Land of the Lost Judges (The Players' Manifesto)


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I think that if L4W is to survive 2 is the only option.

If 3 were possible we would not be in this position. We cannot force judges to return. We have no control over this option and so it should be discarded.

1 is a possibility but I see it carrying the same issues that have lead to the present abandonment: time is precious. I would like to say that I could step up to judge but I just don´t have the time. Real Life happens. People come and go. Our community shouldn't be beholden to that.

Having slightly anarchic tendencies in RL, I think that 'ruling ourselves' as mature and intelligent individuals is the best option. Perhaps we could appoint some 'Senior Members' who could be consulted in case of a dispute. They could offer their suggestions for a happy resolution.

PC approval could be given by the DM that takes the lvl 1 PC on their first adventure. Yes, mistakes will happen, but they will be minor and spotted eventually. The important thing is we are playing the game we love and having a good time. The DM could also sign off on the treasure and XP at the end of the adventure. This should be sufficient.

When they join further adventures the DM of the new adventure would have the authority to correct any undetected errors and further validate the legality of the PC.

I like Son of Meepo's Idea about artifacts: They come into and adventure, then they move on when the adventure ends. And Noone can have a magic item of more than +4 their current level. Dms should strictly follow expected treasure levels though I think that special rewards should be allowed for especially good play or special in game story rewards. CrimsonFlameWeilder handled this very well with one of my PCs: The special reward only worked in his games. However other DMs cold opt to allow the bonus in their own adventure at their discretion.

We can iron out the wrinkles as we go.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
. The DM could also sign off on the treasure and XP at the end of the adventure. This should be sufficient.

Good ideas, but the part above cannot be for simple reason that, for various reasons, DMs quit/disappear and it would unfair to players to loose the XP from encounters already passed just because DM cannot continue. That's why they should submit the adventures with XP per encounters or give encounter XP to somebody else (one of seniors/judges or simply ANYONE as long as PCs know who to turn to if DM is gone).


First Post
Or if an encounter is abandoned mid-way through it could be calculated as a standard encounter of the parties level in a worst case scenario.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Yes, but what if it's third or last encounter in the adventure? Unless XP is given after each, we get again back to the point that SOMEONE (not necessarily [MENTION=5656]Someone[/MENTION]) keeps record.

As I said, it doesn't have to be a judge or senior reviewer, may be simply someone DM chooses/asks

Voda Vosa

First Post
The dm could post the expected XP totals on an sblock in a new thread "ongoing adventures" or something like that, so that they don't get lost if the dm disappears. We are mature people who won't peek the sblocks.


Just interjecting: We could have standard XP amounts per quest and have "judges" who act as custodians.

That said, you do want some kind of... check in for consistency for the setting. If I want to blow up Daunton, or change the mayor of a local town, or add... a moon or something, what's to stop me?

Just interjecting: We could have standard XP amounts per quest and have "judges" who act as custodians.

That said, you do want some kind of... check in for consistency for the setting. If I want to blow up Daunton, or change the mayor of a local town, or add... a moon or something, what's to stop me?

You can do whatever you want within the adventure including giving out custom long as you reset everything before you finish - custom items cannot work outside the adventure they were given in. Lack of judges makes this hard to enforce, but making even slight change would start an avalanche of changes that would be hard to track for everyone.


Not to kick a dead dog here, but what's going on with L4W? Judges show up or what is the final verdict here? I was hoping to get back into this after about a year break.

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