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League of Extraordinary Gentlemen; Eberron Style

Karl Green

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So I am slowly forming a game in my head and I wanted to get some help with some ideas and feedback… I want to run something of a mix of the comic series (and some parts of the movie) ‘League of Extraordinary Gentlemen’ tale set in Eberron. An evil mastermind is threatening the City of Sharn with madness and destruction, and a secret order within the city government forms a team of extraordinary individuals (the League of the Extraordinaries') to stop him.

As I want to make it very Pulpy, I am going to use the expanded Action Point uses found in the Unearthed Arcana (pg. 122-124). I am thinking about something for Psionics also, like the ‘Spell Recall’ or 'Metamagic Feat' for prepared spellcasting. Also I plan on grant Action Points during the game, not just as they advance in a Level. Do something crazy? Get a AP. Say something cool at just the right time? Get a AP. GM does something bad to you? Get an AP. etc.

The game will start in Sharn, but then our heroes might hop a Lightning Rail to Vedykar and then take an Air-galleon to Greenheart, and sailing ship into the Lhazaar Principalities, and finally races back to Sharn on horses chasing the villain to his secret lair to spot his evil plan! Each of these would be a chapter or issue of the tale, starting with ‘Birth of the New League”, and moving on to such tales as “Murder on the Starilaskur Express”, "Imperial Dreams", “Removing the Veil”, “Vampire Love Tales”, “Battle At the Top of the World” etc. Or maybe instead of Martian invasion, the heroes must stop an incursion of the Daelkyr, with huge machines appearing around Eberron, that they have somehow brought through the veil that separates us from Xoriat (or that could be the second story arc)

Next, I am debating the whole Heroes/Anti-Heroes thing. In the comics, most of the ‘heroes’ are not that nice…in fact they are murderous and rapists and terrorists. I am not sure I really want to go that route though… I tend to enjoy more heroic games myself. Still thinking on this one. I tend to run just ‘hero’ games, so maybe I should take a break and try and anti-hero game (where the characters are blackmail or bribed or something into working for the League. They might even become loyal to and like each other, but would always ‘resent’ the government).

NOW my idea for what makes the heroes extraordinary? Either I could just make the characters 6-8th level and call it good, but I was also thinking about the idea of a select few people in the world who have something like ‘Heroic Paths’ from Midnight, or the ‘Bloodlines Traits’ from Unearthed Arcana.

The heroes might be a master inventor-artificer type, the huge warforged brute (an experiment at the end of the Last War?), a combat specialist, the perfect thief, etc. If I go the ‘granted powers’ route, class/race and these abilities/powers will be closely tied together (such that if I use Bloodline Traits, only Shifters would be allowed to take Lycanthropy, only Changelings would be allowed to take the Doppelganger etc). If I use Bloodlines Traits, granting the hero ‘something’ each level, up to tenth level. For Intermediate Traits you would get the power every level (just like Major Traits gives, instead of every other level for ten levels) and Minor ones could also work for this, they would just grant their powers every level instead of every four levels (as Minor) AND you would chose two Minor traits, one that would grant you its abilities on your odd character levels (1st, 3rd, etc) and one on your even character levels (2nd, 4th, etc). Major powers are not really allowed as these traits only go to 10th level.

I kind of want more then just 'Bloodlines' though and am debating updating some from Midnight like 'Ironblood' or 'Quickening' etc. If I do this I will change the name trait to 'Paths' and so you might have "Path of the Ironblood' or 'Path of the Dragon' etc.

As all of the players are going to have these abilities no ‘level-adjustment’ stuff (I don’t really like that anyway).

The other route I could go instead would be to say they are all Gestalt character, but maybe impose a ‘no-multiclassing at all rule’ (and therefore no prestige classes either). I like some of the ideas of Gestalt characters but multiclasses and prestige classes, that kind of stuff can really mess me up. Fractional Bonuses help a bit, but not enough I don’t think. Not sure yet.

Finally I am allowing many of the Variant Character Classes talking about in Unearthed Acrana (pg. 47-58, and the Specialist Wizards on pg 59-64). I have the Complete Warrior, Divine and Arcane so most of the classes and feats from there are also open (although I don't think I want Samurai, Shugenja, or Wu Jen just as they are a little to oriental). Any thoughts on some character classes that I should limit? Should push??

Thoughts? What would be better do you think; start the characters at a little higher level or give them special ‘abilities’ that almost no one else on the world posses (either Bloodlines or Gestalt classes)? Heroes or Anti-Heroes? Story arch?

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Speaking about Marvel character stastitics in Dnd: How you found an accurate conversion of the "Juggernaght"?
I believe he should an epic character, probably 20 levels of Fighter and 5 levels of Reaping Mauler, Complete Warrior.
He also has armor that neagtes Pr. Xavior's psichic attacks ( the armor probably grants the immunities of the "Mind Blank" spell).


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I think the question you have to ask is how exactly you want to match the League. Are you trying to recreate them character for character? Or merely capture the flavor?

If you want to recreate them exactly I'd say just make them as you envison them and let the players fight over who gets who. You might want to use the movie version of Mina if you go that route as the comic Mina in DnD terms is basically a hard-assed expert.

If you want to simply capture the flavor of the League I'd suggest allowing each character one greater bloodline/heroic path/template/monster race of up to +3/4 LA. Since this would be the baseline for the campign no LA adjustment is needed. Tell the players to coordinate a balanced party and turn 'em loose. Adjust as needed if anyone clues out.

As to the whole hero/anti hero thing... In the comic one of the reasons the charaters were all basically social rejects was that it allowed 'M' greater control over the League. Also the setting was Victorian England where any adventuring type is going to be a social reject pretty much by definition. In fact in Victorian England the word 'adventurer' was not one with positive connotations, closer to halfway between scoundral and brigand.

However in Sharn not only are adventurers more acceptable, but nobody would blink at an ogre bodyguard. There is however the remaining factor of who your 'M' is selecting for. If he's the type who going to want to hold the team by the short and curlys then he might well select for people who will be facing death/persecution/whatever if he is not holding his hand over them.



Ooo ooo! I want in... wait... wrong board, this a realspace game Karl?


I find that allowing a broader spectrum of characters (hero and anti-hero) really gives a game a nice feeling to it, and the manner in which Eberron promotes alignments, being "evil" isn't always such a bad thing.

Like Andor mentioned are you going for a by-the-story characters? Or something along the similar vein but different characters. If the first, make 'em yourself and then let players fight over them, otherwise give a set of various archetypes you want filled (brilliant mastermind, perfect thief, insane inventor, etc.) and basically tick off the archetypes once someone claims it, removing it from others options.

On the power vein, gestalt can be fun but can also make it hard to judge a variety of things. The paths from Midnight I find to be more appealing than bloodlines, the bloodlines are really meh in my opinion. Level adjustments also work in well here, probably stick it around +4 or so.


Karl Green said:
As I want to make it very Pulpy, I am going to use the expanded Action Point uses found in the Unearthed Arcana (pg. 122-124). I am thinking about something for Psionics also, like the ‘Spell Recall’ or 'Metamagic Feat' for prepared spellcasting. Also I plan on grant Action Points during the game, not just as they advance in a Level. Do something crazy? Get a AP. Say something cool at just the right time? Get a AP. GM does something bad to you? Get an AP. etc.

Check out Bad Axe's Grim Tales for some more uses for AP and some suggestions on awarding them. Plus, it's cool, and ENWorld's own Wulf Ratbane wrote it.


Karl Green

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If I can figure it out I will probably run it as a PBP game.

I want to go more for the 'feel' of comics, not the characters themselves. Hmm like the idea of 3/4 level adjust and let the go wild but adjust as see fit.

Yes the whole 'rejects' in Victoria is something I thought about. Eberron is much more reject friendly :)

Hmm a mix of hero/anti-heroes might be cool to try

And yep I have Grim Tales, that is where I got the idea of "GM does something bad to the player. Give them a AP"

Hmm good stuff to think about


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I've also been thinking of running an LXG type game for Eberron. I've also thought of handing out AP during play, and might even switch over the Spycraft's action point system instead- I like how PCs can use action points to activate villain errors, for example.

One thing I'd thought of for the characters was simply using Four Color to Fantasy and giving them a set number of hero points each level (probably 4 or so). The Midnight paths are a good idea, but I'm with you, I didn't much care for the UA Bloodlines. Another possibility for one character might be Game Mechanics' scion classes, allowing someone's heroic role to be "weilder of Stormbringer", or whatever. If everyone else is getting extra powers, just give this character the levelling abilities of the weapon and that would be their power.

For Eberron especially, I would go with a mix of heroic and anti-heroic types. Even in the League movie (I haven't read the books), there seemed to be a mix: Quatermass and Sawyer were working from a sense of duty, while Hyde and the Invisible Man were helping so that they could avoid prosecution for their crimes (though Jeckyll himself did seem repenetant).

Some ideas for Eberron-type Extraordinaries:

A changeling whose powers have developed to the point where s/he actually becomes the person they're impersonating, completely undetectable and with some of that person's knowledge and abilities. However, the changeling's psyche is rapidly fragmenting due to the amount of time they spend as other people, and s/he is accused of commiting crimes s/he doesn't remember.

The last werewolf on Khorvaire, who is seeking sanctuary from the Inquisition of Thrane.

An intelligent undead character (probably templated) who's the result of a failed Karnath experiment to create a higher form of undead to command their legions. It developed free will and escaped. Think of sort of a Frankenstein's monster type of character, possibly with fits of barbarian-like rage.

A half-dragon PC. That's it, just the fact that they're a half-dragon. Given the history of Vol and how dragons are on Eberron, this template alone would make them pretty much unique.

The only criminal ever to escape from Deathold Island. Not sure what sort of abilities they'd have, possibly they could just be extremely skilled and cunning (ie unusually high attributes).

Hope this helps!


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In Eberron, you want Extraordinary folks? You've got it right in the setting!

Heirs of Siberys. Simply give them a siberys dragonmark as a free feat.

Is it powerful for 1st level characters? Oh yeah. But you wanted special folks!

The other, more boring option, would be to have them all have least dragonmarks - and give them lesser and greater, and then Siberys as free feats at levels 4, 8 and 12. And use of Siberys a second time at level 15 (or 16). This implies dragonmark races - OR does it??? What if a Warforged suddenly developed a dragonmark! What would That do to the Houses?? A Shifter Dragonmark house - talk about changing the balance of power!

Or, simply make warforged rarer than default, and adamantine ones all but unheard of, and you have one special character. Members of several different houses (competing with each other?) with dragonmarks as above, and then toss in something else - again if changelings are all but unknown, a person who can shapeshifte becomes something special. Create 'advanced' changeling feats to give them more options - alter self instead of just disguise self - etc.

Just my simple take.


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Giving everybody siberys marks would be too uniform to really capture the feel of the League I think. Also it would attract too much attention from the great houses.

An alternate construct type of warforged would be cool. Though I shudder at the thought of, say, a nimblewright with class levels.

I think Ferrix's idea of handing out archetypes and letting the players loose would work well.

I'm not sure how I'd typify the league by archetype.

Mina - Leader/Face
Jeckyll/Hyde - Muscle/Monster
Nemo - Genious Inventor
Invisible Man - Infiltrator
Quartermain - Adventurer
Mina - as above but with powers best not unleashed.
Grey - Immortal
Sawyer - Super Agent

These alter slightly in Eberron of course, plus there is the question of how many players you want. I'd think the minimum would be:

Face (Leader ?)
Genius (Artificer? Wizard? Alienist?)

I'd also suggest no duplicates. IE: Only one lycanthrope. Only one construct. The Leauge is all about being freaks. If there are a bunch of whatever they are then they cease to be freaks.

Oh, and I'll second Ferrix's call. If you're going to do this PBP let me know. :)



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I have also been thinking about using Erberron for a pulp game, but probably not using just the LXG for inspiration.

I was thinking more along the lines of LXG, Indiana Jones, Van Helsing, Tarzan, Sherlock Holmes, ...etc.

Fantasy flight games has a Sorcery and Steam Book with a number of great classes for such a game.

I have not gotten anything down on paper yet, but I think it would be alot of fun.


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