D&D 5E Latest Updates for the World of Farland


The World of Farland's romantic Valentine's update has arrived. This month we give you:

  • The sixth part of the story "Reaping in Kale." Can our heroes survive the ancient vampire newly awakened?
  • A new fighter martial archetype, Master of Elixirs! A potion for every occasion...
  • Three new herbs: Agosia, Centurian Leaf, and Vorn Creeper. Get a third wind as a fighter, increase your AC, and toughen your skin!

Check it out here: Recent Updates.

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The World of Farland's Ides of March, stuck in your house, update has arrived. This month we deliver unto you:

  • New art by our staff artist, "Potion Man." This goes with last month's Elixir Master fighter archetype!
  • Grammar and symbol pronunciation for Altarian, the Elven Language, plus an expanded lexicon. Now you can really immerse yourself in elven culture!
  • A new feat, Poisonous. "One can build up an immunity to iocane by gradually ingesting trace doses over time..."

Check it out here: Recent Updates.

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Time for the World of Farland's April quarantine update! This month we bring you:

  • A new roguish archetype, the Jester. Your enemies will laugh themselves to death...
  • A new background, Exile. You lost a legacy. Will you fight to get it back?
  • A new spell, imbue with spell. The enemy will be surprised at that fighter casting fireball...

Check it out here: Recent Updates.

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Let's game!


Time for the World of Farland's May update! This month we present to you:

  • The poem "An Orcish War Chant" set to music. The music really captures the orcish spirit.
  • A new Wizard School of Magic for PCs, the School of Blood Magic. The power is in the blood...
  • Spotlight on the history and practice of Blood Magic. Investigate its dark connection to a greater evil...

Check it out here: Recent Updates.

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Game on!


Time for the World of Farland's June update! This month we bring you:

  • New art by our staff artist, "Goblin." It depicts a mean little dude!
  • A new cleric divine domain, the Water Domain. Water is the source of life, and it also takes it away...
  • A new spell, vision of history. Get a look into the past...

Check it out here: Recent Updates.

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Roll those dice!


Time for the World of Farland's hot July update! This month we present to you:

  • The planes of the World of Farland in detail. Learn about the Five Spiritual Rivers and the mighty Godsliver Fiends, among other things...
  • A new spell, Heshtail's cloak.Be protected from necrotic damage and regain health!
  • Three new herbs: Dilamin, Foria, and Zaro. Grapple more effectively, prevent forced movement, and regain a Second Wind!

Check it out here: Recent Updates.

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Roll those bones!


Time for the World of Farland's August update! It's hot as hell! This month we present to you:

  • The plane of Barathus or Hell. We will see you there!
  • A map of Barathus. You don't want to go there, but if you have to, a map helps...
  • An original spell, ice sculpture! Damage an opponent, restrain them, and finally turn them into a block of ice!

Check it out here: Recent Updates.

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Game on!

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