Gate Pass Gazette Launching soon: Level Up: A5E Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2022


Well, that was fun
Staff member

We're excited to launch our next project: Level Up: A5E Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2022.

A hardcover compilation of archetypes, feats, spells, heritages, monsters, and more for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition!

As a fan of ours, we want you to follow our pre-launch Kickstarter page. Clicking "Notify me on launch" will help ensure we have the strongest launch possible.

Can we count on your pledge?


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I always feel a little bad asking about release dates, but do you have a planned launch date for this Kickstarter? And also, if possible, do we expect it to launch before or after GPG 11 comes out? (Which historically tends to happen on the 8th, although probably not this month as that's a Sunday.)

I take that the individual on the cover of the GPG Annual is a Pode? The octopus-like heritage from GPG #9. If so, she reminds me of the main villain from The Little Mermaid and a particular aquatic race from Pathfinder 1st Edition. ;)

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