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D&D 5E Last Hurrah mini-campaign: Looking for brilliant ideas for an adventure to end all adventures

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Tell them to take their favorite characters of all time, living or dead, and stat them out in the system of your choice. The gods are failing and falling. Chaos reigns throughout the multiple material planes. Someone needs to step up and rescue the multiverse. At the epic conclusion, the worlds need a new pantheon.

Tomb of Horrors!

Or run a version of the classic FF game book, Deathtrap Dungeon. They have to survive til the end but ultimately have to fight one another and along the way fight their previous characters (brought back to life or undead versions).


First Post
IMO this is a difficult question to answer without knowing your group at all, because it seems like such a final adventure should be all about where the players have been, what they've done, the PCs & NPCs & places that they've loved & hated, etc.

That being said, I love Rhenny's idea upthread. Along the way, I'd tie up loose ends ("hey what ever happened to _______ ..."), take the players back through the places they enjoyed and affected, stuff like that. Something like (spoilery link for mega-old video game ahead) the end of EarthBound where, after the final boss but before the actual end/credits, you're free to run around the world for one last hurrah.


Run something set in (or similar to) Jack Vance's The Dying Earth. Everyone knows the end is coming. The PC's find a clue to escaping to another plane/planet, but requires overland travel (where they encounter many strange characters and horrific beasts) to an underground "temple" with a portal at the bottom level guarded by a Time Dragon.

And then, you know, just as they defeat the dragon, the earth dies with a muffled ploop.


As long as i get to be the frog
A large meteor is heading towards the planet and is close enough to be seen and be seen getting closer. A mysterious wizard approaches the party and advises that the meteor is being summoned from somewhere inside the wizard king's castle. He also advises the party that in order to defeat the wizard king that they will need a few items of great power and he goes on to describe where these are to be obtained. There's a puff of blinding light and the wizard is gone.

Maybe after the wizard king is defeated have the first wizard reappear and he must sacrifice himself to stop the meteor.
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First Post
Rip off Back to the Future Part II. Have the party be the reason why coincidental and odd things that favored the party happened all through the time you've played together. The big bad is trying to undo all the good the party has done, and they can't meet their past selves without the Paradox 'O Doom dropping on their heads.


Defiantly need to re-visit what the pcs have done in previous lives. I think a game delving into the 9hells as the big bads of previous games have taken over and are messing with the flow of life and death etc.

"All Good Things..."

Riffing on some of the other ideas (and ST: TNG), in Session 1, the new 5th-level PCs encounter some strange phenomenon. Maybe it's a small, localized dead-magic zone, which acts like a tar pit for magic creatures. Maybe they have to rescue a metallic dragon from it or something.

Session 2, the players' highest-level, most powerful PCs are now living in a world drained of magic. There are dragon graveyards and vast fields covered with the bones of other magical creatures. The elven or fey woods are all dead, wizard towers lie in ruin, etc. The heroes' magic items are inert, or dead in the case of sentient items. (Maybe open with a HAL 9000-esque death scene for an artifact as the last of its sentience drains away. "Daisy...daisy...give me...your answer...do...") Nonhumans are on the brink of extinction, or metamorphosing into humans, or whatever angle you want to take. Maybe the nonhuman PCs are kept alive only by mainlining the last traces of the world's magic like a drug. Anyway, it's bad, and it all seems to have been caused by this planar anomaly spreading throughout the multiverse that sucks the magic out of every world it engulfs. Problem is, as powerful as these PCs are, or were, this world no longer has the magic needed to do anything about the anomaly.

Session 3, PCs from a different campaign, same problem but somewhere in the middle of (1) and (2). Magic is fading but it's not full-on apocalypse yet, only no one is sure what to do.

Each session, move from one world and group of PCs to the next, with adventures focusing on investigating the anomaly and dealing with the various catastrophes it's causing. Eventually, maybe the PCs discover that the anomaly is a rift wherein dwells a Cthulhu Cookie Monster, squatting there like a spider at the center of a web, eating all the magic in the multiverse. All the PCs from each of the worlds have to enter the anomaly together and join forces to kill the CCM. When it's destroyed, all the magic it's consumed radiates back out through the multiverse, restoring all of their worlds. (Alternatively, the CCM explodes, vaporizing the PCs, and while the drained worlds can't be restored, the spread of the anomaly is halted, and the new PCs' world is almost completely spared. But I'm cruel like that.)

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