D&D 5E Leif's First 5E Homebrew In-Character Thread 1A

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No longer having to prepare for the rock to go flying after the dwarf's comment, Lee asks, "Why are we still standing around this rock when the mayor's wife is still in peril?"


East of Stone Mill
Round 0

Risia followed after the others as they moved along across country. “If it does mark some ancient elven road, perhaps it’s a path the bandits know about that the other locals don’t,” the minstrel mused. “We should maybe keep our eye out for more of those stones. Or maybe they aren’t elven at all, but a mark of the bandits.”

Bonus Action:
Free Object Interaction:

HP: 10/10
AC: 13

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast, Prestidigitation
L1 (1/1): Faerie Fire, Sleep

"Yes, let's be alert and continue forward. Bandits have so much head start we'll also need some luck." Lee then touches her holy symbol and prays, "May the sun's light reveal the way."


Heading East from Stone Mill -- Watch Tower

The adventurers continue following the trail, and a few miles further on they see a structure ahead on the horizon. The trail continues. and goes straight toward the structure, which seems to be a watch tower of some sort, about 25 feet high. As you approach it, the trail begins to be confused with a large number of other tracks and about an eighth of a mile away from it it becomes impossible to discern the tracks any longer.
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Lee takes a moment to take in the tower and terrain around it.

OOC: Is there someone manning the tower? Is is possible to approach the tower unseen?

What is the terrain behind the tower? Open? Wooded? IOW, is this a forward post or is it close to whatever it is doing sentry duty for? Why is the tower right here?

Perception [roll0]
Insight (the tower's purpose) [roll1]


East of Stone Mill
Round 0

“Lots of activity around here,” Risia murmured, noting the myriad of other tracks now in the area until they get closer to the tower. She crouched down in the grasses and brush to study the tower, reaching into her sleeve and pulling a slim icicle out. It had a slight blue glow in the heart of it.

Perception: 1D20 = [4] = 4

Bonus Action:
Free Object Interaction:

HP: 10/10
AC: 13

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast, Prestidigitation
L1 (1/1): Faerie Fire, Sleep


Watch Tower

It is not really possible for you to inspect the details of the tower's construction from this distance, but there is no logical purpose for any of the current residents of the region to build such a tower here. The elves among you, and those of elvish heritage, know that in earlier years, this region was under elvish protection. What purpose there may have been at that time for such a structure is not known, but that certainly seems to be a possibility. The terrain around the tower is fairly open, with some low scrub brush and a few isolated taller trees. If the woods were very thick, it would not take much to obscure the tower.

Forward post? Sentry duty? Why is the tower here? These remain burning questions, but the answers are a mystery.

It will probably not be possible to approach the tower without being seen, if there are sentries manning the upper reaches, that is, but you see no signs of movement atop the tower nor through any of the few windows.

Voidrunner's Codex

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