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Legacy of the Silver Dragon: Chapter 1 (Chickens, Demons, and a Missing Girl)

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Actually, it's the city guard choice." The dwarf states matter of factly.
"The time for the constabulary was a full watch ago, master Stonehand," counters the lean elf with just a hint of their usual shared annoyance with each other. "*This*, on the contrary, is a thing we five are uniquely qualified to successfully carry out," he finishes, mostly addressing the others by then.

"Less talk, more walk."

Bosco helpfully leads the way out, weapon in hand.
"What is the matter with him lately?" asks Antares behind him, head tilted in mild puzzlement/concern... and apparently not the least bit tempted to follow. "First he will not scout... then he charges to the frontline... now he does not even wish to inspect a 'conquered' room for loot or secret compartments?" Greed, desire unleashed, had formerly been Bo's steadiest, most constant friend... "And this pleasure he seems to take in the hurts of others..."

Troubling really.

Without another word <I'm assuming?>,
Myst follows Bosco out, sticking close to Anna and assisting her if she needs it along the way.

<Response Myst?>

<Should he still go:
"Stellan?" softly inquires the elf of his last remaining friend (though Muzdin is still technically here, it is true). "Will you remain at least long enough for the runes to be scribed, and perhaps a quick look around as well?" He would like to carry Former-Anna out of here too, to give her the same courtesy as the one promised to the bones of that other victim of theses dread caves... But perhaps that is too much to ask right now?

<Response Stellan?>

OOC: If Stellan agrees, Antares will carefully lay Former-Anna back down, put her belt-and-pouch in his things for later study and then stand. After a second of hesitation, he will begin by, somewhat sadly, casting Detect Magic on the room/walls/floor/altar/cup/Former-Anna's belongings/the pool of silvery water... Anything of note?
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OOC: Guys, thank you for the roleplaying. It was well done, though as a result I am debating a change in direction of this particular thread. It feels like there may be incompatible desires in how the game is played, and I'm willing to consider splitting the group in two, both in the same world. None of this will happen until AFTER the New Year though. In the meantime, I will continue posting here, but probably no more than once a week until 2013. As such.. here's my next update 'ICly' for you.

Stellan, his bloodlust for the battle dropping, turns to Antares and says: "You may have been right. But when something's attacking you, and in this case - Anna, it's hard to imagine that they aren't a monster. However, we've been friends for a long time and I'm sorry for not having listened to you more closely. I will stay with you until you're ready to leave."

As Antares casts detect magic, he hears a veritable cacophony of sounds coming from the altar itself and the sigils on the walls. It's chaotic, and almost hungry somehow. The water itself doesn't appear to emit any sounds, perhaps oddly.

There is little of note in the room, although the body of the fallen, larger female does have the belt with a very beat up pouch on it. There is the remnant of a sigil - dusty, torn, perhaps a tree, embroidered on the pouch. A few coins are found scattered around the floor - 8 silver pieces.

OOC: Whizbang, I know I still need to count how much treasure was found from the second gelatinous cube's location.

OOC: Let me know now what everyone is doing. Stellan and Antares appear to be staying to scribe the runes. Last I saw Mysthyr, Muzdin and Bosco are leaving with Anna...

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Stellan, his bloodlust for the battle dropping, turns to Antares and says: "You may have been right. But when something's attacking you, and in this case - Anna, it's hard to imagine that they aren't a monster. However, we've been friends for a long time and I'm sorry for not having listened to you more closely. I will stay with you until you're ready to leave."
Antares smiles the smile of the terminally relieved. "My thanks, Stellan. It is... truly appreciated." He carefully lays Former-Anna back down on the cold stone floor, carefully unlatching her belt, trying not to look too much, and puting the resulting belt-and-pouch in his things for later study (There is the remnant of a sigil - dusty, torn, perhaps a tree - embroidered on the beat up thing... but still, it does not feel quite right to open it now, here, in this place of her torment...). And so he stands. After a second of hesitation, the young mage begins by, somewhat sadly, incanting: "I hear. I see. Roshasanant!"

(Quite a different context he had imagined for the use of this spell when he once more studied its elegant workings this morning...)

As Antares casts detect magic, he hears a veritable cacophony of sounds coming from the altar itself and the sigils on the walls. It's chaotic, and almost hungry somehow. The water itself doesn't appear to emit any sounds, perhaps oddly.
"Hm?" Puzzled, the elf looks up, contemplating the small firmament of runes that dominates him, Stellan and the room...

OOC: Can he make anything of their meaning, aiding himself with the active Detect Magic? For example, is there a word/rune/concept that seems to sing louder than the rest? Or maybe a beat that underlies all the others?

What about the Altar's cup used by Former-Anna? Anything special about it (markings, insets, a maker's mark or the like)?

OOC: Let me know now what everyone is doing. Stellan and Antares appear to be staying to scribe the runes. Last I saw Mysthyr, Muzdin and Bosco are leaving with Anna...
Muzdin hasn't specifically said if he's leaving or staying yet, and Antares is hoping to have some kind of exchange with Myst before he goes, but basically correct, yes. He's just indulging in a little bit of curiosity before he gets to the actual writing part. :p[/sblock]
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OOC: Will wait for some more feedback from folks as to where they are... Please note that Stellan's choice to stay behind isn't the DM trying to influence matters.. He has a backstory of being friends with Antares. :)

I hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving!

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
OOC: As the coins were discovered after Bosco described himself leaving, I'm going to assume that he came back to get them?
Bosco scoops up the coins and heads out.

"Come along now and split these coins with me, or I'll use them to help pay for your funeral; makes no difference to me."
The way he's not looking at them as he says this, the offer to share. Was that... an apology? It makes Antares feel all funny inside. And he seems to be smiling tight (and crying) again: "I'll be right out!" he assures Bosco's back.

The young mage wipes at his eyes and rushes to scribe the wall markings as quickly but as precisely as he can on one of his blank parchments. The loss of his priceless ink does bring him short for a few heartbeats, but then he pricks his own wrist "Ow!" and uses *that* as his ink. Which is... probably not a good idea, but as long as he doesn't sign his name at the bottom... It *should*, in truth, be alright, right?

OOC: The observation of the runes and the cup still stand, Gambler, as I figure those occurred before Bosco's 'return'? (See my last IC post)

Voidrunner's Codex

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