D&D 5E Latest Updates for the World of Farland


Time for the World of Farland's not-so-romantic Valentines Day update!

This month we bring you only one update, but it was a lot of work and we are proud of it:
  • The popular World of Farland adventure "The Crypt of Memory" is now available as an add-on to the Roll20 virtual table top app. You can add it in to any existing campaign or use it to create a new one. See if your players can survive the Crypt and its memory flashbacks....

A fun dungeon-crawl with a twist! Drop into any campaign!
The Crypt of Memory is an ad-on adventure for 5e for four to six character of 5th level, although it can easily be adjusted for characters a bit higher or lower in level. The players have discovered a map to an ancient crypt rich with treasure but thick with old, forgotten memories. But sometimes memories should stay forgotten…

This adventure is set in the award-winning World of Farland, and players will learn about some of the history of the setting, but the adventure is flexible and interesting enough to fit into any campaign. It’s a dungeon-crawl that contains memory flashbacks to interesting locations and challenges. The adventure contains hooks to get your players involved easily and works either by itself or as a side-adventure between action in a larger campaign.

In The Crypt of Memory, you'll get the following:

Original Maps and Artwork. Lovingly hand-drawn images and maps bring the encounters to life in their own artistic style.
20 Original Tokens. With this adventure, you get 20 hand-drawn tokens, each one with and without a base so you can use what you prefer.
One-Click Macros. Speed up your combat with one click macros. Simply select the token and the three available macros will pop-up, allowing you to roll initiative, make saves, and access a stat-block in the chat from which you can make attacks.
Hyperlinked handouts. Descriptive handouts make it very clear how to run the adventure and what to reveal to your players. All NPCs and monsters have stat blocks and sheets.
Combat, riddles, challenges, and RPing! This adventure covers all the bases of a good roleplaying game!
Dynamic Lighting. This adventure comes fully equipped and prepared with dynamic lighting and illumination.
An Original Musical Composition and Poem. The twist of the storyline in music! (Just to enhance the experience).
5 Pregen Characters. These interesting PCs have backstories and tokens so you can get started right away, or just add your own players’ PCs in instead.

Get the adventure of Roll20 here!

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Check out our offerings on DriveThruRPG and Roll20!

Time to game!


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I ran Crypt of Memory way back. Wrote a review of it, too!

Fun single session adventure (if a bit single track).


I ran Crypt of Memory way back. Wrote a review of it, too!

Fun single session adventure (if a bit single track).
Thanks! I've found that a straightforward dungeon crawl is sometimes just what players want!


Time for the World of Farland's Ides of March update! If you are in Rome, watch out. Otherwise, enjoy!

For our free content we give you:

  • The dark plane of Erebus, the Penumbra! A shadowy reflection of the material world...
  • Two maps of shadowy Erebus, so you know where not to go...
  • Two new creatures of Erebus, the kishi and the kishi champion. If you thought the place itself was scary, check out what lives there!

See the update here!

Follow us on twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!

Check out our offerings on DriveThruRPG, Roll20, and Fantasy Grounds!

Game on!
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Time for the World of Farland's April update! It might be in like a lion, out like a lamb, but in the middle of the month it's like a gargoyle!

For our free content we give you:

  • A new monster, the Gargoyle Render. Like a gargoyle, but scarier...
  • A new magic weapon, the Gargoyle Blade. Harness the power of the gargoyle.
  • A new poem, "Towers of Night," to go with the free adventure. Check out the poem, then the adventure... if you dare.

See the update here!

Follow us on twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!

Check out our offerings on DriveThruRPG, Roll20, and Fantasy Grounds!

Roll those bones!


Time for the World of Farland's May update! Maybe the weather will finally get nicer.

For our free content this month we give you:

  • A new song, "Towers of Night". It goes with out poem last month.
  • A new song and poem, "Salazar". Introducing the pirate Lothario...
  • A new spell, Suffocate. If your foe can breathe, make it so they can't.

See the update here!

Follow us on twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!

Check out our offerings on DriveThruRPG and Roll20.

Game on!


Our World of Farland Players Guide 2 is available this month! More amazing options for building your characters! A 124-page manual (available in pdf or print) to be used in a Farland campaign or in your own D&d setting. Now at DriveThruRPG!

The World of Farland Players Guide 2 is a 124-page manual to be used in a campaign set in the World of Farland or in your own setting using D&D 5e rules. It includes:

  • New race options, including Dusk Elves, Aquatic Halflings, and Saved Trolls
  • Original new class options, like bards that know True Names, fighters that can win battles with just a stare, and rangers that can turn into werewolves
  • New backgrounds, like the Denizen of the Deeps, the Exile, and Raised by Monsters
  • Original customization options, like the Agile Combatant and Blood Magic feats
  • New spells, such as ice sculpture and memory spectacle
  • An expansion to our popular herbalism system, including new herbs and concoctions
  • An appendix giving elven grammar and a lexicon
  • Much more!

Plus, this book contains exclusive content that won't ever be available on the website: including 4 new race options, 2 new class options for the monk and rogue, a new feat, and 2 new spells.

It also comes with two Player's Maps that expand the world, and it is available in standard color hardcover, gorgeous premium color hardcover, and soft cover! The PDF has bookmarks, layers, live links, and the text has a full index.

Get it here!



Time for the World of Farland's September update!

For this update we give you:
  • A new Planar Item, Avernus Steel. Used to make magic items forged in the furnaces of Hell itself...
  • New art of the Hellish Forges of Avernus. Few who see them ever tell the tale.
  • Our World of Farland Players Guide 2 has now been added to PDF and hardcover bundles, so you can get a discount on all our products at DriveThru RPG!

See the update here!

Follow us on twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!

Check out our offerings on DriveThruRPG!

Happy gaming and happy Fall!


Alright, back to World of Farland updates in 2023!

For our free content we give you:
  • The sixth and final part of the story "Blizzard and Belendale." All hell breaks lose in the land of the elves!
  • A new feat, Intense Concentration. Concentrate on two spells at the same time (for a price)...
  • New art of Valanduil and the Dweller in the Wintervale. New visions of the famous elf and BBEG!

See the update here!

Follow us on twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!

Check out our offerings on DriveThruRPG!

Happy New Year!


Alright, time for our romantic Valentines Day update!

For our free content we give you:

  • New art of the greater gods of Farland. Gaze upon their terror and glory!
  • A New Planar Item, Black Cedar Staff/ Wand. Fresh from the Cedar Groves of hell...
  • A new feat, Punitive Counterspell. Don't just counter their spell... punish them for casting itin the first place!

See the update here!

Follow us on twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!

Check out our offerings on DriveThruRPG!

Time to game!

Voidrunner's Codex

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