Session 1 – Leaving Neverwinter
Met up with some adventurers: Heinrick (Dwarven Paladin); Gerald (Human Cleric); Rasputin (Half-Elf Warlock); Brace (Wood Elf Rogue)
Me, I’m Lenora, a High Elf Wizard castigated from my clan in the Silvertree Forest. I’m studying to become a Bladesinger, inspired by the old tales of Tal’ana Culith – Dragon friend and Elf protector.
Heinrick got us a job to escort a wagon to Phandalin. One of his kinsmen, Gundren Rockseeker, promised us 10 gp each for this job while he and his partner Sildar Hallwinter would travel ahead of us and meet us at Barthan’s Provisions in Phandalin.
When Heinrick and Gundren started speaking about Elves for some reason, I told them a story about a clan of Dwarves and a tribe of Elves who bred with each other. Gerald could tell it was just a tall-tale, but I told the group, “with a good story, truth matters little; it is all in the telling.”
I haven’t gotten to know too much about the group I travel with yet, but I’m sure I will.
On our first day out, we found a wagon with two dead oxen. Arrows killed the animals. Heinrick went to check it out as we all followed. Goblin ambush.
I think it was 5 of the small swine. I took an arrow to the shoulder almost knocking me down. Then I hid under the wagon and used my frostbite magic against a couple of foes. Brace went down, but Gerald was able to heal him. Rasputin fired deadly energy from his hand (his one hand. Yes. He is missing an arm. That’s probably a good story, I’ll have to find out more about). Heinrick also took a grave wound, but the cleric also worked his healing magic to bolster the Dwarf. Heinrick applied his hands to my wounds and I felt much better. He was very kind, almost fatherly.
Heinrick was able to find an empty map case in the ambushed wagon, and he also realized that this was Gundren Rockseeker’s. We followed some signs through the brush to the northwest avoiding a few traps on the way. It seems like Gerald has the best eye for danger of our group. Let’s hope we can keep more aware as we venture further.
At a cave, we sent Brace ahead to scout it out, but he slipped on some rocks and splashed into a stream that issued forth from the cave mouth. That’s when 2 goblins surprised us from the forest. I had to use my magic to shield myself from another arrow, but soon enough, Rasputin, Heinrick, Gerald and Brace took care of the threat. Strangely, Heinrick wielded an Elven longblade, a weapon that certainly caught my eye. I’ll have to find out more about this.
I had to admit, I was a little tired having used all my major magic, but Heinrick urged us into the cave for fear that his cousin and his partner were in danger.
Inside the cave, we fought 3 wolves. Gerald nearly went down, but he stood strong and killed the last of the wolves. Inside the wolves’ den, we searched and found a crumbled down area in the far corner. Nothing else of interest. It seemed as if we would need to continue north and follow the stream that flowed gently from north to south. Pretty soon, I’d like to take a short break to revive at least a little of my magical power (arcane recovery).
Session 2 – In the Goblin Caves
We rested for about an hour inside the wolf den and I was able to muster up strength to prepare one more spell.
Heinrick could wait no longer so he charged deeper into the cave up a ledge beside the stream. We saw a passage to the west, but it seemed like a rocky chute of sorts. Heinrick continued beside the stream to see a bridge about 15’ above us. Then, the sound of roaring water rushed toward us. Gerald and I jumped aside and held onto the walls, so did Rasputin and Brace. Heinrick lost his footing and was pushed down by the torrent. He reached out and was able to catch Gerald’s hand preventing him from flowing down the steam.
At that point, we saw a goblin atop the bridge. It was ducked down low behind a railing hiding, but Heinrick quickly threw a javelin at it, killing it and sending it flying off the bridge into the stream below. I suggested that we rush up as far along the stream as possible in case the rushing water was some kind of triggered event.
At the top, we fought some goblins, but one ran into an adjacent cave. From behind on the bridge another goblin appeared and shot Brace, knocking him to the ground, bleeding in a lifeless clump. I was able to frostbite the little bugger, but I had no time to help Brace. Rasputin, Gerald and Heinrick engaged a goblin above and pretty soon we heard the yelling of a larger more dangerous foe, a bugbear. I created an illusion of a bolder near another one that Heinrick was hiding behind to give us a little more cover. Rasputin fired some mystical energy into a goblin. Gerald tried to create sacred flames, but to no avail. Heinrick moved up and dodged to keep the goblin and bugbear from advancing on the rest of us, and we all tried to do more damage to the bugbear. Rasputin called upon his eldritch might and a sickly green ray struck the bugbear, but the bugbear shook it off.
Soon after, a large wolf emerged from the back cave to join the bugbear and the goblins. Heinrick dodged deftly, but Gerald took scimitar slash to the side and went down. Seeing that things were going badly, Rasputin ran for the stream and the cave exit. I fired an icy knife at one of the goblins, which killed it outright and sent icy shards into another goblin, killing it, injuring both the wolf and the bugbear.
With Gerald down, Heinrick tried to stay up, but the wolf took him down too. Before he fell, he tossed me a medallion from around his neck and told me to save it as a keepsake. After catching the medallion, I ran back to the bend of the stream to see where Rasputin had gone. The bugbear came after me but could not attack me yet. Then he shouted some command to the wolf and the wolf bounded past me, giving pursuit to Rasputin. I unsheathed my short sword and took a wild swing at the wolf, but missed. Then I faced off against the bugbear. I imagined that this was a test to see if I could truly become a Bladesinger. With nearly fatal resignation, I thrusted the point of my sword toward the bugbear’s abdomen, and scored a devastating blow that killed the creature. Then, to try to get the unconscious Brace to safety, I dragged his body up the stone stairs a little closer to where Gerald and Henrick lay dying.
Meanwhile, Rasputin was under the bridge being chased by the wolf. He jumped up on the side of the wall and found some handholds. Then he deftly climbed his way up on top of the bridge and made his way toward Gerald and Heinrick. He was able to utter some prayer of sorts and stabilize Gerald. The wolf sniffed the area under the bridge, but when it could not find its prey, it turned and ran back to me. It leapt upon me and that’s when all went black.
Then I was in a field with Tal’ana Culith, the ancient Bladesinger, friend of Dragons and protector of Elves. She was instructing me. Teaching me how to use blade and magic in concert.
Eventually I woke, regained consciousness and found out that Rasputin was able to kill the wolf with a few bolts of his eldritch energy. He also tended to our wounds and dragged us into a cave with a fire and some furnishings, evidently the bugbear’s lair. We were lucky. None of us perished, but we came oh so close.
Inside the cave, we found a few gold and silver pieces and a pile of copper, provisions, and a few potions. Gerald and I looked over the potions and determined that they were potions of healing. We saw no sign of Gundren or Sildar, but we needed to take a rest so Rasputin stood watch at the entrance to the bugbear’s lair. The rest helped us recover some physical strength, but still both Gerald and I had no major magical powers left to offer.
Heinrick and Rasputin did not want to waste any more time so they scouted over the bridge. Since we knew that we were not going to be able to take a longer rest, the rest of us followed. On my way past the fallen bugbear, I cut off its head and took it with us to use as a bargaining chip.
Over the bridge and a little ways down another tunnel, we came to a cave with 4 goblins. Gerald drank one of the healing potions to fortify himself. Then, Rasputin took an arrow to the chest, and the others went into combat. I held forth the head of the bugbear and told the goblins to stand down or they would be next to die. One of the creatures was scared back, but the other 3 stood their ground. Henrick and Gerald, with Brace flanking for a sneak attack took down the goblins and we were able to see another cave up a small flight of steps. A few arrows from the other cave hit Heinrick, but they were both minor wounds.
Inside that cave, there was a heartier goblin, along with the one that ran, and a bound, prone man, Sildar. Heinrick and Gerald rushed into the cave, and Heinrick was able to cut down the goblin leader. Rasputin, Brace and I also arrived in this area of the cave. I was able to frostbite the goblin before it could jab its dagger into Sildar. It told us it would kill Sildar if we moved, but Gerald was able to make divine flames consume the goblin as it poked Sildar for only a minor wound before it died.
We untied Sildar and spoke with him. He told us that Gundren was beaten up by the bugbear, but then he was taken somewhere else. Eventually, using some historical knowledge Heinrick and I were able to determine that the Cragmaw area was in the southern forest, and perhaps Gundren was taken to Castle Cragmaw in that region. Sildar suggested that we all head for Phandalin so that we could recover from our ordeal in relative safety and we agreed. At that point, I wanted to speak with Heinrick about the medallion and the Elven longblade that he used, but we didn’t get a chance to speak too much as I gave him the medallion back.
We were able to make it back to our wagon and oxen, and before nightfall we made it to Phandalin.
Session 3
We pulled into Phandalin at about dusk and headed immediately to Barthan’s Provisions. Inside, we talked with Elmer and were paid 10 gp each for delivering Gundrun’s goods. Elmer also told us about the Red Brands, a gang of thugs in the town, who have made business and the lives of the common folk more uneasy. Additionally Elmer revealed that he’d been waiting for the other Rockseeker brothers, two of them, who had gone off about a tenday ago. Heinrick was concerened about that too.
After conducting our business, we found an inn in the middle of town and went in to get rooms. Heinrick was driven by exhaustion, and he handled the arrangements, but as he was talking with the innkeeper, a table of boorish men, wearing red armbands started saying that there were no rooms to be had at the inn. Heinrick didn’t appreciate this, since the innkeeper seemed ready to rent a room just moments ago. Then one of the thugs moved up to Heinrick, but Heinrick, told h im to “leave,” and the thug did just that. It seems as if our fellow, Heinrick has the ability to use his voice in a commanding manner, some magical trick that we had not known about until this moment. With that, the rest of the roughies got up and followed their comrade out, not understanding what had just happened.
Henirck finished getting us the room, and he went upstairs to take a bath. Brace stayed int the room with him, but Gerald, Rasputin and I left the inn to go get Rasputin a new staff so that he could begin to remake his broken spellcasting focus.
Outside, we ran into the Red Brands again. I tried to hustle us off to the side to hide, but was not successful. Then Rasputin and Gerald walked toward them. Rasputin was saying that we had been thrown out of the inn, which was what the Red Brands wanted in the first place, and when the thugs seemed to discuss taking us on, Gerald puffed up and said they’d need at least twice as many of them to take us on. I walked over to Rasputin and waited for his next move. When he whispered for me to go ahead of him, I walked forward, but one of the thugs grabbed me and I could not break free. Then they taunted me and made a crude sexual innuendo offering me a place to sleep for the night.
All this time, Brace was able to hear the commotion from the room so he warned Heinrick. Eventually, Brace came out the inn door, and Heinrick, naked, wielding his sword jumped down from the 2nd story of the inn on to the ground below. That was quite a sight.
While the thug was holding on to me, Rasputin showed them his missing arm, and he said that I was responsible for this, so they should not mess with me. Then, Gerald told the thug to “flee” using his divine magic. It worked. The thug let me go and started to flee. Gerald and Rasputin built up the story about how dangerous I was, and the others looked back at the naked Heinrick and decided to run off with their companion. They said that they’d let the boss take care of this.
After the thugs left, Gerald walked in the direction they had fled to see if he could see where they were going, and Brace disappeared into the shadows and trailed the Red Brands.
Rasputin and I went back to the provisioner and got Rasputin his staff. Then we returned to the inn and met up with everyone. Eventually, Brace returned. He told us that the Red Brands went to an old run down taphouse nearby. He heard them talk about their leader, referring to “her” as they tried to decide who would tell about the night’s experience. They seemed reluctant to speak with their boss, but they went into the taphouse nonetheless.
After having a drink and some food, we retired for the night.
Session 4
We spent the day in Phandalin speaking with locals to find out more information about the town, the Red Brands, the Rockseekers, and anything else we could find out.
The morning started with breakfast at the inn. Toblin, the innkeeper, thanked us for standing up to the Red Brands and gave us our meal for free. He told us that the town was run by a town master named Harbin Wester, and he pointed us toward Harbin’s building. I gave him a gold piece thanking him for his kindness and for the information, and told him that all would be well. Elsa, the serving lady told Heinrick about an orchard keeper who used to be an adventurer. She thought he might have some good stories. When asked where to find him, she said he would come in to the inn once in a while, and also to the shrine across the road. Another old-timer named Lenar, a miner by the look of him, piped in about some orc raids in the area and that Harbin would pay for someone to take it to the orcs.
Before we left, Toblin’s wife spoke with me aside. She mentioned a woodcarver named Thell who had been murdered outright by the Red Brands. There were witnesses too, but nobody said anything. Additionally, Thell’s wife, daughter and son all went missing. I told her that we’d check it out. I really felt badly for that family. She warned us of the power the Red Brands, but I assured her that we’d be able to take care of ourselves. Then she thanked me and went back to her duties.
After breakfast, Heinrick went to the shrine with Gerald, and the rest of us went to talk with Harbin.
We all found out information, and Rasputin started the wheels in motion for an elaborate plot to make some extra coin. Eventually we all met back at the inn and shared our findings. Here are some highlights.
Heinrick spoke with Sister Garaele of Tymora and found out that she had been attacked by orcs while she was on a mission to parlay with a banshee named Agatha. She said the banshee had some information about a spell book that could prove to be valuable. Agatha lived alone in the woods, and had been relatively peaceful. Garaele had learned that Agatha was vain, and sought a pearl handled comb, which Garaele was going to give to her, but that’s when the orcs waylaid her. She gave the comb to Heinrick and told him to continue the mission. She also gave Heinrick some salves that heal.
We had spoken with Harbin and found that he was offering 100 gp for the death of some of the orcs near Wyvern Tor, east of the Triboar Trail. As we spoke, Rasputin got an idea. He exited the building and then returned disguised as one of the Red Brands. At first, I didn’t know what was going on, and Brace even went for his weapons, but Rasputin gave me some signals, and I eventually figured it out so I was able to calm Brace. As Rasputin spoke with Harbin, he told the town master that the Red Brands wanted to solve the orc problem and they’d take 250 gold, up front to do it. Harbin was visibly concerned. Then Rasputin asked for us to leave so we did, and I laughed and offered Harbin 150 gp for the job, telling him that we’d be outside if he needed us. Rasputin continued his charade, and during his conversation with Harbin learned that the Red Brands were led by someone called the Black Widow. He also mentioned some manor named Tresumpter, Presumpter or Transender or something where they may be. Not wanting any trouble from the Red Brands and the Black Widow, Harbin told Rasputin that he’d need a day to get the funds. Rasputin gave him the deal – give him 230 gp and Harbin himself could pocket the 20 gp extra, but Harbin should not bother the Black Widow, just deal with him. Rasputin left knowing that he’d have to return in 8 hours.
Before we got back to the inn, we sent Brace back out to shadow the town master in case he decided to speak with the Red Brands or the Black Widow. Then we took a rest at the inn and waited. While waiting, we asked Toblin about the manor that Harbin had mentioned, and he said maybe he meant the old Transender Castle, maybe that was it. Rasputin also shared with us that he got the feeling that Harbin was a cowardly stooge, shaking in his boots at the thought that there might be trouble with the Red Brands.
Met up with some adventurers: Heinrick (Dwarven Paladin); Gerald (Human Cleric); Rasputin (Half-Elf Warlock); Brace (Wood Elf Rogue)
Me, I’m Lenora, a High Elf Wizard castigated from my clan in the Silvertree Forest. I’m studying to become a Bladesinger, inspired by the old tales of Tal’ana Culith – Dragon friend and Elf protector.
Heinrick got us a job to escort a wagon to Phandalin. One of his kinsmen, Gundren Rockseeker, promised us 10 gp each for this job while he and his partner Sildar Hallwinter would travel ahead of us and meet us at Barthan’s Provisions in Phandalin.
When Heinrick and Gundren started speaking about Elves for some reason, I told them a story about a clan of Dwarves and a tribe of Elves who bred with each other. Gerald could tell it was just a tall-tale, but I told the group, “with a good story, truth matters little; it is all in the telling.”
I haven’t gotten to know too much about the group I travel with yet, but I’m sure I will.
On our first day out, we found a wagon with two dead oxen. Arrows killed the animals. Heinrick went to check it out as we all followed. Goblin ambush.
I think it was 5 of the small swine. I took an arrow to the shoulder almost knocking me down. Then I hid under the wagon and used my frostbite magic against a couple of foes. Brace went down, but Gerald was able to heal him. Rasputin fired deadly energy from his hand (his one hand. Yes. He is missing an arm. That’s probably a good story, I’ll have to find out more about). Heinrick also took a grave wound, but the cleric also worked his healing magic to bolster the Dwarf. Heinrick applied his hands to my wounds and I felt much better. He was very kind, almost fatherly.
Heinrick was able to find an empty map case in the ambushed wagon, and he also realized that this was Gundren Rockseeker’s. We followed some signs through the brush to the northwest avoiding a few traps on the way. It seems like Gerald has the best eye for danger of our group. Let’s hope we can keep more aware as we venture further.
At a cave, we sent Brace ahead to scout it out, but he slipped on some rocks and splashed into a stream that issued forth from the cave mouth. That’s when 2 goblins surprised us from the forest. I had to use my magic to shield myself from another arrow, but soon enough, Rasputin, Heinrick, Gerald and Brace took care of the threat. Strangely, Heinrick wielded an Elven longblade, a weapon that certainly caught my eye. I’ll have to find out more about this.
I had to admit, I was a little tired having used all my major magic, but Heinrick urged us into the cave for fear that his cousin and his partner were in danger.
Inside the cave, we fought 3 wolves. Gerald nearly went down, but he stood strong and killed the last of the wolves. Inside the wolves’ den, we searched and found a crumbled down area in the far corner. Nothing else of interest. It seemed as if we would need to continue north and follow the stream that flowed gently from north to south. Pretty soon, I’d like to take a short break to revive at least a little of my magical power (arcane recovery).
Session 2 – In the Goblin Caves
We rested for about an hour inside the wolf den and I was able to muster up strength to prepare one more spell.
Heinrick could wait no longer so he charged deeper into the cave up a ledge beside the stream. We saw a passage to the west, but it seemed like a rocky chute of sorts. Heinrick continued beside the stream to see a bridge about 15’ above us. Then, the sound of roaring water rushed toward us. Gerald and I jumped aside and held onto the walls, so did Rasputin and Brace. Heinrick lost his footing and was pushed down by the torrent. He reached out and was able to catch Gerald’s hand preventing him from flowing down the steam.
At that point, we saw a goblin atop the bridge. It was ducked down low behind a railing hiding, but Heinrick quickly threw a javelin at it, killing it and sending it flying off the bridge into the stream below. I suggested that we rush up as far along the stream as possible in case the rushing water was some kind of triggered event.
At the top, we fought some goblins, but one ran into an adjacent cave. From behind on the bridge another goblin appeared and shot Brace, knocking him to the ground, bleeding in a lifeless clump. I was able to frostbite the little bugger, but I had no time to help Brace. Rasputin, Gerald and Heinrick engaged a goblin above and pretty soon we heard the yelling of a larger more dangerous foe, a bugbear. I created an illusion of a bolder near another one that Heinrick was hiding behind to give us a little more cover. Rasputin fired some mystical energy into a goblin. Gerald tried to create sacred flames, but to no avail. Heinrick moved up and dodged to keep the goblin and bugbear from advancing on the rest of us, and we all tried to do more damage to the bugbear. Rasputin called upon his eldritch might and a sickly green ray struck the bugbear, but the bugbear shook it off.
Soon after, a large wolf emerged from the back cave to join the bugbear and the goblins. Heinrick dodged deftly, but Gerald took scimitar slash to the side and went down. Seeing that things were going badly, Rasputin ran for the stream and the cave exit. I fired an icy knife at one of the goblins, which killed it outright and sent icy shards into another goblin, killing it, injuring both the wolf and the bugbear.
With Gerald down, Heinrick tried to stay up, but the wolf took him down too. Before he fell, he tossed me a medallion from around his neck and told me to save it as a keepsake. After catching the medallion, I ran back to the bend of the stream to see where Rasputin had gone. The bugbear came after me but could not attack me yet. Then he shouted some command to the wolf and the wolf bounded past me, giving pursuit to Rasputin. I unsheathed my short sword and took a wild swing at the wolf, but missed. Then I faced off against the bugbear. I imagined that this was a test to see if I could truly become a Bladesinger. With nearly fatal resignation, I thrusted the point of my sword toward the bugbear’s abdomen, and scored a devastating blow that killed the creature. Then, to try to get the unconscious Brace to safety, I dragged his body up the stone stairs a little closer to where Gerald and Henrick lay dying.
Meanwhile, Rasputin was under the bridge being chased by the wolf. He jumped up on the side of the wall and found some handholds. Then he deftly climbed his way up on top of the bridge and made his way toward Gerald and Heinrick. He was able to utter some prayer of sorts and stabilize Gerald. The wolf sniffed the area under the bridge, but when it could not find its prey, it turned and ran back to me. It leapt upon me and that’s when all went black.
Then I was in a field with Tal’ana Culith, the ancient Bladesinger, friend of Dragons and protector of Elves. She was instructing me. Teaching me how to use blade and magic in concert.
Eventually I woke, regained consciousness and found out that Rasputin was able to kill the wolf with a few bolts of his eldritch energy. He also tended to our wounds and dragged us into a cave with a fire and some furnishings, evidently the bugbear’s lair. We were lucky. None of us perished, but we came oh so close.
Inside the cave, we found a few gold and silver pieces and a pile of copper, provisions, and a few potions. Gerald and I looked over the potions and determined that they were potions of healing. We saw no sign of Gundren or Sildar, but we needed to take a rest so Rasputin stood watch at the entrance to the bugbear’s lair. The rest helped us recover some physical strength, but still both Gerald and I had no major magical powers left to offer.
Heinrick and Rasputin did not want to waste any more time so they scouted over the bridge. Since we knew that we were not going to be able to take a longer rest, the rest of us followed. On my way past the fallen bugbear, I cut off its head and took it with us to use as a bargaining chip.
Over the bridge and a little ways down another tunnel, we came to a cave with 4 goblins. Gerald drank one of the healing potions to fortify himself. Then, Rasputin took an arrow to the chest, and the others went into combat. I held forth the head of the bugbear and told the goblins to stand down or they would be next to die. One of the creatures was scared back, but the other 3 stood their ground. Henrick and Gerald, with Brace flanking for a sneak attack took down the goblins and we were able to see another cave up a small flight of steps. A few arrows from the other cave hit Heinrick, but they were both minor wounds.
Inside that cave, there was a heartier goblin, along with the one that ran, and a bound, prone man, Sildar. Heinrick and Gerald rushed into the cave, and Heinrick was able to cut down the goblin leader. Rasputin, Brace and I also arrived in this area of the cave. I was able to frostbite the goblin before it could jab its dagger into Sildar. It told us it would kill Sildar if we moved, but Gerald was able to make divine flames consume the goblin as it poked Sildar for only a minor wound before it died.
We untied Sildar and spoke with him. He told us that Gundren was beaten up by the bugbear, but then he was taken somewhere else. Eventually, using some historical knowledge Heinrick and I were able to determine that the Cragmaw area was in the southern forest, and perhaps Gundren was taken to Castle Cragmaw in that region. Sildar suggested that we all head for Phandalin so that we could recover from our ordeal in relative safety and we agreed. At that point, I wanted to speak with Heinrick about the medallion and the Elven longblade that he used, but we didn’t get a chance to speak too much as I gave him the medallion back.
We were able to make it back to our wagon and oxen, and before nightfall we made it to Phandalin.
Session 3
We pulled into Phandalin at about dusk and headed immediately to Barthan’s Provisions. Inside, we talked with Elmer and were paid 10 gp each for delivering Gundrun’s goods. Elmer also told us about the Red Brands, a gang of thugs in the town, who have made business and the lives of the common folk more uneasy. Additionally Elmer revealed that he’d been waiting for the other Rockseeker brothers, two of them, who had gone off about a tenday ago. Heinrick was concerened about that too.
After conducting our business, we found an inn in the middle of town and went in to get rooms. Heinrick was driven by exhaustion, and he handled the arrangements, but as he was talking with the innkeeper, a table of boorish men, wearing red armbands started saying that there were no rooms to be had at the inn. Heinrick didn’t appreciate this, since the innkeeper seemed ready to rent a room just moments ago. Then one of the thugs moved up to Heinrick, but Heinrick, told h im to “leave,” and the thug did just that. It seems as if our fellow, Heinrick has the ability to use his voice in a commanding manner, some magical trick that we had not known about until this moment. With that, the rest of the roughies got up and followed their comrade out, not understanding what had just happened.
Henirck finished getting us the room, and he went upstairs to take a bath. Brace stayed int the room with him, but Gerald, Rasputin and I left the inn to go get Rasputin a new staff so that he could begin to remake his broken spellcasting focus.
Outside, we ran into the Red Brands again. I tried to hustle us off to the side to hide, but was not successful. Then Rasputin and Gerald walked toward them. Rasputin was saying that we had been thrown out of the inn, which was what the Red Brands wanted in the first place, and when the thugs seemed to discuss taking us on, Gerald puffed up and said they’d need at least twice as many of them to take us on. I walked over to Rasputin and waited for his next move. When he whispered for me to go ahead of him, I walked forward, but one of the thugs grabbed me and I could not break free. Then they taunted me and made a crude sexual innuendo offering me a place to sleep for the night.
All this time, Brace was able to hear the commotion from the room so he warned Heinrick. Eventually, Brace came out the inn door, and Heinrick, naked, wielding his sword jumped down from the 2nd story of the inn on to the ground below. That was quite a sight.
While the thug was holding on to me, Rasputin showed them his missing arm, and he said that I was responsible for this, so they should not mess with me. Then, Gerald told the thug to “flee” using his divine magic. It worked. The thug let me go and started to flee. Gerald and Rasputin built up the story about how dangerous I was, and the others looked back at the naked Heinrick and decided to run off with their companion. They said that they’d let the boss take care of this.
After the thugs left, Gerald walked in the direction they had fled to see if he could see where they were going, and Brace disappeared into the shadows and trailed the Red Brands.
Rasputin and I went back to the provisioner and got Rasputin his staff. Then we returned to the inn and met up with everyone. Eventually, Brace returned. He told us that the Red Brands went to an old run down taphouse nearby. He heard them talk about their leader, referring to “her” as they tried to decide who would tell about the night’s experience. They seemed reluctant to speak with their boss, but they went into the taphouse nonetheless.
After having a drink and some food, we retired for the night.
Session 4
We spent the day in Phandalin speaking with locals to find out more information about the town, the Red Brands, the Rockseekers, and anything else we could find out.
The morning started with breakfast at the inn. Toblin, the innkeeper, thanked us for standing up to the Red Brands and gave us our meal for free. He told us that the town was run by a town master named Harbin Wester, and he pointed us toward Harbin’s building. I gave him a gold piece thanking him for his kindness and for the information, and told him that all would be well. Elsa, the serving lady told Heinrick about an orchard keeper who used to be an adventurer. She thought he might have some good stories. When asked where to find him, she said he would come in to the inn once in a while, and also to the shrine across the road. Another old-timer named Lenar, a miner by the look of him, piped in about some orc raids in the area and that Harbin would pay for someone to take it to the orcs.
Before we left, Toblin’s wife spoke with me aside. She mentioned a woodcarver named Thell who had been murdered outright by the Red Brands. There were witnesses too, but nobody said anything. Additionally, Thell’s wife, daughter and son all went missing. I told her that we’d check it out. I really felt badly for that family. She warned us of the power the Red Brands, but I assured her that we’d be able to take care of ourselves. Then she thanked me and went back to her duties.
After breakfast, Heinrick went to the shrine with Gerald, and the rest of us went to talk with Harbin.
We all found out information, and Rasputin started the wheels in motion for an elaborate plot to make some extra coin. Eventually we all met back at the inn and shared our findings. Here are some highlights.
Heinrick spoke with Sister Garaele of Tymora and found out that she had been attacked by orcs while she was on a mission to parlay with a banshee named Agatha. She said the banshee had some information about a spell book that could prove to be valuable. Agatha lived alone in the woods, and had been relatively peaceful. Garaele had learned that Agatha was vain, and sought a pearl handled comb, which Garaele was going to give to her, but that’s when the orcs waylaid her. She gave the comb to Heinrick and told him to continue the mission. She also gave Heinrick some salves that heal.
We had spoken with Harbin and found that he was offering 100 gp for the death of some of the orcs near Wyvern Tor, east of the Triboar Trail. As we spoke, Rasputin got an idea. He exited the building and then returned disguised as one of the Red Brands. At first, I didn’t know what was going on, and Brace even went for his weapons, but Rasputin gave me some signals, and I eventually figured it out so I was able to calm Brace. As Rasputin spoke with Harbin, he told the town master that the Red Brands wanted to solve the orc problem and they’d take 250 gold, up front to do it. Harbin was visibly concerned. Then Rasputin asked for us to leave so we did, and I laughed and offered Harbin 150 gp for the job, telling him that we’d be outside if he needed us. Rasputin continued his charade, and during his conversation with Harbin learned that the Red Brands were led by someone called the Black Widow. He also mentioned some manor named Tresumpter, Presumpter or Transender or something where they may be. Not wanting any trouble from the Red Brands and the Black Widow, Harbin told Rasputin that he’d need a day to get the funds. Rasputin gave him the deal – give him 230 gp and Harbin himself could pocket the 20 gp extra, but Harbin should not bother the Black Widow, just deal with him. Rasputin left knowing that he’d have to return in 8 hours.
Before we got back to the inn, we sent Brace back out to shadow the town master in case he decided to speak with the Red Brands or the Black Widow. Then we took a rest at the inn and waited. While waiting, we asked Toblin about the manor that Harbin had mentioned, and he said maybe he meant the old Transender Castle, maybe that was it. Rasputin also shared with us that he got the feeling that Harbin was a cowardly stooge, shaking in his boots at the thought that there might be trouble with the Red Brands.
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