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L'Aurel's Journal (A Kingdom of Ashes) -updated 3/23


Herder of monkies
Laurel said:
Thanks!!!! i've been lacking in the update department having to much fun reading your story hour!!!! :)
:eek: Wow. I thought I had only a few comics-repressed males reading mine. Cool. :cool:

Hopefully some of the other PC's will post thier 'journals' as well- I love the extra flavor :p
I like this a lot. We had thought about doing something very similar with our main group's Story Hour (Medallions), kind of like letting players who wanted to post their perspective on what happened, but that one is so episode-oriented and often full of X-Files-ish plot twists that we were afraid that it would have a negative effect on what the main SH was trying to accomplish. Reading this journal makes me realize that it would probably have only made it more fun. I'll keep this in mind when we start another big campaign with the accompanying Story Hour.

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First Post
Chapter 2- “Scions of a Dying Age”

Evening Day Eight- Thainesport

Leading the first group to the city walls is Justice with head held high looking like a leader heading into a parade. Arfin’s swaying compact body rides beside her his eyes still studying the scroll he signed and which has doomed him to act as ambassador for his clan. Xath a mixed look of frustration and boredom creasing her mouth and causing her to inch slowly forward inches from those in front of her in line. Almost trying to push them through the gate faster. We had offered her a horse, and Justice had even said it would look less suspicious for everyone to be on horseback. Xath it seems though had a stubborn streak, and so she had smiled and said she would go without horse or she would leave on her own. Finally getting her way, “Tis no tha’ far and ye canna go tha’ fast. I’ll stay up with ye.”

Farathier’s trails the others his figure shrouded by the gray cloak pulled tight against the wind, but also from the prying eyes of any of his fellow Talons that may recognize him. Huddled in my darkened alley I glimpse the rear of Farathier’s white horse pass beyond, now trusting only the sounds echoing back to me to be my guide.

Archonus had set up position in an alley way three blocks from the gate. Kareth stands directly across from him in another alleyway. While I stand one block even further back, without much choice I was told by Arhconus I should stay back, rear defense. HA! His tone was such that I could almost feel the pat on my head. But I was reluctant to leave Kareth and Arhconus on their own, and everyone agreed I paralleled them for stealth. If this was how they deemed me useful so be it, since it let me stay close.

Passing beyond my position now I must look to Arhconus to be my eyes. I can pick out the black, brown and gray swirl that shrouds Archonus in darkness, even as I stare in his direction he almost seems to fade from my sight, then a glimmer of his short sword unsheathed lets me pinpoint him again. I hear the guards yell stop for the hundredth time. When will they be up? Are they already there? Are they inside and Arhconus just wants to be sure? Next time we need to work on signals a little more. The cart that signaled the end of the line passed beyond my line of sight now.

I slowly edge my head sideways as low to the ground as I dare with the stenches. I could still hear a line at the gate, and peeking around the corner I see the others stand waiting behind a group of farmers. Arfin begins to chat with them and is soon motioning the others to clutter closer to the wagon. Justice moves her horse into the lead again showing her acceptance of whatever this change is.

The guards wave the farmer and his barrels through, including Arfin, Xath, and Farathier with them. The blue cloaked paladin is pulled aside. Her badge of the Jade Forest and her cloak and armor marking her as an Apectin warrior. They must have orders to bring any in for questioning. I see Archon lean forward, and he quickly looks to Kareth and I. Stay! I silently command holding my hand out. She will keep her cool, and hopefully let us know if we should interfere. Archonus has already shown his will to give his life for anyone or anything, but he must give this a chance to go peacefully. I am not sure what she does, but Justice never cracking seems confident and poised. Even as she is taken into custody, she does not give any sign of protest nor distress. Too soon the gate stands empty and the moon starts to finally light the stone and garbage in a soft blue glow. Archonus looks back to us and waves the okay. Kareth, Archonus and I melt into the shadows and slowly work our way back to the tavern. As we re-enter, Archonus rents two rooms upstairs, each of us hoping to some sleep for tomorrow.

I am awakened scant hours later by what seems to be a child banging pots in the pantry… but somehow rhythmically and with a… tune? Though this is not the most high standing establishment, the entertainment not in the rooms upstairs stopped long ago. I go to the door of my private room and open it to find a fully dressed and armored Archonus looking over the balcony. He turns as I step out of the door, placing a finger to his lips in the age old message of be silent. I can hear the steadfast and loud snores of the half-orc through the now open doorway.

Quietly Arhconus goes down the stairs and moves to the kitchen, the place of the strange drums. As he enters the kitchen, I silently hop down the last few steps. I only take one step towards the swinging door when he pushes the light wooden doors open again. The short female dwarf being pushed ahead of him. She looks disgusted though at us or her assignment I can not tell as she tells us we need to go now and get to the dwarven strong hold. There will be no clues to the sewers, and no other guide. She was ordered to being us immediately through the South gate.

I look up to the balcony to see who else has been awoken and see a few ladies not currently employed leaning over and on the rickety banister. We will not have the cover of other people to blend in with, so we have to make ourselves as others. Holding out a few coins I ask blanket for the use of someone’s make-up, with a snide remark about nothing being able to help me one motions me to follow her. Noticing time and age have not treated her nicely, I refrain from the initial anger that flares at her remark.

Xath follows to the doorway of my room and with a huffy sigh she takes the assortment of pencils and powders away from me, roughly grabs my arm and pulls me down to her level. Holding still I let her apply the waxy smelling stuff. Once she is done with me, I glance back to the mirror. It seems the other lady was right.

I go to find Arhconus for he will need this as well. Out by the rain catcher, I watch him fill a small bowl and then clean off his face. Straightening he squares his shoulder then turns to face me for the first time his face completely bare. I hold out the bag asking, “I am no good with the stuff, but Xath seems to have a way with it. I could go find her?” He gives me a quizzeled and stunned look as I turn to go find her. As Kareth exits the building wearing Arhconus’s armor, I see him smile at Arhconus showing him with pride that he managed the armor all on his own.

Arhconus must have been hiding the mark on his face. A blue star that surrounds one eye. Whatever the mark means he is still Arhconus, and if it makes him uncomfortable who am I to argue. Kareth it seems has no issues with it either. As I exit the building with the dwarf in tow, I see Arhconus has managed to apply a base coat of wax, darkening his skin and once more covering his eye. Xath quickly patches up the rest making it look more natural. Arhconus hands me his belt, saying more by his look then with words. Holding them tentatively, I look him in the eyes, “Don’t worry, I will return them safely to you.” I then direct the dwarf toward my pile of quiver and both of my bows. Though all small changes each piece that places us farther from whatever fugitives they seek the better.

I take some herb pouches out of my sack tying them to the worn belt. “It may help in a story that I am a healer.” I try to tell them. Xath nods her head, giving me a look that shouts, ‘about time you did something useful!’ I shift uncomfortably with the unbalanced weight of the swords at my hips, hoping by the time we reach the gate it will seem more natural.

As we approach the gate all seems to be going well. Two guards purple tunics starched and only slightly creased from were they lean against the walls watch for those exiting the city, while two more stand at attention five paces from the outside. All four glance up and over as our footsteps near. I look over at Xath as she looks up at me.

Suddenly everything shifts around me and in the blink of an eye I am hundreds of feet from where I was under the shadow of the portcullis. I must have made it?

Archonus stands legs spread over a guard lying face up and unmoving. The black falcon on the guards tunic runs red with blood. A small dagger lies died red with blood as well by the man’s hand. Arhconus’ face glows with the bluemark over his eye, “I am an agent of the Bluestar!” Comes his bellowing voice. “You would do better to hide, then fight me!” Kareth cowers at Arhconus’ feet, as Xath starts to run head long for my position. “Stop!” The voice commands again. I hold my position still shrouded in darkness- confused. “Stop!” The voice commands again more forcefully, and all stop in their tracks guards and allies alike. It is a voice none of us can deny, legs shaking in fear. Archonus takes a step toward the cowering monk and laying a hand on his shoulder pulls him up. He pushes the half-orc clothed in his armor toward Xath and looking at me commands us to run. As Xath passes, I jump out not daring to stay. The thudding of the half-orcs feet can be heard right behind me, and as I glance once more behind I see the edge of Arhconus cape disappear across the square.

The dwarfs legs pound into the stone roadway till panting her large frame pounds the door barrier with a ring as her smaller fists begin to rapidly demand an answer. As the spying window begins to open she blurts out frantically to raise the alarm, that someone- something has taken the south gate. Shouts are heard from the other side as I turn to Kareth seeing his confused and hurt look. I know his look mirrors my own.

As the gate opens to let a small dwarven form run out, we push by and into the giant stone fortress. Justice strapping her sword belt on approaches behind Kareth sliding in as the doors bang closed. The main building doors open revealing a groggy Arfin and a tunic-less Farathier. Inadequately, Kareth and I stutter and ramble trying to tell them what happened, feeling only more helpless at their looks of confusion. Kareth seems adamant that Arhconus was just pulling some ruse. I have to agree it was a very good performance, but it had- had to be only that. Justice’s eyes darken as our story wove on and at the end she simply orders us to bed, as she stalks off saying she has things to do. It seems her story is not worth telling nor why she is just now returning to the strong hold… maybe she got lost… maybe…there are already too many secrets and lies to darken the waters I shouldn’t look for more.

Briefly Arfin and Farathier let us know what has been happening there, before they two go off to their own duties. Xath stands and listens unnoticed by us all. As I start to head toward the door she places her bulk in front of me. Holding out my quiver and bows. I thank her my fingers easily wrapping around the strap and wood as he whole arm releases them.

I roam around feeling with each step the walls closing in till finally I set foot into a room with a layer of dust covering everything, but spying a small arrow slit bringing in cool clean air move further inside. I slowly trudge over to a child sized bed and easily move it closer to the slit. Not bothering to do much more then take off my pack, place Arhconus’ swords and belt between my body and the wall, and sneeze repeatedly at the dust before I fall deeply asleep.
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First Post
Chapter Two: "Scions of a Dying Age"

Day Nine- Thainesport

I barely have time to open my eyes when a roar from the inner courtyard has me jumping to my feet. I lean over the small bed and look through the narrow slit to see brushed red haired hands covering a gapping mouth. Arfin’s call for breakfast issues forth again ringing through the stone walls. Quickly sweeping up the sword, bow, quiver and pack I race for the doorway hoping to get out of the echoing halls before he yells once more.

Barely keeping my feet under me as I wrap the scabbard to my hip, I hear Justice shout for him to be quite and that we are on the way if he gives us a chance. Racing toward her voice, I round a corner and crash headlong into Kareth’s chest. As if the splitting headache still ringing through my ears wasn’t enough. I place a hand over my nose as Kareth points down the hallway seeming undisturbed by the echoing commotion. I can only roll my eyes heavenward wishing my ears for the first time were not so sensitive and follow the chiseled green body in front of me.

We enter the library to find Justice, Farathier, Arfin, and Xath all ready discussing ways to free the Lady Jaine and the old cleric Preston. a message is brought from the door guards. Only moments into our debate of trying to figure out how to free the Lady Jaine and the old cleric Preston, a nock pound my still sensitive head. Arfin goes to answer it, and returns bearing a formal scroll closed with the King’s seal. He scans it a few times, till finally Justice urges him to read it aloud. It states that by order of the King the traitors Jaine Rhynn and Joshua Preston will be hanged in public at sundown.

This gives us even less time then we had thought. Still working through this information a series of announcements arrive. Individually Arfin, Justice, Kareth and I have all received invitations to the Kings box to watch the ‘entertainment at sundown’ as the card read. After reading his, Arfin reaches into a pouch at his waist pulling out another card out and tossing it to Xath. He declares gruffly that it will allow Xath to enter as the representative of Clan Thunderheart. Farathier alone has no way to get in and us wondering at the open welcome we have received. With only a few hours to go we continue our search for a better sooner way to reach the two prisoners. As a last option we will go to the ceremony and try to stop it there, but after Arfin convinces Xath to join our cause she has some ideas of how to get the information.

Farathier and Arfin go to look over the site of the hanging, and perhaps find a way to entrench him there. Arfin reports back at midday that he is at a loss for how to get them safely in and out of the square. They did however manage to get Farathier hidden though with Arfin’s roaming eyes tonight we will see just how well. They agreed that he would watch and wait, apparently Farathier knew that this would become our only course of action.

Arfin thinks to enlist the aid of his new clan, with Xath’s encouragement, though she even now seems less convinced or impassioned as we are. After a disheartening and unconvincing plea to Gawyn Thunderheart, Arfin instead turns to Xath as a messenger to find John Rhynn the known voice of rebellion in the city.

Morning fades to Midday and we receive a strange message from the rooftop guards, it is written in Arhconus’s hand but tells us not to do anything- to simply wait, act normal and meet after the execution at the rusty tavern by the water front. It seems things have come full circle, for that was the tavern we all had entered when the pirates struck. Archonus seems to have a plan, and so far that is more then we have. Xath returns not having found out much from the Rhynns. We agree to follow Arhconus’s instructions, but we try to hide weapons as well…. Just in case. As we split up for the two hours we have Justice grabs my arm and looking pityingly at my clothes pulls me along behind her. I finally manage to get her to halt and ask what she is about. It seems no one would dare meet the king without a suitable gown. Sadly my one thought as we walked to a near by shop was gown? Why not simply a dress? The next hour was my first crash course in the layers and intricacies of court attire.

An hour before sundown, a court crier runs through the streets reminding everyone of the big event. It seems the King wishes to have the entire city there. We leave our weapons and armor in a closed off room, hoping for it to stay safe and hoping we are correct in following Arhconus’ plan.

The main portal door has been left open in everyone haste to get a good seat, and following the trickling throng of late goers, we slowly approach the King’s box. Justice leads daintily holding the edge of her dress out of the mud and dirt. I tried unsuccessfully to mimic her ease of swishing the skirt around people. A guard gruffly steps forward a pike horizontally blocking our forward motion. He asks what we want. I step forward and in uncommon forcefulness tell him, “We were summoned by the king to be at his side” pushing the scroll with my invitation at his puffed out chest. The guard quickly scans the document, then peering around asks the others for theirs. After going over each one diligently he yells to someone called simply, “Fellowes,” to take us up to the box personally. He moves the pike upward far above his head then crisply gives a short bow.

I breathe a sigh of relief that we were not searched, knowing even with a slight tap all the daggers Justice hid under her skirts would be felt. As I top the stairs I am jolted to a halt. I see a familiar figure standing back towards us, but there is no way I would mistake that back… that fine dark hair. He wears a rich black velvet doublet with slight hints of gold and silver running easily through it. It almost calls my eyes to follow the lines down the newly polished leather boots with gold buckles. As my eyes slowly make their way back up it doesn’t register that he has turned. He holds a glittering gold blade in his lean hands, while giving us his easy smirk. As Kareth bumps into me, I take a step forward keeping my eyes on Edriss. My mind still stuck on what? Why? How?… I can only remember how he left us at the monastery, how he was just gone… And to think I was actually worried what had become of him!

I turn to see King Tain approach us. I follow Justice’s lead and try to mimic as best I am able to her fluid curtsey. The king takes Justice’s hand slowly pulling her upright. A pace behind her Arfin, Kareth and I all rise up. He gently kisses her hand a secret smile etching his face, “Mistress Fairweather.” He turns to me and taking my hand repeats the motion. Looking at the others he bows stiffly. With no other small talk, he very gravely tells of his need for our allegiance to go north and get a special weapon for him. If we dot his for him it would mean the end to the worries of the Bluestar. For if this blade is destroyed so is the soul of the Northern King. He flows easily from the statements to the question, “Will you give it?” Justice still by his arm works to conceal the venom in her voice and eyes as she tells the king that she has other, higher allegiances. The king merely smiles broader and so tells her that many in his service have allegiances to multiple people and deities. Knowing we would surely loose and have no hope of saving Jaine and Pretson should we fight she concedes and finally gives her pledge to the king. The king switches his stare to Arfin standing next to Justice’s side. He looks at the king for a long while then finally, “I will follow the paladin.” The smile looses some of it’s honesty, but remains in place as he turns to look at Kareth and then to me. Kareth mearly nods his agreement at first, but the king easily says even short words would be sufficient, and so an “I also” is issued forth. Looking around as if surprised by the late hour raises his arms to quiet the crowd. He tells them of our heroism and that since we helped bring in Jane, we are pardoned of all past crimes. Lies within lies yet all holding some truth.

Then the drums start, a death march, and the traitor Jane Rhynn and her accomplice, Joshua Preston are walked out. The nooses hang limply in front of them. As the black hooded executioner loops the rope around Pretson’s neck first, I look at Justice and the others. As the rope goes round Jaines neck I lean forward trying to glimpse Xath in the nobles box. I loud boom echoes through the silent yard. The executioner stands hands round Jaines neck motionless. Her head slowly turns as she and Preston suddenly wink out of existence and the guard falls heavily to the ground. Finally a shout goes up, for guards to protect the king. A darkly hooded figure jumps on to the rickety scaffolding, pushing back his hood as the guards rush at him. It is a familiar face, a welcoming face- Archonus Arrendor. Talk about going into sacrifice yourself! The guards attack Archonus, worrying about the intruder and not the missing prisoners.

The blonde head and silver helmet of Farathier appears on the hill top astride his light gray horse. From his position just off to the right he carefully and slowly raises his crossbow and fires. The little man standing next to the king flies back with the impact of the bolt. At the shout to protect the king, the crowd goes wild, racing to every entrance, clashing rich and poor alike, shoving grime on rags and riches. The man next to me yells at the guards near the hill to attack Farathier. Luckily the first shot fired misses Farathier, who wheels his horse down the opposite side of the hill. At least I know one of us made it out safely.

A blob of song with surprising ease leaps from the noble’s box, and races toward where Farathier was last seen. While Archonus is on the podium fighting the guards, he also cuts the rope holding Jaine’s neck and the one holding her hands. Pushing the small dagger into her hands. The guards take no notice of Jane moving about and just concentrate on Archonus, what is wrong with them?

I see the guard in front of me taking aim at Archonus, so I step forward and scream in his ear, “We are all going to die!” This startles him more then I hoped for and he swivels partially around and fires his gun over his companions head. His companion unfortunately with more battle experience swivels with his sword drawn and stabs the guard in two quick motions. Removing the blades he turns to glare at me. I smile weakly, but know the ploy will not hold and having just watch with what ease he dealt with the guard I know I am no match for him. With all my companions now gone from around me I jump to the nobles platform and hoping to get some clear space to run through I yell at them “Run for your lives.” This gets them moving to hopefully throw the guards off more. As I run through the throng of nobles, I hear a thump behind me a swivel hands ready to attack, but smile when I see on the Rhynn family with his foot out and a guard face down on the platform. I nod my thanks at the Rynn family member but know to give no more though or glance that way. I quickly scan the scene before me.

Justice and Arfin are nowhere to be seen, while Kareth and Archonus battle on and around the stage. Beyond them I see two figures with almost a visible force surrounding them. Both tall warriors stand near to each other letting waves of arrows fall on the guards around the scaffolding. There is a loud ‘bang’ from the king’s stage and I seeing Kareth and Archonus remain unaffected, look to the archers. The one with the unknown bow goes down, he must be on our side somehow to risk the dangers of shoot at the king and his men. Seeing a small group of guards heading towards him, I jump quickly down and race all out toward the fallen figure. I push past the nobles still fleeing from the box, and so mixed with them I pass the guards. I reach the figure and quickly fall to my knees. Seeing the black studded leather chest plate and a small hint of a sword hilt I know, I reach out timidly hoping to find a stranger’s face beneath the hood, but the light has other plans it seems for instead I look upon the face of Link Woodshadow. His good eyes shut closed, while his red eye seems to be a dull and lifeless. Letting my ears search for guards and trouble I let my hands and eyes go to work. I quickly take out my healer’s kit and try to stop the worse of the bleeding. I pull a healing drought out as well and try to give him strength internally. Once I have him as healed as I can with such short time. I know I can not leave him, for surely he would die otherwise, so I pick him up pray that I will not kill him with these movements. After I have him on shoulders, I see the glint of his two sword handles lying on the ground. I remember the monastery, so I grab the swords cutting one hand as I clutch both blades. I have no way to call to the female on the hill without distracting her aim, but I send a prayer her way and run as hard as I can from the guards just now reaching the bloody circle.

As I round the hill I almost crash into Arconus running back into the square. Wordlessly he reaches out and without question I place the still unmoving elf into his stronger arms. With both hands now free I synch Link’s belt and blades to my waist. At a much greater speed now we re-enter the streets of the city, and following Archonus we reach the docks. I take point and run ahead of Archonus here to avoid any guards that may be out. The fine dress Justice picked out for me stands out starkly in the harsh torch light. Fleetingly I wonder what lecture from Justice I will get for letting the grime of the alley’s and the dirt from the trash littering the ground touch such a fine piece of clothing.

I race slightly ahead of Archonus pushing open the door to the tavern as we reach it. Going to the first table in the corner I sweep my arm across it displacing what foul containers cluttered it’s surface. I can’t help the worry that floods my face as I turn back to Archonus, helping him gently set the frail looking elf down. I grab a candle near by and with quivering hand push the hood back again, almost hoping I saw some strange figment before.

The candle’s light dully reflects in the still dead stone placed were an eye should be. Yes, it is Link. I look back toward Archonus not trying to hide the sadness and confusion from my face. I barely take note of the others who have slowly made their way to the tavern as well. Speaking to him quietly, "Though I have questioned in my heart, I cannot deny now that this man is who I hoped he was...” Looking now at the others, “He is Link Woodshadow."

From the corner of my eye I see the fat groping bartender coming closer. I swiftly turn my body shadowing the face of the elf, and not even thinking of the swords widen slightly bend my knees into a crouch- ready to stop any threat he posses. Archonus moves forward holding out a hand to the bartender stopping his progress, "Is everything prepared?"

The bartender moving his thoughtful gaze from me, looks at Archonus’ masked face sounding bored replies, "Aye, there be passage for you. But 'tisn't I who made the deal, so it's not I who'll tell you the details. Cawys is yer contact, and so yer needing to talk to him, not I. But be warned, lad-you have passage for six, and I count a shade more than six in yer party."

Hearing a soft movement from Link I turn carefully keeping my body between him and the tavern. I trust Archonus to handle and do what needs to be done, whatever deal he made he will tell us. He has kept nothing from us before. As I work to patch what little I can of the wounds, I see the gem in his eye wink with life occasionally. Holding hope that it is a good sign. Not knowing what else to do I speak to him, perhaps give him some comfort, "Uuma dela, Vara tel' Seldarine"(Do not worry, I shall protect you).

A moist cough from the elf, followed by fluttering eyelashes-one over a flashing red gem, and the other over an eye gone white from age. "I do not...need...protection...yet" he whispered between coughing fits. "Where is my daughter...and who are the spectators?" he wearily grunted, nodding toward the rest of the gathered heroes. "I know Josh and Jaine, but the rest are...new to my eye..." He responds in the ancient elvish so I continue thinking for safety, caution or comfort he wants it.

"Lle hen Lissenen ar' maska'lalaith tenna' lye omentuva" (your daughter was alive when last I saw her), I whisper, hoping that we are the only elves in the crowd slowly trickling in to the tavern. I can not tell him of Jaine and Preston for not even I know that.

The warrior’s body still fit is wracked by another coughing fit. As it does, I feels tears gathering in my eyes, but quickly shake off the apparent show of weakness. Michael had never tolerated crying- a poor substitute for action he had often said. Despite this, tears continued to well up. I have only met him once before I shouldn’t feel this attachment, and although he claims to be family, I have seen so many lies worked over the last month. I would not show this weakness.

"Tel'Mithrim, adel"(I have already lost too much, respected elder), My mind racing with the consequences of our earlier actions. He can’t stay in the city now, not any of us can. The Kings most trusted advisors did not stop them, but surely they suspected something. And Jaine.... if Jaine is truly supposed to be in power she must be kept safe. However, there remained the possibility that Jaine was no more than an innocent. She could be the rightful heir, but with no desire to play the role of queen: yet another pawn in the grand game that so many nobles seemed to thrive upon.

Feeling him shift again beneath my hand, I concentrate on him, "Mankoi naa lle sinome?" (Why are you here? You said you would be in shadow).

"I was...persuaded...by a...friend..." he gasped, breathing becoming ever more difficult, now. "Tain is...dangerous...he places the kingdom in gravest of danger...the Covenant"

"Mankoi sii?" (Why now?)

"Jaine had to...survive. She is the last true heir...Oberon's last daughter...Tain and one...other...have the Blood..."

My mind again flashes through the possibilities. What was Link talking about? Could he tell me more? My mind flashes with the possibilities, some dark, some real, some my heart quenches at even the barest hint…. the Bluestar is moving, Archonus's mysterious actions over the last few days...how he came back into the square to aid in their escape, how he has saved each of them several times. My thoughts drift to the sword that Tain had so recently charged them with capturing, and to the scene around that strange disappearing moment. Thinking a little too hard, she utters aloud in common "the sword must be found but where, and how?"

"The sword is...Tain's key to fulfilling...his promise...but not the only key... Fear his determination... and... fear his ambition... for ambition has led him to choose...dangerous...allies... scions of the past..." Link coughs, trying desperately to get out every word before losing consciousness again. He speaks once more, though much is un fathomable. "...the dragon rises....conquers...*cough cough* east..." the last is barely a whisper as his body relaxes. Not in death luckily, but deep slumber.

“We have to keep moving. We need to get out of these clothes, and we need to find a way out of here,” Justice’s calm voice rings around me. No first I must take care of Link, first and only, and I won’t leave him to fate. Even if he wasn’t family, he came help us and got hurt in the process. I wrap his cloak about him, tying the makeshift bandages as best I can.

Xath appears at my side tucking the Woodshadows cloak tightly about him as I hold him in my arms. Speaking to the group, “I have gotten us a room, so we may discuss things.” At the last word she looks pointedly at Archonus, but ushers us past the bar into a back room. The walls seem solid and with no windows we feel more secure then anywhere else we were going to find on such short notice.

After only moments, Farathier stands up declaring that with our options we need to see if the tavern keeper can help us. He opens the thick oak door looking for the inn keeper. He partially closes the door thinking he will be back soon enough. Shouts are heard outside the door, shouts of soldiers, shouts for them forcibly asking to search the place. Our room of safety is now a trap. At the sound of fighting Arhconus draws his swords and takes a set toward the door as it swings wide and three guards enter. Arhconus fiercely attacks them knowing we are mostly defenseless. Kareth not needing more then his powerful hands, goes to help him. Xath looks frantically at the wall behind her, mutter that it should be an ally behind it. As she slams her body against the wall I see Arfin charge into the fighting. I stand moving in front of Link’s defenseless form. One of the fighters breaks free and charges toward me, somehow at that moment I feel the weight of Link’s swords at my waist. Knowing I would be worthless with the long sword, I draw the short sword hoping I fare better with it.

I lift the sword and meet his first thrust gasping at the pain that shoots through my hand. I see in his face though it hurt him more. Knowing I am all that stands between him and Link I continue to fight. Mostly just trying to keep him from hitting me. I hear Arfin’s voice in the hallway along with Justice’s, and feel my arm getting weak. Xath still pounds the wall behind the wood starting the creak and bend. The man in front of me suddenly grows two metal points from his chest- no they are only the end of Arhconus’ blades. I nod weakly as he races towards the others. I resheath the blade and picking up Link go into the hallway. Unsure which way to turn I look straight into the tap room watching as flames are licking the ale and cleaning the surfaces. I hear muffled noises to my right, and hope it is my friends run that way. I get to the bottom of a set of stairs only to have the monk and Justice run past me again. Xath starts to yell from the back room that she has gotten through and is taking them out. I can only assume them would be Jaine and Preston who we left standing in there. I see Arfin running past me next and hear his shout for me to hurry, the fire is spreading and the guards are moving in. I get to the doorway when a dark woman appears before me. Her thin lips part in a menacing grin as she lifts her hands and starts to wave them, I grab the short sword again trying to hit her hands. The pain and Link prove to be too much and the blade flies from my grasp at the same instant the long sword flies at her as well. She reaches out and as her bony fingers touch the metal they and she disappear leaving no trace they were ever there. I grasp at the air, finally yelling my frustration and anger. Then coughing at the encroaching smoke make for the doorway.

I automatically step over the downed guards the others dealt with, and finally stop when a large hand holds my shoulders from moving forward. I lost them… “I lost them.” But the others are luckily worried about more important things- the future and how to get us out alive.

As we leave the burning tavern and the hide in alleyways as guards rush past it is agreed that the Dwarven Stronghold should be our next stop. Somehow it is agreed that Archonus and Xath will go in and retrieve our stuff. The rest of us will look for passage on another ship, maybe even get passage for everyone on one ship. We manage to secure Link to my side making him appear as a drunk I am helping home. Kareth waits outside in a alley as Justice and Arfin enters each tavern asking for captains and passage. Finally she returns with good news, they have booked passage on a ship for 11 passengers. The captain was stern that it leaves at dawn and will wait for no one. Jaine and Preston continue to whisper a few feet away finally Jaine turns to us a plea in her eyes as she states that she will not leave Thainsport without Mr. Filmore. Knowing we don’t have much time, and that he is mot likely captured we think of where he may have been captured… Joshua thinks the city guard is the best place to start looking for him.

The guard house is a completely solid brick three story building in front and on the sides. Justice ushers us toward the back searching for a way in. Behind the building we find a possible way in. A wooden fence only 8 feet high barring our way into the a large stable yard. There must be a door to the inside from here, and so Justice seeing Joshua as the only one able orders him inside to look around.

Kareth’s large hands engulfed Preston’s booted foot as he was lifted over the fence. Preston wisely stuck close to the edges of the court yard constantly shifting his gaze all around him. We edge over the fence watching from between the staked poles. With a loud clanking Preston’s boot makes contact with a full metal water bucket. As the other guards turn to the noise and draws swords, Justice rashly throws herself over the fence after Joshua. I see two horses coming toward us up the alleyway, and using the old trick get them to buck their riders. Kareth makes an easy dispatch of them while I jump on the fence trying to help Justice and Pretson back over to our side. Jaine struggles to get the sewer cover off, and Kareth goes and with a single finger lifts it from the ground. Handing it to her she blushes but then tell him to just hold it. As the others climb down I hit the hinds of the horses, hoping the guards will give chance that way. It takes me precious moments to get Link handed down first and then to quickly climb down my self. All the while feeling Kareth just seconds behind me. He manages to quietly re-place the cover over our position as feet storm by.

The stench is horrible, but we have to keep going. Justice shouts that she will take lead, lighting one of her small daggers. Kareth smiles at Jaine and Preston motioning them forward. Jaine luckily still has the small dagger Archonus gave her, and Preston picked up a sword just moments ago. We follow the river in what I know to be the direction of the port. Suddenly we all stop as we sense something ahead. I fall back trying to keep Link above the foul water. Kareth moves forward in front of Jaine and I fists at the ready.

In the light blue tint Justice’s sword provides, we see an evil unnatural creature with tentacles in front of us. Before we can make any other move it has its tentacles wrapped around Joshua and Kareth. Justice closes in sloshing through the muck to stay clear of the swinging tentacles. I switch Link to my back shielding him with my body. Jaine reaches to where Preston stands touching the squishy tentacle and trying to break him free. Finally it slumps and it’s tentacles release Joshua and Kareth. Jaine helps Joshua as I help Kareth both still looking wobbly after the encounter. Luckily Kareth as always easily shakes off the effects and goes a step beyond Justice squinting into the darkness. As he utters “Something there.” Into the stillness I hear a slight shift of metal on rock. “There’s someone there,” I tell the others. We slowly advance cautiously sticking to the walls and dousing Justice’s light.

We then see dwarves from the hall and… Filmore. Jaine swims past us clutching at Filmore when she reaches him. They seem to just be waiting, and as Preston, Justice and I approach slower we hear the muffled snickering of our companions Arhconus and Xath. Justice glares at them as I smile knowing it had to Xath’s idea.

Jaine shifting in Filmore’s embrace turns to face everyone, “We must get out of the city, but we can not escape notice as we are.” Justice asks Filmore were the nearest Amastatian temple may be. One of the dwarves pipes in, “It be down a few more blocks and then we should be nearn’ it.”

Link’s steady snoring changes into a muffled ‘huh.’ I roll his weight off my back supporting him front of me, still unsure how he is doing. He moves his head, but sees to not be ‘looking’ at anything in particular. I ask him how he is doing, and with his normal tartness replies, “I am injured and in a foul sewer how do you think I am doing?” I feel his legs steady under him, and my grip turns more into that of a friend. He looks at me and says more morosely, “I can not leave my daughter, and she is not here, so I must go and find her.”

“But how? Where will you look?” Link is ever mysterious, “We have ways.” I lightly squeeze his shoulder knowing he must go alone. I did what I could… I drop that and tell him of his swords. This news does not seem as tragic as I thought it would be. He is troubled, but more that the king has them and knows some special powers they hold then the actual loss of them. He asks where we are going, or someway to meet up. I tell him we are looking for more information on the sword and so we are going to the Citadel Refuge. He agrees they would have a good library to look in, and so we agree to meet there if all goes well in six weeks. He turns to Archonus and asks for his staff, chuckling at his image “to help a blink and crippled old man.” Archonus hands him the staff without a word. With Justice’s urging the group turns to leave being ushered further toward the docks, and I watch as Link turns away giving me one last message, “Remember to always wear your talisman young one.” I reach up and caress the pendant, whispering “I will.”

A few minutes later we all exit the sewers and head to the city monastery. A human answers the door knock, she looks us over smiling even though we are filthy and must be at odds with the norm. She merely opens the door a little wider and we get a full glimpse of her. The wispy cloth is almost translucent, a joke at actually covering anything from the eye. I can’t laugh though, this is their way. A way I have respected and at time longed for.

As she motions us inside she asks what we have need of, and in one quick move she slides in front of Arhconus as Justice rushes to tell her we simply need a quick bath, and other clothing. She lets us know that with a simple donation both can be arranged, and whatever else we may have need of. Xath goes to the pot and pulling gems and coin out makes our donation.

They lead us to a large white room, plants add touches of green and flowers add welcoming scents. The slight trickle of water can be heard as the soft torch light calmly reflects a rainbow against the marbled ceiling. Kareth with no hesitation drops his loin wrap on the floor and racing past us jumps belly first into the cool water. The priests smiles at me as I turn my back to the others hiding more then my look of shock at Kareth display. I try to close off my mind and think of other things as I hear the cloth and metal sounds echoing in the room, knowing each is getting undressed. I pull my ancestors cloak tight around me hiding what lay beneath. Keeping eyes averted I finally get into the cool water turning as soon as I am able. There is a variety oils and soaps the priestess gives us, along with very sharp blades. So with great ta-do the dwarves cut their beards. After cleaning the cloak as I am able, I take one of the blades and chop my hair to a very short length. As I exit the water I notice most all of the stench is gone. A priest enters the chambers with a pile of robes for us. I go over to one gently lifting it, the same sheer white fabric that the priestess greet us in and the robe the man in front of us wears are the same as those on the ground. Turning instead to our mostly clean clothes most choose to re-don those.

All except Archonus that is. He strides to the pile picking out on of the robes carefully wrapping it around himself. He crams his normal clothes into his pack and stand as if to leave. Carefully keeping my eyes on his face I walk up to him, feeling the heat in my cheeks. “You forgot to cover- you know.” He looks down confused, and I struggle to lift my eyes toward the ceiling utter to Oberon. I motion to a spot around my eye, “No this. I just thought- normally you are so careful-“ He shrugs midway through my sentence reaching down and cutting one of the robes into slips, then carefully wraps it round his head, as if blind. As his hand reaches out I move away as he grabs the nearest shoulder. Xath though looking annoyed just says, “Ye best use yer long legs and keep up.”

Since we need a room for the night, Xath leading Archonus goes into the nearest bar, while the rest of us stay out in the alleyway trying to think up strategy plan for the next step. All seems to be going fine until a harsh silence falls on the bar, Kareth merely says, “Archon” then charges into the building, while Justice goes to the door to see what is going on. She orders the rest of us to stay hidden in the alleyway. The door is banged open with two orcs holding Archonus tied hand and foot. Not taking kindly to being ordered around anymore and getting almost killed, I ask over Justice’s shoulder if they need any help. Xath runs over quickly passing a hand over his face says the mark is not real. They look confused as Justice yells that one Archonus Arrendor was just seen running down the street. They take off leaving Archonus on the ground, as I look down my hand reaches for my kukri, be his voice stops me as he tells me to just be ready. I step inside the door as Justice punches a large minator saying, “Do not touch my husband.” The minator slaps her face back, as one the Orcs along the wall tries to reach for me. Remembering Archonus words I roll to the side out of his reach, but giving Archonus room to leap up and kick the minator swiftly. As the body is thrown back it hits the next one charging towards me. Thrown off balance it is easy for me to hit him hard once in the face and he’s down. Looking around, I see Justice and Kareth managed to take care of the other two easily enough. Xath’s voice hits us dripping with sarcasm that she had gotten us a room for the night at a very good rate, but that now we would have to try elsewhere. I feel a smile tug my lips, somehow easy for her to do, only Michael and Selura… no there is still much to tell of that night the rest is past.

In a more southern part of the port city we find a room to rest and even manage to arrange for a wake-up call in the pre-dawn hours. Safely in our room though we still can not rest, though hearing the groans as some sit and others lay down I know everyone is tired and sore. Only Justice remains standing, continuing to give orders and ideas as thoughts and dreams start to drift. Everyone moves towards the table dragging chairs or boxes as close as they can.

Only Archonus sits apart shadowed by the dying light, a box his chair and legs outstretched. Not having the energy to stand I look over from my position on the floor a scant few feet away, asking quietly, “What was the exact wording of the enchantment you put over Jaine and Joshua. Also, I hope I do not offend you in asking, but how did you get that... unusual... birthmark over your eye?"

He remains motionless his gaze still on the others but seem unseeing, finally he replies “I wished for Jain and Preston to be invisible to everyone's eye save mine and those I…" I what? I scream in my head. "…counted as allies, until dawn. As for my...'birthmark,” His steely gaze traps me as he me directly in the eyes “I was born a descendent of the Bluestar. His blood runs in my veins. This...'birthmark' is a constant reminder of the evil he has passed on through the bloodline of my family." I know he is not lying and now I also now know the burden he carries and hides. He looks away from me and the group, once more going into himself it seems and shutting us out. I move back to the group not knowing what else to do or say to him. The Bluestar is evil, and has enough deeds to fill all the paper of the land, but knowing how different I was from Michael I know blood will not determine everything… He has fought against the mark, and his fight against it has made him… him. Now I know why he hides it, and I wonder at my reaction to it why there was no fear, no reproach.

The others are engrossed as to what we should do, and I try to concentrate on what they are saying limiting my glances over to the my shadowed friend. Vaguely I hear Xath’s voice, “So we know the docks are guarded quite heavily and that guards are checking all ships before they leave port.

From my perspective, there are several things we need to do. Firstly, compile a list of all of our resources. This includes individual items, items that belong to the group, the spells we know, how many times per day we can cast them. We also shouldn't forget the resources we have around us right now in the inn.

Secondly, we need to determine all of the routes to the docks. Are the two ships docked next to each other or do we need to get both groups to separate piers? Thirdly, once we determine available routes to the docks, we need to determine how we get there undetected. Once we pull all of our resources, we can proceed with planning.”

Filmore moves around Jaine, “I know where the "Queen's Escape" is docked. and is located at the west end of the docks, near the… the Rusty Tabard- no, the Rusty Scabbard, that’s it. I have never heard of this "Sea Monkey" however.” Drawing himself up regally he looks down at us, “We have either 4 or 2 immediate tasks, depending on how you see the problem. I'll divide them four ways. One, to get ourselves to the wharf without being captured. Two, to get Jaine, Pretson, and I to the wharf without being captured, Three, to get yourselves out of the city without being captured and four, to get us out of the city without US being captured. In the long term, we need to think about how this will work to get Jaine and I to our goal and save this kingdom. Running has to be strategic. You could help us greatly, and if you help now we could truly start a widespread rebellion? But if so, how?

Also, we have other good allies here that we can not forget, Nurin Stoneservant, and ah-"Crunch" and "Bash" Leadbender. One more resource is the inn full of possible allies. We can try to contact John again,” Looking to Jaine, “he has spoken out before against the king.” Chuckling to himself, “Though usually his rallies scatter REALLY fast as soon as members of the watch, and then the Talon Blades show up. The thing to remember is that Allies exist, but most of them will run or turn us in before they risk their lives for what appears to be a hopeless cause. They might be hopping mad, but they don't want to die for nothing, either. They need an expectation that they can win before most will act publicly to aid us. We have been at this for years we know.”

Xath looks at the tables scarred surface and poses, “I was thinking along the lines of starting a riot. I have some tricks that can be fun and distracting. So, rough outline of an outline...we really need to know all our resources first. I can project my voice to sound like a mass of people shouting. If it works, it could cause mass confusion, panic, and hopefully a riot among the people. Add a fire or two and you have a citywide riot in a very short time.” Her gaze pondering as she continues, “This could work out very well or very badly. In the panic, the guards might barricade the exits of the city even more heavily to prevent any suspects from escaping, making it even more difficult for us to get through. Hopefully though, they would rush to the king to find out what happened, and give us a chance to leave. Or our boats may just say forget it and leave in order to avoid the panic, leaving us stranded once again.

But what we really need is to get a list of our resources. This is a desperation plan because of its unpredictability and the probability that innocents will be hurt and maybe killed. Lets come up with some real contingency....and....discuss.”

Justice nods through Xath’s ideas, finally declaring, “I really like the riot idea… confusion is good—and is our friend…”

Shooting a hard look at Archonus’s straight form, “We saw that in the mass conflict that happened at the “execution”…” Turning back to the table, “however, we also have to remember that the confusion isn’t enough. We need to have a disguise and plan to make ourselves into something we’re not… something that is not wanted by the guards.

I propose we do this by putting someone in a pine box and pretend we are sailing overseas to give one of our closest friends a proper funeral. This provides us two advantages: one, we can utilize the space and convience of having a cart… even if we don’t have one of those yet. Two, we can use this excuse to fill in holes in our story/make sure we don’t have to spend too much time talking… if at any point a guard asks a question we don’t know the answer to, we break down in tears... leaving the guard very uncomfortable and unsure of how to react. I would nominate myself as the talker in this situation… we have someone who is driving the cart (the dwarves?)… The story needs a little more work… but—I think it has promise.

There is another alternative that we can use… the riot is still good… but, we can go in small groups (of 2 or 3)… this will only work if we have meticulously worked out stories, though. Each of us will need to know: Who we are trying to be, Where we are going, and Why we are going.

And we need to know those things SO well that we essentially cannot screw up… the riot can be helpful in both of these situations… but, if we work hard enough, we may not even need the distraction of the riot—may not want to risk having the port closed down or the boats leaving without us”

Archonus from his darkened corner voices, “Riots are bad. If we merely need a distraction I can provide one.”

Not happy with that thought or plan, I jump in quickly, "Yes we do need a plan, though guts and lots of luck have let us survive till now. I am not sure how much more we can take of this,” tightening a rag around my left hand, the hand that carried Link’s swords. Trying to smile through the small pain, “and as each plan fails the more time is lost and they close more of the city off to us."

Looking towards Xath, "I am not really for the 'setting fire to the city' since it could seriously hurt innocents and could cause a big backfire. We do not have loyalty with the captain's of the ships we are going to sail with, and we have not even paid them in full. So they do not have much incentive to stay through guards searching every hold and a fire.

“As for trying to take a coffin out, this could work, but why would this odd group be doing it? We could use bar patrons as a processional, with a song sung by a dwarf for a dwarf. We do also have the Amastatian robes, this would only be maybe one person in them. This plan would basically end up turning all eyes to us, but also may make it more believable. Also, once we have dropped off the coffin, do we jump over board and swim to our boat? We can not use the same disguise going off the ship in case we run into the same guards who may notice a change in our group and that we went to a boat and oppps wrong one, so lets go try this one instead.” Pausing to take a deep breath, but rushing on, “We can use the name of the ship that royal group is going on, since that is where we are going and then we are telling the complete truth on that score. Also, by using the name of the ship if some guards follow us we are doing as we say and going there, no ore reason to be suspicious.”

“The crowd around us can provide cover for us dividing into their ranks.... We are all fairly tall,” looking apologetically at Xath and Arfin, “so we could stay within eye sight of each other easily. Since we have enough dwarves, and their stronghold was ransacked they could be with the coffin holding one of them. It would not be so strange for a dwarf to need to go home and be buried! Once at boat ramp only the dwarven party goes in.. Xath got the passage, so she can arrange the details -all of us can stay with the now disbanding procession. Xath can disguise or undisguised herself now, and tell us to 'in honor of the fallen dwarf lets all go to a bar (one close to our other ship)'... we just split off from the group before we get there...” Getting a little too caught up in my vision I push forward, “We then use the disguise, sneak approach to get to our boat! But as Justice has said we need to know who we are, where we are going, and where we have been just in case. Also understand that if we se a picture we last saw each other at the execution. In order to do this last part though we need to know where the other boat is, not just meet at the other boat...So, do we have time to have one person sneak to the docks and find the other boat? Also, make sure it is still hanging out and not barred since the captain did not sound to be totally within the law- this could also work to our advantage as he may have secret holds and such! The only other thing is -are all the alleyways about the same width? Maybe someone could jump from rooftop to rooftop, or just see who can see who on the rooftops first.”

Preston look ponderingly at us, “Bar patrons pretending to be mourners are a fantastic image...it could really help our story. However, can we trust them to carry it through, and carry it through in a believable manner? Also, remember that we have been asked to be awakened several hours before dawn, and there won't be a crowd around the docks. Our ships depart at dawn, which means we'll need to be on them before traffic gets heavy near the docks.”

"Better to rely only on ourselves, at this point. You may be the beginnings of a true army of the Phoenix, but right now it's just you..." says Jaine, clearly worried about the involvement of others. "Alric and I have pretended to be others for the past seven years, and Preston's history has as much rogue as it does priest. We can help, but we need to decide which vessel our funerary ruse will take us to."

"Aye," replies Preston. "The Apecto himself had a thief for a mother...we must not forget our ancestors past. Know the path of light, yes...but don't forget the uses of shadow." he grins, winking at Justice as Michael may have winked at me.

As we all find try to find a corner to curl up in, Jaine remains standing regally, "When we reach Sylvanus, we will start to gather supporters. There are some there who will help us. If you come looking and we are not in the city, ask for Darmac. He is a smith there... though not a strong supporter, we trust him. I want to wish you a safe journey now, and hope to see you all safely in Sylvanus before at the appointed hour." She sinks to the floor beside Preston giving Filmore a weary look.

My last thoughts are of Archonus’ words and the next step in life I take. Tomorrow at dawn we set sail for Atur across the ringed continent past the island of my childhood.
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First Post
Chapter Two: "Scions of a Dying Age"

Day Ten- Thainesport

I awake to find everyone else still sleeping peacefully, but Arfin. I look over at him seeing his great mouth hanging open and I smile at the image the walls starting to shake at his every exhale. I feel two small brown eyes just past his shoulder staring at me, and giving my eyes time to adjust realize they belong to the dark dwarf Xath. In the darkness her teeth flash white as she smiles a greeting, I weakly nod back all my muscles protesting the thought of movement, any movement. I try to move lightly and shift to a back corner quickly blocking out the problems of the physical body, and entering the calm world of another plane it seems.

A nock sounds on the door at the approved time, but with all that has happened so recently little response greet sit. So a second more urgent nock sounds, as I open my eyes breathing deeply at how the last hour has revived me more then the whole night of rest. Justice grumbles rolling over and running long fingers through now very short blond hair. Shouting to the still closed doorway, ‘We are up!’ when a third knock sounds. Xath curiously smiling in good humor goes to open the door.

Immediately awake and alert, I grab hold of my bow, relaxing only after the door closes behind the lanky inn keeper. He looks around at us, and nervously remarks, “Make sure you take nothing suspicious with you, as they are checking everything that leaves today as if searching for something.” His eyes plead, and voice shakes with terror, “Please leave soon, I have already put my family in grave danger, but I am a man of my word. Leave please!”

He starts to rush out when Justice grabs his arm, “We thank you for the room, and we paid good for it, too. But to not bring down anything unpleasant on your tavern you still must help us a little more.” He looks shaken, but stands like a dog to scared for fear of the whip. She asks him about the supplies we had agreed on the night before. After giving his answers, each word carrying him a small step closer to the door her again pleads with us to leave and then runs out the door.

We agreed on moving in two groups, less chance of discovery and if one gets caught it still leave the others with a chance. So first Jaine, Joshua, Filmore, Captain Rynn, and the four dwarves will head to the HMS Queens Escape. Xath who booked their passage will have to go along as well, and she assured us last night she had many ways of getting around unnoticed. The twinkle in her eye left much to be questioned, but so long as she made it to safety we didn’t ask. The rest of us will wait a little longer, a group of mercenaries taking their leave. We carry our dead companion Archonus, to be burned in his home town. We realized very quickly he was the most noticeable of us all, and so it was he that we elected over his stern glares to be held inside.

As Team Royalty surrounds the door, her hand on the knob, Jaine turns solemnly back to look at us and declares proudly, “You are now all generals in my army… the Army of the Phoenix.” With they file out with only the rustle of their clothes giving away there may be two more amid the large group to some unseen eyes. Arfin and I go to the window to watch them leave the building, and I am surprised to hear him utter a blessing to Dumotheon to watch over the clan. Then as if noticing I am there he pats my arm, and walks back to the others. I push the curtain a little further over trying to keep them in sight as long as possible. Uh-Oh…. two guards stand below knocking on the tavern door, but they should only have to search the floors below. I quickly tell the others. Justice swears then glancing around starts to think of a way out,” but too soon we hear the footsteps of one of the guards. I hide in a dark corner, while Archonus and Arfin climb into the rafters. Justice and Farathier quickly strip down try to appear… as if just waking up.

We hear the muffled voices outside then a knock sounds across the way, and a knock sound at our door. “Give us a moment,” shouts Justice as they race to complete the scene. The guard pushes the door open face lifting from dour to knowing as he sees the two bodies and tangled sheets. He asks all the questions we were expecting, and Justice and Farathier answered easily with the prepared answers. With relief we see him turn to leave. The guards gloved hands shoots up as he reaches the door and a strangled cry from Arfin is heard right before his body plummets to the wooded ground. “You said you were alone.” The guard glares at Justice and Farathier, “Tell the other to come down as well.” I stay motionless.. other, not others… he hasn’t seen me- yet. As Arhconus deftly jumps down, the guard moves quickly to avoid Arfin’s angry shove. Having missed his target, Arfin shuffles towards the other two pulling the blade from his shoulder.

Justice tries to tell the guard we are good people and the evils of the King. With a swift move he lays his hand on the hilt of his sword, and a single glance passing between Arfin and Farathier they both lunge forward, since he does not appear to have taken nicely to Justice’s pleas. Archonus who had remained to the side of the guard quickly kicks his legs out and stands looming over the guard. He tells the others to put down their weapons and stand back. I remain watching from the corner, bow and a single arrow in my hand. Knowing that is all I would need should he attack Archonus.

The masked man, Archonus, helps the guard to his feet showing him the black design on his left hand, telling the guard that he could not have broken his oath… he could not have become a traitor as the king says or his hand would be burned off. Slowly the guards fingers move from his sword hilt out only guide that he starts to see how we could be right. He can not help us out of the city, but as I step from the shadows ask him if he could at least find where the HMS Sea Monkey is docked. He swiftly turns at the sound of my voice, but eases quickly as he sees me flip the arrow shaft into my hip quiver. He agrees he could try, and will try, but it will take him time. He will try to return in half an hour, but he will not risk his life for us. I tell him with a slight smile we would never expect such payment. Moments after the guard leaves taking his partner with him, an clear is sounded from out the window for that tavern. Justice and Arfin slip out hopefully to find a cart and coffin.

They return just before the appointed time, somehow managing to find a box that will suffice for a coffin. Not liking the idea that such a thing was so easily found, for people should join the light again after death and in order to do so must be cleansed by the fire of death. To do otherwise would not allow the steps- but dwarves seem to be okay with simple burial instead of the pyre. Just different ways… not for everyone, not for me.

The guard rushes in, glancing around hurriedly, “The ship you seek is down on the west docks.” He tells us more exactly the size and shape of the ship as well. We thank him as he retreats quickly, leaving us to our own devises now. Only one group of guards stop us, but as Justice explains our situation it is apparent most of the guards are merely going through the motions having no real fear or knowledge of what is happening. The light seems to be on our side.

My hand itches to grasp the unstrung bow at my back, too many guards all searching for us. Just one wrong move- one wrong word and they could discover us. Chastising myself for letting fear grip me, I focus on the words Michael taught me. Slowly refocusing.

As we board the swinging gangplank the captain yells out to us, as with most good merchants payment is on the top of his list. As Justice hands him the portion we agreed to pay before the leaving, I see Farathier duck just in time to miss a flying man holding a rope in one hand. As the man reaches the top of his arc he lets go unfazed by the thirty foot drop. He seeming to stop in mid air then his body flies outward as with practiced experience he grabs the large wooden beam holding the large main sail. Kareth pushes my shoulder from behind urging me to follow the others, but looking over my shoulder I can see he is as curious and mesmerized as I am. The ship I took to Thainesport was small, with but one mast. I will have to wait till after we are safely out of port to see the rest of ship life as we are quickly crammed into two small rooms. Justice and I in one with Arfin, Farathier, and Kareth in the other. Archonus in his imprisoned tomb waits for us in the cargo hold down the hall.

Justice throws her pack on the bunk to the right as I glance at the two stacked on the left. Smiling at the thought of Xath struggling into the top bunk I place my black bag up there. Justice starts to list the issues she already has with the captain. Though when she tells me that he charged extra for us having less passengers I can start to understand her frustration. Silently we settle in, Justice seemingly preoccupied with her own thoughts, and me content to keep mine to myself. I feel the slight movement of the ship beneath us and start to pace wanting to be above wind, sea spray and birds to fill my senses. Instead I stand in the middle of the room trying to orient myself, “We have stopped,” I say aloud. Justice looks up eyebrows raised, She slowly stands nodding her head, “Yes. They must be searching the ship even-”

“He is the one we are looking for!” From the hallway shouts a strangers menacing voice. Not knowing who had been seen and what we are running into Justice and I look for another door, another way to get out there.

The shadows blanket us in the blink of an eye, total and complete darkness surround us. I reach out my hand easily touching finger tips around Justice’s small forearm. Hearing the sounds of battle outside the doorway, Justice whispers she will rush the back wall, attempting to break it down. I move to the doorway trying to hear what is happening.

I hear a small grunt and the very faint bending of wood as Justice slams her body in to the wood, as she retreats for a third attempt I grab her arm asking her let me have a try. Using my larger more muscled frame I fly at the wall. I feel gashes sting on my arms and side from the splintered wood, knowing I have made a good deal of progress, I heave myself at it one more time. I burst through into another room. Feeling the wet stickiness on any uncovered skin I wipe my hands on my shirt. Seep in my mind I know the sharp points of wood will so more damage coming out then they did going in. I hear Justice fumble through the opening I made, move along the wall, and finally the creak of the door opening. No light shines in just more of the oppressive darkness. Only the sounds of battle grow louder.

Following her footsteps, I hear Justice’s blade slice through the air in front of us, while hitting a body on the floor with my booted toe I lean over to search it. Hoping with dread it is not one of my companions. Luckily there seems to be little damage done to the face, and it feels foreign.

Mid-motion the darkness disappears and the torch light resumes, burning my eyes in the sudden intensity. As they focus I see Justice, sword poised for another slash dripping with blood, and Kareth, fists bruised and hopefully painted with little of his blood. Both stand over two felled guards each bleeding from numerous wounds.

At the end of the hallway Arfin’s hands hold his axe and hammer inches from the white gauzed figure of our friend. As Archonus’s blades are held within inches of the shorter dwarfs head and neck. Both quickly drop their blades. Arfin kicking Archonus in the shin, “What ye be attackin’ me for?!” He yells. Archonus reaches out and slaps the dwarf, “You attacked me first!” He fumes in a rare display of emotion.

“Farathier!” I glance around questioning, noting our blonde talon friend is missing. Kareth points into the back room Justice and I had come through. Rushing back there I see Farathier just sitting up rubbing his head and groaning fragments of the shattered wall dusting him and the bed around him. Justice quickly takes the ankles of the body at her feet and motions Kareth to take the other end. Together they toss the three bodies inside the room where Farathier was knocked out. Getting a closer look at the skin and bodies with dread we note they wear the uniform of the King’s Navy Talon. All appear to be True Alders, which means they are most likely of his highest ranks.

Our captain, McShippy, barely contains his anger when he drops into the hold below seeing the destruction and a hale and hearty live sixth member of our group. He voice drops coldly even as his face heats with anger, “How do you expect to get out now? If they ask I will turn you over then risk my ship more!”

Justice steps in front of his face her voice turning to ice, “Captain,-“ Luckily, I think, she gets no further, as Archonus offers to row over in their dingy with the dead bodies propped up. The other guards still searching the boat above will help to row them all over to the big Navy vessel. There he will cause a distraction; he just doesn’t know what yet. It seems again Archonus is okay with sacrificing himself without thinking of another way first.

Farathier offers up another idea of just threatening to kill them with arrows from afar if they do not sound the okay, pointing to my bow with a smile. And thus keeping everyone on the ship, looking smugly at Archonus as he says the last.

Easily drawing the rest of the officers down; Mr. Shippy hurries the crew to prepare for departure again. As the others set up the guards and boat, I glide into place watchful of my movements in case any the other naval vessels look our way. I crouch down beside the high rail keeping my bow hidden till the guards come above. I see Farathier below me set up much the same, no sense in giving them any ideas. As the guards appear from below Arfin on one side Archonus on the other they are lead to the side of the rail. I knock an arrow, watching Farathier do the same. Marking one target, the arrow barely moves staying with their slow pace across the ships wooden deck. As they reach the ladder I see one look up, shuddering as our eyes meet. I am unsure in that moment that he try to flee if I could let the arrow fly…. He drops his eyes first hurriedly descending the ladder behind the others.

As the guards set an easy pace a scuffling and mutted shouts come from the other side of the ship. I keep my arrows trained on the guards, licking my dry lips, and trusting the others or the Light to tell me should I need the arrow to fly elsewhere. I hear Xath’s voice behind me say, “This was not part of the plan, but we can leave.” Turning I almost jump seeing on the deck below a true alder male- with the captain of the guards insignia on his uniform. He smiles round at us quickly setting off to help things get under way. I am unsure till a whistled melody reaches my ears, I have only heard that unique tune once and that from the short dwarf Xath. Smiling I glance back to the small boat weaving it’s way still to the larger one, feeling the shift and jolt under me as the sails are suddenly dropped and the wind pulls us forward.

That night Captain McShippy informs us that we will have to set port on Pyrdin, the central island. A large port city called Oceanus will have the supplies and gear that will allow us to reach Atur within a fortnight.

That night I sleep on the decks, letting the quiet of the sea rock me to sleep and letting my mind wonder at my fate that took so much far yet now is returning me to the same island I tried to leave behind. But the captain assured us it would but a day there- A day spent around a city of High Alder… maybe then I will know…
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First Post
Chapter 2- “Scions of a Dying Age”

Day Eleven - The Crossing to Oceanus

For the third time that night I awake to the soft bell sounding from the crow’s nest. Shaking off the mornings cold fog, I go quickly go to the bow of the large ship. Just as I had remember it, I feel the cool spray hit my face. I look down quickly seeing the sleek shape of the helpers. The sailors say they guide ships in times of trouble and give messages of good omens. I see Justice come above deck just before dawn, looking around with a purposeful questing. She then takes long strides to the stern apparently happy with the pacing distance between Wheel and rail. She stands for a long moment, and even at this distance can hear the Apectan creed echo through my mind. As she finishes I feel my lips stop moving, and turning back to the waves try not to think on that fact.

Finding myself bored and in need of activity I follow Xath as she learns the ropes of sailing. Some of the scragly crew are more willing then others to give me a lesson knowing that though it will slow them down it will be a long journey. Arhconus and Xath seem to catch on more quickly swinging and tying ropes that I am still struggling with. One of the crew told me I just needed to get my sea legs. I thought mine were fine and sturdy, but if these sea legs help me for this long journey I would gladly welcome them.

Farathier scoffs at the idea of helping the lower hands on deck, but offers to take watch in the mast. The crow’s nest I believe it is called. Arfin has yet to keep anything down, but with Kareth at his side he seems to be doing better. Justice- she is as she was. I have heard her by the captain talking of wind and currents, so it is not that she does not know of this sailing bit. But she contentedly spends her days with her journal or practicing her movements with her long sword.

As the stars began to grow in their light, we gathered round on the deck. It was a pattern we had set, and I was glad for some normalcy. As the pale moon light lit Xath’s face she asked Justice about her life, where she came from and what her dreams where. Though it took a few careful sips of her tea, Justice finally spoke of her time at the Jade Forest academy, her Fairweather name told of her parentage, she was child born at sea adrift. Her mother had come occasionally to see her, but never stayed for too long having given her to the Order.

Xath next looked to Arfin who told us of his lost wife and child, of his need for the drink he had hoped would bring death. He also spoke briefly of his strange religion, to someone called Dumotheon. He spoke little of this, but even the two short sentences where more then we had gotten before.

Kareth wisely saw he was next in line and before Xath could ask he told us in his own way of his home, One Oak far in the east. He also told us of his master, the one who had taught him all he knows. He also spoke lovingly of his mother, a gentle human woman.

Continuing around the circle we all looked to Farathier beside Kareth, and though he had to swallow a few times he finally told us of his time North and with the talons.

Xath spoke sadly of the death of her parents. Her voice telling the happy life she had lived both with them and later with the high alder that raised her. She spoke of how she didn’t want to leave here home near Sylvanus, but her elders had decreed it would be better for her. As she turned her gaze to me, she smiled urging me to continue the sharing.

It was easy to speak of Michael. It was not so easy to speak of his death, and it was even harder to tell them I had keep something a secret these long days. Hoping they would not hate me for the deception I told them of my connection to Link Woodshadow and all that had been said in the monastery. Looking to Farathier, I asked his forgiveness for not trusting him then. I had learned so much about them since them. Feeling the weight lifted when I was done, I knew there was nothing I would keep from these people again. Looking to hear what the last member of our group would say- well, maybe one thing…I admitted to myself.

Archonus sat quietly not having said a word, and not even having given notice to what was said thus far. As all eyes turned to him, he sat there continuing his meal not seeming to notice the looks. Finally Xath pushed, “Archon, wha’ of ye? Wha’ would ye tell us?” He glanced up slowly looking around at us all. “What would you know?” was his simple reply. He answered our short, yet broad questions, thinking before each answer. I felt for some reason that he never lied, but he also made a point to answer no more then what was asked. How like him. But we did find out that he had a mother and sister in Sylvanus but they were both dead now. He had trained with the Talons never fitting in, his mark always getting in the way of close relationships. As they asked him questions I start to realize they called him Archon. For some reason this felt wrong… he was Arhconus. Archon’s were angels, messengers of the Light; they were truth, honor and love combined. No, he was simply Archonus.

Finally we left off, knowing he would answer, but not wanting to intrude on his privacy we quieted. As the others began to move about, going below for the night or to find a more private area to brood, I sat next to Xath. She had a stick in her hands her short torso bent in concentration over a small pile of sand. She moved it about with the tip of the wood, but then uttered a curse and wiped her small foot over the sand. I asked her what she was drawing, and she replied easily a symbol for the army we were to lead. Symbols held a power of their own, and should never be over looked.

I sat quietly by watching as she again and again made pattern in the sand some intricate some like a child’s drawing, but soon they all took the form of a bird rising from the ashen sand. A Phoenix.

Finally I drew enough courage to ask about her time with the high elves of Sylvanus, not knowing much more then basics of their history, their way of life, their handling of the shame. She easily dealt with my pile of questions, shifting through them and asking me to repeat some she may have missed. Finally long after the second bell for the night rang we said good night. I smiled knowing oddly that Xath was one of those people I would be bound in friendship to for the rest of my life… no matter what came in our future.
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First Post
Chapter 2- “Scions of a Dying Age”

Day Twelve- The Crossing to Oceanus

I awake to Xath’s soft singing. Her dark circular form blocking most of the rising Anon’s light. As she stops and starts again I know she is creating something new. The language is harsher then the elvish I have heard her sing in before, but now I can see why most dwarves don’t become performers. I lay quietly listening to her and realizing that as with Selura, Xath’s songs didn’t need the words. The music itself held a power all it’s own.

As everyone break bread an hour later, the captain comes above deck announcing today as wash day. I see the smiles and playful punches the sailors give to one another. Surely doing laundry isn’t that fun. As the captain starts to return to his cabin he spots Justice, Xath and I. He walks straight to Justice throwing a slight glance at down at Xath and keeping his eyes low towards me. It seems he is only concerned with the outer shell of a person. I feel Xath’s hand pat mine, I guess to reassure me and hear him murmur to Justice, “You may wish to spend the morning below decks, and away from the window.”

With those cryptic words he walks away returning below. As he disappears, the sailors let out a whoop as one all seemingly unabashed in shedding clothes and diving overboard. Kareth it seems has not lost his love of water either as his splash rocks the ship. Justice rolls her eyes skyward and stalks below deck muttering about the ways of men. My cheeks flare with heat only looking away when Xath pulls my arm motioning to the bow area, “The should stay in the aft section.” Farathier with wet hair comes over to us hours later having apparently joined the group. He smiles something not often done and at my inquiry tells me the sailors told him with precious little fresh water on board and few hours of dead wind they get little free time. Thus a bath day is a special treat. His blonde hair normally straight curls slightly at the collar when wet, and his face relaxed with a smile changes his whole appearance. I sit in wonder as we three chat, too soon he leaves. Having not seen Justice for hours Xath and I travel below searching her out. She sits studying papers, but at out muffled entrance she shoves them inside her journal and quickly ties it bound behind her as she jumps up.

Though confused, we each decide not to mention it, as Xath leads us to other topics. She chief concern is for a banner for our army. As we discuss, we easily move so Xath and I bend Xath’s bunk with our combined weight and Justice sits regally on hers.

At about mid-day, the captain stops in surprised to find all three of us in there, he quickly nods asking us to come above for the midday meal. As we reach the top of the stairs, Arhconus calmly stalks towards us, “There is a boat of the art port.” The captain nods, but seems unfazed, since he saw it yesterday but thought it would take longer to close any distance. He tells us if we get him into any more trouble he will kill us himself, his voice cold, but his eyes such temper.

From that moment on the captain has two posted in the crow’s nest, one watching the ship alone the other searching for anything else on the open sea. Just hours later the crew shouts the warning, we have been spotted and identified. The ship is closing fast, and it is definitely one of the King’s naval ships. The sailor slides down the rope as the other finishes the shout, “It’s the Malwys, sir.” He slautes, body tense. The captain looks to aft as if by his glare he could change the name, change the past. Instead he grunts and calls everyone to arms. Glaring at us he orders us below, hoping the ship will move on and keep us from underfoot.

Sitting below in the eerie quiet we finally hear the shudder of a cannon ball hitting the port side. I fall from the top bunk cushioned by Xath as she falls from her bunk. Stumbling to get up all three of us race for the door, knowing we would do more good above.

As our door flings open we see, Arhconus, Kareth, Farathier and Arfin’s backs climbing to the top deck. Once up it is apparent the Malyws is attacking with no thought of asking questions first. As they begin to pour over the rail, the smaller ship continues to shutter under the onslaught of cannon fire. I raise my bow knowing I have little chance for error. I see Arhconus rushing to the front easily waving his swords at two attackers, I try to shoot them in the legs as the come over. Damage that may give them a chance to escape. I see bolts piercing the hearts of some coming across, and take a precious moment to see Farathier by the mast shoot as well. He is doing what I can not. As the other ship empties, and this ship fills I see a straight line to the other ship. Racing full speed I throw myself over one sword and jump the rail. My fingers grasp the other ships metal rail as my feet dangle in mid air. I easily swing my legs around falling into a crouch on the deck. Across the great expanse of the ship I see a sailor giving orders, that must be the captain… take him down, the rest will crumble. I look to the other ship quickly knocking an arrow. I see Justice blonde hair for a moment the her face covered with ash, smoke, and blood. I can do this, I must. Raising my bow I take aim, feeling a single shutter under my feet. My bow goes lack as my arm falls, I can’t…

I hear the clank of boots to my left and jumping up raise my bow and fire. The sword clanks to the ground as the man grasps his hand. Surprise! I race full speed across the deck swinging up onto the foredeck next to the captain. He turns startled ready to yell, I point the metal tip at his chest “Tell them to stop!” I growl. “Fire another volley!” He shouts with a scowl. I yank the bow down and fire into his knee. As he yells in pain and falls, I say again, “Tell them to stop!” He struggles to look up at me, white hair flying from it’s bounding. “All Others Over!” His voice weaker still reaches his crew, another wave that had been firing from the railing jumps up. His smile widens as he watches them. He slowly stands, and I feel my sweat endangering my hold on the bow. “Tell them to stop!” I yell, but my only answer is the scraping of metal as he draws a long silvery blade. I loose the next arrow into his foot, knowing instantly that the bones are shattered and he is held to that spot. “Don’t you want to live?” I almost step back at his menacing grin, “While I hold you here, we win.” At that I fire into his sword hand, as it clatters to the ground I have already moved around him. Watching past him as Kareth struggles to pull something from below. Justice continues to fight as Arhconus yells at her to jump across. Farathier holding two limp bodies and jumping the short distance, while arches of orange flame consume the wooden vessel.

“Don’t move,” I tell the captain darkly feeling the anger wash over me. He was able to keep giving orders, to stop fighting they should have been killed. I stand that way watching as McShippy quickly gets his even smaller crew in the rigging, and away from the deadly flames. I feel a gloved hand on my arm gently pressing it down, and then Archonus’s voice, “It’s over.” Justice comes up the stairs followed shortly by the others. Going directly to the captain she starts her speech. I only voice in to agree to let those who would go in a dingy to shore. In the end only the captain and five of his faithful followers choose to be left to the will of the waters currents and set off. Even with the new ship we soon realize we have to stop in Oceanus as planned, and I wonder at my usefulness.


First Post
Chapter 2- “Scions of a Dying Age”

Day Thirteen- The Crossing to Oceanus

The next day was spent adjusting to the new crew, and saying farewell to those who had died in the previous battle. Many were simply empty shrouds, symbolizing the bodies we could not find. The captain presided over each taking on the duty to send his sailors to the light. As his voice started to croak with soreness, Xath placed a hand on his shoulder. In that brief moment that he turned away, Justice stepped lightly forward and easily begin where he had let off. Though he looked unhappy at being pushed aside he relented, remaining at the front. At least in spirit sending them off how they deserved.

I remained near the front for only the first few quickly and silently moving backwards. The feeling that I should have done more was still weighing me down. As Justice’s voice picked up almost using the energy of her captive audience, a toothless scarred sailor confronted me. He stammered out that his friend had kept a pair of eagles below. They were kept to send with messages or put on look out, and to keep them honed he was the only one allowed near them. I wasn’t sure if he feared for them or wanted some good meat for dinner, but he had heard I may be able to get them out. Weather he knew it or not the birds had just been granted their freedom.

After he showed me the small cage the pair were kept in, I asked him to leave noting how they quieted considerably when only his rank smell was left. I could hear Justice’s voice above droning on then pausing to let the distinct splash be heard then she would start again. I closed my eyes focusing on the birds, at least them I could help. Once again I could use my rare gift, Michael had honed it for what he though was the right way, but I had learned much on my own. I had never before seen ones kept in such a manner, and couldn’t be surprised by their vicious natures.

Arfin brought me some food around mid-day, and so took a few mouth full of food trying to appease him and knowing I needed the energy. As soon as his back was turned, however, I returned to the eagles knowing I only had a few more hours. I finally got them to climb on my arm, though if I moved too quickly they dug their long talons in. Once on deck in the fresh salt air, they loosened up and ruffled their feathers. Still not leaving my side, but I could see they were adjusting well.

I took supper away from the crew and their looks of disgust. I chose to think it was toward someone carrying so much for graceful animals on my shoulders. Finally finished, I look around for Xath hoping to hear another story of the elves who raised her. I am learning more about my people from her then from anyone or anything else in my life. I feel a smile tug my lips as I go to talk to my friend having finally spotting her working on some knots in the aft section.

As I pass the great central mast, I hear Archonus yell, “TO ARMS!” I scramble to follow his pointed finger over to the port side of the ship. A gray veil of white fog is slowly making its way to our ship. The two eagles grip my arm tight swiveling their yellow eyes towards me. I can almost sense the question, lifting my arm straight out I give my answer, “Tell me what you see!” Needing no more encouragement, I struggle to watch their small brown shapes fade to black feint outlines and finally to nothing. Racing to the hold, I grab my stuff off the top bunk, Xath and Justice’s bunks seem to already be deserted of items. I see Archonus’s dark cape and Farathier’s gold head sprinting ahead of me to the aft section.

I reach the upper decks racing again to the prow and searching for the two birds. I call softly, but get no answer. I feel the air rustle my short hair from it’s loose knot, and to my fright I look over to see a humanoid in mid air with a body of scales and the head of a serpent with horns. I stare in horror, paralyzed even as he raises the long black and emerald spear. It’s metal head reflects the moon’s light as he pushes it through Arfin’s upper leg. At Arfin’s yell of rage, I see one of my arrow shafts flying towards the great beast. I feel calm as without realizing I place two shafts against the string. “Duck!” I hear from behind me, knowing it to be Farathier’s voice. I release both arrows and flatten myself to the deck, rolling in time to see his large scaled hands brush the points away.

I roll to my feet finding myself in front of what Farathier cried out about, a large back leathery winged beast like the humanoid with the spear only with standing on four legs and the size of an elephant. I see a dark green liquid shoot from its mouth and hear Kareth and Justice yelp in pain. I soon add my own cry of pain from a sharp pain in my bow arm, looking down to see the lizards spear sticking out of my arm. I dazedly realize also that I have been thrown against the deck rail and if not for that would have plunged into the cold waters. Grasping the bow tightly I grab the mid point of the spear yanking it quickly. My mouth opens to scream, but only stiff air is released. Free of the weight, I lift my arm quivering as the blood pours onto the deck. I release a few more bolts watching in satisfaction as they tear into the hide of the creature. Xath voice carries faintly on the wind and taking strength in the gift she is giving us, I continue to fire. Finally it goes down looking like a combination porcupine and armadillo.

The creature at my back howls in pain and then thumps to the deck. I see Archonus glancing around marking each of us and our wounds. I push my arm behind me turning to the others. Turning to see Justice pulling her sword from the creatures chest and Kareth standing next to it pressing one hand over his burned shoulder and neck. A smile blooms across Justice’s face as she looks down at the beast. Seeing the reflection of our spy glass I quickly reach under it and pull the leather and glass free as the boiling blood races towards it. As Justice’s lit eyes goes to inspect the downed humanoids armor, I slowly go towards the railing pressing hard against the arm wound.

Two dark shapes spear from the mist, whistling twice, I try to not just let them know where to go, but also tell those on this ship they are friend. As they near their squawking gets louder, but remains too fast for me to follow. It seems to be something about, “A Big Ship?” Archonus and Farathier come towards me asking what they are saying. Letting them land on the rail and my good arm, I peer into the fog repeating, “They say it’s something big and… it’s coming right for us.” I hold up the spyglass searching the thick fog.

The curtain of fog parts and reveals a nightmare. Our ship looks like a dingy compared to the monstrous black shape. Slowly sails can be discerned of the same leathery material as the creatures wings, and the very hull of the ship curved from monstrous bones. I investigate a small pebble sized ship tied to the side of the great vessel. I read in horror as it says “H.M.S. Sea Monkey” pitted, burned and scarred. I lift the glass slightly higher and lean against the rail feeling my stomach turn. Some faces just this morning we had released to the light where now walking jerkily about the deck! Their flesh hanging in places, while all vary from shades of ash to blue. Gapping wounds open to the dawning light of the moon, but bleeding no blood. Like the creatures in Thainsport just a short two weeks ago!

Xath’s chubby hands reach around mine pulling the spy glass down. She is able to put into words what my mind is still trying to grasp. The captain upon hearing the words spoken aloud shouts to his crew. Racing we must leaving with all haste. We have no hope against that, and it seems even in death we would not be safe. As everyone shoots into motion, I draw my small kukri cutting away strips of cloth from the fallen man beside me. Using teeth and my good hand I tightly tie the cloth round my arm hoping it will stop the bleeding enough. There is nothing more I can do now. I see Kareth stumbling toward the aft area pushing and holding Arfin in front of him. The healer on board is also the cook, but so far he has done a good job helping Arfin with his sickness. I can only trust him again with my friends lives. With two more hands down, I run past Justice as she stands putting on the chest plate from the fallen creature. The metal is darkest black embossed with two red flying creatures with claws pointed inward and wings spanning to the back. I feel my stomach roll again, and using my good arm swing into the rigging. Sending a quick few words to the Light.

As the sails unfurl they quickly catch the wind, letting us get some lead on the dark ship behind. We are too close to shore to believe otherwise, it heads straight for Oceanus’ port.

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