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Last Stand of the Dorinthians (Final Chapter)


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Mardnab Terraspinner

It is almost like a dream, but yet she knows that she is awake. She can feel the grass beneath her feet, smell the night air and she can even make out Silas running after Barok and Dartis. But that is where the awake ends and the dream begins. For instead of hearing the sounds of the slumbering forest, her ears are filled with a deep rhythmic song. A song that she has only heard in whispering tones until know. The mystical beat seems to surround her and then reache deep within her soul. And like a dream she stands bye and watches as body move across the earth without any action on her part. As if her body is controlled by the beat of the music. A small part of her cries out for her to fight back but it is quickly drowned out by the earthly music. Instead she closes her eyes and lets the music take complete control of her.

Blast!” She curses in a ruff tone as she too sprints after the captivated fools. Unlike Silas she does not even bother attempt to restrain the two for she is too small and they are weigh too heavy. “Silas!” She barks harshly in a ruff tone, “Quit your screeching and get up! You’re of no help lying on the ground!” She steadies her war drum and begins to pound out a rhythmic song that almost seems to come from the very earth beneath her feet. “Instead, why don’t you get your spells ready and stay close. My powers have a limited rang.” She orders, “...For now” She says again but in a low whisper.

Counter Song: Perform check 1d20 + 13, 30ft radius, if Check is higher than Barok’s and Dartis’ save, they can use the Check instead of their save.
Bardic Knowledge Check: 1d20 +10
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Deuce Traveler

Caramip plays the drums at a lively rythm that seems to drown out the melody of the unseen women in the woods. As Barok and Dartis shake their heads and break free of the enchantment the small gnome beats once more heavily upon the drum before the very earth in front of the two humans erupts sending sharp stones into the air and towards the singing. Silas lands on Barok and Dartis and has them duck down as several arrows are return-fired from the darkness whence the music once was sung. "Ai! Our breakfast doesn't want to play tonight, sisters!"

Three humanoid forms with wings seem to take to the air and perch above you. You believe you see a curved bow among each of the forms and hear the creaking of bowstrings being pulled. "I believe you are right, sister. Perhaps we should leave these soft ones alone. Perhaps they are not for us."

The third shape clucks in disappointment and whines while her bird-like feet clutch a branch above you, "But I'm so hungry and this land has been so, so barren of sport."

The three winged creatures seem to be observing your actions and appear more wary of attacking you.

OOC: Caramip used her random earth ability for the day, this one being a modified cone version of sandblast from the Spell Compendium.


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"Oh, so that's why they call ugly shrieking women Harpies." Barok says nonchalantly to Dartis. "That one reminds me a bit of that Generwine fellow." he nods towards the one on the left. "Well bitch, if you want to eat me why don't you start with this!" and throws a tanglefoot bag at her (hopefully gluing her wings in place and causing her to fall to the ground).


Startled by the voice of command that Caramip uses, Silas stops his bellowing and scrambles to his feet. "Ah, certainly..." he begins as he moves near the gnome to provide her whatever support she may need. He reviews the spells he has currently memorized and says, "I've a couple of new spells I've not had chance to fully test in combat; this may be the perfect time..." He keeps his eyes on the harpies, ready to cast if they should press their attack.


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Mardnab Terraspinner

Dartis! Barok!” Barks Mardnab in a harsh tone as to grab their attention. Then in low ruff whisper she instructs, “When I give the command break away and engage. I will make you immune to their music but you must stick to the open field.” She makes sure to make eye contact with each of them before looking back at the Harpies. “Silas your with me.

At the same time that Barok throws his tangleroot bag she calls out, “Dartis now!” And when he leaves her protective barrier she calls upon the magic within her puts him in complete silence.

Casts Silence on Dartis’ belt to make him immune to the harpies song.
Next round same thing to Barok.
Note: she will not stop beating her drum as she does not know if her and Silas are immune to just one or all three harpy songs. Plus she can cast and play all at the same time.

Deuce Traveler

The harpies seem willing to talk, or at least they were until Barok made his move and all hell broke loose. The rogue's aim was true and a winged form shrieked as his tanglefoot bag exploded and wrapped around her body, causing her to fall and collapse next to the rest of the party.

Silas followed suit, firing a ray from his fingertips that strikes one of the still aloft harpies with a shot that drives through the frenzied woman's forehead and out the back of her neck (critical hit with a scorching ray from Silas). This second body tumbles into a lifeless heap.

The harpy on the ground begins to sing a melody, enchanting Caramip before the gnome can place her silence affect. Silas is also enchanted, although Barok and Dartis find themselves free from the music as Dartis unsuccessfully attempts to stab the flailing and stuck harpy on the ground. Two arrows are fired at the stubborn Barok, and although he dodges one he still gets struck by another (-6 hit points to Barok).


Dartis galres at Barok as the tanglefoot bag arcs upwards, but as the battle begins is too busy to further admonish the impulsive scout.

Dartis backs away from the harpy on the ground and draws his bow, and at close range puts two arrows into the creature.

[sblock=OOC] Point blank shot and rapid shot for +9/+9 and 1d8+4 damage. If the first shot takes her down he'll fire at the airborn harpy. I'm going to use my bow for once! :D [/sblock]


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Barok looks at Dartis and shrugs, "What? Have you forgotten they've already tried to kill us?" They would just have followed us and attacked us in our sleep anyway. Besides I haven't killed anything in a really long time." He advances, weapons drawn at the dropped harpy and tries to stab her in the face with his rapier to shut her up.
Attack: Cold Iron Rapier +1 of Elf Bane: +7 (1d6+3)

Voidrunner's Codex

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