vakar Blade - 12/7 (1d8+7+2d6 vs Full Elves) 19x2
Longsword - 11/6 (1d8+6) 19x2
Longbow - 9/4 (1d8) 20x3

(5) Climb: 4 + 5 – 4
(6) Craft Trapmaking: 1 + 5 + 0
(4) Handle Animal: 1 + 3 + 0
(5) Jump: 4 + 5 – 4
(3) Listen(cc): 1 + 0 + 2
(2.5) Perform Wind Instruments(cc): 1 + 1.5 + 0
(3) Ride: 3 + 0 + 0
(3) Search(cc): 1 + 0 + 2
(3) Spot(cc): 1 + 0 + 2
(2) Swim: 4 + 6 – 8

Weapon Focus (Longsword)
Power Attack
Improved Initiative
Weapon Specialization (Longsword)
Great Cleave

Special Abilities
Magic Sleep Immunity
+2 Save vs. Enchantment
Low-Light Vision
+2 Listen, Search, & Spot
Weapon Proficient
Armor Proficient


Masterwork Breastplate
~Type: Medium
~AC Bonus: 5
~Check Penalty: -3
~Speed: 20ft
~Weight: 30lbs
+2 Heavy Steel Shield of Spell Resistance
~AC Bonus: 4
~Spell Resistance: 13
~Check Penalty: -1
~Weight: 15lbs
Vakar Blade
~Type: Slashing
~AB: (10 + 1 + 1) / (5 + 1 + 1)
~Damage: 1d8+4+2+1 (2d6 vs Full Elves)
~Critical: 19x2
~Weight: 4lbs
~Type: Slashing
~AB: (10 + 1) / (5 + 1)
~Damage: 1d8+4+2
~Critical: 19x2
~Weight: 4lbs
~Type: Piercing
~AB: (9) / (4)
~Damage: 1d8
~Critical: 20x3
~Range: 100ft
~Weight: 3lbs
(28) Arrows (3lbs)
Backpack (2lbs)
(2) Waterskin (8lbs)
Flint & Steel (0lbs)
Whetstone (1lb)
Traveler’s Outfit (5lbs)
(2) Belt Pouches (1lb)
(4) Trail Rations (4lbs)
Copper Pan Flute (3lbs)
Potion of Heroism
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
(2) Potion of Bull's Strength
Amulet of Natural Armor +2
Cloak of Resistance +1
Bag of Holding (Type I) (15lbs)

Weight Carried: 90lbs (Light Load = 20ft)
Light Load: 100lbs or <
Medium Load: 101lbs – 200lbs
Heavy Load: 201lbs – 300lbs
Lift Over Head: 300lbs
Lift Off Ground: 600lbs
Push or Drag: 1500lbs

GP – 40
SP – 8
CP – 1

Born and raised in Cormanthor by a small nomadic clan of around fifty wood elves, Calenthang spent the winter months with his clan in Tangled Trees where he learned to use a longsword and longbow with expertise.
On one of his young adventurous outings by himself in the sprawling forest he met a satyr who taught him the Sylvan tongue, how to play the pan flute, and the teachings of Mielikki (something his guardians never neglected to do). The satyr made a gift of his reed pan flute to Calenthang on his death. The flute was later broken when fleeing from drow raiders.
Through his many summers his clan would trade with the humans of the Dalelands often and sometimes with the ever-increasing menace of surface drow.
During one of these dealings with drow of the Auzkovyn Clan gone awry, Calenthang was stationed as guard, where he saw fellow members of his clan and his childhood love slaughtered at the hands of his interloping cousins. His clan was later weeded out by the drow and he was forced to flee Cormanthor, all in his first century of life.
He has spent the beginnings of his second century traveling the Dalelands outside of the forest.

Calenthang has found himself in the Border Forest. He is currently staying in the tent of Therav, the glass merchant.
He has met a halfling jeweler by the name of Wizzop, and promises to go to him for all his valuable gem needs.
He has determined the menace of Orchard Meadows to be none other then the Mayor himself.
He has defeated the evil naga Tyrinth in Orchard Meadows' well.
He has agreed to guard the glass merchant Therav to the Mellorn festival in the Border Forest.

Calenthang despises drow, the chaos they create, and their gods. He is suspicious of the goddess Eilistraee and her followers, as they show a means of peace between drow elves and the other races. A means he is not ready to accept.
Calenthang considers his life a common elven cliché: A tragedy of the dark elves. He understands others have suffered just as much, if not more, at the hands of the drow; he therefore rarely shows his anger and remains modest and soft-spoken about all he does.
He is most at home in the forest. The peace and tranquility of nature reminds him of his life as it was.

Calenthang is a myriad of browns. His long brown hair covers his elven features: his almond-shaped hazel eyes and copper-toned complexion are caged behind long wisps; the tips of his ears are all that can be seen of them. He wears a masterwork breastplate with intricate leaf patterns filigreed all over. He carries a longsword and a longbow on his back along with a quiver of arrows and large wooden shield, all themed in rich shades of brown, right down to the leather hilt-wrap of the longsword. On his left hip rests an exquisite longsword made of the bluish black metal Vakar. It appears oiled and is wrapped in black sharkskin about the hilt.
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First Post
Teleri Shadow Song
RACE: Female, Moon Elf,
CLASS: Cleric lvl4 / Fighter lvl2
REGION: Evereska
DEITY: Sehanine Moonbow
ALIGN: Chaotic Good

Str: 16 (+3)
Dex: 17 (+3)
Con: 11 (+0)
Int: 11 (+0)
Wis: 15 (+2)
Cha: 10 (+0)

HP: 40
AC: AC 17, Touch 13, Flat 14
Init: +3
BAB: +5
Grap: +8
Speed 20 ft. (base 30, load Medium, Light armor)

Fort: +7 (+7 base, +0 ability, +0 Magic)
Ref: +4 (+1 base, +3 ability, +0 Magic)
Will: +8 (+4 base, +2 ability, +2 Magic)

+8 Ranged, Composite longbow, 1D8 +2, x3 critical

Single handed
+10 Melee, StormArmor, 1D8 +5, 19-20/x2 critical
+9 Melee, Short sword, 1D6 +4, 19-20/x2 critical

duel wielding
+8 Melee, StormArmor, 1D8 +5, 19-20/x2 critical
+7 Melee, Short sword, 1D6 +4, 19-20/x2 critical

WGT: 150.
BUILD: Slender, graceful.
EYES: pale gray.
HAIR: auburn
SKIN: cream-colored.
AGE: 95 (equivalent of a 17yr old)

light load is 76 lbs or less,
medium load is 67-133 lbs or less.
Heavy load is 154-230 lbs

+1 Concentration
+1 Craft Bow Making
+2 Diplomacy
+1 Handle Animal
+1 Knowledge history
+3 Knowledge religion
+2 Knowledge planes
+9 Heal (+2 heal kit bonus, +2 stat mod)
+4 Spot (elvish bonus, stat mod)
+4 Listen (elvish bonus, stat mod)
+2 Search (elvish bonus)
+3 Ride (ability mod)
+3 Survival (ability mod)
+2 Speak Language

Proficient with all simple and martial weapons
Proficient with all armor types and shields including tower shields
Spontaneous casting of cure/healing spells
Strong chaotic good aura
Two weapon fighting (Bonus fighter feat)
Iron will (Bonus fighter feat)
Turn undead
Domain spells

Improved turning
Gift of tongues

Land speed is 30
Immune to sleep based spells
+2 vs. enchantment spells/effects
Low light vision
+2 bonus on listen, search and spot

Elvish. Common. Chondathan. Dwarven. Halfling.

Teleri's parents were a ranger and druid respectively and both minor nobles in their own right. Teleri early life was spent learning wilderness lore and developing a strong love of nature.

When she was around 40 years old, her home was attacked by drow and her father was captured during the fight. Her mother gave her into the keeping of the other druids in her grove and with a small band of adventurer's, rescued him. Her mother rescued him, but not before they had tortured him.

The torture had left her father nearly dead and quite insane. Only through the efforts of a priest of Eilistraee her mother had rescued along with her father, did they manage to save his life and restore his sanity.

Despite that one instance, her childhood was mostly a happy one. However on her 90th birthday, she had the oddest vision of an old woman beckoning her under a moonlit sky. She was drawn, under a strang compulsion that seemed to come from some deep, unsatisfied longing to a meadow surrounded by huge, gnarled trees.

In the middle of the meadow was a truly ancient elf woman. This she-elf was so old, she actually showed signs of advanced age, a rarity indeed, as most older elves head the call of evermeet before they reach their 700 year.

Under the moonlit night sky, Teleri was told that Sehanine Moonbow had called her and in Teleri's heart, she knew the old woman spoke truth. The woman trained her, inducting her into the ancient ways and sent her on her journey before her age of majority was truely reached. Since then, she has been traveling further and further away from Evereska and her old home.

Before Teleri left, however, the old woman gave her a beautifully crafted masterwork longsword, etched with the symbol of Sehahine Moonbow.

As she traveled, she came under the tutelage of a traveling companion, a young and idealistic paladin of Horus-Re. He taught her how to fight, but was sadly unable to convert her, though they parted as friends.

She also encountered a gnome by the name of Broddy. The two traveled together for about a year. Though he chattered constantly, she learned a alot from him, including a great deal of gnomish songs, poetry and baudy limericks. Her sense of humor matched his and they pulled a number of pranks on unsuspecting bandits, robbers and other neer'do'wells they came across. They eventually parted company and she is now journeying towards a particularly dank-looking swamp.

Teleri is beautiful, with the finely chiseled features typical of moon elves. Her eyes are pale gray that tend to change color, depending on the light. Her hair is auburn with two white streaks starting from her temples. She normally wears her hair in a single, wrist thick braid that hangs past her waist. Her hair, like most of her mother's family hair, will turn to a silvery-white by the time she reaches 110 years, due to unknown reasons.

She is wearing a set of well-made and comfortable loose breeches, shirt and vest as well as boots and a waterproof cloak and hood, all in colors of blue and gray and all with plenty of pockets, both hidden and visible among other things.

Cheerful and mercurial, Teleri is a unusual sort of elf. Most think that she is slightly mad, as they have never seen an elf with a sense of humor, especially a sense of humor as strange as hers. She never seems to be beaten down by any situation she finds herself in and always has a ready joke gleaned from countless disreputable sources.

She can turn or destroy lycanthropes as a good cleric turns or destroys undead. This ability is useable to the number of times per day equal to 3 + charisma mod.

For a total time per day of 1 round per cleric level you possess, you can act normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement as if you were affected by the spell freedom of movement. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times per day (up to the total daily limit of rounds). This granted power is a supernatural ability. Add Survival to your list of cleric class skills [/sblock]

Faerie fire, Moonbeam

Detect magic. Guidance. Resistance. Light. Detect Poison

Nimbus of light. Command. Protection From Evil

Consecrate Sound Burst

PP: 30 GP 23. SP: 57. CP 55.
5 vials of holy water
5 wooden holy symbols
1 silver holy symbol worn around neck
Signet ring
2 Sunrods
1 Thunderstone
2 Scrolls of cure moderate wounds (divine)
2 Scrolls of Lesser restoration(divine)
Healer's kit
Short Sword +1
Wand of Light (16 charges)
Wand of Searing light (10 charges)
Keoghtom's Ointment (2 applications)

MW Chain Shirt (Equipped, 25wt)
Short Sword +1 (Equipped, 02wt)
Traveler’s outfit (Equipped, 5wt)
Signet Ring (Equipped, 0wt)
Holy symbol, silver (Equipped, 0wt)
Holy symbol, wood, hidden (equipped 0wgt)
Quiver-Scabbard (Equipped. 2wt)
Money belt (Equipped. 0wt)
Mithril longsword on belt (Equipped. 5wt)
40 arrows in quiver-scabbard (Equipped. 6wt)
Mighty +2 Longbow (Equipped. 3wt)
Belt-pouches (Equipped, 0.5wt)
Toiletry kit (Equipped, 0.5wt)
1 ounce of soap (Equipped, 0wt)
Belt-pouches (Equipped, 0.5wt)
Tinderbox (Equipped, 0wt)
Flint and steel (Equipped, 0wt)
Bow String’s (Equipped, 0wt)
Backpack (Equipped, 2wt)
Mess kit (Equipped, 1wt)
Cooking kit (Equipped, 1wt)[/sblock]

Monk-Mule [sblock]
Hackamore (Equipped, 1wt)
Packsaddle (Equipped, 15wt)
Saddle bags (Equipped, 8wt)
Oats (Equipped, 1wt)
Horse grooming kit (Equipped, 1wt)
Saddle bags (Equipped, 8wt)
Explorer’s outfit (Equipped, 8wt)
Water skin (Equipped, 4wt)
Bedroll/blanket (Equipped, 5wt)
Crowbar (Equipped, 5wt)[/sblock]

Murnae-Light warhorse[sblock]
Carrying Capacity: A light load for a light warhorse is up to 230 pounds; a medium load, 231–460 pounds; and a heavy load, 461–690 pounds. A light warhorse can drag 3,450 pounds.

War saddle equipped Equipped, 15 wgt
Saddle blanket equipped Equipped, 3 wgt
2 saddle bags equipped Equipped, 16 wgt
Bit and bridle equipped Equipped, 1 wgt
Healing kit Equipped, 1 wgt
6 vials of Spider Venom antidote Equipped, 0 wgt [/sblock]
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Dunstand Tybalt
Male, Human, Rogue lvl4, Fighter lvl2
Neutral Neutral
Str: 12 (+1)
Dex: 18 (+4)
Con: 8 (-1)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 8 (-1)
Cha: 15 (+2)

HP: 30
AC: AC 18, Touch 13, Flat 18
Init: +8
BAB: +5
Grap: +6
Speed: 20 ft. (base 30, load Medium, Light armor)

Fort: +4 (+4 base, -1 ability, +1 Magic)
Ref: +9 (+4 base, +4 ability, +1 Magic)
Will: +1 (+1 base, -1 ability, +1 Magic)

+6 Melee, Rapier, 1d6+1, 18-20/x2
+7 Melee, SilverDagger, 1d4+1, 19-20/x2
+11 Throw, Silver Dagger, 1d4+2, 19-20/x2, 10'r
+8 Melee, MW Silver Dagger, 1d4+1, 19-20/x2
+12 Throw, MW Silver Dagger, 1d4+2, 19-20/x2, 10'r

Size: Medium
Height: 6'3" tall
Weight: 150 lbs
Age: 32 years
Hair: Short brown
Eyes: dark brown
Skin: Light tanned


+11 Balance (+4, +7, +0)
+8 Bluff (+1, +7, +0)
+7 Climb (+1, +6, +0)
+13 Disable Device (+3, +8, +2,)
+11 Escape Artist (+4, +7, +0)
+8 Gather Information (+1, +7, +0)
+13 Hide (+4, +7, +2)
+4 Listen (-1, +5, +0)
+14 Move Silently (+4, +8, +2)
+14 Open Lock (+4, +8, +2)
+3 Perform (Oratory) (+1, +2, +0)
+11 Search (+3, +8, +0)
+16 Sleight of Hand (+4, +8, +4)
+14 Use Rope (+4, +8, +2)

-Armor Proficiency (Light)
-Deft Hands (+2 bonus on all Sleight of Hand checks and Use Rope checks)
-Nimble Fingers (+2 bonus on all Disable Device checks and Open Lock checks)
-Stealthy (+2 bonus on all Hide checks and Move Silently checks)

Rogue Abilities
-Sneak Attack +2d6
-Trap Sense (+1 Reflex, +1 dodge)
-Trap finding (may use search skill on taps with DC higher than 20)
-Uncanny dodge (retains Dex bonus to AC if caught flat-footed.)

Fighter Abilities
- Weapon Proficiency simple and martial
- Armor Proficiency light, medium and heavy
- Point Blank Shot +1 Bonus on ranged attack and damage within 30 ft.
- Precise Shot No -4 penalty for shooting into melee.
- Improved initiative (+4 to initative)

[sblock]Dunstand is by his own accord an extremely handsome man and sees himself as any gods gift to women. He always dresses in the latest fashion of the given region. He is of fair height and stature, and keeps a smooth face and well cut hair.
His general appearance is more that of a nobleman or a well-to-do merchant, than a rogue or ruffian of the treacherous dockside streets of Westgate.[/sblock]

[sblock]Dunstand not a liar, but everything he says must be taken with a grain of salt. He will try to tell you half-truths and he will twist the truth any way he can.
He’s a man that appalls violence and people will find themselves hard pressed to get him angry. His passive personality is not a noble one, but more a defense mechanism because anger and violence can get “that that he loves the most” (a.k.a. himself) in to danger. Dunstand is not a opportunist, he will pass by a number of opportunities to acquire a small piece of wealth when he can just stand back in leisure and wait for the big money. As a true follower of Mask he never shows his true colors, any number of people spanning from the east through the west coast know him by a number of names and will tell you that he is a devoted follower of a fair number of gods. Because of his deceptive nature he had to leave a number of cities in the Realms, mostly because of the large sums of gold placed as a bounty on his head. During times of no present danger he can be a pleasant companion, and will entertain his friends and companions with his boasted stories of valor. [/sblock]

[sblock]Dunstand was born and bred in the trading city of Westgate in Dragon Coast.
There is not a lot known of his background, the name Tybalt was not the name of his father but the name of the inn on the docks of Westgate where his mother worked as a “lady of negotiable delights” and his unknown father seamed to be a frequenting patron. His mother died at the age of 35, when young Dunstand was but 10 years old. After the demise of his mother he was raised by the innkeeper of the “Tybalt” and the Thieves guild know as “The Night Mask”. The upbringing by these people led to his inevitable path of a rogue and scam artist.

The history from the time of his leaving Westgate and the present day, is for the most part unknown. People that do feel inclined to discover the history of Dunstand Tybalt can easily follow a straight path from his current position to Westgate, only stopping to ask for directions from angry people missing a great deal of money.

Journal entry 1
I found my self the village of Orchard Meadows, where I was selling grade-A timber to the mayor, who needed it for the construction of some project outside of the village. I really didn’t know that the timber was never delivered to the construction site, and when thy arrested me a mille or so outside the village they didn’t believe me when I told them that I was going to see to the delivery myself (they even called me, a thief and a scam artist, me a noble and honest trader). I believe that there has been some change in the residing powers of this village, because later in the day I was released from prison by the sheriff with the warning that he would have me watched as long as I stayed in Orchard Meadows. I told him not to bother because I would be leaving this hole in the ground a.s.a.p. This is how I found my self in the Apple Cart inn to get some well deserved rest, so I could get a fresh start tomorrow and see where the road would takes me.

Journal entry 2
On what I thought would be my last day in orchard meadows, I met a groups of adventurers in the common room of the inn. At first I thought that this would be a nice opportunity for me to acquire some gold before I sad out on the road. I really lacked some finances at the moment because of the deal that went sour with the (as it seams now) former Mayor. We got to talking and they told me that they where running errands for the local population, killing stuff and so on. Normally I wouldn’t dream of joining up with a group of people like this, and I would never place my self willingly in a position where I could get hurt or even killed. But trough some unknown force or maybe a lack of judgment I find my self following them. They haven’t really up to now said that they would accept me in there group, but no one seams to object when I follow them around, so I will just have to see what the future holds, and find out why I’m compelled to take this unusual course.

The group up to now consisted out of seven members,
Three elves (two male and 1 female). One of the males and the one female seam to be moon elves, the other one I can’t be sure of. The female elf has as it seams a very strange sense of humor (an elf with a sense of humor is already something pretty uncommon in my book). The male moon elf is a bit of a hot head, he’s a fierce one for defending his position with in the group, I don’t know why but I think he feels a bit threatened by me. The group also has two human males and one human female, the female is the one to look out for, although she hasn’t shown any animosity towards me. She introduced her self as a being a Paladin and you can never be sure with one of them. The last member is a Halfling druid, so that shouldn’t be a problem, he some of my best friend where Halflings. Up till now they seam like nice people, and I’m sure we will get along fine. [/sblock]

Studded Leather +1 (Equipped, 20wt)
Cloak of Resistance +1 (Equipped, 1wt)
Noble’s outfit (Equipped, 10wt)

Rapier (Equipped, 2wt)
Sheath, Boot (Equipped left Leg, 2wt) *
Dagger, Silver (In sheath, 0wt)
Sheath, Boot (Equipped right Leg, 2wt) *
Dagger, Silver (In sheath, 0wt)
Sheath, Wrist (Equipped left wrist, 1wt)
MW Dagger, Silver (In sheath, 0wt)
Sheath, Wrist (Equipped right wrist, 1wt)
MW Dagger, Silver (In sheath, 0wt)

Pouch, belt (Equipped, 0.5wt)
Flint and steel (0wt)
Whetstone (1wt)
Masterwork Thieves’ Tools (1wt)
Holy symbol, silver, Mask
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (0.1wt)
Eyes of the Eagle (0.1)

Backpack (Equipped, 2wt)
Rope, silk (50 ft.) (5wt)
Bedroll (5wt)
Grappling hook (4wt)
Chess Set (Fine) (7wt)

Coins- 0pp, 45gp, 48sp, 8cp (2wt)

Total weight carried - 70 lbs
Light load - 43 lbs or less
Medium load - 43-86 lbs
Heavy load - 86-129 lbs
Lift 129 lbs, lift and stagger 258 lbs
Drag 645 lbs

* A boot sheath is easily concealed making it useful for those who want to appear unarmed. Boot sheaths can hold only small to tiny bladed weapon. Characters attempting to conceal an item in a boot sheath gain a +4 bonus on their pick Pocket check (opposed by either spot or search depending on situation). If a character using the boot sheath dos not have ranking in pick pocket noticing the boot sheath requires a successful spot or search check (DC 10).
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First Post
Sielwoodan Velantien
Male Moon Elf Ranger/Sorcerer 5/1
Chaotic Good
Str 14 +2
Dex 18 +4
Con 12 +1
Int 14 +2
Wis 14 +2
Cha 11 0

Hit Points 41 (5d8+1d4+6)
AC 19(21), Touch 15, Flat 15(17) [Armor: +4, Dex: +4, Defl: +1, (Shield: +2)]
Init +4
BAB +5, Grap +7
Speed 30 (base 30, load 47.5/58-116-175, light)
Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +5

+8 Melee, Short Sword +1, 1d6+3 19-20/x2
+8 Melee, Warhammer +1 of Shock, 1d8+1d6+3, 20/x3
+7 Melee, Dagger, 1d4+2, 19-20/x2
+11 Ranged, Migthy(+1) Composite Longbow +1, 1d8+2, 20/x3, 110'r
+9 Ranged, Dagger, 1d4+2, 19-20/x2 10'r

Sizecategory, 5'5" tall, 142 lbs wt, 127 yrs old
Short Deep Blue hair, Light Green eyes, White Silvered skin

Speaks Common, Elven, Chondatan, Illuskan, Sylvan

+6 Climb (4)
+5 Craft(Bowmaking) (3)
+1 Handle Animal (1)
+5 Heal (3)
+11 Hide (7)
+6 Jump (4)
+3 Knowledge(Arcana) (1)
+4 Knowledge(Dungeoneering) (2)
+4 Knowledge(Geography) (2)
+6 Knowledge(Nature) (2)
+11 Listen (7)
+11 Move Silently (7)
+5 Ride (1)
+11 Search (7)
+11 Spot (7)
+11 Survival (9)
+5 Use Rope (1)

Track (Class ability)
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Extra Shot (Class ability)
Endurance (Class ability)
Weapon Focus (Composite Longbow)

Racename Traits
+2 Dexterity, –2 Constitution.

Medium: As Medium creatures, elves have no special bonuses 
or penalties due to their size.

Elf base land speed is 30 feet.

Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw 
bonus against enchantment spells or effects.

Low-Light Vision: An elf can see twice as far as a human in 
starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor 
illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail 
under these conditions.

Weapon Proficiency: Elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats 
for the longsword, rapier, longbow (including composite longbow), 
and shortbow (including composite shortbow) as bonus feats.

+2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. 
An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or 
concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it 
as if she were actively looking for it.

Automatic Languages: Common and Elven. 
Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan.

Favored Class: Wizard. A multiclass elf ’s wizard class does not count 
when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for 

Classname Abilities
Wild Empathy
Favored Enemy (+4 Magical Beast, +2 Monstrous Humanoid)
Combat Expertise: Extra Shot
Animal Companion

Sorcerer's Spells:
0 / 1
5 / 3

Spell Known:
0: Detect Poison, Ghost Sound, Light, Message
1: Feather Fall, True Strike

Ranger's Spells:
0 / 1
- / 1

Spell Prepared:
1: Resist Energy

Mithral Chain Shirt (worn, 12,5 lbs wt)
Heavy Darkwood Shield (Worn, 5 lbs wt)
Cold Weather Outfit (worn, N/A wt)
Ring of Protection +1 (worn, N/A wt)
Ring of Animal Friendship (worn, N/A wt)
Brooch of Shielding (101 hp) (worn, N/A wt)

Short Sword +1 (belt front left, 3 lbs wt)
Dagger, cold iron (belt left, 1 lb wt)
Warhammer +1 of Shock (belt back right, 5 lbs wt)
Pouch, belt (belt right, 0.5 lbs wt)
Backpack (back, 2 lbs wt)

Migthy(+1) Composite Longbow +1 (left shoulder, 3 lbs wt)
Quiver (20 arrows) (right shoulder, 3 lbs wt)
Quiver (20 arrows) (strap on backpack, 3 lbs wt)

Bedroll (below backpack, 5 lbs wt)
Sunrod - 2 (backpack, 2 lb wt)
Flint & Steel (backpack, 0 lb wt)
Thunderstone (backpack, 1 lb wt)
Whetstone (backpack, 1 lb wt)
Antitoxin (backpack, 1 lb wt)
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (backpack, 1 lb wt)

Coins- 51gp, 7sp, 3cp (pouch, ??wt)

Total Weight:
With Backpack: 43.00 lbs
Load: 58/116/175

Male Mule
Large Animal
Hit Dice: 3d8+9 (22 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 13 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+9
Attack: Hoof +4 melee (1d4+3)
Full Attack: 2 hooves +4 melee (1d4+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent, Link, Shared Spell
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +6, Spot +6
Feats: Alertness, Endurance
Environment: Warm plains
Organization: Domesticated
Challenge Rating: 1
Advancement: —
Level Adjustment: —

Mules are sterile crossbreeds of donkeys and horses. 
A mule is similar to a light horse, but slightly stronger and more agile.

A mule’s powerful kick can be dangerous.

Carrying Capacity: 
A light load for a mule is up to 230 pounds; 
a medium load, 231–460 pounds; 
and a heavy load, 461–690 pounds. 
A mule can drag 3,450 pounds.

Skills: Mules have a +2 racial bonus on Dexterity checks 
to avoid slipping or falling.

Bit & Bridle (Mule, 1 lb wt)
Saddle Pack (Mule's back, 20 lbs wt)

Quiver (20 arrows) (Saddle Pack, 3 lbs wt)
Trail Rations- 5 days (Saddle Pack, 5 lbs wt)
Waterskin- water (Saddle Pack, 4 lbs wt)
Waterskin- water (Saddle Pack, 4 lbs wt)
Rope, silk (50 ft.) (Saddle Pack, 5 lbs wt)
Grappling Hook (Saddle Pack, 4 lbs wt)
Piton - 10 (Saddle Pack, 5 lbs wt)
Sunrod - 5 (Saddle Pack, 5 lbs wt)

Total Weight: 
Mule Weight: 56.0 lbs
Mule's Load: 230/460/690

Sielwoodan is born in Olostin's Hold. His father was guide for the humans who needed to wander in the Forest and on the Lost Peaks. During the first years of his live, he was staying home with his mother. He was pretty alone because of his elven blood. Rare was the humans who wanted to play with him, and none wanted to become his friend. When he reached the fifty, his father allow him to travel with him. It is from that time he starts to learn his way. He had the chance to travel in the wood. He immediatly loved the wood. He felt at home and the silence of the forest made him forget all his trouble. He was travelling with his father, and he loved that.

Twenty years ago, he left with his father to some dark place of the forest. The one who engaged them needed a rare herb only found in the more shadowy part of the High Forest. They travelled far from civilsation of any sort, and they were in the middle of a goblin territory. While the human was taking some herbs, the small troop was attack by worg. They could get away, but his father had received a mortal wound. He died two day after. Sielwoodan guide the human to safety and he left the civilsation up to the Lost Peak, where he became reclusive. After almost twenty year, he left his mountain and start to travel the world, so ending his mourning.

Sielwoodan travel without goals or aspiration. He doesn't talk much and prefer to stay in company of Felmir rather than to stay in a populate place. He sells his skills as a living, making a good guide. In social situation, he may sometimes look harsh in his tone and words, but his action stay kind. He generally see the bad side of things rather than the good one.

A tall elf wearing some clean rags is standing near a mule. He looks like as if he had travel a lot in hasardous region without taking a break.
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Laurent de Laurentis
Human Male Rogue 2/Bard 4

Str 14 6
Dex 14 6
Con 14 6
Int 14 6
Wis 11 3
Cha 16 8+Level

Hit Points: 35 (6d6+12)

AC: 15 Touch 12, Flat 13
Init +2
BAB 4, Grap +6
Speed 30 (base 30, load 0/58, Light)
Fort +3, Ref +9 Will +4

+3 Melee, MW Cold Iron Scimitar 1d6+2, 18-20/x2
+6 Melee, Quarterstaff 1d6+2 20/x2
+7 Ranged, MW Composite Shortbow +2 STR 1d6+2, 20/x2, 60'r

Medium, 6'2" tall, 190lb, 18 yrs old
Silver hair, Grey eyes, pale skin

Speaks: Common, Chondathan, Gnome & Elven

+8 Bluff (5R)
+11 Concenration (9B)
+6 Decipher Script (4B)
+14 Diplomacy(5R)
+8 Gather Information (5R)
+5 Hide (5R)
+5 Intimdate (0)
+5 Listen (5R)
+7 K/ Nobility and Royalty (5B)
+5 Move Silently (5R)
+12 P/Act (9B)
+4 P/String Instruments (1B)
+7 Search (5R)
+5 Sense Motive (5R)
+9 Sleight of Hand (5R)
+4 Spellcraft (4B)
+5 Spot (5R)
+12 Use Magic Device (5R+4B)

Combat Expertise
Practiced Spellcaster (Bard)
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot

He's a human jim

Rogue Abilities:
Sneak Attack +1d6

Bard Abilities:
Bardic Knowledge (+6)
Bardic Music 4/day
- Countersong
- Fascinate
- Inspire Courage +1
- Inspire Competence

Bard spells:
Caster Level: 6
Save DCs: 13 + Spell Level

Spells Per Day 3|3/1
0th- Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Prestigitation
1st- Cure Light Wounds, Expeditious Retreat, Silent Image
2nd- Eagles Splendor, Suggestion


Technically Laurent also owns a Ring of Sustenance (2500gp) and Boots of the Wilderlands (2500gp), however these are currently being worn by Hector the owl and he has to make do with a Mulyrands spoon in lieu untill he passes his rite of passage.

List any special abilities or miscellaneous information that doesn't fit anywhere else on this character sheet. You can include animal companion stats, familiar's benefits and stats, horse/steed statistics, etc.


A Waterdhavian actor, "Not a bard darling, they play in taverns and common inns you know" and a damn good one. With an ego to match, unfortunalty. He was just another homeless gutter rat in Sembia who made a living as a sneak thief and con artist. One day he tried his luck on the manager/producer of a travelling theatre company from Waterdeep. While not flumuxxed enough to fall for the scam, the producer was impressed enough with the young man's prescence and force of personality to offer him a simple choice:
To be handed over to the city guard after a good kicking for swift justice
To sign identures and join his company

That young man disppeared from the streets of Sembia as if he had never been and the new identity of Laurent was born. He has done rather well for himself, making enough money to buy himself out of his indentures and go freelance. A darling of the stage, invited to all the best parties by the nobility (and always happy to give a recital), much in demand for poetry readings, funeral orations and the like.

Ever since he heard of the Fochlucan College he's been wanting to be accepted, he pretty much regards it as his due. However, the entrance requirements are somewhat stringent and he learnt, much to his horror, that not only would he have to master the lyre (he's tone deaf) but he'd have to forsake the city and live in the wilderness to live the life of a druid.

As it stands he's now on the search for a druid to mentor him, and not enjoying the process in the slightest.

Story so far:


A tall, vigourous looking man with considerable prescence and hair that is prematurely going silver, NOT GREY ABSOLUTELY NOT GREY, CLEAR?. At the moment he's wearing a wide-brimmed hat of dark green leather that's been waterproofed with wax and dark brown leather armour. A thin cloak that was once, perhaps, darkgrey and is now flecked and stained with mud, grass stains and blood rounds out the ensemble. It's also note worthy that he has no shoes or boots on and his feet are cut and calloused up.


Armor (Leather Armour +1, 15lb) 1160 gp
Explorers Outfit (5 lb)

Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50charges) (belt left, -) 750gp
MW Cold Iron ScimitarMedium (belt right, 4lb) 330gp
Tiny Weapon or item (belt front, ??wt)
Tiny Weapon or item (belt rear, ??wt)

Spell conponent pouch (front left, 2lb) 5gp
Pouch (front right, 1/2lb) 1gp

MW Composite +2 STR Shortbow (left shoulder, 3lb) 575gp
Quiver of Lurue (right shoulder, 2lb) 1800gp
Hewards Handy Haversack (center back, 5lb)
Bedroll (below backpack, ??wt)
Other items worn on back or shoulders (location, ??wt)

Headband, Hat, Helmet (head, ??wt)
Lenses or Goggles (eyes, ??wt)
Cloak, Cape, or Mantle (worn, ??wt)
Vest, Vestment, or Shirt (worn, ??wt)
Ring (left ??th finger, -wt)
Ring (right ??th finger, -wt)
Amulet, Brooch, Medallion, or Necklace (worn, ??wt)
Belt (worn, ??wt)
Gloves or Gauntlets (hands, ??wt)
Bracers or Bracelets (wrists, ??wt)
Boots or Slippers (feet, ??wt)
Other minor accessories (location, ??wt)

Haversack contains:
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 charges)
40 arrows
Muyrlands Spoon
Waterskin x 2
MW Lyre
A selection of various plays, sonnets and poems, as well as some sheet music and blank writing paper (worth about 100gp or so)
10 days MW trail rations
Spare cloak / blanket
Explorers Outfit
Entertainers Outfit
Noble Outfit
400 gp

Quiver contains:
60 arrows

Coins- 35gp, 5sp, 0cp (pouch, ??wt)
Gemname- ??gp (pouch, -wt)
Gemname- ??gp (pouch, -wt)
Other pouch contents (pouch, ??wt)

Remove any items from this sample list that the character doesn't have. Keep a blank line between the seperate categories (main clothing, belt things, shoulders/back, accessories worn, jewelry, backpack contents, pouch contents) to help organize the character.

The equipment listed should show where everything is usually carried during "hands-free" situations, such as when sitting in the tavern drinking an ale, or climbing up a rope in a dungeon, or carrying your unconscious companion's body back to town to be healed. Even though the character may typically carry certain equipment in his hands, writing your character sheet like this will help visualize where everything goes during any hands-free situations that come up.

Apparently he has also picked up the following from Party Loot:
http://members.chello.nl/d.estl/ENworld/Lolth Loot.htm
- Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds

- Wand of Cure light Wounds (29 charges) (27 now)

- Wand of Shield (15 charges)

- Wand of Hold person (6 charges)

- Studded leather armor +1

- 2 Sunrods

- 1 Thunderstone

- Small wooden shield +1 (Resist lightning)

- Wand of Color spray (12 charges)

- Wand of Melf's Acid Arrow (19 charges)

- M.W. Violin
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First Post
Broddydock Fannoodle Ashentree Glittergem... (Broddy for short)
Wizard 6th level
DEITY: Garl Glittergold
AGE: 60
Height: 3'6"
Weight: 46 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde

Strength 10 +0
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 16 +3
Intelligence 18 +4
Wisdom 10 +0
Charisma 12 +1

HP: 37
AC: 15 Touch: 15 Flat-footed: 13
BAB: +2
Grapple -2

WILL +5 (+6*) (WISDOM)
*cloak of resistance

Dagger +3 1d3 19-20/x2
Light Crossbow +5 1d6 19-20/x2
Quarterstaff +3 1d4 20/x2
Quarterstaff 4
Dagger 2 gold 1
light crossbow 35 gold 4
bolts (20) 2 gold 2
Waterskin X2 2 gp** 8
trail ration (4 days) 2 gp** 4
bedroll 1sp** 5
sack 1 sp 0.5
flint and steel 1gp**
spell component pouch 5 gold
Travelers outfit 1 gold
small steel mirror 10 gold** 0.5
Wizards spell book 15 gold** 3
Riding Dog 150 gold
Riding Saddle 10 gold (25#)
Bit and bridle 2 gold (1#)
Magnifying glass 100 gold**
Acid flask X2 20 gold**
Antitoxen X 4 200 gold**
Sunrod X 7 10 gold**
Thunderstone 1**
Tinder stick X5 5 gold**
Alchemist's lab 500 gold 40**
Rope, Silk (50') 10 gold 5**
** located in haversack
Magical Items:
- Wand of Knock (9 Charges) Command Word - "Open"
- Wand of Tasha's Hideous Laughter (9 charges) Command Word - "Burble"
- Wand of Melf's Acid Arrow 4th Level (13 charges) Command Word -"Sssizzle"
- Broddy’s Book’o’Magic
- Pearl of Power (1st-Level)
- 2 Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
- 2 Beads of force
- Potion of Fire breath
- Wand of Magic missile 5th level (11 charges)
- Wand of Ray of Enfeeblement (19 charges)
- Wand of Lightning bolt 6th level (5 charges)
- Bag of Holding
- Cloak of resistance (+1) 1,000 gold
- Heward's handy Haversack 2000 gold 5
- Quaal's Feather token Bird - 300 gold
- Bracers of Defense +2

Actuall weight carried 16.5
Money: 17 gold 1 silver

Familiar: Weasle

Improved evasion
Share spells
Empathic link
Deliver touch spells
Speak with master
Weapon Finesse
Low-light vision

Bite +6 1d3-4 x2

Appraise +4
Balance +2
Bluff +1
Climb +1
Concentration +8
Craft (Alchemy) +10
Decipher Script +9
Diplomacy +1
Disguise +1
Escape Artist +2
Forgery +4
Gather Information +1
Heal +0
Hide +6
Intimidate +1
Jump –6
Knowledge (arcana) +10
Knowledge (arch & eng)+6
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7
Knowledge (geography) +4
Knowledge (history) +4
Knowledge (local) +4
Knowledge (nature) +4
Knowledge (nobilty) +4
Knowledge (religion) +8
Knowledge (the planes)+12
Listen +4
Move Silently +2
Ride +2
Search +4
Sense Motive +0
Spellcraft +13
Spot +2
Survival +0
Swim +1
Use Rope +2

Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Orc

Spells: 4/4/4/3

Cantrips - all
Detect Magic
Ray of frost

level 1 -
Color Spray
Enlarge Person
Feather Fall
Mage Armor *
Magic Missile
Animate rope
Shocking grasp
Orb of sound, lesser*
Summon Monster I*

level 2 -
Flaming Sphere
Mirror Image
Scorching Ray *
Daze Monster
Melf's acid arrow*
Earthen grasp -
Summon Monster II

Level 3-
Dispel Magic
Lightning Bolt*
Summon Monster III*
Bands of Steel

* memorised

• -2 Strength, +2 Constitution
• Base land speed of 20 feet.
• Low-Light Vision
• Spell-like abilities:
1/day - speak with animals(burrowing), dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation
• Favored Class: Bard
• Weapon Familiarity:
Gnomes treat gnome hooked hammers as martial weapons, rather than exotic weapons.
• +2 racial bonus on saving throws against illusions
• +1 modifier to the DC for all saving throws against illusion spells you cast.
• +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids
• +4 dodge bonus to AC against giants
• +2 racial bonus on Craft(alchemy) and Listen checks

• Proficient with Club, Dagger, Light Crossbow, Quarterstaff, Unarmed Strike.
• Familiar: You have called a Weasel as a magical companion.
¤ Alertness: While the familiar is within arms reach, you gain the Alertness
feat(+2 to Spot & Listen checks) +2 Reflex saves.
• Scribe Scroll: You gain Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat.

–– FEATS ––
Scribe Scroll (Free)
Spell focus (conjuration)
Weapon Focus(Ray)
Craft Wondrous Item (Free)
Augment Summons
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Jahon of the Black Cloak
Male, Human, Wizard(Diviner) 6th lvl
Chaotic Good
Str 11 ..pts 3
Dex 10 ..pts 2
Con 14 ..pts 6 +2
Int 21 ..pts 16 +1 for level, +2 for headband +5
Wis 14 ..pts 6 +2
Cha 10 ..pts 2

Hit Points 31
AC 13, Touch 10, Flat 13
Init +0
BAB +3
Grap +3
Speed 30 (base 31 1/2, load 33/66/100)

Fort +6 (+2 for level, +2 for Con, +1 for Luck of Heroes, +1 for cloak)
Ref +4 (+2 for level, +1 for Luck of Heroes, +1 for cloak)
Will +9 (+5 for level, +2 for Wis, +1 for Luck of Heroes, +1 for cloak)

+3 Melee, club, 1d6, 20/x2
+3 Melee, dagger, 1d4, 19-20/x2

Height: 5'6" tall
Weight: 150 lbs.
Age: 25 yrs old
Hair: straight black
Eyes: blue eyes,
Skin: peach skin

Langauages: Common, dwarf, elf, orc, sylvan

+17 knowledge: arcana (+9, +5, +3)
+14 knowledge: history (+9, +5)
+16 spellcraft (+9, +5, +2)
+14 decipher script (+9, +5)
+11 concentration (+9, +2)
+10 knowledge: religion (+5, +5)
+10 knowledge: local (Dalelands) (+5, +5)
+10 knowledge: local (Cormyr) (+5, +5)
+10 knowledge: nobility & royalty (Cormyr) (+5, +5)
+6 knowledge: dungeoneering (+1, +5)

+0 balance
+2 gather information (+2)
+2 heal
+0 hide
+0 jump
+2 Listen
+0 move silently
+0 ride
+5 search
+2 Spot
+0 swim
+0 use rope

Luck of Heroes (regional) (+1 bonus to saving throws, and to AC) (PGtF)
Scribe Scroll (free) (can scribe scrolls) (PHB)
Skill Focus: Knowledge (Arcana) (human bonus) (+3 bonus to knowledge: arcana) (PHB)
Spellcasting Prodigy (1) (+2 bonus to INT for determing bonus spells) (PGtF)
Brew Potion (3) (can create potions) (PHB)
Craft Wondrous Item (5) (can craft a wondrous item) (PHB)
Improved Counterspell (6) (can counterspell with a spell, with a spell from the same school, and that is 1+ higher level) (PHB)

Human Traits
medium creature, no penalties or bonuses due to size
base land speed: 30
bonus feat
4 extra skill points and 1 extra skill point per level
automatic language: common
favored class: any

Wizard Abilities
Weapon Proficiencies: club, dagger, heavy and light crossbows, quarterstaff
Bonus feat: Scribe scroll
Bonus feats: at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels.
Immediate magic: Glimpse peril 5/D (one for every Int point bonus), +2 saving throw bonus before my next turn. Extraordinary ability.

Spells Prepared
0th- 5: 4+1(S)
detect magic (S)
mage hand

1st- 6: 3+2(Int)+1(S)
detect secret doors (S)
expeditious retreat
mage armor
magic missile
obscuring mist
silent image

2nd- 6: 3+2(Int)+1(S)
arcane lock
invisibility x2
locate object (S)
rope trick

3rd- 4: 2+1(Int)+1(S)
major image
stinking cloud
tongues (S)

4th- 0: 0+1(Int)

5th- 0: 0+1(Int)

6th- 0: 0+1(Int)

0th- 19
All cantrips

1st- 15
alarm (Abjuration)
charm person (Enchantment [charm][mind-affecting])
color spray (Illusion[pattern][mind-affecting])
comprehend languages (Divination)
*detect secret doors (Divination)
expeditious retreat (Transmutation)
*identify (Divination)
mage armor (Conjuration[creation][force])
magic missile (Evocation[force])
persistent blade (Evocation[force])(SC, pg 154)
obscuring mist (Conjuration[creation])
shield (Abjuration[force])
silent image (Illusion[figment])
summon monster I (Conjuration[summoning])
*true strike (Divination)

2nd- 9
arcane lock (Abjuration)
daze monster (Enchantment[compulsion][mind-affecting])
flaming sphere (Evocation[fire])
glitterdust (Conjuration[creation])
invisibility (Illusion[glamer])
*locate object (Divination)
rope trick (Transmutation)
*see invisibility (Divination)
web (Conjuration[creation])

3rd- 9
*arcane sight (Divination)
chain missiles (Evocation[force])(SC, pg 44)
dispel magic (Abjuration)
fly (Transmutation)
hold person (Enchantment[compulsion][mind-affecting])
lightning bolt (Evocation{electricity])
major image (Illusion[figment])
stinking cloud (Conjuration[creation)
*tongues (Divination)

4th- 0

Jahon is of medium height, and average weight. He has short straight black hair (imagine Paul McCartney when he was younger). He has on a plain brown tunic, along with plain brown trousers. His belt has a three pouches on it, two on his right side of his body, as well as a dagger, by his left pouch.
He carries a stout walking stick, which has a small notch on each end. On his back, he has a small pack, which is covered with a black cloak. On his head is a brown short-brimmed hat, and barely noticeable under the hat, sitting high on his brow, is a cord of some sort, inlaid with a small gem.

Jahon is eager to learn, and more then anything, he wants to be with his love. He is a little shy, but once you know him, he is a loyal friend.
He loves books of all sorts, and will try to acquire any he can, copying them if need be, or reading them if thats the only option.
One of his secret desires is to become a mage of great importance. His apprenticeship with Mellomir showed him the respect he has, not only in Arabel, but Cormyr as a whole, the Dalelands, and the Moonsea region. People came far and wide, asking for his sage advice, divinations, and his interprations of prophecies.

Born in Mistledale to a miller, Jahon ran away from home when he was fourteen, as his father beat him often, especially when Jahon showed an aptitude for magic. A friendly wine merchant, Ludre took you in, and helped you get to Tilverton, where you ended up becoming an apprentice to Filani of Tantras, a mage of some note in Tilverton. After a couple of years under her guidance, and realizing your knack you have for divination casting, she sent you to Arabel, with a letter of introduction to Mellomir, an archmage who specializes in divination, as well as being a sage of divination, prophecies, and history).
For the next nine years, Jahon has spent his time apprenticed to Mellomir, learning what he can, and assisting Mellomir in his divinations.
During that time, Jahon became romantically involved with a nobleman's daughter (will be named later, I want to research it some). The nobleman sent her away after he found out about the romance, and telling Jahon in certain terms, that he is below there station, and not to contact his daughter. Despaired, he asked his master for advice, and Mellomir suggested he make a name for himself, as an adventurer, and told him about some troubles that was happening in Twilight Hollow. While travelling there, Jahon joined a small band of adventurers, who entered the dungeon, and promptly got wiped out, except for him. Fleeing inside, he quickly became lost, but was able to lose his pursuers.

<placeholder for campaign notes>

Explorers outfit 8lbs.

Club/walking stick 3lbs.

Belt (equipped)
dagger 1 lbs.
spell component pouch 2lbs.
bag of caltrops 2 lbs.
silvered dagger 1 lbs.

pouch (1/2 lbs.) (equipped)
mirror 1/2 lbs.
thunderstone 1 lbs.
10 gold pieces
7 copper pieces

pouch (1/2 lbs.) (equipped)
bit of wool
phosphorescent moss
copper wire
brass key
clear crystal
miniature cloak
tiny bell
very fine silver wire
red sand
yellow sand
blue sand
owl feathers
cured leather
tiny bag
small candle
small wood replica archery target
gold dust (25gp)
iron powder
wing feathers
ground mica
small straight piece of iron
eyelash in gum arabic
glass rod
forked twig
powdered corn extract
twisted loop of parchment
powdered silver
skunk cabbage leaves
clay model of a ziggurat
spider web

Heward's handy haversack (center back, 5 lbs.)(equipped)
2 sacks 1/2 lbs.
50' silk rope 5 lbs.
10 days trail rations 1 lbs.
flint and steel -
2 sunrods 1 lbs.
winter blanket 3lbs.
3 fishhook -
3 waterskins 4lbs.
Bedroll 5 lbs.
spellbook 3 lbs.
spellbook (empty) 3 lbs.
scholars outfit 6 lbs.
whetstone 1 lbs.
129 gold pieces

Headband of intellect +2 (head, -)(equipped)
Cloak of resistance +1 (worn, 1 lbs.)(equipped)
Ring of protection +1(left middle finger, -)(equipped)
Bracers of armor +1 (wrists, 1 lbs.)(equipped)

Boots (feet, -)(equipped)
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Voidrunner's Codex

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