Legacy Of The Deep (Pt. 1) - Escape From Zanzer's Dungeon

Monster Zero

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If we get there attention. Then what ever fate we have at their hands will come about sooner. I for one do not wish to stay in here any longer than need be. That is if we can find no way to escape before then notice we are awake that is.

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Sydney Halehearth

"Hey! Hey you out there! Come here, we want to talk! We're cold, tired, sore, hungry, thirsty, perturbed, confused and frustrated and WE WANT ANSWERS!!"

Sydney turns to the rest of the group and smiles, then turns back to the door.

"And Tanarel wants his pipe back!"


First Post
As soon as Sydney ended his yelling, a hairy monster enters the hallway in front of the jail. He appears to be hobgoblin. He grabs the whip off of the table. Behind him follows a brawny man with bound hands. The monster stops in front of your cell, then says, "I'm wise to your tricks, prisoners. Lie face down on the floor. Don't try anything, or I'll bash you good!"

Poto Knezer

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I'll lay down in the corner nearest the door, next to the bars. If the Hobgoblin comes in, w/Sydney near the back, then someone should be behind him. I may jump him.

Monster Zero

First Post

Another fish for the net it seems.
Morn will lay down on the ground as the hobgoblin says. Though he will be ready to act if need be.


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Sydney Halehearth

While lying in the back of cell, Sydney will keep his head up and watch the new prisoner, to see what he's like.

"two people laughing, then a guard & a prisoner come in? That doesn't make much sense to me, but then what do I know, I'm just a halfling. Nobody really takes me seriously anyway..."

OOC: I will use Spot to see if I can notice anything strange or suspect about the new "prisoner". Spot check: 14(roll) + 2(skill bonus) = 16

He also looks to see if anyone is lying down near him or if everyone is in front of him.
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