D&D 5E Latest Updates for the World of Farland


Time for the World of Farland's September update! This month we bring you:

  • The nether plane of Carcus, a giant cave that saps hope...
  • A map of Carcus. You may not be able to escape, but at least you can get around!
  • A new fighter martial archetype, the Heart-Sword. The true master knows that the sword is not held by the hand, but by the heart.

Check it out here: Recent Updates.

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Time for the World of Farland's October update! Spooky! This month we present to you:

  • A new spell, time reversion. Give yourself a second chance...
  • A new feat, Retaliator. Punish them when they hit you!
  • A new magic item, the Axe of Kain. A weapon of a legendary dwarf hero!

Check it out here: Recent Updates.

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Let's game!


Time for the World of Farland's festive December update! This month we present to you:

  • The first part of the story "Blizzard and Belendale." Danger lurks in the elven forest...
  • Three new herbs: Pumela Frond, Radendria, and Salow Bark. Burn things easier, heal terrible injuries, and make your opponents bleed!
  • A new feat, Hard to Kill. Say to death, "Not today."

Check it out here: Recent Updates.

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Roll those bones!


Time for the World of Farland's January update, the first of 2021! This month we bring you:

  • The next installment of the story "Blizzard and Belendale"! An epic battle between a halfling rogue and a ratman assassin.!
  • A new druid circle, the Circle of Stone. The strength is in the living rock...
  • A new background, denizen of the Deeps. You come from the most inhospitable place in all of Farland, the Dark Deeps!

Check it out here: Recent Updates.

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Roll those dice!


Time for the World of Farland's romantic February update! This month we bring you...

For our free content we give you:
  • The heavenly plane of Caelestin. It is not without peril...
  • A map of Caelestin, if you are lucky enough to get there.
  • A PDF poster of all the rules for our lingering injuries by damage type. These rules are very popular, and the PDF will make them more useful!

Check it out here: Recent Updates.

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Game on!


Time for the World of Farland's Ides of March update! This month we present to you:

  • Our World of Farland Campaign Setting is now available for Fantasy Grounds VTT! Incorporate it right now into your FG game!
  • The paradisial plane of Efferenus. It's so beautiful you might never leave!
  • A map of Efferenus. But try to find your way out...

Check it out here: Recent Updates.

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Roll those bones!


Time for the World of Farland's April update! Spring has sprung...

For our free content we give you:
  • The happy hunting grounds of Aeron. Everything is wilder here...
  • A map of Aeron. Be the hunter, not the hunted!
  • A new Bard College, the College of Naming. To know the name is to control the thing...
See the update here!

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Game on!


Time for the World of Farland's lovely month of May update! This month we bring you:

  • A new poem, "On the Lonely Sea." A saga of pirates and their fate...
  • The poem "On the Lonely Sea" set to music. A catchy sea-shanty!
  • A new feat, Punisher. Make them regret trying to escape...

Check it out here: Recent Updates.

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Roll those dice!


We are proud to present our latest World of Farland publication, "Death Rising"!​

An amazing adventure for D&D 5e, for 11-12th level characters (but easily altered to fit almost any level)!

In the ancient desert kingdom of Ishia (think Ancient Egypt), the loyal undead servants are suddenly attacking their living masters after years of faithful service. And long dead pharaohs have reawakened in their crypts, waging war on each other to claim Ishia and the world. To make matters worse, powerful factions are maneuvering to turn these disasters to their advantage. Are these events related? It’s up to some brave adventurers to unravel this mystery, ally with a faction, and face down the Mummy Lords… or serve them.

Focused on combat, exploration, and roleplaying in equal measure, Death Rising will provide lots of hours of fun as players solve puzzles, answer riddles, meet fascinating NPCs, face down dangerous traps, and defeat deadly opponents on their way to victory or death in the shifting sands!


  • 135 pages, 3 chapters and an illustrated appendix, plus a handy summary of all NPCs in the adventure
  • Three faction paths that will change the outcome of the adventure based on player choices
  • A very compelling main quest and 10 exciting side quests
  • 5 large dungeons that fit with the adventure but are usable separately, perfect for one-shot sessions
  • 29 maps, formatted separately for Roll20, Fantasy Grounds, Astral, and Foundry! Grids will line up perfectly with your favorite VTT! Worth it for the maps alone
  • All maps also provided in large size 300 dpi for printing and playing on your tabletop
  • Fully linked, bookmarked, and layered PDF, with every monster and NPC linked to either the 5e SRD or the location in the appendix
  • Original new monsters
  • Designed to easily pick up and play at the table
  • Available in hardcover (both standard and gorgeous premium color), as well as handy softcover for use right at your table! PDF and all maps free with purchase of any physical book

Set in the World of Farland, this adventure will also easily fit any campaign world that contains a desert! Get it here on DriveThruRPG.



Time for the World of Farland's scorching July update! This month we present to you:

  • The lawful neutral plane of Cogiton. Some find its symmetry disturbing.
  • A new map of Cogiton. Explore the strange pyramids of order.
  • A new monster, the Vespin. Strange fey wasps with wicked stings....

Check it out here: Recent Updates.

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Roll those bones!

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