We are always continuing to expand our VTT options, and we've been building out more books for the Foundry VTT lately. We are still making tons of great stuff on Fantasy Grounds, Roll20, and Shard, but we've had a lot of requests recently to add Foundry options and they are on the way! You can check out our whole Foundry collection here, but since we just finished our Mechanical Monsters Quick-Starter (already fulfilling now!) we wanted to throw a special highlight at our Mechanical Monsters 5E Foundry VTT module, which you can purchase at the LG webstore or on DrivethruRPG! Our list of VTT options is growing all the time, so let us know if there's a particular product you'd love to see for your favorite VTT and which one you use most!

We also have new class options, magic, and more for our 5E fans every month with our marvelous monthly magazine, and the latest issue is here for you with The Dragon’s Hoard #39, available now with magical items like the staff of the unbound coven and bottled scream, spells like silver needles and hieroglyphic barrier, class options like the Beastlord primal path and Winter Knight paladin oath, and monsters like the wise threskisphinx and the sinister hell-horse cavalo do sonho! Grab this 28-page 5E book in print or PDF today at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, Amazon, and DrivethruRPG!

Each issue of The Dragon's Hoard collects all of the new magic items, class options, spells, monsters, and more from our Legendary Loot Patreon, which publishes new 5E content every single day, with new magic items free to everyone each week on 5E FREE-day, like today's spell dodging shield! A new issue of The Dragon’s Hoard releases every month, and our Patrons get their copies for free on the 1st of each month, but they go live for everyone by mid-month. Check out some of our recent issues like:

We also have new class options, magic, and more for our 5E fans every month with our marvelous monthly magazine, and the latest issue is here for you with The Dragon’s Hoard #39, available now with magical items like the staff of the unbound coven and bottled scream, spells like silver needles and hieroglyphic barrier, class options like the Beastlord primal path and Winter Knight paladin oath, and monsters like the wise threskisphinx and the sinister hell-horse cavalo do sonho! Grab this 28-page 5E book in print or PDF today at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, Amazon, and DrivethruRPG!

Each issue of The Dragon's Hoard collects all of the new magic items, class options, spells, monsters, and more from our Legendary Loot Patreon, which publishes new 5E content every single day, with new magic items free to everyone each week on 5E FREE-day, like today's spell dodging shield! A new issue of The Dragon’s Hoard releases every month, and our Patrons get their copies for free on the 1st of each month, but they go live for everyone by mid-month. Check out some of our recent issues like:
- The Dragon’s Hoard #21, with class options like the boarder, android, and military society!
- The Dragon’s Hoard #22, monsters like the faithful church grim, the treacherous raktavarna rakshasa, and the eternal time dragon!
- The Dragon’s Hoard #23, with spells for every letter of the alphabet from amplify elixir to zenith trajectory, including eagle eye, king’s castle, festering wounds, and phantasmal revenge!
- The Dragon’s Hoard #24, with monsters like the charming gourd leshy, the awful animate dream, and apocalyptic dread mothman!
- The Dragon’s Hoard #25, with class options like the sanctified crusader background and feats of corruption like Absorb Violent Energies!
- The Dragon’s Hoard #26, with spells like feast of ashes and winds of vengeance and class options like the sanctified crusader!
- The Dragon’s Hoard #27, with monsters like the devastating warmonger devil, the eerie polyphonic plasm, and the unstoppable steam-powered clockwork dragon!
- The Dragon’s Hoard #28, with magical items like the sunsilver shield and fearsome war paint and special materials like darksteel and elysian bronze!
- The Dragon’s Hoard #29, with special materials like cryptstone and blood crystal, and monsters like the ravenous fjord linnorm!
- The Dragon’s Hoard #30, available now with magical items like the life lance wand and moondust, spells like nimbus of light and death pact!
- The Dragon’s Hoard #31, available now with magical items like the firefly dart and spells like fearful rapture and torch-wielding mob!
- The Dragon’s Hoard #32, available now with monsters like the moon hag and brain in a jar!
- The Dragon’s Hoard #33, available now with magical items like the aeromancer’s heart and minotaur sweat!
- The Dragon's Hoard #34, available now with monsters like the time-twisting cuegle, the bloodthirsty deinos herd, and the devastating hundred-handed hekatonkheires!
- The Dragon’s Hoard #35, available now with magical items like the shieldsplitter lance and swordmaster's blindfold.
- The Dragon’s Hoard #36, available now with class options like the Angel of Wrath, Verdant Knight, and new sacred vows!
- The Dragon's Hoard #37, available now with spells like demonhide, village veil, defiler's mantle, and ravaging remorse!
- The Dragon’s Hoard #38, available now with monsters like the dream-weaving meigas and the venerable La Befana!