[LANAI] The Rod of Seven Parts: Into the Crucible

Rowan chuckles as he sees the kuo-toans round the corner in their tight formation. "I love it when I can use the same trick twice," he mutters to himself, and then begins chanting low in arcane words of power. As he concludes the spell, the area beneath the fishmen's feet is suddenly slick with oily, slippery grease. The previously injured kuo-toa in the front of the military formation falls prone, but his brother up front remains standing tall. Both of the spearmen in the rear of the formation fall prone in the newly greased area, giving rise to a squirming, writhing mass of three angry hissing kuo-toan soldiers with only the one warrior standing erect, a target unto himself.

Having at first looked the wrong way, Gerak turns to see the enemies mentioned by the orcblood. With a grimace, the dwarf charges forward, at first a lumbering shuffle in his heavy armor, then building up some speed as he approaches the uninjured kuo-toan at the front of the squad. "Xylla take ye, maggot!" Gerak growls as his warhammer swings at the frog-man's midsection. The warhammer lands exactly as planned with a heavy squelch directly on the kuo-toan's stomach region, bludgeoning the creature for 3 points of damage.

***********************************Start of Round 3**********************************

Arden quickly reloads her crossbow and fires at the kuo-toa in the front that is already wounded and is now prone. The gnome's light crossbow firing mechanism quietly clicks in the dim room, but the bolt that misses its mark and slams into the wall near Wyleck is anything but quiet. After her miss, Arden steps back and to the side to avoid being directly in the middle of everything.

Phud strikes again with his scimitar, lashing at the downed front kuo-toan. A second nasty gash opens along the kuo-toan's shoulder where Phud's scimitar slices open a bloody wound, good for 6 points of damage. KT1 stops writhing on the floor in the greased area after Phud's attack; the creature's lifeblood spills in copious amounts, adding to the precipitous qualilty of the floor when combined with Rowan's arcane handiwork.

KT2 is struck in the legs by its wriggling companions and soon topples over the fallen, still body of KT1 in the front. KT3 manages to escape the worst of the ensuing scrabble by rolling to the side toward the freshly caved-in wall; KT3 stands. Caught as it is beneath the sprawled form of KT2 and KT1, KT4 remains prone and hisses testily at Gerak and Phud.

The cloud of dust hanging over the caved-in section of wall to the north clears. Wyleck and Gerak spy a fifth kuo-toan hanging back. Robed in red, the kuo-toan raises a dull iron holy symbol aloft in the air and chants in its native, croaking tongue. Though the priest is clearly attempting to cast a divine spell, neither Rowan or Wyleck identify the casting. Gerak, however, makes out the distinct gutteral din of a dispel magic spell being woven. Moments later, in a burst of sickly green light, Rowan's patch of cleverly greased floor dissipates.

Wyleck flicks yet another glob of flame from his open palm, this time striking KT2 for 4 points of fire damage. As it lies prone on the stone floor, the kuo-toa's banded mail begins to smoulder, filling the hall with the acrid scent of burning frog flesh and the tang of hot metal.

Rowan and Gerak, you're up on the init count for Round 3.

Arden 15
Phud 15
Kuo-toan guards 14
Wyleck 8
Rowan 7
Gerak 3


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Rowan hesitates a moment as his grease spell is countered, and realizes that the enemy spellcaster must be of greater strength that he himself is. Without being able to see him, though, there was little enough the halfling wizard could do.

Taking a deep breath, Rowan begins chanting low the arcane words of power, casting one of his newly learned spells. The summoning thus began, the halfling knew that very soon the kuo-toans would learn to respect his power as the swarm of bats descended upon them.

Cast summon swarm. Bat swarm to appear in square with KT4.

[sblock=Stats & Spells]
AC 18 (+4 mage armor, 3 hour duration)
HP 17/17

Level 0 – 4+1 Mage Hand, Detect Magic x2, Daze + Acid Splash
Level 1 – 2+1+1 Sleep, Summon Monster I, Mage Armor + Grease
Level 2 - 1+1+1 Summon Swarm x2 + Glitterdust

[sblock=Bat Swarm]
Bat Swarm
Size/Type: Diminutive Animal (Swarm)
Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 5 ft. (1 square), fly 40 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 16 (+4 size, +2 Dex), touch 14, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/—
Attack: Swarm (1d6)
Full Attack: Swarm (1d6)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Distraction, wounding
Special Qualities: Blindsense 20 ft., immune to weapon damage, low-light vision, swarm traits
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +3
Abilities: Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 4
Skills: Listen +11, Spot +11
Feats: Alertness, Lightning Reflexes
Environment: Temperate deserts
Organization: Solitary, flight (2-4 swarms), or colony (11-20 swarms)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: None
Level Adjustment: —

A bat swarm is nocturnal, and is never found aboveground in daylight.

A bat swarm seeks to surround and attack any warm-blooded prey it encounters. The swarm deals 1d6 points of damage to any creature whose space it occupies at the end of its move.

Distraction (Ex)
Any living creature that begins its turn with a swarm in its space must succeed on a DC 11 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Wounding (Ex)
Any living creature damaged by a bat swarm continues to bleed, losing 1 hit point per round thereafter. Multiple wounds do not result in cumulative bleeding loss. The bleeding can be stopped by a DC 10 Heal check or the application of a cure spell or some other healing magic.

Blindsense (Ex)
A bat swarm notices and locates creatures within 20 feet. Opponents still have total concealment against the bat swarm (but swarm attacks ignore concealment).

A bat swarm has a +4 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks. These bonuses are lost if its blindsense is negated.


First Post
Gerak Steelriven, Dwarven Pillar of Drendd

Gerak decides to finish off his first target, swinging his hammer around in a downward stroke towards to frog-man's chest. Then he steps over to where that kuo-toan was standing, glaring at the upright kuo-toan ahead as he hefts the warhammer back into a ready position.

(Attacks the prone KT2 again at +8 total, 1d8+2 damage, then 5-ft. step towards KT3.)

[sblock=status]Gerak: HP 26/26, AC 19 (touch AC 9)
Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +6, + dwarven bonuses against magic and poison

I'm assuming that Gerak hits and finishes off the kuo-toan, since his chances are better with it prone; if he does not, then Gerak won't 5-foot-step into KT2's space after his attack.[/sblock]


First Post
Arden reloads her weapon and steps straight to the side (toward the stairs) and gets ready to shoot the caster frog if she sees him and he casts a spell.

(ready a shot to interrupt a spell)


First Post
Noting a powerful spellcaster has joined the fray, Wyleck decides to add his potent magical energies to the contest. He pours the divine power of one of his higher level spells into a summoning, trying to pull a dreadful swamp beast from the lands far to the south into being. It was a creature he had only heard of spoken in legend, with armored skin, and dagger teeth, and a tail as thick as a small tree trunk. A Crocodile!

Hesitating a moment as his grease spell is countered, and realizing that the enemy spellcaster must be of greater strength that he himself is, Rowan chants low words of arcane power. Casting one of his newly learned spells, the halfling begins his magical summoning, knowing that very soon the kuo-toans would learn to respect his power.

Bat swarm to appear at the start of Rowan's turn next round.

Deciding to finish off his first target, that he may all the more easily get to the remaining kuo-toas, Gerak swings his warhammer around in a downward stroke toward KT2's chest. The warhammer crunches through slime and skin into bone, bludgeoning the frog-man for 6 points of damage. Finding the kuo-toa still prone but alive at his feet, Gerak stands his ground and prepares for a second blow.

***********************************Start of Round 4***********************************

Reloading her light crossbow and darting across the room to take up a position beside Yssal next to the staircase, Arden narrows her aim on the robed kuo-toan hanging back. With the masonry dust now mostly settled, the gnome fixes on the kuo-toan priest's position and readies a shot should the priest begin to cast a spell.

Load + move 10 feet = this round's available actions. I'll keep the readied in shot in mind, but it will need to sit until next round on Arden's turn.

Fully in the throes of battlelust, Phud steps on KT1, squishing the downed and dying creature. Crushed beneath Phud's hulking 6' 10" and 340-lb frame, KT1 becomes little more than a mural of blood and innards pressed into the flagstone floor. The half-orc eagerly swings his scimitar at KT3. The tip of the kuo-toan blade catches KT3's banded mail on the neck and slices the creature open from shoulderblade to hip in a cruel arc, slashing KT3 for 11 points of damage. The injured KT3 snarls at Phud, its black-pooled eyes brimming with pain and rage. As Phud moves past Gerak, the first glob of fire flung by Wyleck sputters and extinguishes on the floor of the hallway.

Finding the floor no longer greased, KT2 and KT4 begin to haul themselves up from prone. Phud and Gerak, however, have been waiting for just such an opportunity. Though Phud does not see KT2 lumber to its feet directly behind him, the half-orc bouncer does spy KT4 getting up out of the corner of his eye. Lashing out with the scimitar with speed amazing for one so large, Phud strikes KT4 for 11 points of damage. A deep wound opens on the kuo-toa's forearm and blood soon spills to the floor, where it mingles with the ichor of KT1. Not one to let a downed foe gain the advantage, Gerak lashes out in kind. Bringing the full brunt of his warhammer to bear on the skull of KT2, Gerak hears and feels the satisfying shattering of bone as his hammer brains KT2 for 9 points of damage. KT2 goes down hard and lies still at the dwarf's booted feet.

Now standing erect and wary of the combat prowess so obviously possessed by Gerak and Phud, KT4 firms its grip on its polearm and moves backward 10 feet to stand in front of the robed kuo-toan priest. KT3 hisses at Phud and swings its longsword but misses the half-orc. Still hissing at Phud, KT3 scrabbles down the pile of stone rubble and retreats five feet. Having reformed their military formation with the spearman in the rear and the swordman out front, the kuo-toas prepare for another onslaught. The red-robed priest standing behind the duo reaches out and casts a spell; the cleric touches KT4 on the back and some of KT4's wounds heal.

Rowan is casting a summoning spell. Still need to hear from Gerak for the round.

Arden 15
Phud 15
Kuo-toan guards 14
Wyleck 8
Rowan 7
Gerak 3


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Seeing the kuo-toans retreat, Gerak sneers and drops his warhammer for a moment, taking hold of the silver amulet around his neck as he chants something briefly in a grinding, deep-throated voice. After a few seconds of chanting, Gerak reaches down to retrieve his hammer and then lurches his heavily-armored bulk forward to stand side-by-side with Phud.

At the same time as the dwarf ends his chant, a dull, featureless grey hammer appears in the air before him, drifting forward as the dwarf retrieves his own warhammer, and his magical hammer-replica strikes at the nearest kuo-toan as Gerak lurches forward!

Gerak casts Spiritual Weapon, directed at KT3. It strikes at +5 to hit, for 1d8+1 damage (20/x3 crits as per warhammer). Duration 3 rounds. Gerak takes a move-equivalent to pick up the dropped hammer, then 5-foot step forward.

[sblock=ooc]Spellcraft DC 17 for anyone to identify the spell as Spiritual Weapon as he cast it. As before, the language he chants in is Terran, the tongue of earth elementals.[/sblock]


Guest 11456

Phud : Male Half-Orc Sorcerer 1 / Barbarian 2

Phud decides for a more powerful yet wild swing at the kuo-toan before him. If the target goes down he will then step forward.

OOC: Power attack -2 to hit, +2 to damage; if KT3 goes down 5-foot step to K-14.

Gerak's action for Round 4:

Seeing the kuo-toans retreat, Gerak sneers and drops his warhammer for a moment, taking hold of the silver amulet around his neck as he chants something briefly in a foreign, grinding, deep-throated voice. After a few seconds of chanting, Gerak reaches down to retrieve his hammer and then lurches his heavily-armored bulk forward to stand side-by-side with Phud.

At the same time as the dwarf ends his chant, a dull, featureless grey hammer appears in the air before him, drifting forward as the dwarf retrieves his own warhammer. As Gerak lurches forward five feet, hammer in hand, the magical hammer-replica strikes at and bludgeons KT3 for 6 points of damage. The lead kuo-toa (KT3) snarls and hisses in pain but stands its ground.

[sblock=Wyleck]The dwarf just cast spiritual weapon.[/sblock]

**********************************Start of Round 5********************************

Arden 15
Phud 15
Kuo-toan guards 14
Wyleck 8
Rowan 7
Gerak 3

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