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[LANAI] The Rod of Seven Parts: Into the Crucible

The Golden Cockatrice is a posh salon and bar that caters to adventurers, rakes, and other pleasure seekers with plenty of money to spend. The hall stands on a busy thoroughfare, and other businesses line the street. A cheap inn, The Wilted Rose, is directly across the byway to the north of the Golden Cockatrice. The salon opens for business in the late afternoon and closes after dawn, nine days a week. Fraternal twins Frane and Vaja tend bar at the salon. Frane and Vaja share golden hair, bright blue eyes, and muscular builds. Vaja is a little shorter than her brother, Frane, but otherwise both twins look alike. Both are attractive humans, slow to anger, and quick to laugh. One of the salon's chief attractions is the covered well and the cockatrice coop. The well is a cylinder of cunningly laid stones about three feet high topped with a windlass and a slate roof. Flecks of mica in the stones make even the palest beam of light break up in a spray of motes that dance and dazzle the eye. The coop is a weighty structure of thick timbers reinforced with wrought iron. Four bad-tempered cockatrices live inside. The cockatrices are the festhall's mascots, and the management and regulars do not look kindly on visitors who harass them. An incredibly lifelike statue of a jolly looking man stands next to the coop. The figure is hunched over and has one finger stuck through the coop's bars. Legend has it that the man was a drunken patron who took a dare and poked a finger in the coop. The hall's owners are said to have left him there as a warning and willingly paid a fine to the city authorities for the right to do so.
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Map of Teggest.


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The Golden Cockatrice is located within the River Ward of the city of Teggest, population 50,000+. Near the River Market section of the Ward along the city's southern wall, the Cockatrice is just opening for the day. An oversized wooden statue of a cockatrice splashed with cheap gold leafing that peels and flakes away in places stands on a 3-foot pedestal in front of the festhall's main doors. A big yellow dog, bigger that what one might normally see skulking in the city's back alleys, sits directly at the base of the statue as the Cockatrice's employees and custom begin to filter in for another afternoon and night of revelrie. The dog looks healthy if a bit dirty, and sits, attentive, as if waiting for someone.

A pair of stout oak doors with amber-colored molten glass windows stand open during business hours. A pair of burly attendants--Phud being one of them--are on hand to greet customers and to keep undesirables from entering. In the gilt light of the Teggest hot afternoon sun stands the pair of bouncers, one of them new. Introduced just yesterday as Traven, the human man isn't as tall or heavyset as Frane and Vaja normally prefer to hire, but his sharp eye caught a gambling cheat last night at the bones table.

[sblock=Rowan, Baliss, Arden]There's something off about Traven. His hair looks like it might be a wig, but a pretty good one, and Arden's pretty sure she though she saw him rub away some sort of face paint yesterday afternoon while the sun was hot and he was scratching his neck. Phud, bless him, seems blissfully ignorant of this.[/sblock]

The festhall's interior is huge, shadowy, and a bit drafty. The air inside the Cockatrice is thick with the tang of strong beer, fresh bread, and the lingering scent of last night's Gorles 'baccyweed smoke. Traven greets the paying custom entering the salon, "Have a seat anywhere. There's plenty of space at the bar. The courtyard is open today, too; just walk through those doors there." The attendant points to a double set of wooden plank doors that are thrown open. "But stay clear of the birds," Traven smirks.

The main common room of the Cockatrice is 100 feet long, and about as wide. Once an old warehouse, Frane converted the building into its present function as a festhall. There are dozens of tables, but only the corner ones are currently occupied. The Cockatrice's regulars, Tailleur (the male half-elf house pickpocket, rumored to be a former Gallancais courtier), Cicer (a local gnome who performs illusionist magic tricks to entertain the crowd), Lowel (a male human hire of Vaja's and very good at spotting cheaters as well as spinning a yarn as wide as the Tegyrn River), and Cheal (a tall, lanky male human with a longsword strapped to his waist) and his six thugs sit at tables inside the large common room.

Cheal and Tailleur give everyone who enters the Cockatrice an appraising glance then return to their gambling. Lowel, who stands talking with Vaja next to the bar of undressed stones mortared together like wall in a field, seems to split his attention between Vaja, Tailleur, and the door. Frane, a blonde giant of a man with fists as big as the mugs of ale he serves, smiles in welcome at custom and employee alike as everyone enters. Frane's eyes drift from time to time to a new patron, a lithe elf woman carrying a longbow and a quiver full of arrows. The elf stands to the side of one of the courtyard doors, intently studying handbills offering employ that are normally tacked to a cork board maintained by Vaja.


Guest 11456

Phud : Male Half-Orc Sorcerer 1

Phud stands at the door and smiles at the patrons as they enter. Perched on Phud's shoulder, Bird greets the patrons like Traven does. "Have a seat anywhere. There's plenty of space at the bar. The courtyard is open today, too; just walk through the doors. But stay clear of the birds." This last bit seems funny since Bird is talking about other birds. Every once in a while Phud interjects with a quick comment while pointing to the raven on his shoulder. "What Bird say!"
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Rhys Brydon, Human Cleric

Framed against the sun for a moment as he steps through the doorway, the wanderer Rhys arrives at the tavern as he has for the past few days. He pauses a moment to brush the dust off the long coat that he wears despite the day's heat. He leans heavily on a spear, using it as a staff, although his youth displays no infirmity that would require it.

He nods a brief aknowledgement to Phud, ignoring the new bouncer as he enters. However, two steps past the pair, he pauses in midstep as if suddenly struck by a thought. He whirls his place, his gaze going to Traven . . . for just a moment as he passes over the bouncer to lock eyes with Bird. He stares at the raven intently, blocking out Phud and his coworker as he gazes deep into Bird's eyes. After a long moment, he seems to realize what he is doing and shakes his head as he turns away again, muttering to himself.

"The bird knows something."

He makes his way to the bar, propping his spear somewhere out of the way as he seats himself. He smiles at Frane and Vaja and orders himself an ale.

"Nice day we're having. Bit on the warm side, though."


First Post
A clicking sound hails the arrival of Rowan Aledown, his stout walking stick echoing off the floor with each step the small halfling makes. He wears simple garb of good make, somewhat worn from days spent on the road. He sports a very fine derby hat upon his head, though his curly brown locks spill out from beneath the cover.

Approaching the bar, Rowan raps his stick gently upon the bar to get the attention of one of the 'tenders. With a smile, and in a loud voice (for one of the smallfolk), he asks for a tankard of ale.


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Wyleck sits on a stool at the bar, enjoying the atmosphere and the booze. When he sees Rowan sidle up to the bar, he lifts his tankard and says, "A merry day to you sir! How's life been treatin ya?"


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Baliss Trek, Half-Orc Ranger

Baliss saunters into the Golden Cockatrice as he does most every day, while stifling a yawn. He waves to Phud and Bird, while glancing sideways at the new bouncer, Traven. Something just not right about that fellow, he bears further watching.

Eschewing the warmth of the courtyard, Baliss finds a corner seat inside, and carefully surveys the room as he walks toward it. He steers well clear of Tailleur and Cheal, but nods a greeting to Vaja and Lowel. As he sits, he carefully arranges his weapons nearby, then signals one of the waitstaff for a strong drink to be brought over, his usual. Baliss can't help but note some distinctive new faces today, as well...the elvish lass with the longbow, and the newly arrived halfling with the walking stick in particular. As he waits for his whiskey, Baliss makes a mental note to check out the posting board today too...maybe an interesting job's come up.


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Rowan casts a suspicious look at Wyleck. The halfling was unaccustomed to being addressed as "sir," or being well treated at all for that matter. Taking a swig of ale from his mug, and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, the small conjurerer decides that he must set his suspicions aside some time. With a nod to the man, he responds. "Life has been treating me like a baby treats a diaper," says Rowan. "But things can only get better from here on, eh?"


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A subtle chorus of twittering birds and the sound of a running brook come from just outside the doorway. It serves to draw attention to a very short female gnome dressed in earth toned leathers and clothes. Arden must be in a good mood today; she only makes an entrance like this on occasion.

Arden strolls in, smiling at the bouncers and winking at Bird. She jogs towards a barstool and hops/climbs up on it, standing atop it to see over the bar.

"Hey everybody! Good to see nothing changed 'round here." Arden exclaims with a broad smile. Then she takes a moment to look around the room and "inventory" the guests.

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