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Legacy of the Silver Dragon: Chapter 1 (Chickens, Demons, and a Missing Girl)

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"What did you find?" Stellan asks, clearly skeptical of the threat the bell poses. Then he adds, with a slight smile: "A demon?"
"Nothing quite so grand yet, friend Stellan," agrees the wizard in kindred tones. "But perhaps a cursed item planted by one?"

Jorgen turns towards the door to point - which obviously wouldn't work if someone was blind. And then notices Antares (and possibly some of the rest) walking towards the door, and frowns slightly as the elf doesn't come in but is obviously inspecting the door.
Indeed, once on the other side, just below the bell, the young wizard pauses, closes his eyes and listens with rapt attention...

"The melody is strong," he whispers to those around him. "First and foremost there is a single, discordant note that seeks to change, to make others travel its path... but muffled. It hides, secure within the shielding beats of... a cloak? A protector? Or perhaps simply a Control, the hand that holds the leash, the bars that cage the beast?" He opens wide green eyes, turns them up towards the tiny bell, "In truth I have not heard it sung quite this way before, so some experimentation-"

<Assuming the shopkeeper approaches right around then:
"Ah, master Jorgen," welcomes the elf, his smile broad. "We would like to purchase a bell from you this fine morning. *This* bell, to be precise."

[sblock=For Gambler]
Myst's holy symbol also rings, a bright, strong sound.
To Antares' knowledge, was this there before or is it new?

What about Muzdin's black orb (concealed in his hand)? No notes from that?[/sblock]
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OOC: I probably need a response from Whizbang Dustyboots on what Bosco is now doing, to decide how the shopkeeper reacts to everything. Last I knew he was still, carefully, whacking stuff with his cup.

[sblock=For Antares]The black orb in Muzdim's hand remains completely silent.[/sblock]


[sblock=More for Antares]The symbol for Myst has always given off that aura, yes. And also, Stellan's ring makes an oddly muffled sound, as if drawing everything around it into itself - also something you've noticed previously.[/sblock]

Catching Muzdin's questioning glances, Myst could only shrug his shoulders and shake his head. He had no idea what exactly was happening and was waiting for Antares to tell them something significant.


Master Jorgen looks surprised at Antares' question. "This bell? What ever for?" He scowls, though no more so than might be expected at an odd purchase request such as the one he's been presented. The request has him flummoxed enough that he doesn't appear to notice Bosco's theft, though he mutters under his breath, "Good riddance." as the halfling moves by him and out of the store, puzzled eyes still on the elf as he waits for his reply.

OOC: Antares is too raptly attending to the mystical music of the bell and his negotiation with the shopkeeper to notice the theft.

Voidrunner's Codex

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