Leif's Homebrew 4E, OOC1


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The full version of the 4e Character Builder is now available as a free download from Wizards. So anyone can now make a character of any type, just by following the on-screen prompts! Check it out, Rhun. Just visit http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/welcome and open a free D&D Insider account.

The full version is no longer free, but the free version is good for levels 1-3, so it'll get you started good, anyway. ;) (Just be careful not to get hooked!)
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H1: Keep on the Shadowfell, The Story Begins....

As play begins, the party will have met each other as you have all been traveling to the same destination: Winterhaven, a fairly small town, one of the 'points of light' in a world of ever-increasing darkness. Winterhaven is located in the Forgotten Realms. More specific details may be forthcoming later on. Players may choose any Forgotten Realms background from the FRPG that they desire. I don't know where in the 'Realms your characters came from, so that's up to each player's individual preference. You're going to Winterhaven because you've heard that there is a 'weakness' in the fabric of the Prime Material Plane there that is allowing fell creatures, mostly undead, to cross over to the Prime Material Plane from the Shadowfell. The town is in need of strong defenders, and the appearance of the undead from the Shadowfell is quite a mystery. It fairly begs to be solved, wouldn't you say?
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[Please note, those of you without the FRPG, that you need to get with someone who DOES have it (ahem!) and choose a region of origin, because of certain regional feats and other goodies that could give your characters a little extra ooomph.]


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I've updated Spike's information in the RG. Have our character's met up on the road and are going to head into Winterhave together?


Oooh, that's a good question! Let's see, I don't think the entire party should be pre-assembled while you are this far out from Winterhaven, but all the characters could have formed smaller traveling groups with each other. Or, maybe there are some loners in the group who prefer to travel alone? It's pretty much all up to you. All I will say is: Don't have every pc in the same group before we start. We'll start at a roadisde inn about one day's journey from Winterhaven, and you can all meet up there. (Or not, I suppose, if you want to make my life a living hell!)


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Leif, I should be able to FINALLY get to reading all the info you sent me this weekend. If somebody is willing to help me with the CRUNCH of the character (I believe you mentioned...was it Reveille?)...I can get the FLUFF done.


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I can't see Mowgli's PC, what race/class is he?
(my work lappy blocks unauthorized .exe programs from running and my home PC has some issues installing that .Net application required for the program... *sigh* I hate Vista...so much...so very much)


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Leif, I should be able to FINALLY get to reading all the info you sent me this weekend. If somebody is willing to help me with the CRUNCH of the character (I believe you mentioned...was it Reveille?)...I can get the FLUFF done.

I know that I offered if you need any help (or anyone else not too familiar with 4e's character generating process) with making a PC, I've put at least a dozen or so together.


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I know that I offered if you need any help (or anyone else not too familiar with 4e's character generating process) with making a PC, I've put at least a dozen or so together.

It probably was you that Leif mention, Reau1g...I'm just getting my "Rs" all messed up. At any rate, I would like to put together a roguish character, but I am completely unfamiliar with the rules, and don't even have the rules books.

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