Guest 6801328
Another item I think is important is that Arnold from the first Conan movies was a horrible choice, his build did not match Conan as described at all. Conan can climb a sheer cliff with his fingers, he can run for hours easily. Neither of these describe a man with a body builders muscles. The Jason Momoa Conan from the much more recent movie while far from perfect showed someone with a build closer to the Conan as written.
Yeah, I think the common conception of Conan is too heavily influenced by the Ahnold movie. (Although the scene where he punches the camel is pretty great.)
I've read all the original stories multiple times and think they're great. Cheesy and, at times, juvenile, but tons of fun.
FWIW, although straying off-topic (and really off-sub-forum), I'm very disappointed in the Modiphius game. I really don't like the 2d20 system in general, but also for a setting like Conan's world the starting point should have been the fiction and then game rules built to support it, instead of adapting an existing (generic?) system.
Like what Cubicle7 did with "The One Ring".